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BuzzJack Music Forum _ Television _ The Circle US • Series 4

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 4th May 2022, 10:45 AM

The Circle US is back today! The first four episodes are on Netflix now, with 4 more releasing every week. I haven't actually watched the American series before, but I shall now with the UK series being no more.

Posted by: Aaron. 4th May 2022, 03:17 PM

Last season was completely unwatchable. I don’t have high hopes for this season but if anyone is watching and it turns out to be good let me know!

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 4th May 2022, 08:29 PM

QUOTE(Aaron. @ May 4 2022, 04:17 PM) *
Last season was completely unwatchable. I don’t have high hopes for this season but if anyone is watching and it turns out to be good let me know!

I despised the last series also but the first two episodes are really fun! A really strong likeable cast minus one or two bores. No one completely unlikeable like last series so far.

Posted by: Aaron. 7th May 2022, 01:15 AM

Nope. This is just filled with pseudo-celebrities and social media influencers looking for more followers. This seems to now be the Netflix brand now with the same casting as all their dating shows.

Don’t get me wrong, I know this what social media is now laugh.gif but the casting for UK and the First Season just seemed like competitive people that wanted to win a reality show that just happened to be based around being the most popular player.

They probably should be pulling casting from the millions of baking shows they have, that no doubt would produce a more competitive less cringe tv show.

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 7th May 2022, 03:43 PM

I'm really enjoying it so far! I'm easily annoyed by some OTT Americans, but I'm not feeling that at all so far smile.gif)

It's just a shame that it's tricky to discuss it as everyone will be at different points of the 4 episodes.

Posted by: כן 7th May 2022, 09:03 PM

I feel like Spice Girls fooled enough people as Yu Ling is the last one and she was shocked that Jared was picked by Alyssa. So regardless of who Rachel picked, the mission is successful. I must say it's an exciting twist and they are really good at it. Those Americans are so easy to get fooled. The fact Yu Ling wasn't on a red carpet being the reason to put her in 5th spot in the rankings too. Like come on. "I was just shocked she wasn't". Not everyone who is pretty wants to do it. Frank is giving judgmental and superficial vibes so far and I'm not digging it :')

The show is trash yet for some reason I'm enjoying the season so far. Yu Ling's makeup is sooooo on point each time, holy shit. I just love her vibe too but doubt she'll last too long.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 20th May 2022, 10:18 PM

This series is so much better than the last series and the cast is so much more likeable !

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 20th May 2022, 11:05 PM

Alyssa got done dirty!

I feel like someone boring and like Everaon, Imani or Nathan and then it's like...who gives a f***???

Posted by: כן 21st May 2022, 08:06 AM

The sexism of everyone (including Alyssa!) blaming exclusively Yu Ling for Alyssas elimination because Bru is apparently hot. Bru getting ‘mad’ for Yu Ling calling him out was so funny and ironic. Saving f***ing CAROL of all people, like come on, she was already doomed and you literally broke an alliance too choosing some other bitch that would never ever become an influencer again. How can one be so stupid and not think about it?

They all get annoyed with others saying stuff like ‘it’s all fake bullshit!!1 why are they being so nice??!1’ and then proceed to write ‘aww boo I’m so glad ur here ur amazing’. Like bitch 🥴

Posted by: כן 21st May 2022, 08:08 AM

Imani being there is so underwhelming. Like, bitch, are you trying to compare yourself to the original (fake) Trevor?! Stay at the kids table bitch, you’re not even close :’)

Posted by: troylovesmusic 21st May 2022, 11:13 AM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ May 21 2022, 12:05 AM) *
Alyssa got done dirty!

I feel like someone boring and like Everaon, Imani or Nathan and then it's like...who gives a f***???
Alyssa got her karma for Crissa tbh rolleyes.gif

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 22nd May 2022, 09:21 AM

QUOTE(troylovesmusic @ May 21 2022, 12:13 PM) *
Alyssa got her karma for Crissa tbh rolleyes.gif

Crissa was boring as hell.

Posted by: -Jay- 22nd May 2022, 09:44 AM

Spoilers ahead:

This is the first season of The Circle I’ve ever watched (I didn’t even bother with the UK version) and surprise surprise, it was the fact that two of the Spice Girls were a part of it that got me tuning in. kink.gif I thought they were great, often amusing and I was so happy that their mission was successful.

After they left I decided I’d continue, and I’ve actually been loving it. I’m pleasantly surprised. There’s so many twists! Every time there’s an alert, you just know it’s going to be good laugh.gif

My favourite by far is Yu Ling, and I hope she manages to win. As mentioned previously, I hated that she got so much heat for not saving Alyssa, as if that was apparently her sole responsibility. Bru didn’t either, and yet he got away with actually being the one to seal the deal in sending Alyssa home. Ugh! After that I was quite anti Bru, so it was delicious that he missed out on the final. kink.gif

I loved the portraits task and I’m glad some of them actually used the opportunity to be messy. The portrait of Yu Ling really was nightmarish rotf.gif

As far as cat fishes go, I actually appreciate what Nathan has been doing, because he’s been very strategic and determined. I don’t want him to win, but I think he was needed in this cast. Everyone else who decided to cat fish was/has been a bit boring in attempting it. I’m still not quite over how terribly the one catfishing as Paul was laugh.gif

So hyped for the finale!

Posted by: troylovesmusic 26th May 2022, 06:42 PM

Just watched the final . Very worthy winner they was my favourite all the way through !

Posted by: כן 26th May 2022, 08:50 PM

Underwhelming predictable winner of a mostly underwhelming series (outside of the Spice Girls twist). I'm getting bored and the show isn't even confronting any of the toxic social media aspects anymore (have they ever really tried tho hmm). The only thing they keep saying is that being themselves is the most important thing while making contestants lie to everyone's faces for money. And getting +50k on top of the prize fund as a reward. """Influencers""" being 90% (presumably) of the cast these days is kind of saying everything.

3/10 wouldn't bang x

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 1st June 2022, 11:54 AM

I found Frank very one note, very okay yas mama slay the house down boots Chanel Charli XCX werq - he is a nice person I'm sure but he was so so dull imo.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 1st June 2022, 11:51 PM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ Jun 1 2022, 12:54 PM) *
I found Frank very one note, very okay yas mama slay the house down boots Chanel Charli XCX werq - he is a nice person I'm sure but he was so so dull imo.
For me he was the most entertaining of the series along with Yu Ling . Yes he was a pretty obvious winner but imo he honestly deserved it . It would have been funny to see Trevor win though more money for him and his wife Delisha who won season 2

Posted by: Aaron. 13th June 2022, 01:27 PM

Finally finished this, miles above last season!
Way too short however, I felt this season really picked up momentum with the CHAIN OF SAFETY elimination and Yu Ling finally shaking things up. I felt another few weeks this could have turned out really good.

I was rooting for Yu Ling, I have zero idea how Imani even came 2nd. Frank was an okay winner but had they expanded this season I think he would have been toast in a few weeks.

Posted by: Klaus 13th June 2022, 07:54 PM

I found it quite dull overall sad.gif

I don’t find the US series as good, maybe it’s because it’s too short. Despite it’s length, the blockings feel really spread out as well. I was shocked when they said that Imani and Eversen were the last players, it felt like the series had barely begun. Although I guess at the same time, it felt like they were barely in there and they made zero impact.

I think it lacked diversity in age range too this time. Give me an older mum/dad whose actually playing herself for once.

Yu Ling, Rachel, ‘Nathan’ and Alyssa were my faves - although I did hate how they reacted when ‘Nathan’ revealed himself, felt so toxic and v high school.

Posted by: -Jay- 13th June 2022, 08:41 PM

QUOTE(Klaus @ Jun 13 2022, 08:54 PM) *
Yu Ling, Rachel, ‘Nathan’ and Alyssa were my faves - although I did hate how they reacted when ‘Nathan’ revealed himself, felt so toxic and v high school.

I completely agree! sad.gif I found it so off-putting how incredibly superficial they were during their meeting at the table. Rachel said something like “that guy” in a repulsed tone and Yu Ling mimicked throwing up. Like?? That’s just bullying. Yet when Imani was revealed to be a catfish, all was instantly forgiven and forgotten because he’s iconic and hot (their words).

The finale episode really fell flat for me, and it left a bitter taste, even though I had actually enjoyed the season for the most part. I was also pretty stunned that Imani managed 2nd. Maybe the editing wasn’t as good as it should have been, but I felt like that character had barely made an impact and still felt very much like a newcomer. It didn’t seem to ring true that Imani would end ahead of Yu Ling and Rachel (although after how they behaved, I wasn’t bothered they did worse).

It would have been a much more bland season if Nathan/Alex hadn’t have been stirring things up. Ultimately it created his downfall because he hadn’t focused on creating strong connections, given that everybody else was mostly playing it like they were all the best of friends. There really needed to be at least 2 or 3 others who were doing the same game plan as Nathan, to spice things up.

The fanbase of the show was mostly horrible to Alex on his social media, so many people calling him a bad person. I felt bad for him. It’s a game! They seriously all wanted to watch a show of people only being fake nice to each other? unsure.gif

Posted by: כן 14th June 2022, 06:06 AM

There’s literally no difference between being a catfish and saying fake shit to someone’s face while technically being yourself which every single one of the ‘real’ players did 90% of the time.

Posted by: Aaron. 22nd November 2022, 08:02 PM

New Season coming December 28th, however this lands as if they’re forcing all the players to play as Single.
They really are riding the wave of the LOVE IS BLIND success, I don’t think I’ll be watching this. The previous seasons weren’t that great.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 22nd November 2022, 08:32 PM

If it’s not broke don’t fix it , there’s multiple of love related shows on Netflix alone , The Circle didn’t need to be one also !

Posted by: Klaus 22nd November 2022, 08:58 PM

Yeah the worst part of the Circle is the constant fake flirting and the boyfriend/girlfriend created after one private conversation. I might check out, especially as I’ve not enjoyed the US version as much.

Posted by: Aaron. 9th December 2022, 06:27 PM

Oh HELL No, I’m DEFINITELY not watching now (unless they get Rockstar and her Daughter laugh.gif)
The pool of previous Big Brother contestants is so strong. WHY!

Posted by: Santa Klaus 9th December 2022, 08:00 PM

omg they got the guy that had to drop out of BB24 and was replaced by Joseph because he was already on America’s Got Talent. How many reality TV shows has he applied/been scouted for? 😭 I’m sure this was filmed last year as well.

Posted by: Aaron. 11th January 2023, 11:59 PM

Anyone watching this?
I caught the first 2 episodes and it wasn’t bad. Wasn’t really leaning in any romantic direction yet either. If anyone’s watched and finished and gives it a thumbs up, let me know.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 12th January 2023, 01:05 AM

I’ve been watching I’m currently on around Episode 11 . It’s actually a better series than I thought it was going to be based on when I found out it was going be just singles . Was worried it going to be a more dating concept but it’s same format really with just some people either single or pretending to be single.

Raven along with her interpreter (Paris) , Sam , and Chaz are my favourites and are all very likeable contestants, I’m hoping one of them wins !

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 12th January 2023, 09:35 AM

I'd actually say it's one of the better series! I agree that Sam, Raven and Chaz are all really fun to watch and so likeable. Sam is my absolute fave though, she is hilarious!!

The catfishes have all been so boring imo - Bruno especially must be one of the absolute worst.

Posted by: J❄️hq 12th January 2023, 10:31 AM

I think I've seen seven episodes now (after not bothering with season 4 after the first batch) and going to stick with it, think there are some great personalities in there! Love those mentioned above, also really like Tom and find Marvin quite funny can't wait to see the outcome of Tamira spilling the tea to Raven and Sam!.

Brett is a lot more tolerable on this than he was on Big Brother, and Shooby is so rubbish playing a catfish bless him.

Posted by: Slayer 13th January 2023, 06:45 PM

I've really been enjoying this series!

My favourites are Raven, Jennifer (Brett/Xanthi), Chaz and Sam!

Posted by: Aaron. 15th January 2023, 08:22 PM

I’m now 5 episodes in, but yeah, wow this is really great!
I’m just happy they’re focusing on storylines at this point. Really loving Chaz and Raven. “Jennifer” I agree is great as well. I actually really like everyone so far.

Posted by: T Boy 18th January 2023, 09:20 PM

I’m so glad about the winner of this series.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 19th January 2023, 01:19 PM

I would of been happy with any of the top 3 winning but I’m so happy with who won . Very deserving they was great throughout .

Overall a very enjoyable series !

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 19th January 2023, 01:47 PM

QUOTE(T Boy @ Jan 18 2023, 09:20 PM) *
I’m so glad about the winner of this series.

Same!!! My absolute fave of the series.

I actually really enjoyed this series, I'd go as far to say it's the best series of The Circle Netflix has produced! There wasn't THAT much drama I suppose but the cast were an absolute joy to watch.

Posted by: Slayer 23rd January 2023, 12:34 AM

Really enjoyed this season and very happy with who won!

Still gutted the UK version was axed!

Posted by: spiceboy 24th January 2023, 07:21 PM

I loved that series! Probably my fave after the very first one!

Loved the cast Raven was my ultimate fave but I also loved Chas, Sam, Tom and Jennifer was just brilliant!!!

Really pleased with the winner I cried!

Posted by: Calvin Maxwell 28th January 2023, 05:43 AM

aw shit i actually might need to binge this season if only bc Oliver Twixt was in this season *.* I've been binging his America's Next Top Model interviews for a WHILE NOW! Here's one he had with Amazing Race winner Will:

Posted by: Klaus 25th February 2023, 11:10 AM

OK I did cave in and watch this and I’m very glad I did because I agree that it’s possibly the best of the US seasons. It’s funny that they labelled it Singles because it’s probably the one with the least forced relationships/flirting, I love that the romance essentially caused the downfall of Marvin and Oliver. I think it really helped that they were a lot more genuine, likeable people this season, and less mean girls like Season 4.

I think Brett & Xanthi were perfect to play Jennifer, who became an unexpected highlight. I don’t think the series would have worked as well if they were playing individually as themselves.

I find it fascinating that Shubby was so trying to rally the newbies against the originals, when that was something he was so AGAINST in the first season. I remember that season was so much about all the originals against anything else.

Posted by: Aaron. 7th September 2023, 09:01 PM

Series 6 is in development. Moving forward the show (at least the American one) will be filmed in Atlanta.

Posted by: Aaron. 20th March 2024, 02:12 PM

I completely forgot about this show, the last few seasons have started right around New Years, but, I didn’t miss this?
I’m still surprised this franchise didn’t thrive during COVID.

Posted by: spiceboy 21st March 2024, 06:44 AM

So glad it’s coming back I love this 🥰

Posted by: Slayer 21st March 2024, 09:55 AM

Glad it is coming back! They need to bring back the UK version too!

Posted by: Aaron. 30th May 2024, 05:01 AM

I'm two episodes in and this is yet again god awful laugh.gif
Everyone is all the same age, they're just trying to find fodder for their bigger dating shows, and a few spinoffs that are upcoming.
Diversity is important, but so is diversity of age. There isn't even anyone catfishing as someone older either. Ugh. Not off to a great start.

"Paul" is annoying. Why is she so obsessed with Kyle laugh.gif She's like the Vanjie of The Circle.
Steffi as well, annoying.

The pace on this seems very off. Three episodes in and nothing has really happened? We should have had an elimination already.

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