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BuzzJack Music Forum _ Television _ Survivor

Posted by: diva thin muffin 15th April 2020, 10:24 AM

I was shocked to realize there is no topic on one of the OG reality TV show giants Survivor. Are there really no fans on here? Whether it be the good old school Survivor or the new seasons surely some of you must watch it?

Posted by: Infludexton* 15th April 2020, 11:17 AM

Myself and Aaron have talked about Australian Survivor in the Aus reality tv thread - but no there's no Survivor thread yet!

Until late last year I had never seen Survivor! I started watched the Australian one and really loved it, and again this year with the All Stars seasons which made me look into the US Survivor! I haven't seen any full seasons but I've watched a LOT of Youtube clips from there and seen a few episodes of US All Stars from 2004/5 and like 2 episodes of Winners At War. I really want to properly watch some of the US one - preferably Boston Rob & Parvati's original seasons.

Posted by: diva thin muffin 15th April 2020, 11:42 AM

Omg I love Australian Survivor although I've only seen season 1 (3) so far. Phoebe and Brooke heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif

So I think I'mma use this thread to rank the Survivor seasons from 39 to 1 with some highlights and my fav contestants from the seasons etc and once Winners at War is over I'll add that in.

here they are for good measure.

Survivor 01: Borneo
Survivor 02: The Australian Outback
Survivor 03: Africa
Survivor 04: Marquesas
Survivor 05: Thailand
Survivor 06: The Amazon
Survivor 07: Pearl Islands
Survivor 08: All-Stars
Survivor 09: Vanuatu
Survivor 10: Palau
Survivor 11: Guatemala
Survivor 12: Panama - Exile Island
Survivor 13: Cook Islands
Survivor 14: Fiji
Survivor 15: China
Survivor 16: Micronesia
Survivor 17: Gabon
Survivor 18: Tocantins
Survivor 19: Samoa
Survivor 20: Heroes vs Villains
Survivor 21: Nicaragua
Survivor 22: Redemption Island
Survivor 23: South Pacific
Survivor 24: One World
Survivor 25: Philippines
Survivor 26: Caramoan
Survivor 27: Blood vs Water
Survivor 28: Cagayan
Survivor 29: San Juan Del Sur
Survivor 30: Worlds Apart
Survivor 31: Cambodia
Survivor 32: Kaoh Rong
Survivor 33: Millennials vs Gen X
Survivor 34: Game Changers
Survivor 35: Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers
Survivor 36: Ghost Island
Survivor 37: David vs Goliath
Survivor 38: Edge of Extinction
Survivor 39: Island of the Idols
Survivor 40: Winners at War

Posted by: Aaron. 15th April 2020, 12:28 PM

Survivor has been a staple for me since the first episode.
I'd recommend watching anything with great legacy players, Parvati for sure, Rob, Sandra.
Season 16 is a must watch.
Season 20 is a must watch.

I like finding players and following them around if they've done it a few times, like Cirie for example.
I posted in the 'General Topic' in this forum as well, the last season with the #MeToo and the editing was really good storytelling. Meh season, but interesting developments.

Posted by: diva thin muffin 15th April 2020, 12:29 PM

Trying to keep these relatively spoiler free and at least shy away from spoiling exact placements and such. Read at your own risk if you haven't seen this season but the last part (do I recommend it) is at least spoiler free biggrin.gif

39. South Pacific

Season No: 23
Number of Contestants: 16 new + 2 returnees (Ozzy and Coach)
Main Twists: Returning players, redemption twist where two voted off castaways win a chance to return in the middle of the season.
Winner: Sophie Clarke won against Benjamin "Coach" Wade and Albert DeStrade.

Where did they f**k up?
"South Pacific" was easily the worst Survivor season I have seen. It was a chore to get through. Some of the best characters were voted off early on, the redemption twist was awful in S22 and even worse in this season and both of the returnees were awful. Some of the casting choices were absolutely awful such as Brandon, Jim and obviously the two returnees. Cochran got tiring really fast and there were some REALLY sexist undertones in this season as some girls were voted off for being attractive and the guys were being tempted too much by having them there which was just. No. Interesting castaways were invisible for the most part in order for production to j**k off Coach and Ozzy on their third returns to the show they'd already failed to win twice prior to this.

What did they get right for Season 23?
I honestly don't know if they got anything right here. I guess there were some solid casting choices here, but for the most part this was not a great season. Despite an awful lead up I actually liked the winner and I thought the women were for the most part FAR superior to the men (this will be a recurring theme in this list lol). Some awesome ladies I would love to see again some day include Stacey Powell, Christine Shield Markoski and Edna Ma. Dawn was alright but I liked her a bit better in the clusterf**k that was Caramoan.

My favorite contestant(s)
Christine by far. Edna and Stacey were great but none had as great of a character act as Christine did. She was underestimated by her tribe, had absolutely no patience for these useless returnees and fought really hard and would have come back from that stupid twist if Ozzy didn't have such a massive ego and just HAD to go to RI and send her home for whatever reason (she wasn't even on his tribe originally and would have gladly sided with them at the merge). She had quite the underdog arc and her presence in the merge would have made this season much more bearable. I really hope she returns some day and gets to properly show her worth. Her friendship with Stacey was awesome and I so wish they had made it further than they did.

My least favorite contestant(s)
It's hard to choose between Coach, Brandon, Jim and Ozzy because all suck. Ozzy I guess was the least annoying but his holier-than-thou "I'm a provider I should win" attitude was tired after Cook Islands so it's even more annoying on his third return. Coach was also not funny on his first outing so his third time showing up with his lunacy and camera hogging was not a welcome sight. Jim is a sexist turd and just an overall super annoying presence but no one was worse than Brandon Hantz. He came in riding the legacy wave left by his uncle Russell who was also annoying as hell and honestly I feel Brandon's problem isn't even necessarily his own fault because I don't understand how his tribe mates enabled his behavior when it's obvious he was unhinged and obviously has some mental disorder and should not have been cast in the first place. He is sexist, creepy and very uncomfortable to watch for an X amount of episodes and it doesn't help that for some reason production thought he was a good choice to return for S26.

Do I recommend this season to new viewers?
Not unless you absolutely have to watch every single season of Survivor. It honestly took me a few months just to finish this because I got literally zero enjoyment out of the episodes after a certain point.

Cast Ranking of Survivor: South Pacific
01: Christine Shields Markoski
02: Stacey Powell
03: Sophie Reade
04: Edna Ma
05: Dawn Meehan
06: Albert Destrade
07: Whitney Duncan
08: John Cochran
09: Rick Nelson
10: Elyse Umemoto
11: Mikayla Wingle
12: Keith Tollefson
13: Mark "Papa Bear" Caruso
14: Semhar Tadesse
15: Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth
16: Benjamin "Coach" Wade
17: Jim Rice
18: Brandon Hantz

Posted by: Infludexton* 15th April 2020, 12:36 PM

I love this *.* This will definitely help me decide which seasons to start with laugh.gif

Posted by: diva thin muffin 15th April 2020, 02:14 PM

38. Thailand

Season No: 5
Number of Contestants: 16 new castaways
Main Twists: Oldest male & older female picked the tribes, fake merge at F10
Winner: Brian Heidik won against Clay Jordan.

Where did they f**k up?
"Thailand" is by most considered one of, if not THE, most boring season of Survivor ever. It not only had a dreadful cast but it also had a very annoying twist in the fake merge. I think generally I would have liked this as a one off twist but the fact that one of the most interesting people left was voted out in the fake merge didn't help matters in the slightest. I absolutely HATED the winner who is easily one of the worst winners in Survivor history both thanks to their behaviour on the show and off it and in fact most of the final six were miserable bast*rds that were not enjoyable to watch in the slightest. There were some very uncomfortable moments on this season and homophobia and sexism were rampant on here. This season was bad in 2002 and it has aged like milk.

What did they get right for Season 23?
There were some good casting choices here, namely Shii Ann Huang, Penny Ramsey, Robb Zbacnik, Jan Gentry and Clay Jordan. There was also some very appreciated eye candy in Ken Stafford but other than that the cast was very meh. Thankfully only Shii Ann has since returned although I wouldn't mind seeing Penny or Robb again in a old school vs new school type season. The location was great as Thailand was very beautiful but they could have utilised it a lot better. I guess.. I like the tribe colors? Idk. There's not a whole lot to compliment here.

The good contestants
Shii Ann Huang is obviously the main stand out for this season. She was interesting and likeable despite being absolute shit at the game. She was on the outs of her tribe and her demise in the game, while it marked the loss of one of the few enjoyable remaining castaways, was absolutely hilarious. Penny Ramsey made a fun Regina George-esque character that was a bit villainous but still likeable enough that you wanted her to get further. Her rivalry with the outcasts was one of the few highlights. Robb Zbacnik was a strange, interesting, one of a kind presence that I'm not sure we've seen a lot of since. He was a loveable oddball and deserved to go further. Jan and Clay were literally the only two likeable people on Chuay Gahn, Jan was a crazy animal lover and overly emotional and Clay was just a troll and in most other seasons he probably would have been insufferable but he was a nice contrast to the miserable boomers he was allied to. Ghandia deserves a shout out here too but her time on the show was mishandled horribly by both production and her tribe mates.

The bad contestants
Brian Heidik and Ted Rogers Jr are easy to point at here given their sexist ways on the show. Ted had a famous moment with Ghandia where he was inappropriately touching her and grinding on her. The whole thing was made into a comedic moment while Ghandia was literally in tears. Her tribe did not stand by her in the slightest and soon afterwards voted her out which was sad to see when Ted really should have just been expelled. Brian was very sexist on the show and an even more disgusting person after it as he actually shot a puppy on camera for laughs. John Raymond was a homophobic preacher, Helen Glover was a negative nancy if I've ever seen one and Jake Billingsley may very well be the single most boring contestant in Survivor's twenty year history.

Do I recommend this season to new viewers?
No. Nobody in the history of Survivor has ever recommended Survivor: Thailand and I'm not about to start now.

Cast Ranking of Survivor: Thailand
01: Robb Zbacnik
02: Shii Ann Huang
03: Penny Ramsey
04: Jan Gentry
05: Clay Jordan
06: Ghandia Johnson
07: Ken Stafford
08: Tanya Vance
09: Erin Collins
10: Jed Hildebrand
11: Stephanie Dill
12: Helen Glover
13: Jake Billingsley
14: John Raymond
15: Ted Rogers, Jr.
16: Brian Heidik

Posted by: Fisher 🐠 15th April 2020, 07:23 PM

Survivor is my favorite show and has been for most of my life! That said, I have a very short-term memory with it, meaning once a new season starts I don't retain very much from the previous season (even several people on this current season are players I either entirely forgot about for forgot that they won!) so I'm impressed anytime I see someone rank all the seasons like this! That would be impossible for me but I'll use this thread to try and re-familiarize myself.

Posted by: J🐠hq 15th April 2020, 07:38 PM

I've watched the odd episode but never stuck with it and really got into it for some reason, even though I love Big Brother USA which is similar in the gameplay aspect and shares a couple of contestants, and I've watched this one clip many a time since being introduced to it

I imagine she's a total queen and icon during the entirety of any seasons she's on

Posted by: diva thin muffin 15th April 2020, 09:26 PM

QUOTE(J🐠hq @ Apr 15 2020, 07:38 PM) *
I imagine she's a total queen and icon during the entirety of any seasons she's on

She pretty much is the queen of Survivor. Not only is she a legend gameplay wise but also her personality is a 12 out of 10. Most of the three- or four-peats have outgrown their welcome but honestly I'd watch twenty seasons with Parvati laugh.gif

Posted by: diva thin muffin 16th April 2020, 04:00 PM

37. Worlds Apart

Season No: 30
Number of Contestants: 18 new castaways
Main Twists: Tribes were split along the lines of "white collar" (corporate world), "blue collar" (manual labor) and "no collar" (passion based occupations).
Winner: Mike Holloway won against Carolyn Rivera and Will Sims II.

What happened on this season?
"Worlds Apart" was one of those seasons that had an interesting set up and a really interesting cast but somehow managed to royally screw all of that up. While I'm personally tired of the "X vs Y vs Z" set ups in Survivor as a main theme I think it's often interesting as a background theme but not the main driving point but okay - the profession divide is an interesting concept I'll agree to that. However while the cast is on the whole interesting the boot order is ALL wrong. Literally out of the final seven I kind of liked maybe two of them while the rest either mostly sucked or were absolutely abhorrent TV to watch. The season has some of the worst bullying I've ever seen on Survivor and it was so hard to watch literal grown up children Will and Dan berate Shirin like they did because .. they found her annoying I guess? A lot of the prejurors here were amazing and had huge potential too so it was hard to watch them pick off the good players in the pre-merge and early merge leaving literally the worst of the worst to reach the final stage of the game. I suppose out of the people left at least two of the bearable ones made the final and the winner was okay and actually my preferred choice out of the final 7 so that was alright. Also while most of them went WAY early this season had good casting choices that made for good TV in the first half of the season.

Jenn's best bits.

The good contestants
Starting off we got Joaquin who is my ULTIMATE Survivor crush. He's literally the most beautiful man I have ever seen on this show and I will never sway from this opinion. He was also fun to watch, not great at the game but not too bad either and could have done some real damage in a better world. Shirin was a sweetheart even if she was pretty annoying sometimes lol. Hali was underused and hilarious. Jenn was a MOOD through and throughout. She lost interest pretty much halfway through because there were so many awful people left I guess and she knew her days were numbered and while I usually don't like quitters idk why but she was just so funny the whole time. Carolyn was okay and would probably have been much more fun had she not been aligned with so many awful people. Mike was nice but a bit overstuffed in our faces at times. Lindsey was cute and would have been fun to see her go further. Vince was hilarious and "everything I expected him to be and maybe even more" but I'm very satisfied he didn't go any further than he did lol. So could have been interesting too.

Will showing his true character.

The bad contestants
This season had two of my least favorite contestants ever: Will Sims II and Dan Foley. Dan is a neckbeard with a superiority complex. He's this literal stereotype of a "nice guy" who turns out to literally hate women because the way he talked about and to Shirin was just incredibly uncomfortable not to mention that he literally said "" as if that's an okay thing to say in 2015. Now.. onto Will. This guy. This worthless excuse of a human being should have stayed at home. Do you remember back in like 2014 some guy became internet famous and got on Ellen probably because he was somewhere and it was apparently enough to get him a spot on Survivor. He was awful at challenges but somehow managed to outlast some much better players and he had some questionable motives while on the show but for the most part he was harmless. Until in one episode he found a clue which led him to a hidden box filled with rations. Now understandably given the nature of the game not everyone, namely the people who weren't allied with Will: Shirin, Jenn and Mike, weren't completely sure that he was sharing everything with them (he was) and Will found out and decided to go in for the kill because his feelings were hurt. Was Will right to feel hurt? Yes, absolutely it's understandable to feel hurt when people accuse you of being sneaky when you aren't. Were Will's subsequent actions forgivable because of that? No. Absolutely not. Will did not attack all of the three that thought he was lying, he only went for Shirin and he got really personal. It was easy to see his tirade had literally nothing to do with these accusations and he was just looking for a reason to let out his hate towards Shirin as he went WAY overboard, saying that she has no one who loves her at home which was especially mean seeing as she came from a broken family, saying that literally more people like him on the island than like her at home and just some nasty nasty stuff and the worst part is literally everyone from Will's alliance was there and just stood there awkwardly and said nothing.


Now Shirin in turn gave us easily the best moment of the entire season in the following immunity challenge. Will had decided not to spend his money in the auction on the letters from home so he tried to barter with Jeff to give up his shot at immunity (which lbr he was NEVER going to win) if he could get his letters instead. Jeff said it would be a fair deal if everyone agreed and lol Shirin was the only person to be like "f**k no you chose to not spend any money on the letters, that's your loss" and it was honestly THE most satisfying moment of the season. Later at tribal Shirin vocally murdered him in front of the jury which was also nice to see but you can just see the video above if you wanna experience this madness yourself. HOWEVER, there were some other awful castaways that were not nearly as bad as Will and Dan so lets go over them quickly: Max was a tryhard we thankfully didn't have to spend too much time with, Sierra has horrible taste in allies and is an enabler along with Carolyn and Tyler, and Rodney is just literally the dumbest person who has ever been on Survivor and while he has some hilarious moments I just can't help but feel that his bad moments outshine his good ones.

Will, horrible human being.

Do I recommend this season to new viewers?
Ugh. I don't know. The premerge is alright and some of these moments I recommend viewing but you can literally skip the last 3 episodes or so and just look at my spoiler to see who wins lol.

Cast Ranking of Survivor: Thailand
01: Jenn Brown
02: Shirin Oskooi
03: Joaquin Souberbielle
04: Hali Ford
05: Mike Holloway
06: Carolyn Rivera
07: Lindsey Cascaddan
08: Vince Sly
09: Joe Anglim
10: Nina Poersch
11: So Kim
12: Kelly Remington
13: Sierra Dawn Thomas
14: Tyler Fredrickson
15: Rodney Lavoie Jr.
16: Max Dawson
17: Dan Foley
18: Will Sims II

Posted by: :') 17th April 2020, 12:37 PM

So happy to see another Jenn fan. She was an icon. Her idol play was everything wub.gif

Posted by: diva thin muffin 17th April 2020, 04:17 PM

QUOTE(: @ Apr 17 2020, 12:37 PM) *
So happy to see another Jenn fan. She was an icon. Her idol play was everything wub.gif

Ugh queen! I just wish they had voted out someone like Dan or Rodneg rather than inoffensive background noise Kelly lmao.

Posted by: diva thin muffin 18th April 2020, 04:24 PM

36. Redemple Temple

Season No: 22
Number of Contestants: 16 new castaways + 2 returning tribe captains (Rob Mariano & Russell Hantz)
Main Twists: The infamous Redemption Island twist where two eliminated contestants would get a shot at returning at different points in the season + the tribe captain twist.
Winner: Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano won against Natalie Tenerelli and Phillip Sheppard.

Where do I begin? Redemption Island, or Redemple Temple as it really should be called given that the redemption arena was definitely not on an island but rather in a temple in the middle of the Nicaraguan forest, is by most Survivor fans considered THE worst season of the show. Why? Because it felt like it was specifically produced in order to give either Russell or Rob the win and the redemption twist especially felt like it was just there in case either one of them went home early then at least they'd get a shot at coming back. A huge majority of the cast didn't seem to have any idea how to play this game and on Ometepe especially Rob was allowed the chance to just run their tribe from the get go. Everyone had such a hard on for Rpb that anyone who wanted to vote him out was immediately voted out instead.

It was hard to watch this season because the few contestants that were actually interesting were either voted out prematurely or became mindless Rob zombies. The season could just as well have been called "Returnee fanwank" because they hogged the spotlight so much in a similar way to South Pacific. Additionally there were some major duds on the cast here. Phillip Sheppard is possibly my absolute last place Survivor of all time if I discount the ones that are actually bad people (Skupin, Dan Spilo, Brian Heidik, etc) because he is such a camera hog, such a tryhard and so unbelievably fake that it drives me up the wall that not only did his tribemates eat it all up but the production team thought "hey this will make great TV" which it definitely did not. If Phillip had gone home first I would have enjoyed this season at least ten times more than I did. Not to mention that Phillip is awful to some of his tribe mates and cannot take criticism AT ALL.

Other annoying castaways included Ralph Kiser who was just the ultimate white trash hickey stereotype come to life. Almost so much so that it felt like he was perhaps just acting? David Murphy was a tryhard gamebot and obviously the returnees were annoying as all hell simply because of the overexposure they were being subjected to. I also really hated Matt Elrod's (also known as TV actor Wyatt Nash today apparently - Nigel on Pretty Little Liars if anyone watches that) redemption arc. I didn't necessarily dislike him but if there is anything that gets on my nerves it's people who are overly religious and his whole shtick was thanking god for helping him stay in the game and like.. dude if god were real do you really think he's be there making sure you wind up in 6th place? lmao. His boot (both of them) was really satisfying. Almost half of the cast was pretty much invisible for the majority of their game and most of the storylines not including either the returnees or Phillip Sheppard were pretty much shafted in order to cram more of their content in. Seriously there were eighteen castaways and three of them had almost 40% of all confessionals for the whole season. This was additionally such a boring and predictable season and once it was at about the halfway point nothing surprising seemed to happen. I would NOT be shocked to learn that production had influenced a lot of things here.

On the positive side we had a few contestants that were at least fun to watch. We had iconic Francesca who can easily be considered the worst player in Survivor history given how awfully she did on both of her tries. I mean I definitely put a question mark on why she returned in Caramoan but she was still probably one of my favorite returnees that season anyway lmao. Stephanie Valencia had HUGE potential as a very interesting villainous player had she not been put on Zapatera and I so wish she had returned for Second Chances but for some reason people wanted Kelley Wentworth back instead as the token early boot female. Sarita was interesting and was apparently a HUGE diva which I love seeing on Survivor so I was sad to see her go so soon. Grant was a HUNK but wildly boring lmao. Andrea is a star and I would have loved to see how she would have done had this been a normal season but I'm happy she came back twice even if literally nothing about her is game changer worthy but lol the casting on that season made no sense anyway. But my absolute fave on this season was Ashley Underwood who was a stank bitch and she would have won this season had she made the F3 there is absolutely no doubt in my mind here. She was the ONLY player on a tribe full of Rob Zombies who could see what was happening and Rob knew that and got rid of her precisely because of that. She should have been a returnee by now and almost became one on Blood vs Water and would have made that season much better with her presence but instead we got one of the worst returnee cast ever that season so yay. She also had a great jury speech where she called [Redacted] out on their bullshit but watch at your own caution since you'll see who made the final 3 in this video if you watch it.

"I learned that if I could survive 38 days with you I can get through anything." - ugh TELL IT LIKE IT IS ASHLEY.

Do I recommend this season to new viewers?
No. Unless you want to watch [Redacted] win and like to pretend to be shocked.

Cast Ranking of Survivor: Redemple Temple
01: Ashley Underwood
02: Andrea Boehlke
03: Stephanie Valencia
04: Francesca Hogi
05: Sarita White
06: Grant Mattos
07: Julie Wolfe
08: Mike Chiesl
09: Steve Wright
10: Kristina Kell
11: Natalie Tenerelli
12: Krista Klumpp
13: Rob Mariano
14: David Murphy
15: Matt Elrod
16: Russell Hantz
17: Ralph Kiser
18: Phillip Sheppard

Posted by: Infludexton* 20th April 2020, 02:15 AM

QUOTE(diva thin muffin @ Apr 19 2020, 12:24 AM) *
Seriously there were eighteen castaways and three of them had almost 40% of all confessionals for the whole season. This was additionally such a boring and predictable season and once it was at about the halfway point nothing surprising seemed to happen. I would NOT be shocked to learn that production had influenced a lot of things here.

Wait until you see Australian Survivor: All Stars! laugh.gif

Posted by: Alex P 2nd May 2020, 12:04 PM

I enjoyed reading these will you be continuing?

Posted by: Alex P 2nd May 2020, 12:05 PM

QUOTE(Infludexton* @ Apr 20 2020, 03:15 AM) *
Wait until you see Australian Survivor: All Stars! laugh.gif

Oh great I was looking forward to watching this and haven’t been spoiled.

Posted by: Middle 14th May 2020, 03:48 PM

Anyone seen the S40 finale? Will put in spoilers just in case....

I've found most Survivor finales a bit anticlimactic recently, but the S40 finale must be one of the best endings of all time!! So much suspense. Tony really deserved the win this season! Entertaining, strategic, likeable, dynamic, definitely now a Survivor legend! Natalie did a good job on Edge and really made her mark on the last few days of the game, so kudos to her for 2nd place. All hell would break loose in the fandom if she had actually won though! Michele, even though received no votes, proved herself to be a worthy player this season. That fire-making challenge between Tony and Sarah was intense and super emotional. Was pretty weird having the Vote Reveal 'reunion' over Zoom, a shame it had to be that way but still overall a good end to a good season.

Hopefully it won't be long til they get to shoot for season 41!

Posted by: Aaron. 14th May 2020, 06:56 PM

I was underwhelmed this season, admittedly because I wanted the older school players to do well. Ben, Jeremy and a few that made it pretty far I cared very little for so this season was a let down for me. But, I do agree, Unpredictable to the end. I just.. didn't really care for anyone at the end.
Natalie killed Edge. So proud of her.
Yeah, with COVID it's disappointing we didn't get a true Reunion, or even an attempt at a Virtual one. Having a reunion would have rounded out the season so much.
I'm sure there will be Youtube Interviews and Podcasts to tie us and answer some questions we may have since there was no reunion.. but.. I don't really care that much.

Posted by: Spiceboy 31st May 2020, 12:28 PM

There was only ever 2 seasons of this in the UK I loved the first one but don't really remember the second? I think Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here kind of pushed it out tbh as that launched around the same time of the second season.

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 18th July 2020, 02:04 PM

There's rumours that this show with the working title of 'Wilderness' is actually a code name for a UK version of Survivor ph34r.gif

Worker Bee, who's producing it, was recently bought by Banijay so it makes sense!

Posted by: diva thin muffin 18th July 2020, 02:30 PM

QUOTE(WhoOdyssey @ Jul 18 2020, 02:04 PM) *

There's rumours that this show with the working title of 'Wilderness' is actually a code name for a UK version of Survivor ph34r.gif

Worker Bee, who's producing it, was recently bought by Banijay so it makes sense!

Ooooh I would so be here for a UK version of Survivor now that Both Australia and NZ have made successful versions of the show!

Posted by: Aaron. 17th September 2020, 11:39 PM

Bad News.
Filming is delayed until Spring 2021 and the next season isn't expected to air until Fall 2021.
According to reports, they are going to film Seasons 41/42 back to back. Hopefully that means Fall 2021/Spring 2022 for new seasons.

They should really do a "Best Seasons/Episodes Ever" like BBUK and The Bachelor.

Posted by: Aaron. 17th February 2021, 05:23 PM

This tweet seems to suggest Danielle may be on the next season of Survivor. OMG.

Posted by: k👠th 31st May 2021, 02:22 PM

New Survivor SA season starting Thursday w00t.gif The last season was one of my all-time faves across all franchises, so hyped and the cast looks great *.*

Posted by: Aaron. 31st May 2021, 02:36 PM

I can't believe I've never seen Survivor SA before, I'll have to find a way to watch this current season and go back and watch last season if I can find it online.

Posted by: k🤡th 5th June 2021, 08:39 AM

Anyone wanting to watch Survivor SA feel free to PM me! happy.gif

Posted by: Popchartfreak 6th June 2021, 04:24 PM

Bob Geldof was co-owner of the original company Planet 24 and the cheeky BBC nicked the idea after a meeting and called their show Castaway which was rubbish in comparison. Survivor was fab, the first 2 UK series were genuinely gripping reality TV (one of my work colleagues at the time got down to the last round of interviews for the show but just lost out, sadly so like me still works for the Council). It got good ratings but ITV still cancelled, despite another related show on C4 called Big Brother rattling on for years and years on lower ratings.....

Posted by: k🤡th 7th June 2021, 12:18 PM

What a premiere cheeseblock.png

The cast is so diverse and so entertaining! The finger pointing scene rotf.gif

Posted by: k👠th 11th June 2021, 06:30 PM

"Your cooking sucks" at the end of episode 2 Gaga.png

Posted by: Aaron. 13th June 2021, 06:39 PM

Good start to the season, seems like a good bunch of game players, so this season should be interesting strategically. I definitely don't disagree with that second vote off!

Posted by: k👠th 18th June 2021, 07:04 PM

One thing that's bugging me about the editing is how obvious becomes which tribe is going to tribal before the challenge even starts.

Carla is a queen. So glad she survived that vote despite blowing up her game like that :') Also not a fan of the early tribe swap at all. My faves are all screwed it seems sad.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 10th July 2021, 10:01 PM

Survivor SA (caught up to Episode 3): i have to say the first two episodes didn't capture me, but Episode 3 won me over. I'm not usually a fan of an early season swap, especially when I don't know who anyone is, who's working with who ect. But they made it work with strong narration and of course longer episodes.
The women are running both tribes. Love it.
So much behind the scene gameplay. It's awesome!

I don't actually hate anyone either, everyone brings so much value, whether it's an up-front physical threat or a strategic threat.

Mike wasn't a huge loss, loving the strong guys going first tho... Always makes the game so much more interesting.

Posted by: Aaron. 11th July 2021, 01:13 AM

Just finished Episode 4 and I very much need Chappies to go next.

Posted by: Aaron. 11th July 2021, 03:06 PM

Episode 5: with a run time of over an hour, the Immunity Challenge starting 6 minutes into the episode AND they both need to goto Tribal Council?! WEAK. I'm almost caught up. Thankfully I found a few earlier seasons to watch online *.*.

Posted by: Aaron. 13th July 2021, 09:15 PM

Survivor US returns for its 41st Season September 22nd!

Posted by: k👠th 6th August 2021, 08:40 AM

Ugh was not a fan of the twist last night at all! (Survivor SA)

The edit this episode was really mess too. Seemed like everyone was on board for Tyson/Wardah and Renier blew up his game at tribal. Amy was robbed! Hoping Anesu isn't going to end up being the Laurel of the season and she makes a move next episode with Chappies/Anela/Nicole/her advantage next episode drama.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 7th August 2021, 07:05 PM

I thought that was a solid twist and a great outcome. I never did warm up to Renier, and Amy was kinda Meh for me as well. It did also mean Chappies and Santoni got to stay. I don't think I could say I wanted either Tyson or Wardah to go before Renier, so I was happy.

But yes, time to break up the guys. Get Anela, Tyson and Kiran out and I'll be happy.
At this point I'm rooting for Anesu or Santoni. I've really warmed up to Chappies as well.

Posted by: k👠th 19th August 2021, 07:07 PM

The drama at tribal council Gaga.png Can't remember last when I saw such bickering on Survivor

Posted by: Aaron. 20th August 2021, 11:17 PM

Yeah that Tribal was really annoying. So what if Chappies took a few bits of candy that he won. Is this high school? Do they not forget how Chappies basically fed them for the last Immunity challenge? Wardah, Tyson and Kiran can go anytime now. Such entitled losers.

Great result at the end however. Hopefully Anela, Nicole, Chappies and Santoni can finish the job.

Posted by: k👠th 27th August 2021, 02:28 PM

This season wtf! So entertaining. Anela is an absolute tool rotf.gif

Rooting for Chappies and Nicole. Tyson and Kiran are so arrogant

Posted by: Aaron. 11th September 2021, 11:35 PM

cheer.gif Tyson finally gone!
I'm okay with whoever wins, but I want Chappies to take it home.

Posted by: k👠th 12th September 2021, 10:37 AM

The second Tyson to effectively vote himself out after Tyson in Heroes vs Villains laugh.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 17th September 2021, 11:45 PM

I just watched the final, what a great season. Thank you, Kath for putting this on my radar.
My top four this season was Chappies, Anesu, Santoni and Nicole. I did a complete 180 on Chappies.

I've found the previous seasons, actually giving Season 7 a light watch through now. It's just as good as this season in terms of quality. So grateful that I have another Survivor franchise with a few seasons to get caught up on!!

Posted by: k👠th 18th September 2021, 11:00 AM

QUOTE(Aaron. @ Sep 18 2021, 01:45 AM) *
I just watched the final, what a great season. Thank you, Kath for putting this on my radar.
My top four this season was Chappies, Anesu, Santoni and Nicole. I did a complete 180 on Chappies.

I've found the previous seasons, actually giving Season 7 a light watch through now. It's just as good as this season in terms of quality. So grateful that I have another Survivor franchise with a few seasons to get caught up on!!

Yay so glad you're liking it cheer.gif Season 6 and 7 are definitely worth watching too. The older seasons I wouldn't bother with.

I was expecting Chappies to walk this but Nicole surprised and did so well in the end and definitely deserved to win. A very good season overall and nice to see Survivor SA not giving away a blatant winner edit again.

Posted by: Aaron. 23rd September 2021, 03:22 PM

American Survivor kicked off last night, it was a good start. CBS has definitely gotten much better over the last few years with casting (sans BB All-Stars). Very diverse cast, this season looks like it may be really good!

Seasons 4-6 of Australian Survivor has been added to Paramount+ for those of you in the states. Highly recommend watching this.

Posted by: k👠th 25th September 2021, 04:38 PM

Can't say I enjoyed that first episode actually.

Love the diverse cast but apart from Shan I wasn't drawn to or interested in any of them. It felt a bit like Survivor US Gamebot on autopilot despite the format changes. Jeff is trying way too hard.

Xander is snack though kink.gif

Posted by: k👠th 8th October 2021, 03:11 PM

Ugh this season has been such a let down so far!

Posted by: Aaron. 8th October 2021, 03:17 PM

These twists are seriously bloating up the game. I like this cast, I think they have great potential.. But these twists man laugh.gif

It's almost like they're playing an online fan version of Survivor. It's all rather unnecessary.

Posted by: Riser 9th October 2021, 01:30 AM

I'm so disappointed too. sad.gif I'm sure it's a decent cast but I can hardly feel invested in any of them let alone pick a favorite. I usually like the advantages but can't get excited about any of these. How can this season be falling so flat!?

Posted by: k👠th 9th October 2021, 07:36 AM

As long as Xander is still in I'll continue to watch kink.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 26th October 2021, 03:34 PM

Australian Survivor is currently filming Season 7. There's a rumored American Survivor Player taking part this year (like Russell previously). It's Sandra Diaz-Twine!!!!!!

Posted by: k👠th 26th October 2021, 03:41 PM

I heard about that! A bit random, can't see her faring much better than Russell tbh

Posted by: Aaron. 28th October 2021, 08:51 PM

I'm still struggling with this season, this Merge twist is just too much nonsense.
However, the Survivor version of the Cookout, I could be here for that. I do like Shan a lot, but she needs to get Ricard out (for nothing more than the fact I cannot STAND HIM)

Posted by: Aaron. 4th November 2021, 01:11 AM

That Tribal was insane. This season would be soooooo much better without these twists!!

Posted by: Santa Kath 5th November 2021, 05:48 PM

Crazy episode. Poor Sydney lol! I wish she stayed longer, so funny! Angelina vibes

Posted by: Aaron. 18th November 2021, 02:07 AM

Well that sucked.

Posted by: Aaron. 25th November 2021, 02:04 AM

Ugh, not Shan!
Gone too soon, she better be back for another season in the near future!

Posted by: k👠th 25th November 2021, 03:54 PM

QUOTE(Aaron. @ Nov 25 2021, 04:04 AM) *
Ugh, not Shan!
Gone too soon, she better be back for another season in the near future!

Ugh this boot order is killing me! She played so well. I hope she's back

Posted by: k👠th 25th November 2021, 05:53 PM

Ricard, DeShawn and Erika feel like the only ones who could win at the moment. Liana is a huge goat, and Xander holding onto his idol for so long is going to cost him soon (hopefully not).

Posted by: Aaron. 25th November 2021, 07:18 PM

I know. This boot order is just terrible. This cast deserves better. These twists have been terrible.
Cannot stand Ricard still to this day. So messy, but that was indeed a great move he made last night.
Erika is really pulling things behind the scenes which I love, I hope she comes to the forefront more as a contender.

I don't really have a firm favorite at the moment, but at this point I'm really only throwing support behind Erika and Xander with Liana as an outsider.

Posted by: Aaron. 25th November 2021, 07:29 PM

OMG Kath!
Survivor SA Allstars!
I must get caught up!!

Posted by: k👠th 25th November 2021, 07:58 PM

w00t.gif w00t.gif

Omg mega hype!

I wonder if players prior to the reboot for season 5 will be included!? I have a wish list already but from this past season I think Chappies and Santoni definitely

Posted by: Riser 29th November 2021, 04:02 AM

Oh wow, now that I'm caught up it's been worth sticking with this season. I agree with the painful boot order though!

I've been so back and forth with Shan, originally wanted her to win, then wanted to see her blindsided, and now that she has been blindsided I'm sad wish she made the finale laugh.gif They did a great job with that episode and showing how it all played out.

I think Xander and Ricard are my top 2, but their targets keep getting bigger. Will be interesting to see how Liana/Deshawn/Danny fare without Shan.

Posted by: k👠th 29th November 2021, 05:52 PM


Posted by: Aaron. 8th December 2021, 07:30 PM

Rumblings of "Celebrity Survivor" today, already filmed in Panama earlier this year with CBS.
It's still not 100% clear if it will be Survivor branded however.

A few names floating around, none of which were a surprise to me.

Posted by: Aaron. 10th December 2021, 06:56 PM

The episode this Wednesday, I'll be honest I thought there were so many people left in the game. Jury just flew by and I can't believe we are at the Final 5 with the final episode next week.

I guess I will hop on the Ricard bandwagon, I thought he would have been toast by now but he's by far the frontrunner. How nobody had Xander's name in their mouth that last tribal baffled me. Still a lot of opportunity to get Ricard out. I'd love to see a Ricard/Xander or Ricard/Erika final 2.

Great cast, okay season let down by the twists sadly.

Posted by: Aaron. 15th December 2021, 02:00 AM

So I finally finished Season 7 of Survivor SA.
I'm working backward for some reason, but Season 8 was far superior. This season actually started really good, but created one of the worst most cringworthy alliances in Survivor history.

But honestly they had no business casting a season with so many hot guys: Cobus, Dante, Nathan, Rob, Durao, Rocco.

The season definitely took a nosedive during early merge, around the time Seipei left. One of my favorites was Dante for sure. He did have a bit of a hissy fit before leaving but overall a very solid Survivor player (plus HOT!). I was also disappointed with Cobus' elimination, I thought he was a great player. Jacques I was on the fence with all season, but I felt bad for him before leaving. The tribe, especially Steffi were out of line and completly rude for what they did isolating him out like that. Honesty - this season had ZERO jury management. Steffi. I was elated when she was voted out that blindside. But I feel she has the makings of a great Survivor player. The way this season played out with the strong 8 went to her head. I think a humbled Steffi would do well.

On that note, that jury was so animated the entire season. How production didn't step in is beyond me. However the jury was on FIRE at the final tribal. I'd place that Tribal and the Jury in my top 15 final tribals. So bitter, but not to the point where they lost sight that Durao had no business winning.

Nicole: OUR ROBOTIC QUEEN. Honestly she didn't come across very well, but I loved Nicole. So many unnecessary lies, so many scripted responses. But she was amazing to watch. Putting it bluntly she was full of shit the entire season, but she made it so memorable and had such a huge impact on the game. LOVE. HER.

Rob: Most people don't foot for the alpha male but I have to be honest, I didn't mind Rob. He had a huge ego, yes. But I think for the most part his intentions were always good and he handled himself very well. I've seen a lot of super-douche meathead men on RTV shows over the years and that's not a category I'd put Rob in. He worked hard, won challenges and kept his alliance tight. That's the name of the game.

Seipei: my favorite this season <3

Overall I give this season a solid 7.8/10

Picks for All-Stars: Nicole, Seipei, Cobus, Dante (mayyyyybe Jacques or Steffi
Picks for All-Stars from Season 8: Anesu, Chappies, Nicole, Santoni

Posted by: k👠th 19th December 2021, 01:52 PM

I loved reading your take of the season! The male cast were definitely one of the best in terms of looks 😅

Nicole was an icon and should come back for all stars! Her final tribal performance was incredible and she nearly beat the golden boy with the perfect game (Rob). I would love Steffi back purely for entertainment. Her lack of self awareness in this season was something else and Dante to come back for eye candy and drama alone laugh.gif

Posted by: k👠th 19th December 2021, 02:13 PM

Also nice to see Erika walk the Survivor US votes. A shame she was so under edited! I felt bad for Xander, he really did pull a Woo by taking her instead of Heather. Not sure if I missed it, but was it the first time where the finalists didn't have an opening speech?

Overall, the season was fine, the fun and diverse cast really saved it for me. The twists and Jeff doing the most all the time dragged it down a lot though.

Posted by: Riser 20th December 2021, 03:00 AM

QUOTE(k👠th @ Dec 19 2021, 09:13 AM) *
Also nice to see Erika walk the Survivor US votes. A shame she was so under edited! I felt bad for Xander, he really did pull a Woo by taking her instead of Heather. Not sure if I missed it, but was it the first time where the finalists didn't have an opening speech?

Overall, the season was fine, the fun and diverse cast really saved it for me. The twists and Jeff doing the most all the time dragged it down a lot though.
Agreed! The editing dragged it down too with Erika and Heather being so overlooked. It really didn't occur to me how overhyped Xander was until he ended up with no votes from the jury. I'm sad Ricard was voted out, but he had no chance without winning that final 5 immunity. Erika's win has so many "firsts" for the show which is great.

I'm expecting more of the same twists next season, so we'll see. Hopefully the cast will make it worthwhile again.

Posted by: k👠th 27th December 2021, 08:23 PM

I've seen on YouTube that the SA All Stars seasons isn't including people who made the final tribal hence the "return of the outcasts" slogan. Which means we won't get Nicole from season 7 back 😭😭😭

Posted by: Aaron. 20th January 2022, 12:47 AM

I just finished Season 6 of Survivor South Africa. I have to say it was a verrrryyyyyy interesting season. Not particularly in a good way either. I don't think (apart from a few) that there were many good gameplayers. It almost felt like a very early American series where the players were really finding their footing on how to play the game.

It's a polarizing season, that's for sure. It starts off with a very divided tribal counsel which had complete ripple effects for the entire season. That second tribal counsel, rocks... Really? Already?! I can't believe THAT'S how divided it was with that Luzon tribe. They were all ready to give up their spot in the game despite just arriving.

The rest of the game, including early Jury was just poor game play and poor moves one after another. It really seemed like Werner was calling the shots and the rest outside of his alliance had no idea what was going on.... Probably a good time to discuss a few of our Survivors:

Werner: My pick to win, and the strongest gameplayer this season. At times, he was the only one really playing the game. I thought he played picture perfect, his only mistake was not winning that F4 Tribal Council. In any scenario, he would have and should have gone then. Kicking him off Jury was a TRAVESTY. I honestly want Chappies and Werner F2 for Second Chances laugh.gif

Jeanne: What a journey wub.gif
She reminds me of Rosie from RHONJ. I feel she didn't get the respect she deserved, she did play a lot more than what she got credit for. I honestly just cant believe her and Tom made F2. Any other Survivor Season anywhere else in the world, they would have both been out Pre-Jury. I'd love to see her come back as well, but I didn't shortlist her.

Tom: what the actual f*** happened. Probably the most unexpected winner for me. He deserved it, yes. But wow. Really unexpected. He had to play hard to get where he did, Annalize said it best with her vote for him to win.

Overall I give this season a 8/10 - which is actually more than I'd give to S7 and S8, even tho I liked them better. huh.gif It's not really about the season individually, but how it plays into the larger Survivor picture, I actually think Season 6 would be a must watch over the other two seasons I've seen so far.

Picks for Second Chance from Season 6: Palesa, Toni, Werner, Tevin
Picks for Second Chance from Season 7: Steffi, Seipei, Cobus, Dante
Picks for Second Chance from Season 8: Anesu, Chappies, Wardah, Santoni

I've swapped Nicole for Steffi (as Nicole wouldn't be on the Second Chance season) and the other Nicole for Wardah on their respective seasons. I may change one of the two of them out for another Male from another Season, but didn't find one from either S7 or S8 that were worthy.

Posted by: k👠th 20th January 2022, 05:42 PM

Amazing write-up *.* Season 6 is a truly one of a kind season, so entertaining, so many meltdowns and rivalries. The unpredictability of it all and great cast made it so thrilling to watch. It really put Survivor SA up there with other franchises.

Agree with all of your picks for Second Chance as well wub.gif Palesa is probably the most obvious pick from that season. The fandom is obsessed with her. And queen Toni is a must! I think Katinka is also a good shout. She has a huge following and even started her a music career off the back Survivor!


Posted by: Aaron. 20th January 2022, 06:27 PM

You're absolutely right, Kath. One of a kind season and a must watch. I wish I would have gone S6-S7-S8 however laugh.gif
One of the least predictable seasons I've seen in probably the last 10 Years.

QUEEEN KATINKA. Honestly picking between her and Toni was tough. Toni reminds me so much of Christine Brecht from BBUS. I'd honestly take Katinka, Toni, Jeanne AND Palesa for any Second Chance or Allstars Season. Especially Palesa.

Posted by: Aaron. 20th January 2022, 06:31 PM


Posted by: k👠th 28th February 2022, 04:29 PM

The cast for Survivor 42 has been revealed.

On a random note I saw queen Toni from Survivor SA at a restaurant today *.*

Posted by: Aaron. 28th February 2022, 05:38 PM

Toni *.*
On that note, as I continue to work my way backwards with my first time Survivor South Africa, I just finished Season 5: Legends

It was probably the oddest season of Survivor I've seen. They brought in two Sporting Legends, Corné and Mark to 'coach' the season ala Big Brother 14. However I always found it odd they have zero ties to Survivor at all. Also, sometimes they were in the tribe on the beach, other times not. Sometimes they voted, sometimes they didn't. They'd participate in Challenge, but only sometimes. Merge they just seemed to disappear and not live with the merged tribe - but continued to compete in their own challenges to burn a vote at tribal, when they hadn't been living with the tribe at all. Also, one of Mark/Corné win $500k at the end despite never really playing, also they vote for the winner. WHAT?!

Apart from that nonsense I actually liked the twist laugh.gif - Survivor and Big Brother is always flooded with legacy players and such, it was great to see who's who in South Africa. I'm glad they didn't bring someone international like Sandra or Russell to coach. The twist didn't have a HUGE impact either, neither Mark nor Corné really seemed interested in understanding or directing anything related to the social game at all.

Overall, probably one of my favorite seasons of Survivor SA. Good casting in certain areas, good story development, good people development and a great turn around right at the end of the game.

This was also a season dominated by the men. Poor casting on the women's side TBH but the men specifically were not only great casting decisions but also great game players. No doubt the top 3 males were Shane, Zavion and Graham.

Shane: I absolutely detested Shane until Merge/When Marion Left. He seemed so entitled, elitist and had the worst attitude for being completely at the bottom and questioning people approaching him wanting to work with him. However, even at this point when he was dead at the bottom he turned things around for a few votes. It's such a shame he didn't use his idol correctly to stick around a bit longer. It took me a while but I really warmed up to Shane.

Zavion: The seasons golden boy. He had it pretty easy after that first tribal. Nobody really had him as a target until that Final 5, which now seems to be the spot most of the strong players end up.

Graham: Very deserved win and that final three of Buhle, Graham and Sivu was a great final three for the season. I would have preferred Zavion or Shane to take the win, but well deserved. I thought Sivu had it in the bag.

Picks for Second Chance from Season 5: Mark, Corné, Marion, Zavion
Picks for Second Chance from Season 6: Palesa, Toni, Werner, Tevin
Picks for Second Chance from Season 7: Steffi, Seipei, Cobus, Dante
Picks for Second Chance from Season 8: Anesu, Chappies, Wardah, Santoni

I am picking Mark and Corné to return as regular players. I'd like to see if they have what it takes to actually win Survivor.

Posted by: k👠th 28th February 2022, 05:52 PM

I very nearly went up to Toni and ask her if she was on the cast for Second Chances but I was too shy tearsmile.gif

I'm glad you liked season 5! I checked out of that one after a while. I found it really amateur and the cast bland, but I loved Marion and Shane as villains laugh.gif

I'd like them back and I'm expecting Zavion for all stars for sure. I've read that they're only asking players from the reboot (season 5) onwards back for Second Chances.

Posted by: k👠th 8th March 2022, 07:01 PM

The rumored cast for Survivor SA return of the outcasts is doing the rounds and it's quite underwhelming tbh sad.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 10th March 2022, 02:21 PM

American Survivor is back!
Good casting again, I love all the super fans that now get the opportunity to play. Done with the days of hunting people to play this game.

That first episode was a lot tho. I like that it was two hours obviously and we got a lot of content and player development, perhaps one too many stories? I felt at times I was lacking SURVIVOR.
I do however love the connectivity between Season 41 and Season 42. I'd love to see more of the same challenges. It was interesting to see the decision of the two losing tribes doing the puzzle. Both tribes last year chose the physical task, didn't they?

Some left a good impression after the first episode, others didn't leave a mark at all.

Loving: Drea, Jenny, Maryanne, Swati

I did feel back for Jackson and I appreciate him sharing his story, I hope he gets another chance to play.
Jeez, Daniel didn't have very good luck either hey. Popping his shoulder out the first challenge. I think that's going to be a long term liability for him, it looks like his shoulder popped out again at the Immunity Challenge?
I would absolutely climb Jonathan like a tree.

Absolutely not upset Zach went first at all.

Posted by: Aaron. 10th March 2022, 02:23 PM

Also following a Survivor ORG Organizer on Twitter.
I heard Nicole Capper has been playing a few big ones and she gets voted out first everytime laugh.gif

I used to do ORGs when I was like... 16/17 so almost 20 years ago. Dear god. I don't think I'd have it in me to put myself in that situation again laugh.gif

Posted by: k👠th 10th March 2022, 07:25 PM

That first episode of Survivor 42 was pretty good! They've done a great job with the casting again. Tori is literally a Katinka doppelganger laugh.gif

Posted by: Riser 11th March 2022, 02:05 AM

Tori was giving me Angelina Keeley energy cheeseblock.png My favorite quote from her being when she targeted Rocksroy: "He already built our camp, we don't need him anymore!" Hope she sticks around.

The premiere was good enough, they just don't excite me as much as they used to. All those introductions are a bit much for me but obviously it's nice to get to know everyone. Not sure how I feel yet about how similar this season will be to 41. Also, it seems like the most unathletic cast they've ever had??

QUOTE(Aaron. @ Mar 10 2022, 09:21 AM) *
I do however love the connectivity between Season 41 and Season 42. I'd love to see more of the same challenges. It was interesting to see the decision of the two losing tribes doing the puzzle. Both tribes last year chose the physical task, didn't they?
Yeah, I think they changed it just subtly to make the puzzle more appealing (allowing 2 guesses instead of 1) and the physical one less appealing. I'm kind of amazed both tribes got the puzzle right, but it helps having 4 hours to complete it laugh.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 24th March 2022, 01:07 AM

Well wasn’t that an episode full of Survivor firsts.
As much as I liked Jenny, these silly twists are landing a lot better this year.

Posted by: k👠th pie 24th March 2022, 04:52 PM

Agreed! That episode had me on the edge of my seat a bit. Chanelle dug herself a hole there. I'm impressed how Haai clicked on the blindside at tribal and then manage to sway the vote and majority his way.

Posted by: k👠th pie 31st March 2022, 08:15 PM

Yay for legend Tori surviving to fight another day tearsmile.gif

Posted by: k👠th 14th April 2022, 04:54 PM

I am loving this season cheer.gif cheer.gif

I hope Chaos Tori can survive a couple more votes. I screamed when she won immunity and then told Jonathan that he must go bc she wants to win more tearsmile.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 15th April 2022, 02:42 AM

I have to agree, this season has been sublime.
The twists have landed much better this season, and I was absolutely for that 2-Hour Episode, good development of a lot of players and of course, the twist that turned everything upside down.

Going into Jury, my list I suppose. But so fluid:

01 Hai
02 Jonathan
03 Tori
04 Omar
05 Drea
06 Lindsay
07 Maryanne
08 Chanelle
09 Rocksroy
10 Romeo
11 Mike

Posted by: Riser 15th April 2022, 11:42 PM

Great episode, probably my second favorite behind the one where Jenny went home. Very glad Jonathan and Tori survived the hourglass twist!

Outstanding week for Omar, I started getting winner vibes from Hai too.

Posted by: k👠th 22nd April 2022, 06:31 AM

I'm actually finding myself rewatching the episodes this season which I never do.

So many great characters and I'm living for Tori winning clutch immunities back to back. I'm worried for her next episode though with the double elimination - hopefully that twist will shake the majority up a bit, and it's not an easy double boot of Tori/Romeo. If Tori doesn't win immunity, I'm certain she throws Drea under the bus to everyone laugh.gif

Posted by: k👠th pie 28th April 2022, 06:11 PM

Tori twist screwed sad.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 28th April 2022, 06:43 PM

That second tribal cry.gif
I was disappointed Tori went home, defiantly not upset Rocksroy went however.
Survivor Facebook is an absolute DUMPSTER FIRE. But yeah, I was blown away with that tribal.

Drea and Hai for F2 for me.

01 Hai
02 Drea
03 Omar
04 Maryanne
05 Jonathan
06 Lindsay
07 Romeo
08 Mike

Posted by: k👠th pie 28th April 2022, 07:21 PM

That second tribal was v touching. Drea and Maryanne were really brave and inspiring. I was wondering why we were halfway through the episode and tribal already started. The shot in the dark remains useless to date.

Posted by: Aaron. 12th May 2022, 01:35 AM

Both twists played out exactly the same, I think it landed very well this year as well. I loooove this. They should film seasons like this back to back more often.

Posted by: k👠th bby 12th May 2022, 03:27 PM

Sad to see Drea go! Loved her. Rooting for Lindsay now. I can see either her or Omar winning, maybe Mike.

Posted by: Riser 13th May 2022, 03:26 AM

You'd think it'd be terrible to watch two twists backfire two seasons in a row, but that was incredible! laugh.gif That whole tribal was amazing. Loving the amount of respect for each other's gameplay. Can't wait to find out if Omar will escape another vote or finally be targeted!

Posted by: k👠th 21st May 2022, 01:21 PM

Amazing how the 2 at the bottom and the supposed "goats" managed to get Omar out even without Mike and Jonathan laugh.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 26th May 2022, 06:42 PM

P H E W. Last night was a lot. Hugely emotional, I'm so sad this season is over. What they accomplished in the span of 13 Episodes was beyond phenomenal.
This easily lands in the top tier of Survivor seasons, and by far was the best season we have had in a decade. By far the best season in the last 20 years, if not longer.
For me personally, probably will end up landing in my top 5-10 of any RTV Season ever (joining Masterchef Australia: Back To Win, Big Brother 3 ect.)

The fact that my Top 3 that I posted a few weeks back went back to back to back and I'm still so happy with the outcome is a testament to how strong of a season this was. Survivor has always had very fluid gameplay, but this season was on another level. CBS is leading the charge with RTV Diversity. It feels over the last few years they've found their groove again and this could absolutely be their peak.

The fact we haven't had a Black Female Winner since SEASON 4 is a crime. Mary-Ann's win is absolutely historic, deserved, emotional. I cried all last night and was so happy she won.
Yesterday was also my 35th Birthday. But sharing a birthday with when a historic winner like Maryann is something I will never forget.

The fact we're moving to Season 43 and we are still getting some of the best seasons ever, with the Survivor franchise succeeding globally, shook.

Posted by: Aaron. 26th May 2022, 06:46 PM

Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts premieres on M-Net (channel 101) on Monday, 18 July, with four episodes per week.

Four episodes a week?!?

Posted by: k👠th 27th May 2022, 10:52 PM

QUOTE(Aaron. @ May 26 2022, 08:42 PM) *
P H E W. Last night was a lot. Hugely emotional, I'm so sad this season is over. What they accomplished in the span of 13 Episodes was beyond phenomenal.
This easily lands in the top tier of Survivor seasons, and by far was the best season we have had in a decade. By far the best season in the last 20 years, if not longer.
For me personally, probably will end up landing in my top 5-10 of any RTV Season ever (joining Masterchef Australia: Back To Win, Big Brother 3 ect.)

The fact that my Top 3 that I posted a few weeks back went back to back to back and I'm still so happy with the outcome is a testament to how strong of a season this was. Survivor has always had very fluid gameplay, but this season was on another level. CBS is leading the charge with RTV Diversity. It feels over the last few years they've found their groove again and this could absolutely be their peak.

The fact we haven't had a Black Female Winner since SEASON 4 is a crime. Mary-Ann's win is absolutely historic, deserved, emotional. I cried all last night and was so happy she won.
Yesterday was also my 35th Birthday. But sharing a birthday with when a historic winner like Maryann is something I will never forget.

The fact we're moving to Season 43 and we are still getting some of the best seasons ever, with the Survivor franchise succeeding globally, shook.

clap.gif clap.gif

All of this! Incredible season. I cried too. I was so gutted for Lindsay to go out like that but Maryanne is such a great character and really deserved it as well! She really brought it at the final tribal. So impressive for someone so young. Romeo also, really touching and inspiring. The cast was the best in ages. I would have been a bit meh with a Mike win so Maryanne winning like that made season even more rewarding!

Posted by: Aaron. 5th June 2022, 05:17 PM

Survivor SA:

Cast out, confirmation of 4 Episodes a week as well!
I'm quite impressed with the list actually. Out of my picks I got:

Picks for Second Chance from Season 5: Mark, Corné, Marion, Zavion
Picks for Second Chance from Season 6: Palesa, Toni, Werner, Tevin
Picks for Second Chance from Season 7: Steffi, Seipei, Cobus, Dante
Picks for Second Chance from Season 8: Anesu, Chappies, Wardah, Santoni

I'm also excited to see Thoriso, Shane, Pinty and Meryl again.
Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts premieres on M-Net on 18 July, with episodes Monday-Thursday every week until the Sole Survivor is named on 25 August.

Posted by: k👠th 5th June 2022, 05:54 PM

Omg Toni follows me on Instagram now. I love her *.*

Yaaaaaasss for so many villains, and Steffi, Shona and Tanya are all hilarious. Hype! Wow I didn't realize Marian was fighting vitiligo now sad.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 8th June 2022, 06:49 PM

Official Survivor list:

Tyson Apostol (18, 27, 40)
Domenick Abbate (36)
Ben Driebergen (35)
Danny McCray (41)
Shan Smith (41)
Tasha Fox (28, 31)
Sarah Lacina (28,34,40)
Desi Williams (35)

Posted by: Riser 9th June 2022, 03:10 AM

Wow, very interesting selections there but I'm totally here for it. (Especially Ben who I admit is one of my faves kink.gif). The Survivor list seems to skew much older than the others, none of them are in their 20s! I almost didn't recognize Sarah ohmy.gif

Posted by: Get Preu Out 10th June 2022, 06:58 AM

HYPE w00t.gif

Posted by: k👠th 19th June 2022, 01:02 PM

Rooting for her heart.gif

Posted by: k👠th 19th June 2022, 05:14 PM

Just caught up on the cast interview clips and so excited for this *.* The post merge tribe is stacked with challenge beasts

Posted by: k👠th 15th July 2022, 06:24 PM

Survivor SA finally starting on Monday! It's gonna be interesting with 4 episodes a week

Posted by: Aaron. 18th July 2022, 08:22 PM

My regular spot has yet to post Episode 1 yet - hoping to watch this soon as I’m excited!!

Posted by: k👠th 18th July 2022, 11:57 PM

I watched the premiere live on TV and it felt like it was more adverts than actual survivor. Definitely watching on catch up next time!

Lots of interesting dynamics already. I think the pre merge tribe is wide open in terms of alliances, where as post merge tribe there's already a bit of a line in the sand, but I can't see them going to tribal much anyway. That outpost twist is quite a complex one! Will be interesting to see what happens

Posted by: k👠th 19th July 2022, 05:16 PM

Episode 2 whew! You can always count on Survivor SA for bringing the drama at tribal.

Dante is looking FIT kink.gif

Pinty losing it already rotf.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 19th July 2022, 11:31 PM

Just finished Episode 1 (still waiting for Episode 2).
What an amazing start! They've all come to play this season and have learned from their previous mistakes. This is bound to be incredible.

I do like they've split the tribes Pre Merge vs Post Merge. It really gives an opportunity for the Pre-Merge Survivors to stand out - because I'll be honest I didn't remember a lot of them laugh.gif

Yes - omg. Dante and Chappies in the tightest imaginable bottoms forming an alliance together. *.* - all the men this year are hot tho (still SA Season 7 is the best).
I particularly like the division on the Masu (Post Merge) tribe and the alliances formed. I love everyone but I'm kind hoping the Steffi alliance dominates.

Fantastic start. Simply amazing. I appreciate the pace and the dedication they're giving to this season. I just hope I can start getting the episodes a bit quicker. This will be fantastic to catch up on the weekend too.

Posted by: k👠th 20th July 2022, 05:57 PM

WOW. Is all I can say. They really picked an amazing cast for this. The amount of drama already laugh.gif What a season this is shaping up to be cheeseblock.png

Posted by: k👠th 21st July 2022, 06:43 PM

Omg THE DRAMA in this Survivor SA cheeseblock.png More drama than BBUK golden days. Casting literally chose violence with this line up and I love it.

Monday is too far away tbh!

Posted by: Aaron. 21st July 2022, 10:38 PM

I just finished Episode 3!
Disappointed Chappies was out first, but the target on his back was way too big. I think Dante will regret that move.. he's now the biggest Male threat in the game.

Loved Episode 3. Great drama. I'm surprised the Post-Merge Tribe (Masu) have lost two in a row, but I'm happy to see it really.
Top 2 Masu: Marian, Steffi
Top 2 Yontau: Tania, Pinty

Living for the Tania/Pinty drama, because they've won two in a row we haven't seen much outside of Tevin as well.
Marian is the superstar so far for me this season, she doesn't even need the title, she's already a Survivor. I was so disappointed to see she was upset by the conversation Toni/Steffi had about her being weak because of her Vitiligo. She's one of the strongest ones out there. I hope they can rebuild a relationship because I really like Marian, Steffi and Toni!

Can't wait for Episode 4. I guess I'll just be a day behind!
Rooting for Marian so hard tho heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif

Posted by: k👠th 26th July 2022, 02:45 PM

One of the best seasons ever honestly! I'm so shook at the drama and big moves each episode

This bit had me in stitches rotf.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 26th July 2022, 11:40 PM

Episode 5 was out of this world, hang it in the louvre!

Posted by: k👠th 27th July 2022, 06:39 PM

Episode 7

That challenge was A CHOICE. Shona's injury looked like something out of a horror movie and looks like she's medevaced now as well 😭😭😭

Posted by: k👠th 28th July 2022, 07:30 PM

Episode 8

WTF Phil snaking Shona like that after everything she went through. Not sure what his thought process was behind that as his alliance would have had a solid majority with Palesa on board. At the same time, Shona dug her own grave by choosing that tribe and not pulling out the fake idol at tribal.

Posted by: Aaron. 2nd August 2022, 10:47 PM

Just finished Episode 9, what a great season this has turned out to be.
Rooting for Marion, Steffi, Palesa, Toni and Dante (probably in that order). I dunno if it's looking so great for Dante tho laugh.gif

I wasn't too upset seeing Pinty leave, chaotic and amazing TV but it was her time.

Posted by: Aaron. 3rd August 2022, 01:17 AM

Question. Do we move Australian Survivor into this thread?
I can’t believe it’s almost back again - it’s filming now.
The next two seasons are Heroes vs Villains (October 2022) and Fans versus Favourites (July 2023).

Basically that means returning players for BOTH Seasons laugh.gif they’re both being filmed in Samoa, I wonder if they’ll pull a BBUS and film back to back?

I’ve seen a list of a few of the Returnees for HvV and it’s hands down WAY better than All-Stars.

Posted by: Aaron. 5th August 2022, 10:10 PM

Wow. Those last two episodes were EPIC.
Never has Survivor been played like that before, amazing to watch something so new and refreshing.

Posted by: k👠th 6th August 2022, 12:30 PM

This season has been insanely good. The US and Aus editors need to take note tbh!!

I'm just hoping for some fireworks post merge and not Toni, Tejan, Dino and Phil being picked off one by one.

Posted by: Aaron. 6th August 2022, 03:53 PM

Just rooting for Toni there oop kink.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 9th August 2022, 10:42 PM

Im not upset at all that Dante is out, but losing Toni hurts

Posted by: Aaron. 10th August 2022, 10:32 PM

Not Steffi now too sad.gif
Everything I want to happen, the reverse seems to happen. I need Dino/Phil/Tejan broken up and I need Marion and Meryl back on the same page as well. Steffi was my #2 pick after Marion, so I guess I’ll slot Meryl into that role.

But I’m running out of people to root for, my favourites are all on the Jury

Posted by: Aaron. 11th August 2022, 11:30 PM

This boot order in Jury is just AWFUL. But this season is so good.

Posted by: k👠th 12th August 2022, 06:42 AM

My faves are all on the jury as well ugh 💔

I don't know how Meryl thought playing her tribal council pass like that was a good idea considering her position in the tribe

Found Marian really unlikable in the last episode

Posted by: k👠th 28th August 2022, 01:20 PM

A top tier season and a really deserving winner. I thought the final tribal council was fantastic and very inspiring and moving. Dino was definitely who I was rooting for to win after Phil and Felix left. I sort of developed a crush on Phil as the season went on blush.gif

The season peaked pre-merge for me and went downhill since that annoying combined tribal council where Palesa got basically twist screwed. One of the best and most entertaining pre-merges across all franchises.

But then all my faves got voted out one by one and sent to the jury laugh.gif I was rooting for the full package, what a shame they turned on each other so soon and got played so embarrassingly by the No BS alliance.

I also started to really dislike Marian in the end. The way she treated Meryl after the Steffi vote was immature and gross. And the whole Goat tirade and calling so many people from this season and past seasons goats felt very self righteous and ugly. Her constant crying, the blow up she had at tribal grated on me. She had a good read on the game but she was also left out the loop a couple of times, and didn't position herself well for final 2 at all. She was useless when it came to camp and challenges so I don't think she's the amazing player she made herself out to be in the end. And I ended up liking her a lot less than her previous season.

Posted by: Aaron. 13th September 2022, 12:59 PM

End of Survivor SA Season 9: Overall, what a successful season!
I really enjoyed the formatting of 4x a week, I really hope this is the format moving forward. Very bingeable.
I did feel that pre-merge went WAY TOO FAST however. They could have thrown in a few extra or longer episodes like post-merge.

And we all know how I felt about post-merge, I almost wanted the boot order completely reversed laugh.gif - Dante was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about Dino, I wish his alliance would have listened.

To me, Dino and Phil were very interchangeable at the end. Shane and Marion pretty much had the decision on who they wanted to give the $2MM cash prize to. I think the writing was on the wall, unless Shane or Marion won the F3 Immunity.

Yes, Marion did become a bit of a drag towards the end, but such a strong story and she’s overcome so much. I was rooting for her at the end!

Sensational season, Survivor SA has such a strong following now - I’m excited for more to come (and keep this format on delivery!!)

Posted by: k👠th 4th October 2022, 01:42 PM

Survivor 43 has been lame so far oops

Posted by: Aaron. 4th October 2022, 03:19 PM

Agreed. It’s been a bit of a slow burn to start off with. I like the longer episodes at the beginning of the season to really get to know the players, but the gameplay has been lacklustre so far.

I hate three tribes as well, my favourites are also so exposed and I can’t say the first two boots were overly satisfying.

Loving: Ryan, Nneka
Liking: Geo, Karla, Jesse
Get Off My Screen: Gabler

I’m not sold on Sami and Cody just yet. There’s still a lot of fodder left as well, I haven’t formed strong interest in a lot of this cast.

Posted by: Aaron. 4th October 2022, 03:22 PM

Marian won Survivor SA Fan Favourite from last season. I wish we were watching another Survivor SA Season right about now tho.

Posted by: Aaron. 20th October 2022, 02:50 PM

I’m struggling with this season, why do I need to watch 3 episodes of bead collecting.

Posted by: Aaron. 27th October 2022, 01:01 AM

That was the best episode this season by far, did Gabler just make some new Super Alliance?

Posted by: k👠th 30th October 2022, 07:46 PM

It's the merge already? This season is totally going over my head laugh.gif

Posted by: Riser 31st October 2022, 03:04 AM

I'm quite liking this season. So far the twists have improved on the mistakes of 41 and 42, I definitely preferred the bead collecting beware advantage over the random comments people had to say before a challenge, and the same with this merge over the hourglass twist from last year. I would've liked to see a couple more tribals go by before they merged though, but maybe not since that was one of the best merges in a while!

Posted by: Aaron. 3rd November 2022, 12:59 AM

Gabler is Coach 2.0
I am however somewhat impressed, he formed a majority vote last tribal, and won the first Individual Immunity.

Alright so this Knowledge of Power and the mini chaos it caused swapping everything around was cute (it reminded me of Nakomis figuring out the 6-Finger Plan on Big Brother) but something I never need to see again, retire this power immediately.

I wasn’t upset with any of the names on the chopping block tonight, however, that immunity challenge heavily bloated the episode. I also agree, there should have been a few more votes before merge.

Posted by: k👠th 4th November 2022, 03:39 PM

Awful season. Jeff Probst is ruining US Survivor. It doesn't feel authentic any more. I don't wanna watch an hour of forced sob stories. Planting an advantage in a water well to stage "chaos"? Really?

How is being teamed up with someone else an individual immunity challenge? It's a shit show this season imo. Bring back the drama, entertaining casts and natural game play x

Posted by: k👠th 10th December 2022, 06:50 PM

Finally a good episode and actual focus on game play and aliance relationships!

Karla's been having a bit of a downfall these past 2 episodes. Looks like it's Jesse's to lose now. He's literally done a Sam (from Australiam Survivor) and voted people out and taken their idols (twice!? ), but unlike Australian format I think the jury would be impressed by the that

I also wouldn't mind a Cassidy win but she needs Jesse out at final 4

Posted by: Aaron. 15th December 2022, 05:28 AM

Oh wow, that was unbelievable. I’m shook.
They didn’t even think Gabler would get a vote, and that was the problem. They gave the win to the GOAT and it’s been AGES since that has happened.

Still. So disappointing.

Posted by: k👠th 15th December 2022, 06:41 PM

Meh winner. I feel for Cassidy, she really did play and fight hard for her spot. I think the jury just envied her and were smooth talked by Gabler in the end.

The next season preview does look promising actually

Posted by: Aaron. 21st December 2022, 08:26 PM

Very much looking forward to this.

Posted by: k👠th 15th January 2023, 01:30 PM

When does is start?

Feels a bit weird that it's not an all returnee season! Would love to see George and Hayley stick around but I just don't see it if most of the cast is newbies? Can't wait to see Queen Shonee back and eye candy Shaun 🥵🔥

Posted by: Aaron. 15th January 2023, 02:31 PM

January 30th, so just over 2 weeks to go!

Posted by: Aaron. 31st January 2023, 03:00 AM

I just wanted to say thank you to the producers for Jordie, Sam, Shaun and Simon. yes please.

Posted by: Aaron. 8th February 2023, 12:31 AM

This season of Survivor AU is off to a FANTASTIC start. I’m not disappointed with any of the boots so far and the right people seem to be coming into power (George, Shonee).

It looks like a big player is out to go on Sunday. I wish we had 4x a week.

Posted by: k👠th 8th February 2023, 04:26 PM

Loving the Spice Girls aliance wub.gif

Apart from Hayley, Heroes tribe is boring me to death. I can't stand Sam with his forced Australian drawel accent

Posted by: Aaron. 12th February 2023, 05:11 PM

George really is one of the best. That was an AMAZING tribal.

Posted by: Aaron. 14th February 2023, 01:13 AM

Finally the death of the OG Heroes Tribe is upon us!
Hayley’s done a fantastic job managing her threat level.
Honestly I’m selfish for asking, but I’d kill for a tribe of Shonee, George, Hayley, Liz and Nina to really build one of the best alliances ever.

Posted by: k👠th 14th February 2023, 06:48 PM

OK this season is incredible 😍🙉

Loving George and Shonee. Worried for Liz on the other side though after that preview

How Hayley has managed to fly under the radar is crazy

Posted by: Aaron. 19th February 2023, 05:48 PM

This season is so unbelievably good!
Although I really wish Jordie was able to pull in Nina and Hayley.. disappointed in that last Tribal. Hopefully Liz can last and ride the wave. I’m alright with the Heroes losing the next two if George can indeed knock out the other two Heroes.

I really wish Jordie played that idol, could have been a perfect setup.

Posted by: k👠th 20th February 2023, 05:35 PM

Yeah so bummed Jordie never played it! Can't wait to watch Simon's downfall though kink.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 20th February 2023, 10:53 PM

I'm starting to see the beginnings of something good happening.
David, Liz, Nina and Sam potentially linking up with George, Shonee, Gerry and Stevie at Merge could be a good scenario.
A few bottoms of the list I have there however: Gerry, Sam.

I really do hope George tanks the next two challenges and gets Flick and Matt out.
Random Ranking:

01 Shonee - I mean, obviously. She's running this show. Idol finding queen, she also has her own Theme Song in the show now that I absolutely live for.
02 George - I really didn't expect to put him this high this season, but this man is WORKING IT.
03 Liz - Hands down the best newbie this season. Love her drive.
04 Simon - HE IS DELIVERING. I can't stand him, but I love him at the same time. Just a complete OTT Villain. I need him to stick around until at least Merge (maybe not jury tho lol).
05 Stevie - Adore. His confessionals always crack me up.
06 Nina - do something. Decent setup this season with a good potential alliance, but proceeded to deliver absolutely nothing else.
07 Hayley - do something. I mean I like that she's still here, but she's kinda just coasting at the moment. Nothing against her tho.
08 Gerry - Just kinda going with the flow eh.
09 David - Fodder at the moment really.
10 Sam - Fodder at the moment really.
11 Shaun - Fodder at the moment really.
12 Flick - I do not like flick.
13 Matt - I don't think he's had an original thought this entire season.

I can forgive fodder, there is always a lot going on and not everyone can get the limelight. However, there are two I really do not like laugh.gif
I guess this means Sunday's episode is Merge.

Posted by: Aaron. 22nd February 2023, 02:22 AM

Incredible. This season (at least pre-merge) is an absolute masterpiece. Not a dull moment.

I was disappointed we were left out of a Hayley blindside, because that would have been an incredible move. I’m not sure if Liz defecting was the right choice. But at least we know Shonee and George are set up very well on the Heroes tribe.

Liz however has a Majority Alliance on both sides with and Idol. Winner material.

Posted by: k👠th 22nd February 2023, 03:59 PM

LOVING this season so much w00t.gif

Liz killing it now as well. Here's hoping she and George don't clash too much based on that preview drama.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 28th February 2023, 12:07 AM

I mean, that wasn’t the best merge episode I’ve ever seen.. but George said he would get 7 votes and he got those 7 votes.

Posted by: k👠th 28th February 2023, 12:10 PM

Flick FINALLY gone dance.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 1st March 2023, 12:02 AM

Wooooo!! Finally!!
Here’s hoping Nina goes full Sandra, infiltrates this alliance of 7.. but we still somehow end up with a Shonee, Liz, George, Nina and Hayley F5. However, I’m losing faith. Her edit is just so poor.

I would DIE if it was a George/Nina Final 2. She would easily win.

Posted by: k👠th 4th March 2023, 08:33 PM

Watching the new US Survivor 44 while the Australian season is ongoing makes it feels SO underwhelming in comparison. What even was that first tribal?

Posted by: Aaron. 5th March 2023, 10:03 PM

I mean, nothing compares to this season of Survivor Australia. If it keeps going the way it's going, and they give us a deserved winner, this will no doubt go down as one of the best Survivor Seasons ever.

Another incredible episode as well, the opposing alliance basically purging two idols saving nobody and putting Simon back down at the bottom. Amazing.
Sloppy gameplay by Hayley, shockingly. Why would an alliance you have no association to, that were actively trying to get you out, trust you with any kind of information. Unfortunately, she never had the relationship with Shawn or Nina for them to trust her. She's toast when this information gets out, George won't want anything to do with her.

George also needs to take a closer look for his Winner votes, he's likely already lost Flick, Sam and Shawn, however, those votes could open up if he gets rid of Nina and Hayley.

American Survivor: That was an okay premiere episode. I doubt this season is going to get any interest off of me because Australia is so good, and the 45 Season should be going into production soon!*
There were a few I liked upon first view: Carson, Claire, Danny, Frannie, Helen, Matthew, Yam Yam.
That was a very interesting first Tribal Counsel as well, especially getting voted out with only 1 vote and 3 Advantages being played. A bit sloppy. This whole cast seems a bit sloppy (but in a good way). I hope Jamie panic votes her way off this god damn island tho.

*I'm hearing some light names being contacted outside of the Survivor Franchise for this season. I always just assumed they would give us Second Chances 2, Blood VS Water 2, HvV 2 ect. However, they're going after a few Big Brother players.

Posted by: Riser 6th March 2023, 02:32 AM

Season 44's showing *some* promise so far. It's not a carbon copy of the previous season like 42 was, and I agree with the sloppy gameplay, that tribal was oddly refreshing. laugh.gif I love the chess board!! I knew there was going to be some injuries and whatnot but all of that in the first episode? drama.gif

Posted by: k👠th 6th March 2023, 04:46 PM

How am I supposed to function for the rest of the month after that vote-off 😭💔

Posted by: Riser 10th March 2023, 03:59 AM

I'm going to need Carolyn to make it to the finale cheeseblock.png My favorite hot mess since Reem

Posted by: Aaron. 12th March 2023, 10:16 PM

Australian Survivor: Devastating week last week losing Shonee. However, it does complement George's game very well. He now has Liz all to himself.
The Shaun vote off, great stuff.
Tonights episode however, it was tough losing Hayley, but it was a great episode overall. Her downfall this year was her trust levels with everyone weren't as strong as they were with George. He is playing a phenomenal game. I do hope he, Liz and Nina can make it far together.

American Survivor: This is just gonna be a silly ass random season isn't it. There are definately players I do like, but the boot order so far isn't the best. CAROLYN THO YES *.*

Posted by: Aaron. 19th March 2023, 03:39 PM

Survivor Australia: that was probably one of George’s more vulnerable positions and he still didn’t get any votes. Give the king the crown already laugh.gif

Although, he still has a bit left to go. Not sure if getting rid of Simon over Nina was a good idea. Sure, Simon was a Challenge Threat, but you still have Liz and Matt left. Nina potentially could collect the votes needed.

My preference on order:

Winner: George
Runner-Up: Liz
3rd: Nina
4th: Jerry
5th: Matt

Posted by: k👠th 19th March 2023, 06:56 PM

Eeep I'm really hoping Liz gets her ass into gear for these final episodes

Posted by: Aaron. 26th March 2023, 05:57 PM

I can't believe Survivor Australia is wrapping up tomorrow. By far one of their top seasons, and one of the top seasons of Survivor overall!
Honestly I'm looking for a George or Liz win tomorrow. I think I would be okay with a Jerry win, but I don't want Matt getting a single vote.
There are a few votes on the Jury that I'm a little meh on (Flick, Shaun, Sam) I think their three votes could randomly be placed on a sub-par 3rd like Matt or Jerry.
With a Final 3 and only 7 votes, I can't believe it really only take 3 votes to win this season. I think George may have a hard time pulling in a few votes. Cutting Shonee may have hurt him, but he really had no choice.

UGH. Not long to go now.

Posted by: Aaron. 26th March 2023, 05:57 PM

Australian Survivor Final: I've said it once and I'll say it again, one of the best seasons of Survivor in Australia, and definitely one of the top seasons Globally. Shocked especially since last season was a dogs breakfast laugh.gif
I guess the most disappointing part of the final was that it wasn't the 3-hour extravaganza that it deserved. I understand the cautiousness of not wanting to read the votes live, but they could have plopped in a live Reunion for sure. I was also disappointed that we didn't get to see Shonee at ALL during the final (including the vote read!)

I kinda suspected George may end up 4th, he played way too strong of a game to be at the final tribal.
The rest is history really. Matt really fumbled with the inability to articulate a single move he made after Liz claimed the George vote. Gerry it seemed struggled at the social element of the game, which we never really saw playing out.

And Liz pulls off the clean sweep. Very deserved. She was really able to demonstrate how she played the hell out of this game on all tribes. If it wasn't going to be George; I'm glad it was Liz!

Final Ratings:

01 George
02 Liz

03 Simon
04 Shonee

05 Nina
06 Gerry

07 Hayley
08 Matt
09 Sam
10 Shaun

11 Flick

Posted by: k👠th 6th April 2023, 01:22 PM

Loved the Heroes vs Villains season. I was totally expecting Liz to be out 3rd or 4th, so that last minute final 3 and jury member removal twist really helped her I think even if Shonee got removed.

She literally ATE that final tribal 💅💅

Posted by: Aaron. 13th April 2023, 02:25 PM

I have to say, I’m actually enjoying this season of Survivor US.
I detest every single twist and turn, but the PEOPLE this season. Great casting!!

Loving Carrolyn (obv!!), Carson, Frannie (now that she’s free!!) and Yam Yam.

Posted by: k👠th 15th April 2023, 05:26 PM

The cast is great but they are doing way too much (as per usual) with these twists and advantages, and Jeff with his "game is constantly changing, nothing is easy on Survivor" shite. Matt was twist screwed but I'm glad Yam Yam is still there

Posted by: Aaron. 19th April 2023, 06:10 PM

Keith Nale from Survivor: San Juan del Sur and Survivor: Cambodia has passed away.
I loved Keith. RIP Buddy.

Posted by: Riser 20th April 2023, 04:08 AM

I'm so sad to read about Keith </3 Out of all the contestants we've lost so far this one's hit me the hardest, RIP.

I've been okay with most of the twists so far but last week was definitely too much. I did enjoy the frantic search for keys but it's really not fun having half of the tribe be immune at a tribal council. This week's episode was more refreshing at least.

Posted by: k👠th 20th April 2023, 10:17 AM

RIP Keith 💔

I enjoyed this episode! I was dying at Carolyn shrieking in that net with Carson mumbling "You're doing amazing" rotf.gif

+ this:


Posted by: Aaron. 27th April 2023, 03:31 PM

This is now a Carrolyn and Frannie stan account. I’ve really warmed up to this season!

Posted by: Aaron. 10th May 2023, 09:09 PM

Starting next season, each episode will be 90 Minutes.

Posted by: k👠th 11th May 2023, 07:10 PM

I didn't like how Carolyn was being piled on at that tribal (even from Jeff!) I'd be happy with either Carolyn or Yam Yam winning

Posted by: Riser 12th May 2023, 02:54 AM

QUOTE(Aaron. @ May 10 2023, 05:09 PM) *
Starting next season, each episode will be 90 Minutes.
Exciting! I'm optimistic about that, The Challenge has improved with 90-minute episodes and I don't think Survivor will be as prone to dragging things out as much as The Challenge does sometimes.

Carolyn, Yam Yam and Carson are the dream top 3 at this point. I can't see that actually happening but so proud of them making it this far and I'll be happy with any of them winning.

Posted by: Riser 18th May 2023, 04:58 PM

Well that tribal council had me fooled! I'd already gone through a few stages of grief by the time the votes were revealed laugh.gif

Posted by: k👠th 19th May 2023, 06:09 PM

QUOTE(Riser @ May 18 2023, 06:58 PM) *
Well that tribal council had me fooled! I'd already gone through a few stages of grief by the time the votes were revealed laugh.gif

Same laugh.gif

I love how Franny is fangirling Carolyn from the jury bench *.*

Posted by: Aaron. 25th May 2023, 03:08 PM

I ended up really enjoying this season, especially Post Merge.
I was really rooting for a Tika Final 3, I absolutely loved Carolyn, Yam-Yam and Carson together.
Worthy winner, historic winner as well. I was rooting for Carolyn and I’m shocked she didn’t get a single vote, but I’m not upset by any means.

Posted by: k👠th 25th May 2023, 06:58 PM

This was my fave of the 40s seasons but I'm still not a fan of this format and Jeff these days. Too much airtime given to the same repetitive sob stories intended to inspire, the planting of fake idol kits, repetitive challenges that players practice in their backyards, the 3 tribe split

I feel like this season did slightly better at giving an insight into the strategy and alliance dynamics, but even then it was only for Tika (who thankfully were fab and entertaining).

I feel bad for Carolyn. I feel like if she had more confidence and sold herself more at the final tribal she could have got votes. Franny was trying so hard to give her the push she needed 😭

Yam Yam is a deserved winner though and a great player (and person) heart.gif

Love your signature Jordan rotf.gif

Posted by: Riser 26th May 2023, 02:31 AM

The Tika 3 stole the season for me! My winner pick was actually Carson, but I'm not disappointed at all that Yam Yam won, he played a spectacular game.

I'll agree that the sob stories are a bit much and the show needs some new and different puzzles. I enjoyed everything else. I'm so glad Jeff finally got to reveal Jamie's idol being fake, her reaction was everything I hoped for laugh.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 31st May 2023, 05:30 PM

I think this may also be my favourite season in the 40s as well.

Season 40 (All Winners): Eek. Terrible boot order and the ending was completely ruined by COVID.
Season 41: I liked Season 41, especially Erica's win.. but poor editing this season and introduction to all these twists.
Season 42: Another strong winner with Maryanne, however, most of my favourites in this season went right after Jury. I think I prefer this season over 41.
Season 43: lol no.
Season 44: Again, poor Pre-Merge but amazing season in Jury. We are used to the twists at this point so I didn't see this as unfavourable as I did for Season 41/42.

Season 45 is definitely their opportunity to leave things such as Shot In The Dark and Fake Idols in the past. I do however like Knowledge is Power.
My only concern - this is the only season currently filming!!!!
Nothing picked up so far that I've seen for another season of Australian Survivor and South Africa. We do have the UK coming, but I wonder what the hold up is with filming other franchises.. it's not like there's going to be much on TV this fall with the Writers Strike.

Posted by: Aaron. 17th August 2023, 03:05 PM

On one hand, I’m surprised just because some of the seasons were so good!
On the other hand, with the allegations of Sexual Assault last season, probably best we put this on ice for a while.

Posted by: Aaron. 28th September 2023, 01:44 PM


What a hot mess Episode 1 was however WOW.
Hannah. Ugh. I kinda liked how transparent she was with how she was struggling but yeah I won’t support a quitter.
A few standouts: Austin, Emily (HOT MESS EXPRESS), Drew, Katurah, Kaleb, Sabiyah.

The Lulu tribe is a mess laugh.gif

I talk to Lawyers all day long, and I feel they get a bad wrap. I’m so excited to see if they do well!

Posted by: Riser 29th September 2023, 01:46 AM

Nice first episode! They made good use of the 90 minutes and the lack of emotional back stories for each contestant was refreshing. Lulu is my favorite dumpster fire of a tribe ever. Hannah, for what it's worth, had a great exit line as she left. laugh.gif I like Kendra so far too!

Posted by: k👠th 4th October 2023, 04:13 PM

I am living for how unhinged Emily is LMAO

Posted by: Aaron. 12th October 2023, 02:45 PM

I was hoping the Lulu losing streak was over when they won fruit, but I guess not.

Posted by: Riser 26th October 2023, 04:25 AM

A week late but I loved this moment so much.

The pic in the tweet doesn't quite capture it but the expression on Sean's face as he said "No" was perfect <3

Posted by: k👠th 27th October 2023, 03:17 PM

Kendra is giving Noura vibes LOL

The merge is gonna be interesting. I'm not sure if Reba + Emily and Kaleb (?) will do a pagonging of Bello though. The only real threat on Bello is Kellie.

Posted by: Aaron. 2nd November 2023, 02:50 AM

That episode was pure chaos and the best episode this season by far.

Posted by: Aaron. 16th November 2023, 04:06 PM

The Survivor Auction is back baby!!
Loved that twist where they had to earn their cash. Loved the actual Auction twist as well. By far the best twist they’ve done in this new era.

Great episode overall, 2 stellar episodes back to back. The only thing that would make it better is if Bruce would just GO!

Posted by: Riser 17th November 2023, 02:02 AM

Tremendous episode and I enjoyed the auction too! It got too predictable at the end with the person with the most money buying the next item so they wouldn't lose their vote. That was my only complaint.

Tribal was wild, somehow didn't see that coming at all! Kellie was a strong player, but it almost seemed to early to vote her out, although tbf it was only because Bruce had immunity. laugh.gif

Also, Jeff cutting the bag of rice open!!!!!

Posted by: Aaron. 23rd November 2023, 04:14 AM

K they can stop with the twists every episode.
I’m running low on rootable players this season, out of the 8 left I only really like Emily and Jake.
Katurah is just… there sometimes.

Bruce can be next to go, followed by Julie.

Posted by: Aaron. 30th November 2023, 05:36 PM

w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif BRUCE OUT!!!

My preference right now for the end game (still somewhat fluid!):

Winner: Emily
Runner-Up: Jake
3rd: Katurah
4th: Dee
5th: Julie
6th: Austin
7th: Drew

Posted by: Aaron. 14th December 2023, 02:56 AM

Winner: Dee
2nd: Julie
3rd: Jake
4th: Katurah
5th: Austin

That’s my wishes for the final episode. Probably will never happen.
I’m rooting for Dee to win, by quite a bit actually.
I’ve warmed up to Julie a bit more and I think she deserves Final 3.
Jake and Katurah were really a toss up for me, but Jake just edged out. I like Katurah, but she was hardly instrumental in any big game moves. I wanted her to rise like a phoenix after Bruce was gone, but she delivered nothing (game wise).

Posted by: Rizzard 15th December 2023, 03:24 AM

I'm still rooting for Dee and Austin even though Austin squandered the last two tribals, his idol and his amulet. Wonder if anyone would even bother voting him out at this point. I'm just worried Dee's target might be too big to get to final three. I'll root for Jake too if he plays his idol right.

Posted by: k👠th 27th December 2023, 06:25 PM

Mother Dee cheeseblock.png party2.gif

This was a great season (apart from the quits). I was convinced Dee would be out at final 5 - thanks goodness Katura switched her vote or that would have been an underwhelming final 3 without her. Belo were such a train WRECK - Bruce, Jake, Kendra, Katurah - casting did their thing rotf.gif

Surprised Austin got that many votes although Dee didn't have the best final tribal council responses. She straight up offended Bruce LOL

Posted by: Aaron. 22nd January 2024, 11:10 PM

Australian Survivor:

New Cast! The premiere episode has also been moved up a week to Monday Jan 29th!

Posted by: Aaron. 31st January 2024, 12:55 AM

So the first two episodes have aired, with episode 3 tomorrow
I struggled with Episode 1. Felt bloated and so much going on but so much information repeated over and over.
Episode 2 however was great!

I’m liking: Mark, Valeria
Nice to look at: Nathan

I do like Viola, but her and Valeria together is… too much of a target and they’ll probably get separated soon.

Posted by: k👠th 12th February 2024, 06:57 PM

I've caught up and what kind of comedic chaotic trainwreck it's been since the tribe swap. So good to watch though. That vote read from Caroline, I was shook.

One thing that bothered me was Caroline and Kitty changing their pronunciations of Viola's name which felt microaggresive

Rooting for the Russian wolf Valeria

Posted by: Aaron. 14th February 2024, 03:27 PM

This season has been sooooo camp and extra, I'm living!
I however detest all the strong women being voted out. I really liked Frankie, Peta and Viola. Although, Frankie and Peta did play quite poorly.
I can see they are trying to play on the successes of last year, you can basically narrate this entire season to fit in with what happened LAST season.

Just replace George with Faras (or potentially Mark if Faras is out early). Replace Liz with Valeria.
Even the last episode with Sarah felt a bit like when George had the numbers and started socially isolating people and planting seeds (this is not meant to be a criticism - I loved last season!)

Mark and Faras are going to jockey for that lead position.
I love Feras owning the Villian hat. He came to play. He's probably the standout so far this season for me.
Mark as well I see as a strong player, however, I'm surprised his little group turned on him so early. It will be interesting to see if he can play from the bottom.
Alex however is doing an exceptional job playing from the bottom - I'm impressed.

Aileen seems to pop up every once and a while, I like her but need to see more. #IToldYou
Caroline ABSOLUTELY SERVED with that "I've delivered thousands of babies, but I'm ready to deliver my first blindside." MOTHER
Eden I do like, I wish he was working more closely with Mark. I actually think Eden probably has what it takes to outlast Mark and be the strategically dominant male this season (later in the game).
Jaden is just completely useless, I don't even see him getting voted out anytime soon.
Kelli is bonkers, but I'm still not sold so I would be okay if she left soon.
Kirby I adore, I was rooting for her, but completely over-edited. She seems unwilling to compromise, her ego is too big and she's losing steam in my eyes. I wish some of the edit Feras was getting would sprinkle onto Kirby. They seem hellbent this season to make the women look terrible, but the men get a more positive edit.
Valeria is high up on my list as well, I need her to get revenge for Viola. I need blood.

This season so far - FANTASTIC. So meaty. Pre-Merge has been amazing. Very fluid season so far. Loving this!

Posted by: Aaron. 21st February 2024, 03:07 PM

Survivor AU: an interesting week, more of a filler week before Merge with a few twists. Charles’ leaving was an EXCEPTIONALLY good Tribal Counsel. I’m happy Kelli is finally gone, but it happened just as I was warming up to her messiness and becoming anti-Kirby. I also don’t understand why Feras didn’t pull in Kelli, Aileen and Alex with Raymond because he would have had Majority.

Survivor US: Probst confirmed no returning players until at least Season 48 which makes zero sense to me. We need a themed season and that theme should be HvV, Blood v Water, Second Chances ect. Save 50 for another All Stars/Winners Season. But there are too many amazing players that deserve another shot SOON!

Posted by: k👠th 21st February 2024, 03:48 PM

The AU cast is so good this season ! So entertaining. Merge is gonna be spicy I fear!

I kinda felt bad for Charles who got basically twist screwed. But anything to save legend Aileen! I cried when she won that clutch immunity 😭

Posted by: k👠th 26th February 2024, 04:18 PM

This season is giving Gabon levels of mess and entertainment. People are unhinged and I LOVE it. Kitty's 8 figures rant, Caroline's breakdown about not wanting to sleep next to Mark, Kelly's "I'm a PYSCHOLOGIST!", Valeria dragging everyone for filth to their face, Caroline and Valeria fighting over a jacket cheeseblock.png

Posted by: Aaron. 26th February 2024, 11:07 PM

I was disappointed with that Merge episode being ruined by the quitter, but the episode today was right on par!
I agree, I love the messiness. I was also happy that Winna/Winner/Winnr went over Caroline, she is absolutely UNHINGED. I love her and I need her to stay.

Kitty as well, what a serve. Next episode looks like Valeria is on the hot seat but obviously this can shift quickly. But there are a few I need to stay around for the messiness (Caroline, Kitty).

Posted by: Aaron. 1st March 2024, 12:59 AM

Except for on the journey when she folded her arms and told the boys to tell the truth. That was Mom with a Capital M. Probably my favourite moment of the night. Love her already.

Posted by: Aaron. 5th March 2024, 11:34 PM

Australian Survivor: I mean Raymond didn't have to use that Advantage at all. He was in an absolutely fine position and at no risk of going home. I understand wanting to make a Resume-making move, but to start playing Survivor on Day 36 isn't a great look and does nothing for him at all.

Posted by: Riser 8th March 2024, 09:54 PM

Are purple tribes cursed now?? First Tika and now Yanu. Very fun to watch though!

I'm starting to like this cast. Rooting for the yellow tribe, but I'm curious to see what happens between Soda and Venus (plus Hunter's an early fave).

Posted by: Aaron. 12th March 2024, 11:12 PM

Survivor Australia: what a messy week, but I've loved this week and I don't want this season to end!
Alex left at just the right time, not quite sure what got into his head there. He blew up his own game, and the games of a few others.
Obviously now Kirby has her foot on the pedal, I think she's toast the second she loses immunity - but it's been nice seeing her play from a vulnerable place for a change.
I like Caroline's confidence but that was HILARIOUS. That move did not land at all laugh.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 17th March 2024, 09:06 PM

Survivor AU: awe I'm so sad, there are only 2-episodes left!
This season has been a masterpiece, although it wasn't as good as last season, it's high on the Survivor AU list that's for sure.

I'm a bit disappointed Kirby only placed 5th - she deserved higher. She's fodder for the next Returning Season/Spot. A female David really, I think she would probably win her next season.

Of the Final 4 I'm just rooting for Feras to win.
Second I'd place Caroline. She had an incredible pre-Merge but it's been radio silence ever since.
Third I'd put Mark. I like him, but the Resume was never there.
Raymond nope.

Feras needs to play hard at Final 4 (and 3? I'm not clear if it's F2 or F3 this season). I would DIE if Feras was out 4th.

Posted by: k👠th 18th March 2024, 06:59 PM

I kept getting spoilers via the jury villa videos on YouTube cry.gif Rooting for Ferras although his game has been messy, he's had great reads on people, loyal allies, and agency throughout which can't be said for Mark or Caroline. If he doesn't win the final challenge he's definitely out though

Posted by: Aaron. 18th March 2024, 10:16 PM

I was just surprised that Feras had no votes at Final 4??? They were crazy to not just get him out.
But yeah, do or die! I really hope Feras wins, but Mark is playing a reasonably better game in the last few episodes. If Feras is 3rd I’d want Mark to win.

Posted by: Aaron. 19th March 2024, 10:34 PM

cheer.gif cheer.gif FERAS!!
Let's be honest tho that final tribal counsel was abysmal laugh.gif

Caroline trying to claim moves Pre-Jury, and her biggest move Post-Jury was NOT using an idol correctly? laugh.gif
At least Kirby lobed Feras a game-winning question, but, even without that I think he still would have won.


01: Kirby
02: Feras
03: Mark
04: Caroline
05: Kitty
06: Rianna
07: Valeria
08: Alex
09: Raymond
10: Aileen
11: Jaden

Posted by: Riser 19th April 2024, 12:52 AM

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Not Q losing entire control of the game in less than a day! WTF was that

Posted by: Aaron. 19th April 2024, 02:08 PM

Venus gives me anxiety every episode laugh.gif I need her to get to the end!
Not my fav season by any means.. but rooting for Venus and Maria!

Posted by: k👠th 21st April 2024, 10:44 AM

Q is annoying AF

Posted by: k👠th 28th April 2024, 02:23 PM

This season is so messy wtf

Posted by: Aaron. 29th April 2024, 01:44 PM

Yeah I’m having a hard time getting into this season, I’m still rooting for Venus (and actively against Q).
Also RIP to Sonja from Season 1.

Posted by: k👠th 29th April 2024, 02:53 PM

I like Venus but her young age is showing and the cast are clearly not warming to her. Her only shot at winning is with Q in a final 2 at this point.

I hope US Survivor can return to normal at some point. I'm liking the longer episodes but not when screentime is being dominated by loopy, annoying characters like Bhanu and Q

Posted by: Riser 5th May 2024, 01:34 PM

Great blindside by Maria! That Liz meltdown is certainly one of the Survivor moments of all time DeadBanana.gif

Probably rooting for Charlie/Maria now but I would also love the mess of a Liz, Q and Venus final 3.

Posted by: k👠th 5th May 2024, 02:34 PM

I'm finding it hard to root for anybody but this season is really messy and entertaining I'll give it that laugh.gif

Posted by: k👠th 12th May 2024, 10:24 AM

That's the 4th person in a row to go home with an idol in their pocket thinking Q was going to be the vote Selena.png

Posted by: Aaron. 13th May 2024, 08:09 PM

Potentially spoilerish for the next two seasons of Australia and the theme. Just a rumour at this point!
Next season will be Newbies filming starts in June/July followed by a filming of America vs Australia in September . Maybe players we’ve already seen?!

Posted by: k👠th 17th May 2024, 10:05 AM

Immunity Idols officially pointless. Everybody on the jury has gone home with one except for Soda? That's crazy.

Out of whose left I like Kenzie the most. Maria has an idol so she's guaranteed final 4. She better play it tearsmile.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 20th May 2024, 09:14 AM

The idols are SO CURSED this season it's hilarious laugh.gif - this season really does stand out from the rest in the 40s era.. not really in a good way. This likely won't be a top-tier season for me at all.
There are a few I like. Maria. Charlie. But on the other side of things you have Q and Bhanu who I really struggled with that just absorbed so much screen time where people like Ben where you are just like.. HOW ARE YOU STILL HERE?!

Just sloppy editing all over the place. I just glazed through watching this entire season.

My preference at least for now:

Winner: Maria
2nd: Charlie
3rd: Kenzie
4th: Liz
5th: Ben

Maria I've liked from the start and she would be a fantastic winner, but I hate that she brought in Q just as a number. I couldn't stand him.
That would be my ideal boot order for the remainder of the game but I see absolutely no way that Maria/Charlie and Kenzie all make it to the end together. Maria needs to take another shot at Charlie if he doesn't win immunity. I could also see Maria winning F4 Immunity and making Charlie make fire.
I'm fully expecting Ben to be at the end, Potentially Liz as well if the cards fall in the right way. I liked Liz, but it just seemed like she was trying to SURVIVE out there laugh.gif she played a stronger game pre-merge. It will be hard to sell herself to the Jury I find.

Anytime anyone started becoming a threat this season, they went home. Minus Maria. She won at just the right time to keep her safe and she has a great resume to support a win.

Posted by: Aaron. 24th May 2024, 01:45 AM

Great winner, even tho that wasn’t my desired outcome.
I was expecting Charlie to maybe take out the win, but very happy with Kenzie’s win congrats gurl!!!

Via post exit interviews: seems like Maria flip flopped after filming feeling bad for not voting for Charlie. Doesn’t sound like they have any relationship at this point which is disappointing.

Maria is in her villain era, I need her back soon! MVP of the season for me.
Please add Liz to the list of players I detested this season.

Posted by: k👠th 28th May 2024, 06:29 PM

I loved Kenzie so really happy with that. Q arguing with her at final tribal council and she still got his vote laugh.gif I feel bad for Charlie. He was not really convincing enough at the end.

Good season but it was hard to watch at times, Bhanu, Q, Liz's meltdowns and delusional entitlement, and the Ben night terrors

Posted by: Riser 29th May 2024, 02:03 AM

I loved this season! The casting and overall dynamics were brilliant chaos (for me at least). Wild to have not one successful idol play either. That said, pretty disappointed Charlie didn't win although Kenzie was worthy too. Not impressed with Maria's vote in particular, oh well.

Liz helping Kenzie win that challenge though, I loved watching it but fully expecting some rule changes after that!

Posted by: Aaron. 27th June 2024, 12:35 AM


Posted by: Aaron. 29th July 2024, 06:16 PM

RIP Kim.

Posted by: Aaron. 10th September 2024, 04:29 PM

First off, I’m surprised Australian Survivor Season 12 hasn’t started airing. The last two seasons both premiered in August.
Second, Season 13 will apparently be “Australia vs The World” with contestants from Survivor SA, UK and NZ. Only filming over 15-days with a cast of 14.

Posted by: Aaron. 16th September 2024, 11:25 AM

First 6 Names of Australia v The World:

Shonee Bowtell 🇦🇺
George Mladenov 🇦🇺
Kirby Bentley 🇦🇺
Cirie Field 🇺🇸
Tony Vlachos 🇺🇸
Parvati Shallow 🇺🇸

They’re going for the BIG names.

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