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BuzzJack Music Forum _ Television _ The Traitors UK • Series 2

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 13th March 2023, 10:04 AM

It’s quite a way off now, but I’m not a massive fan of bumping old threads with news of new series!

Anyway, The Traitors will return on BBC One this year, and the tabloids are currently reporting that Rylan Clark will be hosting an ‘Extra Slice’ style spin-off discussion show.

Posted by: Silas 13th March 2023, 10:05 AM

The applications to take part are available online already if anyone fancies a go

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 19th March 2023, 10:06 PM

QUOTE(Silas @ Mar 13 2023, 10:05 AM) *
The applications to take part are available online already if anyone fancies a go

They actually got many of the first series by scouting them and they didn't fill out an app - Aaron, Alex, Theo, Meryl and I'm sure others have come forward to say so which has put me off applying sadly because what's the point lol

Posted by: Rooney 3rd November 2023, 05:30 PM

We thinking this will come back on the 28th November if following the same format as last year?

Already been renewed for Series 3..

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 24th November 2023, 03:47 PM

Confirmed for January! I would prefer it to be pre-Christmas but alas not.

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 24th November 2023, 05:13 PM

Ugh was really hoping for Christmas period, TV is so awful at that time of year and it was refreshing to have it around that time last year.

Posted by: Jαsє 24th November 2023, 06:52 PM

Gutted about that! Imagine the finale being a huge Christmas day TV event cheeseblock.png

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 24th November 2023, 06:55 PM

I guess they'll have it going on at the same time as The Apprentice then?

Posted by: lewistgreen 26th November 2023, 02:24 PM

First week of January hopefully to bring us out of the Christmas slump. Considering it was on 3 nights a week Tue-Thur and the Apprentice is already scheduled for a 4th Jan start I'm wondering if they'll push it to a Mon-Wed run instead, air it in an 8pm slot or have it run over a longer period of weeks?

Posted by: Rooney 26th November 2023, 08:12 PM

QUOTE(lewistgreen @ Nov 26 2023, 02:24 PM) *
First week of January hopefully to bring us out of the Christmas slump. Considering it was on 3 nights a week Tue-Thur and the Apprentice is already scheduled for a 4th Jan start I'm wondering if they'll push it to a Mon-Wed run instead, air it in an 8pm slot or have it run over a longer period of weeks?

It'll be 9pm surely, big ratings winner. I wonder if they might put in in the Sunday slot and then have it air Sundays and Mondays.

Could they launch it on New Years Day?

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 1st December 2023, 10:02 AM

A spin-off discussion show ‘The Traitors: Uncloaked’ has been confirmed! It’a being hosted by Ed Gamble.

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 5th December 2023, 03:00 PM

Confirmed for January 3rd! That's a Wednesday, and two more new episodes will air on Thursday and Friday that week.

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 12th December 2023, 01:02 PM

The armoury has gone!

Posted by: lewistgreen 3rd January 2024, 01:28 PM

TONIGHT cheeseblock.png

Posted by: ElectroBoy 3rd January 2024, 01:39 PM

So hyped for this series biggrin.gif

Series 1 was so good - can't wait!

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 3rd January 2024, 02:11 PM

So excited! Roll on 9pm.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 3rd January 2024, 09:26 PM

Paul seems like a d!ck early doors biggrin.gif

Posted by: Herbs 3rd January 2024, 09:45 PM

I saw it in the gym and now I want to watch it.

Paul is fit as!

Posted by: ElectroBoy 3rd January 2024, 10:04 PM

Annoying; i thought the cliffhanger would be who was going to be murdered, not who the 4th Traitor is Geri.png

Posted by: Simon. 3rd January 2024, 10:42 PM

Too early to say really but first impression I’m a bit meh with the traitor choices.

Posted by: Linds. 3rd January 2024, 11:26 PM

The first three episodes are on iPlayer, i just wanna know who the 4th traitor is :')

I get so invested in this, ready for it to be my entire personality for the next few weeks laugh.gif

Of course twitter is stanning Diane, her hugging at breakfast comment was very valid in fairness

Posted by: ElectroBoy 4th January 2024, 08:09 AM

I only watched the first ep; so 2 and 3 this evening.

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 4th January 2024, 12:26 PM

Harry is such a boring choice for a traitor, yawning, boring!

Posted by: Linds. 4th January 2024, 01:21 PM

I quite like Harry but he isn't really giving us much yet, I do see potential though. It feels like they want him to be the season 2 Aaron but I don't think we're gonna get that.

This particular group of Traitors doesn't have the same feel last years had, honestly thank god they have Paul as they'd actually be lost without him I reckon, I'm still on the fence on whether I think Miles was the right choice, as much as I know Diane didn't want to do it, it would have been interesting to see her on that side. I'd actually quite like for Ross to be a traitor given recent revelations kink.gif

Posted by: JosephCarey 4th January 2024, 02:08 PM

Guys can we please use spoiler tags for the discussion of the iPlayer eps, not everyone wants to watch ahead of the BBC1 airings (myself included and I've just seen a big spoiler for tonight's ep sad.gif )


Posted by: Linds. 4th January 2024, 03:00 PM

oops I thought that was in episode one, it's difficult for me to tag when I'm on my phone which is why I was trying to be vague

but also, if you haven't seen the episodes that are already out, maybe try and avoid threads that are likely to be discussing them unsure.gif being so constant about tags is just going to put people off posting at all

Posted by: JosephCarey 4th January 2024, 03:10 PM

I don't think it's an unreasonable request to ask for spoilers from episodes that haven't actually aired on the TV yet to be tagged so that those of us who are watching each night (it's not just me) can read comments on the thread without having to worry about being spoiled by those who have chosen to watch ahead. If I hadn't seen episode 1 (moot point as I have), I'd happily be avoiding this thread, it's something I personally do regularly when I've not seen something that's aired. This is a little different (and I've had a couple of people mention it to me, so this isn't just me being anal).

It's such a simple thing, even on phones, and it's courteous to other members. If being courteous is really that offputting to people then I don't know what to say! It's a shame a polite request is being framed as something that might stop people posting.

Posted by: Linds. 4th January 2024, 03:20 PM

Joseph you are being completely anal and unreasonable actually, even more so with that last post.

As I've already said I didn't realise I spoiled anything, it was human error and I explained why that happened. Don't dare try and put that down as a choice "not to be courteous". The only thing putting me off posting in here right now is you. You've not even engaged in any discussion, you only jumped in to give me a slap on the wrist.

I'll just add this thread as another place on this joke of a site to avoid because quite frankly engaging in anything I've found interest in on here seems to be more hassle than it's worth lately.

Posted by: JosephCarey 4th January 2024, 03:28 PM

QUOTE(Linds. @ Jan 4 2024, 03:20 PM) *
Joseph you are being completely anal and unreasonable actually, even more so with that last post.

As I've already said I didn't realise I spoiled anything, it was human error and I explained why that happened. Don't dare try and put that down as a choice "not to be courteous". The only thing putting me off posting in here right now is you. You've not even engaged in any discussion, you only jumped in to give me a slap on the wrist.

I'll just add this thread as another place on this joke of a site to avoid because quite frankly engaging in anything I've found interest in on here seems to be more hassle than it's worth lately.

I don't think you've understood my post properly.

My last post wasn't really responding to the fact you didn't realise you spoiled. That's no problem at all! All you had to do was apologise, we all make mistakes and absolutely no part of my post was condemning that (if I wasn't clear, I apologise).

The part I took issue with was the second part of your post, where you suggested it was on me to avoid spoilers for episodes that hadn't yet aired. It was you who said I was being "so constant about tags" and that it was "just going to put people off posting at all" - why? I've never made anything more than a polite request in here and a couple of other threads to use spoiler tags. It's a really simple thing to do, even on mobile, and I've never posted anything more than a request. Quite where the problem lies here, I'm not sure! I don't have to post my thoughts on anything to justify moderation (for the record, I was only browsing while taking a quick break from completing chart prep, I'll share my thoughts as and when I feel like I want to).

If this is really a reason for you to avoid the site, then so be it, that's your decision, but I truly believe you've taken my polite request the complete wrong way.

Posted by: Linds. 4th January 2024, 03:31 PM

See, more hassle than it's worth.

Posted by: -Jay- 4th January 2024, 04:50 PM

I feel like it's a good idea for this thread to be a "TV pace" discussion, while utilising the spoiler tags for "iPlayer pace" - and that way everybody can still post their thoughts about the show, and read the posts that reflect the pace they're at. Then everyone is happy!

I appreciate that after watching two or three episodes back-to-back it can be difficult to remember which events happened in which episode, and these things happen, no harm intended. We're all here to hopefully enjoy the season and post our thoughts and I'm sure nobody here wants anyone to be put off, but hopefully the spoiler tags suggestion is a good compromise.

This forum is certainly fiddly on a phone, I tend to type this code out from memory:


(rather than try and get it from the "Insert Special Item" drop down).

I'm so pleased this is back! There's already there's so many characters, and I can't wait to get to know them more. Diane is an early favourite for being so suspicious at the earliest opportunity! laugh.gif I feel like a couple of the Traitors, Ash and Paul, are already struggling ever so slightly to keep calm about it and are overcompensating a bit more than would be ideal. I hope they settle into it. I think Paul could ultimately fly under the radar, but Ash seemed so nervous at breakfast.

And the memes! Claudia "It's you" *.*

Posted by: Aaron. 4th January 2024, 04:56 PM

(I think I’m the only Canadian in this topic at the moment, but CRAVE our Streaming Provider does have the first Three Episodes available to watch) could also be an indicator for other countries to check their streaming services as well

Posted by: Liаm 4th January 2024, 05:10 PM

Tbh the whole spoiler tags culture does put me off, it is cumbersome on mobile which obviously is a flaw of the site that’s not anyone’s fault.

It puts me off bothering to post if I’m honest when you can’t even say something fairly small like a return on Eastenders that’s been announced for example, or like sometimes “there’s a shopping task on Big Brother tomorrow” and people jump and say you need spoiler tags like… why are you even on places that shows will be discussed if you’re going to not want to see basically anything about the show? laugh.gif

Posted by: JosephCarey 4th January 2024, 05:15 PM

QUOTE(Liаm @ Jan 4 2024, 05:10 PM) *
Tbh the whole spoiler tags culture does put me off, it is cumbersome on mobile which obviously is a flaw of the site that’s not anyone’s fault.

It puts me off bothering to post if I’m honest when you can’t even say something fairly small like a return on Eastenders that’s been announced for example, or like sometimes “there’s a shopping task on Big Brother tomorrow” and people jump and say you need spoiler tags like… why are you even on places that shows will be discussed if you’re going to not want to see basically anything about the show? laugh.gif

I understand it's a bit fiddly to select the spoiler tags on the "Insert Special Item" menu (would absolutely change that if I could). I personally find the BBCode (as posted by Jay) is quite easy to type though! I think it's a small thing to do so others are able to enjoy a show without any advance knowledge. I have no issues with spoilers being discussed personally, I just don't always want to see them myself as I like to go into shows as blind as possible! You can manage that whilst also coming onto places like this to discuss the episodes you've seen. I really don't believe it's a big request (and it's not just a personal one from me as I've had others complaining about spoilers in various threads that they were hoping to avoid).

If that's too bothersome then I apologise but it feels like a fair way to approach things, no?

Posted by: -Jay- 4th January 2024, 05:18 PM

I really wish the forum could be upgraded, because the spoiler system on other forums I go on are concealed within a box that you can "click to reveal" if you want to read it. It's a lot easier than the blackout thing here, which definitely wasn't designed with phones in mind. kink.gif

A hit post from Rob!

Posted by: HarryBorelli 4th January 2024, 05:32 PM

To live in Traitors season again I feel so blessed and Happy rn cry.gif

Posted by: Ansel 4th January 2024, 10:35 PM

Watching this year for the first time and loving it!

Diane is a bit of an icon with her constant theorising and she's so real for the "why is everyone hugging" thing laugh.gif I find Harry and Paul pretty annoying tbh, both are awful at pretending to be faithfuls but maybe that's just the editing. Harry whispering to himself and licking his lips when he got chosen was just 🤮 Gutted that (idk if this is spoiler tag necessary but doing anyway) Sonja got eliminated bc I honestly stanned her knitting even more than Diane

Posted by: Jade 4th January 2024, 10:41 PM

I'm also watching this for the first time this year! I've had a reality TV void since the latest series of Big Brother U.K. ended laugh.gif

The second episode has now aired on terrestrial TV sooo fully in agreement that Sonja and her snazzy glasses was robbed x

Posted by: Slayer 5th January 2024, 12:04 AM

I’m absolutely loving having this back.

Can I just start off with how hot is Andrew (?) even though he could be my dad laugh.gif Jaz, Paul and Brian are quite nice to look at too.

Episode 3 spoiler:
I cannot believe Paul & Harry are already voting another traitor at the second round table! Hoping Ash stays to see it unfold

Posted by: Rooney 5th January 2024, 12:41 AM

Or to solve everything, there could be a Tratiors Terrestial pace and a Traitors (WITH SPOILERS) thread? The spoiler function is messy and I see both angles, plus would allow for everyone to comment and engage at their own pace without having spoilers.

I've seen all 3 episodes so I'll comment on the episodes themselves in the spoilers. One thing I will say is the pacing this time seems way more slowed down. They've seen the monster hit the show is and taken a leaf out of the Love Island book for example, the ending of episode 3. Plus Claudia breaking the 4th Wall etc. - anyway, I'm looking forward to some of the twists the show throws in later down the line.

Enjoying getting to know all the characters more. I totally see why they went for Ash - she's toast anyway in a few roundtables times, although the Traitors falling out with each other this early in the show could be carnage.

Brian with the iconic meltdown so far, probably ending up getting himself eliminated.

Posted by: JosephCarey 5th January 2024, 12:52 AM

I believe it's only episodes 2 and 3 that have gone onto iPlayer early, it's not happening for the rest of the series, so there wouldn't be a need for a separate thread past tomorrow night! (otherwise a great idea imo)

Anyway, I'm really pleased I'm finding so much enjoyment in this series so far. The cast of series 1 felt like a lightning in a bottle moment, but the series 2 cast are doing a great job so far. The traitors haven't quite grabbed me the way Amanda in particular did last time, but it's early days. Diane is iconic, I'm not sure I'd enjoy her company that much based on what I've seen but she makes excellent TV! Gutted to have lost a couple of potentially great characters already, but I remember at this point in series 1 we hadn't really seen much of people like Hannah who became more prominent later in the series, so it'll be interesting to see who rises up.

Also how did nobody notice Paul's complete lack of poker face right after the traitor selection tearsmile.gif

Posted by: Calum 5th January 2024, 03:28 AM

we can't use spoiler tags on phones, so slippery and fiddly lulu2.png but we can use strikethrough and indents lulu.png

LOVING the series so far. I only watched the first series a few weeks ago and was amazed, god knows why I didn't watch it when it aired. I do feel like production are hoping for a traitor(s) win this series given they've upped the number (and probably will recruit down the line too if/when things get messy), but more traitors also has the potential for it to all fall apart even quicker than it did last time with them turning against one another. Excited to see how it all unfolds laugh.gif

Posted by: ElectroBoy 5th January 2024, 08:21 AM

I've finished 2 and 3 last night... loving Diane and Jonny too.

Paul I've mellowed too as well - He seemed very OTT the first 20 minutes of the first ep and I was getting Traitors OZ series 2 vibes Mel B.png

The Mother/ Son thing was a shock - although they seem fairly good at playing the game and having each other's backs.

Such a cliffhanger as well

Part of me wants Ash to survive, just for the fallout. However she has been a pretty crap Traitor and always unsure and questioning herself. She didn't really defend herself in a great way either

Overall enjoying this series smile.gif

Can't believe we now have to wait until Wednesday!

Posted by: -Jay- 5th January 2024, 12:09 PM

Sonja, gone too soon cry.gif I find it so interesting how herd mentality develops. A couple of people having "facts" about Sonja, and suddenly everyone (who probably didn't have strong feelings about Sonja's chance of being a traitor) then latch onto it and vote for her. I can appreciate it must be difficult to choose somebody when you've spent a little amount of time with a large group of people.

Screamed at Diane's "YES" when Sonja was revealed to be a faithful! laugh.gif She's far too much. Obviously we know she's off base with Anthony, and her reasoning behind it is simply stemming from dislike. The line up happened before the traitors were chosen yet she thinks (her perception of) his behaviour makes him a traitor! laugh.gif

Posted by: HausofKubrick 5th January 2024, 03:07 PM

I have yet to warm to Diane and think a lot of Gay Twitter is desperate to have an icon of Amanda levels to stan and make memes from but so far Diane has just come across as cold and mean (to Anthony on the roundtable). I can't help but think if Anthony went for Diane the way she went for him, he'd be hated by the viewers and demonised but when Diane does it, she's MOTHER!!1 :')

What a great start to the show though and I hear episode 3 is even more shocking so I am HYPED for this evening w00t.gif

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 5th January 2024, 03:15 PM

I completely agree with Bal about Diane, she isn't "mother" she's a mean woman who is coming across as nasty towards Anthony. I think she's likely more of a Karen type figure than anything in real life 🙃

I haven't really warmed to many of the cast yet, but I guess it's early days. A lot of them are just so boring and lack the likeable personalities of the likes of Amanda, Aaron, Hannah, Alyssa, Maddy, Wilf etc. Ash is giving me if Meryl was a Traitor vibes so far and I'm low key here for it, I hope she gets away with it for as long as possible lmao.

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 5th January 2024, 03:20 PM

QUOTE(JosephCarey @ Jan 5 2024, 12:52 AM) *
I believe it's only episodes 2 and 3 that have gone onto iPlayer early, it's not happening for the rest of the series, so there wouldn't be a need for a separate thread past tomorrow night! (otherwise a great idea imo)

Correct, thankfully! laugh.gif

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 5th January 2024, 03:36 PM

Spin-off "visualised podcast" 'The Traitors: Uncloaked' begins tonight after the episode on BBC Two -

Posted by: troylovesmusic 5th January 2024, 03:43 PM

QUOTE(HausofKubrick @ Jan 5 2024, 03:07 PM) *
I have yet to warm to Diane and think a lot of Gay Twitter is desperate to have an icon of Amanda levels to stan and make memes from but so far Diane has just come across as cold and mean (to Anthony on the roundtable). I can't help but think if Anthony went for Diane the way she went for him, he'd be hated by the viewers and demonised but when Diane does it, she's MOTHER!!1 :')

What a great start to the show though and I hear episode 3 is even more shocking so I am HYPED for this evening w00t.gif


Not getting the love for Diane at all . Her weird hatred towards Anthony is quite off putting and if I’m honest she very much gives off a Karen vibe .

Posted by: Rooney 5th January 2024, 04:55 PM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ Jan 5 2024, 03:15 PM) *
I completely agree with Bal about Diane, she isn't "mother" she's a mean woman who is coming across as nasty towards Anthony. I think she's likely more of a Karen type figure than anything in real life 🙃

I haven't really warmed to many of the cast yet, but I guess it's early days. A lot of them are just so boring and lack the likeable personalities of the likes of Amanda, Aaron, Hannah, Alyssa, Maddy, Wilf etc. Ash is giving me if Meryl was a Traitor vibes so far and I'm low key here for it, I hope she gets away with it for as long as possible lmao.

Episode 3 delivers a lot of character building, I'd comfortably say it's the best episode of the 3 so far. The major difference this time round is a few people know a bit more about how the game works and it's part of their strategy to sit back.

Looking forward to the discussion in this thread over the weekend with the LOL moment that happens.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 5th January 2024, 06:08 PM

Aye Episode 3 I would say is where things kick off more...also the round table is all over the place and messy af

Posted by: -Jay- 5th January 2024, 07:42 PM

Personally I'm taking Diane in the spirit of being a character in a really camp/dramatic reality show. I think the second episode's roundtable would have been a bit dry without her totally separate take on things / her reactions.

Clearly her nose was put out of joint by Anthony for whatever reason, and although she's entitled to interpret something he did as being discourteous, it would of course have been more mature of her to go directly to him and talk that one out. Rather than stew on it and let her dislike fester away, and then only let him know her grievances at the roundtable. Like, I get that coming across as being an unlikeable/mean quality - because it is. Just, in the context of this TV show, with them being suspicious and on edge, I think she's standing out so far as somebody with the potential to shake things up rather than go along with the crowd, akin to Maddy last year (even though her personality was very different). So in my book that makes Diane essential, so far!

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 6th January 2024, 12:01 AM

It was a better episode but still no one is really sticking out to me, a lot of booooring people but it's maybe because it's so many? Who knows.

I feel for Ash - I know it's a game blah blah blah, but there was no need for Paul and Harry to vote her at all. Brian was there quivering like a leaf, he was an easy vote for them as traitors - I understood in previous series when they did it, but this time it felt unnecessary imo.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 6th January 2024, 12:30 AM

Yeah I feel like Harry and Paul voting for Ash was a bit uncalled for ? I’m all for The Traitors having to turn on each other at some point but it just felt a bit too soon and also there two votes potentially could be the reason she goes with it being so close in voting between her and Brian .

I kind of hope Ash stays as it would be interesting to see what Harry and Paul would do having voted for her .

Posted by: Calum 6th January 2024, 12:37 AM

Influential voices in the group have raised concerns about Ash potentially being a traitor though (and they aren't exactly wrong either, so...). Besides having a meltdown, there's not really any solid proof for them to go on that Brian is a traitor. Sure, Brian's not building a good case for himself at all but idk why Paul and Harry are being demonised when it makes perfect sense for them to fall in with a good chunk of the votes - whether for a fellow traitor or not - to ensure suspicion isn't cast on them for voting another way. Keeping Brian will help them massively too because if he keeps going the way he is he's always going to be there to shield them until inevitable banishment.

Posted by: HarryBorelli 6th January 2024, 01:08 AM

The way they did the mother/son reveal was spectacular, top tier tv, from the way they did the picture montage over the painting image.

Okay sure did they know Ash was getting a lot of accusations thrown about but they also had the numbers to keep her in so i dont understand the need. However its always a gag when the traitors turn on each other so im here for it all the same.

Im so glad its an ep Wed-Fri now and not bulk put on IPlayer because now i can unmute all things The Traitors on Twitter and be spoiler free anywhere laugh.gif

Posted by: LMFan 6th January 2024, 11:43 AM

I can’t blame Paul and Harry for doing what they did. Ash was being questioned quite heavily and the fact a number of people are right, I’d do the same if I was a traitor.

I have no idea why Brian is reacting the way he is. He is just putting a target in myself and if he doesn’t go he will likely be next.

Diane I am not keen on. If I was in there I don’t think I’d get on with her. She is trying too hard and is not coming across well at all.

Posted by: -Jay- 6th January 2024, 12:06 PM

I mean, I get it. Ash being under suspicion so soon in the process could make her a liability. Harry and Paul, who are proving to be popular and largely unsuspected, being seen as part of the reason why the faithfuls managed to catch a traitor so soon? That could work in their favour.

However I actually hope Ash stays this time, because I’m here for the potential drama of her questioning why they threw her under the bus, and things possibly becoming strained in the traitors camp. If Ash was still suspected at the next round table it would be interesting to see if Harry and Paul relent and cast their suspicions elsewhere, or if they feel it’s best to remain consistent and continue gunning for Ash. Also whether Ash feels spurned to the point of wanting to try and make the faithfuls suspicious of Harry and/or Paul, as payback. Although I don’t think she’d be like that.

It could get messy and delicious!

Also loved the handling of the mother/son reveal. cheeseblock.png

There’s definitely a bit of potential deadwood, but I’m willing to wait and see if they step up. It’s a large cast and only 3 episodes in, so some of them could emerge when the cast thins out. In Series 1, some of the later main players were a bit background to begin with.

Posted by: Slayer 6th January 2024, 12:22 PM

Yeah I don't get the whole 'Mother' BS going on Twitter about Diane, she's just rude. Also, as mentioned earlier if Anthony acted like her he'd be called out and people would be wanting him axed.

However, I can appreciate she is a necessary character and adds to the show.

Posted by: chartdj 6th January 2024, 12:59 PM

Why are the traitors allowed to vote? This is a big advantage because they can direct the result towards a particular faithful, especially in the early part of the show when the vote is split.
The voting should be secret, like nominations in other reality shows, with just the faithfuls participating.

Posted by: spiceboy 6th January 2024, 01:23 PM

QUOTE(chartdj @ Jan 6 2024, 12:59 PM) *
Why are the traitors allowed to vote? This is a big advantage because they can direct the result towards a particular faithful, especially in the early part of the show when the vote is split.
The voting should be secret, like nominations in other reality shows, with just the faithfuls participating.

The show is literally a traitors game, the clue being in the name. It's all about how they control it and if they can do it without being sussed out, makes total sense they get to vote, and as seen, they don't always direct the result towards a particular faithful, their votes were spread about this time, then two targeted a fellow traitor.

I am loving this again, I've watched UK, USA and AUS ones so far (AUS is the BEST for those who want to watch it... utterly BRILLIANT). Honestly cannot wait for the next episode to find out whether Ash goes or not! w00t.gif

Brian's behaviour is so ridiculous lol, like the way he came out with the "i want to start" and instead of targeting someone went into a monologue about being voted the sheep, and brought all attention onto himself idiot! lol

Posted by: ElectroBoy 6th January 2024, 01:30 PM

QUOTE(chartdj @ Jan 6 2024, 12:59 PM) *
Why are the traitors allowed to vote? This is a big advantage because they can direct the result towards a particular faithful, especially in the early part of the show when the vote is split.
The voting should be secret, like nominations in other reality shows, with just the faithfuls participating.

Isn't that the whole point of the show laugh.gif

Posted by: LMFan 10th January 2024, 10:48 PM

Paul is starting to become insufferable to watch. Far too smug.

Posted by: Simon. 10th January 2024, 11:13 PM

I pray Paul’s game comes crashing down eventually.

Posted by: Aaron. 10th January 2024, 11:28 PM

I however do love this era of Streaming. I just watched the entire episode at the same moment it was released in the UK!

Posted by: Slayer 11th January 2024, 12:39 AM

I cannot stand Paul one bit.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 11th January 2024, 08:27 AM

I think Paul's emotional blackmail outburst may be his undoing - I thought I was going to go... thinking his loved ones etc.

Very odd place for the cliffhanger though - however I guess we know Ash is a Traitor and we also know Meg is going to be murdered (as its between her and Paul) - so there isn't really a place where a cliffhanger could've gone.

Traitors wise, Miles is playing the best game as he seems completely off everyone's radar.

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 11th January 2024, 09:29 AM

This cast is just so unbelievably bland or unlikeable, Paul is such an irritant and waaay too arrogant, and it puts me off he's only on the show because he basically begged producers and through connections 🙃. Harry is boring too, Miles is okay I guess.

As for faithfuls, no one is really giving me anything. There's some likeability in people like Zak, Charlotte and Jasmine but no big personalities at all imo. Sticking with Diane isn't mother, she's someone who would complain about the price of lurpak at your local co-op.

The Trust on Netflix does it much better with a stronger cast and more engaging imo

Posted by: Linds. 11th January 2024, 11:57 AM

I'm guessing since we're all watching live now/after airing i can just type tag free?

I'm not a fan of how it's being edited rn, I feel like we're not seeing as much of the likes of Charlotte, Evie, Jaz, Jonny etc who are quieter but I reckon have a lot of potential to be firm fan favourites, the Paul show is very boring unless you want to turn it into a drinking game - "drink any time he says he's the most popular or a big character?" laugh.gif . It seems like a lot of the twists we saw towards the end of the last season have been done so soon here, not that we really want to see the same scenario play out again anyway but the whole Traitors turning on each other thing and Paul pretty much sentencing himself to banishment has happened too early but I also don't like Paul so I'm not mad at that laugh.gif I wish they'd made Ross or Diane a traitor just to see their dynamic with each other, especially as they're both just assuming they're faithful. I actually think Ross could be a great traitor so if there is recruitment I'd hope they'd pick him.

I definitely think they made the wrong call with picking the Traitors this time around, they're 100% going to have to boot Paul and Harry early so Miles can recruit a stronger team if this season is to go anywhere interesting imo.

Posted by: Jαsє 11th January 2024, 02:43 PM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ Jan 11 2024, 09:29 AM) *
Sticking with Diane isn't mother, she's someone who would complain about the price of lurpak at your local co-op.

laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Rooney 11th January 2024, 03:24 PM

QUOTE(Linds. @ Jan 11 2024, 11:57 AM) *
I'm guessing since we're all watching live now/after airing i can just type tag free?

I'm not a fan of how it's being edited rn, I feel like we're not seeing as much of the likes of Charlotte, Evie, Jaz, Jonny etc who are quieter but I reckon have a lot of potential to be firm fan favourites, the Paul show is very boring unless you want to turn it into a drinking game - "drink any time he says he's the most popular or a big character?" laugh.gif . It seems like a lot of the twists we saw towards the end of the last season have been done so soon here, not that we really want to see the same scenario play out again anyway but the whole Traitors turning on each other thing and Paul pretty much sentencing himself to banishment has happened too early but I also don't like Paul so I'm not mad at that laugh.gif I wish they'd made Ross or Diane a traitor just to see their dynamic with each other, especially as they're both just assuming they're faithful. I actually think Ross could be a great traitor so if there is recruitment I'd hope they'd pick him.

I definitely think they made the wrong call with picking the Traitors this time around, they're 100% going to have to boot Paul and Harry early so Miles can recruit a stronger team if this season is to go anywhere interesting imo.

With such a large cast, the edit has to be done in a certain way. I think it’s fine at the moment, they show enough of the characters for their moments in the show.

Personally I disagree with comments about the cast, I find them all likeable and all useless. The Traitors are trying to play a game but their strategy is not working at the moment, they’re over thinking things and it’s why I suspect Paul will be gone in the next few episodes. Plus now we’re going to be in a situation where people who didn’t vote Ash are going to be in the spotlight. All makes for good TV.

I thought episode 4 was great. The tasks this time around have a much bigger impact on the game and they’re well set up.

Posted by: Simon. 11th January 2024, 04:40 PM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ Jan 11 2024, 09:29 AM) *
Sticking with Diane isn't mother, she's someone who would complain about the price of lurpak at your local co-op.

omg this, I'm sick of seeing loveofhuns or hunsnet, whoever that bald one is who runs it claiming she's a gay icon etc, nothing of the sort.

Posted by: Linds. 11th January 2024, 07:08 PM

I think Diane has funny moments, like her in the breakfast room mainly but it does seem like some people just want another Amanda type to stan but she's not like Amanda at all really

I don't think the cast is bad either I just think we're seeing a bit of an imbalance but you're right Rooney, it could just be because of how many of them there are. I think it's too early to pass judgement on the quieter/less seen faithfuls, I'd like to see more of Charlie, Evie and Molly though so we can distinguish them a bit more as they're the ones fading into the background the most I feel - a lot of "omg they're not the same person?!" Tweets going around etc

Meg was great last episode, I'm sad that tonight will be her last night as I think she could have been a favourite further on as well l, just her whole "I have no idea what's happening, I just want my book" vibe is an absolute mood laugh.gif

Posted by: Slayer 11th January 2024, 07:29 PM

I like Ash but my god she is a rubbish Traitor, she could have dropped hints at who the others were...

Posted by: Calum 11th January 2024, 07:59 PM

QUOTE(Slayer @ Jan 11 2024, 07:29 PM) *
I like Ash but my god she is a rubbish Traitor, she could have dropped hints at who the others were...

Unless it's something the producers would allow down the line in future series' for a pissed off traitor to be eliminated and out everyone and them then have to select a brand new group of traitors, I feel like they all must be told prior that they're not allowed to strongly allude to anybody in particular being a traitor if they themselves come under suspicion/are banished?

That cliffhanger was... something laugh.gif Given they all already suspect Ash was a traitor anyway, I don't think things are going to really start ramping up again until someone cracks or they come down heavily on Paul. Harry and Miles are doing a good job of integrating well without being doubted, so I feel like those two recruiting someone else when Paul eventually is ratted out could make for a strong team of traitors.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 11th January 2024, 08:23 PM

QUOTE(Calum @ Jan 11 2024, 07:59 PM) *
Unless it's something the producers would allow down the line in future series' for a pissed off traitor to be eliminated and out everyone and them then have to select a brand new group of traitors, I feel like they all must be told prior that they're not allowed to strongly allude to anybody in particular being a traitor if they themselves come under suspicion/are banished?

They sort of do that with the Traitors oath when they officially meet for the first time

Posted by: Linds. 11th January 2024, 09:29 PM

I think the whole parting gift thing worked last year because it was the final, doing that three episodes in is only going to ruin the game a bit when there's still space for it to run it's own course

Posted by: ElectroBoy 11th January 2024, 09:55 PM

I feel this is going to go Traitors Australia Series 2 with Paul.

Everyone is going to clock on too late and then go one by one - hope i'm wrong though

Posted by: Calum 11th January 2024, 10:03 PM

Anthony and Jaz REALLY need to start making waves and getting people on side re. Paul soon, or they're all just gonna end up wiped out and he's gonna be there until the bitter end. I was so mad that their suspicions basically just got swept aside during that round table because people love him so much and he couldn't possibly be a traitor. They're all going in so heavy based on absolutely nothing right now and it's seeming even worse than the likes of Hannah and Meryl in Series 1 laugh.gif

Glad Harry and Miles are still managing to avoid suspicion clap.gif but I'm very worried Diane's going to end up getting killed off. She was way off with her initial instincts, but I think as the game progresses she's probably one of the likeliest to actually wisen up and have any sort of influence in swaying people.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 11th January 2024, 10:04 PM

Yeah hopefully Jaz and Anthony can team up to take down Paul tomorrow - he is becoming insufferable.

Posted by: Linds. 11th January 2024, 10:12 PM

Absolutely gutted over that banishing, what was that!! They better not add salt to the wound by killing off Charlotte as well cry.gif

Kinda hope they go for Diane just for the Ross reveal, there will be more reaction to her going over Tracey

Posted by: Simon. 12th January 2024, 09:57 AM

If I hear them say Paul’s the most popular or the favourite once more. To say this group will have seen series before, I find it odd they are really letting their friendship with Paul come before even imagining him being a traitor.

Posted by: Rooney 12th January 2024, 10:07 AM

QUOTE(Simon. @ Jan 12 2024, 09:57 AM) *
If I hear them say Paul’s the most popular or the favourite once more. To say this group will have seen series before, I find it odd they are really letting their friendship with Paul come before even imagining him being a traitor.

I think they lose their heads in the situation, while it's a game show, I think it's incredibly difficult to throw people under the bus in the round table. The psychology behind it is fascinating, what's happening with Paul happened a lot in series 1 as well. Personally I think after the Jonny exit, people might become more suspicious of Paul. Anthony is probably going to end up getting banished next mind, the edit of the show gives a lot away.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 12th January 2024, 12:37 PM

QUOTE(Rooney @ Jan 12 2024, 10:07 AM) *
I think they lose their heads in the situation, while it's a game show, I think it's incredibly difficult to throw people under the bus in the round table. The psychology behind it is fascinating, what's happening with Paul happened a lot in series 1 as well. Personally I think after the Jonny exit, people might become more suspicious of Paul. Anthony is probably going to end up getting banished next mind, the edit of the show gives a lot away.

Which again would be very silly cause I feel like it’s quite clear Anthony isn’t a traitor. You simply wouldn’t be so direct and act like Anthony is if you was . It seems like there just voting out people they don’t like or get on with rather than trying to work out who actually is a traitor atm

Posted by: Aaron. 12th January 2024, 02:12 PM

I'm struggling a bit with this season if I'm being honest, however, I'm optimistic it will improve as we trek along.
It does feel a bit bloated at the beginning, I could have sworn last season's cast was smaller (it wasn't) it's hard to believe how much they crank into 10 episodes.

The challenges seem a bit more challenging this year? My fear is they will not want to banish the stronger physical competitors to ensure they keep earning $$$ - which is a fair strategy, but, I don't like any of the strong male physical players this year... so let's dumb down these challenges a bit so we can get the likes of Andrew, Paul, Jaz etc banished.

Diane is far from 'Mother' as well. Ash was a piss poor Traitor and should have gone over Brian.
At this point I think Harry has a very good runway for himself to be a solo Traitor winner. Paul will be gone soon and Miles just screams mid-to-end season banishment. The only thing standing in Harry's way would be needing to recruit at some point.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 12th January 2024, 02:45 PM

QUOTE(Aaron. @ Jan 12 2024, 02:12 PM) *
It does feel a bit bloated at the beginning, I could have sworn last season's cast was smaller (it wasn't)

They did get rid of 2 straight off though and then brought them back in episode 5. So I guess it did have 2 less for the first few eps.

I was looking back on Wiki at Series 1, at this stage last year (episode 5) Tom (The Magician) was banished. Its amazing to think by that point we'd had the meltdown of 'She's not a Traitor, She's my girlfriend', John being horrific when he was put on Trial, particularly to Aaron, Aaron's breakdown when he almost got banished and also by this point no Traitors had been eliminated either.

Fingers crossed Paul goes tonight. I'm hoping that Miles and Harry might see him as a liability if his name keeps on coming up and decide to just oust him as both of them are very much under the radar.

Posted by: Linds. 12th January 2024, 03:02 PM

Paul is very clearly out for himself rather than looking at things from a team perspective (for the Traitors) so the sooner Harry and Miles get rid of him the better.

I really want Jaz to dark horse it and get Paul out, Paul thinking he's safe because Jaz "doesn't have a big following" is a lil insulting, Jaz needs to speak up. The problem with Anthony is that he's incredibly rude when he's talking to people, I feel like he doesn't realise he's doing it but he's constantly interrupting people, cutting them off, shouting over them etc as he thinks he has to be the loudest voice in the room for people to listen. He doesn't even know what the other person is going to say and he's automatically like NONONONONONONO over them laugh.gif He may be on the right path with clocking Paul but he's not going to put his point across in a way that people can get on side with so Jaz is really the only hope there unless someone else realises. I think Jaz is scared to take the lead on anything though in case it gets him killed or banished. He came across well in the last episode too, it was nice to see more of Charlie as well.

Posted by: Rooney 12th January 2024, 04:16 PM

QUOTE(Linds. @ Jan 12 2024, 03:02 PM) *
Paul is very clearly out for himself rather than looking at things from a team perspective (for the Traitors) so the sooner Harry and Miles get rid of him the better.

I really want Jaz to dark horse it and get Paul out, Paul thinking he's safe because Jaz "doesn't have a big following" is a lil insulting, Jaz needs to speak up. The problem with Anthony is that he's incredibly rude when he's talking to people, I feel like he doesn't realise he's doing it but he's constantly interrupting people, cutting them off, shouting over them etc as he thinks he has to be the loudest voice in the room for people to listen. He doesn't even know what the other person is going to say and he's automatically like NONONONONONONO over them laugh.gif He may be on the right path with clocking Paul but he's not going to put his point across in a way that people can get on side with so Jaz is really the only hope there unless someone else realises. I think Jaz is scared to take the lead on anything though in case it gets him killed or banished. He came across well in the last episode too, it was nice to see more of Charlie as well.

Paul has started getting a bad edit. I've watched enough reality TV to know when something is up. He's got so much airtime so early that he's been set up as the panto villain. I think he'll get banished really shortly, then that way someone who has barely been on the show so far will be set up as the new hero/villain. Reckon he goes in episode 6 or 7.

Posted by: Linds. 12th January 2024, 07:32 PM

Yea I agree with that but I think it's time, he's kinda messing up his strategy a bit as well, the dungeon was the start of his downfall. I think Harry could get the hero edit but I also think someone (probably one of the blonde girls) will gain a lot of prominence either as a new traitor or a leader type for the faithfuls, last night's edit would lean towards Charlie or Mollie probs

Posted by: UltraCruelSummer 12th January 2024, 09:42 PM

Jonny 😭 easily one of my faves in there! Mollie is probs the only other faithful I’m really liking atp.

Ik it’s easier as viewers as we know who the traitors are, but I’m side-eye-ing so many of them for not working out it’s Paul. The fact he didn’t go over Meg, who would’ve 100% been banished and such a pointless kill, should be enough to make it obvious but only about three of them seem to have any wits about that! (Not seen tonight’s episode so hopefully more will finally clock on)

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 12th January 2024, 10:40 PM

Yassss get rid of Diane 😍😍😍

Posted by: Linds. 12th January 2024, 10:44 PM

Have they though or is it just a clever edit to make it look like that? I'm kinda living for her dying over "fizzy rosè" if it is her though, seems fitting especially after her saying she shouldn't have any more wine kink.gif

Posted by: troylovesmusic 12th January 2024, 10:51 PM

These people (bar Jaz) really lack brain cells, it was so obvious Anthony was faithful they just voted him out cause they didn’t like the man

With Diane I’m not fussed if she goes but the meltdowns on Wednesday if she really does will be funny to see sleep.gif

Posted by: Linds. 12th January 2024, 11:07 PM

I'm concerned at how quick even Anthony was to drop Paul as a suspect, it seemed like it was v much like "new day new name to bandwagon against" and it was Andrew or Anthony, I won't miss Anthony though tbf so I'm not too mad, I can't at nobody clocking Paul except Jaz still??? Like surely even if you weren't 100% certain the dungeon upped his odds of being a traitor significantly - okay if he was a faithful and they did vote him it's sad to lose a friend or whatever but at least they know they did it off of an informed decision and not just a "feeling" or herd mentality - I'm sure they would have been quick to vote Meg without hesitation had it been the other way around, they pretty much said exactly that so I really can't understand why they're being so blinded by "Evil Van Gogh" as I've seen him referred to laugh.gif

Jaz bringing up Ash's comment about looking in the other direction is so clearly "look at the big personalities rather than the quiet ones" yet they're STILL not getting it 💀

Posted by: Rooney 12th January 2024, 11:32 PM

QUOTE(Linds. @ Jan 12 2024, 11:07 PM) *
I'm concerned at how quick even Anthony was to drop Paul as a suspect, it seemed like it was v much like "new day new name to bandwagon against" and it was Andrew or Anthony, I won't miss Anthony though tbf so I'm not too mad, I can't at nobody clocking Paul except Jaz still??? Like surely even if you weren't 100% certain the dungeon upped his odds of being a traitor significantly - okay if he was a faithful and they did vote him it's sad to lose a friend or whatever but at least they know they did it off of an informed decision and not just a "feeling" or herd mentality - I'm sure they would have been quick to vote Meg without hesitation had it been the other way around, they pretty much said exactly that so I really can't understand why they're being so blinded by "Evil Van Gogh" as I've seen him referred to laugh.gif

Jaz bringing up Ash's comment about looking in the other direction is so clearly "look at the big personalities rather than the quiet ones" yet they're STILL not getting it 💀

I think under those round tables if you're at threat, you go with a name whose also under threat. Anthony doesn't have the numbers to go for Paul.

With the edit being set up tonight, it makes me think Jaz either gets to the final or he causes Paul's downfall. Crazy how good a game Harry is playing, but he's likely to be come undone by Paul. The Faithless are even more useless this series than the last one. And not sure Diane gets murdered either, that Mum/Son stuff has to pay off as well at some point.

Posted by: chartdj 13th January 2024, 12:02 AM

This set of Faithfuls is the thickest ever, at this point I can't rule out they could vote each other off and leave all 3 Traitors unbanished.

Posted by: Calum 13th January 2024, 02:22 AM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ Jan 12 2024, 10:40 PM) *
Yassss get rid of Diane ������

Why lmao? Tonight's episode proved she can be a major asset in the challenges, and unlike all of the rest of them that don't have any brain cells between them, she's probably one of the only people in that group that once the numbers come down a bit could start helping steer things in a good direction for the faithfuls.

That round table tonight... drama.gif Slightly concerned that Paul may have just inadvertently fucked Harry's game up completely now. Praying Jaz was just playing along in that group discussion saying he doesn't think Paul's a traitor and that he'll bring up their private discussion at the next round table and get Paul ousted. But if the full story comes out then that's Harry gone too and we're left with Miles who - going by his behaviour tonight - seems like the more the pressure builds the more he's going to start struggling and cracking before long. I doubt he'll be able to make it to the end and keep up with his own web of lies without stumbling.

Jasmine and Charlotte constantly going back to this excuse of 'on the platform on day one you were acting x way, but now you're acting y way' is so tiresome too, jeez. Of course you're going to be acting differently whether you're a traitor or a faithful.

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 13th January 2024, 12:15 PM

I just find Diane annoying and incredibly overrated on Twitter. I don't really care about challenges tbh lol and it's not like she's a great game player either but then most of them aren't.

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 13th January 2024, 03:20 PM

QUOTE(Linds. @ Jan 12 2024, 10:44 PM) *
Have they though or is it just a clever edit to make it look like that? I'm kinda living for her dying over "fizzy rosè" if it is her though, seems fitting especially after her saying she shouldn't have any more wine kink.gif

Yeah I very much doubt Diane will go, I don't think they'd make it that obvious!

Posted by: Linds. 13th January 2024, 04:20 PM

The only other person with Miles was Mollie right? That would be a random choice if that's the way it goes

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 13th January 2024, 05:32 PM

I'd be here for Millie going too, she's done absolutely nothing

Posted by: Slayer 14th January 2024, 02:10 PM

There are so many pointless contestants this season that bring nothing.

Weird behaviour them all making it out like it not possible Paul is a Traitor, especially when Diane said to Jaz 'so you're going to stop going for Paul now, yes? - good'.

What rude behaviour. I'm not in this weird Diane fan club where she is 'mother'.

Love that Jaz can see clearly who the Traitors are.

Posted by: -Jay- 15th January 2024, 04:36 PM

It is curious how so many of them fall into the trap of "I like this person - so they must be a faithful, they couldn't possibly be a traitor", as well as the opposite "this person's personality/attitude annoys me, this is traitor-like behaviour" and the recent emergence of "this person annoys me, but I don't think they're a traitor - however they're a bad/detrimental faithful". drama.gif

I'm trying my best to not be too annoyed by the faithful players. Given that we as the viewing audience know who the traitors are from the word go, it's maybe too easy for us to feel like the faithful are being incredibly dumb to not see what we see. I suppose when you're a part of the game, it must be difficult to play as a faithful... when for the majority of the time it seems like they can only really go off of perceived personality changes as being potential clues. The biggest clue that landed in their laps was the dungeon situation/Meg being murdered over Paul thing, yet so many of them failed to see what was in front of them. It was so weird that many of them had this train of thought: "If Paul is murdered, it must be Meg who is a traitor" but didn't think "If Meg is murdered, it must be Paul who is a traitor". Like... follow through with your own logic, people! laugh.gif It's kind of fascinating how Paul has cast a spell over many of them (apart from King Jaz *.* ).

On balance it seems to me that this is an easier game to play if you're chosen to be a traitor (so long as you can maintain composure, a good poker face and seemingly be personable enough that almost everyone really likes you).

Also it's not like the faithful players were all super amazing in Series 1. If "parting gift" had never been uttered by a scorned traitor, I guess Hannah wouldn't have ever doubted Wilf. Hannah fully trusted in Wilf until the final moments simply because she liked him. (just putting this in spoiler tags, just in case there's anyone here who started with Series 2 but hasn't seen Series 1).

Posted by: Linds. 15th January 2024, 11:28 PM

It makes it extra bizarre when the whole reason Wilf went as far as he did S1 was because of how popular he was, surely having seen that season and his tactics they'd look for similar things in potential Traitors this time around?

If I was going in there as a faithful my first thought would be they're going to have someone quite confident and outgoing as a traitor but also someone more quiet and reserved as that seems to have been the case for the past two seasons. It's easy to underestimate someone who's quiet which is obviously their thinking this time around to a degree but they're going about it the wrong way. Harry seems to have struck the right balance in a similar way to Amanda and the fact he's putting his all into the challenges as well will go in his favour so he's definitely the strongest of them atm I'd say. Miles adds nothing, he may as well be a faithful still.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 17th January 2024, 06:44 PM

Fingers crossed Paul goes tonight (or at least at some point this week)... Jaz needs to lead a revolution!

Posted by: ElectroBoy 17th January 2024, 09:37 PM

They're talking Miles or Paul...

I hope Paul goes, I can't help but think it will end up being Evie or someone that briefly gets mentioned and everyone jumps on them

Posted by: JosephChalamet 17th January 2024, 10:29 PM

That was one of the best hours of TV I've ever seen, so deliciously camp at every turn cheeseblock.png

Things looked bad for Paul but I worry Miles being exposed will look good for him. Harry is playing a blinder though, he's five steps ahead of Paul and Paul hasn't even realised!

Posted by: ElectroBoy 17th January 2024, 10:54 PM

Yeah I can see Harry cutting Paul sooner rather than later.

He’s already started planting the seeds. Also Harry convincing him to recruit will reflect badly on Paul as it will undo all his work being thought of as a Faithful for getting Miles

Posted by: chartdj 17th January 2024, 11:32 PM

Is Paul the Messiah? I can't believe how he managed to turn the voting away from him, there isn't any logical explanation.
Plus, Miles exposed him with a great speech at the table, basically saying everything that the rules allow to point at Paul (avoiding to say they were both traitors)

Posted by: Linds. 18th January 2024, 12:26 AM

yasss for more Evie, she's clearly got her head screwed on as well, I'm hoping for a Ross or Zack recruit, I'm so here for Harry's play also

Posted by: Rooney 18th January 2024, 12:28 AM

Easily the best episode of the series - that task was genius. Also calling it here - it's being set up for Harry to throw Paul under the bus, probably when the Jaz & Paul conversation comes to light. My guess is they recruit Ross.

Posted by: Slayer 18th January 2024, 12:40 AM

Loved this episode! I’m glad Miles put up a fight, we need Paul out!

I’m liking Harry as a traitor, hopefully he continues dropping comments about Paul.

Posted by: Calum 18th January 2024, 02:40 AM

Harry is playing an incredible game right now cool2.gif I just hope he manages to get Paul out asap (either with Zack as a traitor or continuing to plant more seeds about the traitor-on-traitor war in that round table). Jaz seems to have gone back into the shadows a bit though... what happened to his suspicions about Paul? All of it just needs to come to fruition quickly or I fear Paul's gonna end up with the upper hand at some point and ruining Harry's game.

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 18th January 2024, 09:16 AM

I'm glad everyone is enjoying it but I found it so over hyped laugh.gif Maybe it's just because I can't get into the hype of Diane at all and find Harry unlikeable, I'm not sure what it is, but he just bothers me. I won't deny he's playing a good game though. The funeral thing was a massive lost opportunity for us the viewer to find out the same time who was dead too. I just still firmly believe it's not got anything on UK S1, Australia S1 or both of the US seasons, but I'm clearly in the minority

I found it all fairly predictable with Miles going and now I'm sure they'll recruit a dullard like Andrew with Harry throwing them both under the bus. I am team Faithful I's nice to see people like Evie and Mollie emerge a bit more. I like Charlie too idk why. Paul gives me a visceral ick with his cockiness/facial expressions - I can't stand him 😭.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 18th January 2024, 10:44 AM

It feels odd that this set of Faithful feel more like sheep/ stupid than the first series. Their hit rate is actually higher.

In series 1 they didn't get their 2nd Traitor (Amanda) until Episode 10. Although I guess there were less Traitors last year... and Alex refused to be recruited

Posted by: ElectroBoy 18th January 2024, 11:59 AM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ Jan 18 2024, 09:16 AM) *
I can't get into the hype of Diane at all a

So shall we hold off on getting you the Diane from Traitors starter kit?

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Posted by: Calum 18th January 2024, 10:01 PM

My GOD. That was the most satisfying hour of reality TV ever. I was on edge thinking they were gonna miss it AGAIN and go for Jaz, but THANK FUCK he's finally gone cheer.gif

Harry needs to get right to the end now and win it all, so happy he managed to orchestrate Paul's downfall there. These faithfuls are so bad.

Posted by: Jade 18th January 2024, 10:05 PM

This week has delivered so far *.* was also concerned that the suspicion was shifting too much to Jaz by the end but so happy it was Paul's time to go, smug until the end kink.gif

Posted by: Calum 18th January 2024, 10:22 PM

The way he tried to say that Harry learned how to be a good traitor by watching him, too… mate DeadBanana.gif

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 18th January 2024, 10:25 PM

Aww I was disappointed to see Paul go! He was smug, but I was very impressed how far he got laugh.gif that was mainly down to the uselessness of the Faithful, but still.

Posted by: Ansel 18th January 2024, 10:39 PM

From Ar Di's funeral to the evil finally being defeated this has been a great week laugh.gif way overdue for Paul, obviously it's different as we know who the traitors are but there were so many moments people should've picked up on! Still struggling to warm to Harry tbh (and Zack just seems so slimy but I'd like to see him as a traitor), but as the cast's getting smaller it's been nice seeing some of the quieter characters getting more airtime.

Posted by: Rooney 18th January 2024, 10:40 PM

QUOTE(WhoOdyssey @ Jan 18 2024, 10:25 PM) *
Aww I was disappointed to see Paul go! He was smug, but I was very impressed how far he got laugh.gif that was mainly down to the uselessness of the Faithful, but still.

Yeah the faithless are largely useless, it was the same last series though. Just can't believe how much thr traitors throw each other under the bus, it's glorious.

As much as I disliked Paul, he was a good villain. Just feel he went too far this time, it did look at once stage like Jaz might banish himself though laugh.gif

Posted by: Linds. 18th January 2024, 10:47 PM

Andrew looking like a deer in headlights the entire episode had me creased, the panic well and truly set in laugh.gif

Poor Ross hasn't done himself any favours, I think they set up that last episode for Charlie to go with the whole shield thing like she's not any more hard done by than anyone else who didn't get a shield, it just so happened she was the last to be hit so I'm not gonna be surprised if they murder her - they probably thought oh shit better give the blondes some more air time laugh.gif

I think they should recruit Evie tbh, Zack is so interesting to watch but people constantly misunderstand him and misconstrue what he's trying to say, when you actually listen to him he does speak sense but I feel like he'd be a risky choice to recruit. I don't know if they will add another traitor down the line though, I think Harry would be too worried it backfired.

Charlotte came across as a bit of a bitch with her interaction with Zack but then redeemed herself at the round table, she spoke very well but I'm kinda on the fence on whether I like her or not, I'm glad Paul is gone I was getting sick of listening to him and watching his smug lil arrogant face, the man won 10p on deal or no deal and never got over it I reckon kink.gif

Posted by: HarryBorelli 18th January 2024, 11:07 PM

That Roundtable had me GLUED to the screen. Charlotte I am starting to like more now because she was finally able to expand her knowledge to see that Paul could well be a traitor and tbh most finally was like this. Ross, on the other hand, shot himself in the foot by sticking by Andrew sadly. Harry is playing a blinder of a game, I actually would love it if he wins.

I actually am going to be sad when this series ends again sad.gif

Posted by: Slayer 18th January 2024, 11:33 PM

THANK GOD he is finally gone!

I cannot stand Ross one bit.

I need Harry to win this!

Posted by: ElectroBoy 19th January 2024, 08:26 AM

I was glad that Paul finally got caught out... well more thrown under the bus.

Andrew isn't going to last long as a Traitor, you can tell he isn't comfortable about any of it.

As things stand though I can see Harry winning this solo - no one is even questioning him, or is under any suspicion at all. Despite him doing to Paul, what Paul basically did to Ash and Miles.

Posted by: spiceboy 19th January 2024, 09:14 AM

My goodness that was entertaining TV! From the whole funeral walk to the coffins to the Miles banishment and then Harry turning on Paul, just gripping!

I am so glad Paul has gone could not stand him at all! So cocky and full of himself, he gives me controlling boyfriend vibes where everyone thinks he is lovely but he is different behind the scenes. He played a good game but egged himself on too much, and didn’t think anyone else had any sway in the game other than him. It was hilarious to see his face when Harry went for him at the table. Ross to go next please he irritates me too (like mother like son).

Andrew was hilarious to watch too, a total deer in the headlights throughout the whole thing 😂

I’m down for Harry winning the whole thing tbh after that, Team Harry.

Posted by: Linds. 19th January 2024, 09:19 AM

Posted by: troylovesmusic 19th January 2024, 12:57 PM

The last two episodes definitely elevated the series imo . Such good TV !

I was so convinced even when they went to vote that they were once again going to let Paul slip by and Jaz would go . As much as I was happy to finally see him go Paul did play the part of a TV villain quite well these past couple of weeks .

Harry is playing an amazing game also and definitely deserves to win the money all for himself at this point !

Posted by: Jessie Where 19th January 2024, 04:12 PM

I've only just started watching from the beginning of this series to see what the fuss is about, two episodes in and I am HOOKED. I absolutely love Claudia Winkleman as the host, she's pure high-camp wub.gif

I'll give more thoughts as I go along, I'm not sure I like Diane so far, Paul's a very good actor/game player (and potentially a psychopath laugh.gif ) and Sonja's exit was kinda heartbreaking.

Posted by: chartdj 19th January 2024, 07:12 PM

I don't understand why many people on the web are saying Harry shouldn't have been so accurate against Paul at the Round Table, because giving detailed explanations could move suspicions on him.
Instead, I think It was the right strategy because he had to convince as many Faithfuls as possibile to vote for Paul, it wasn't a sure result, in fact even with that detailed speech, Paul still managed to turn 4 votes to Jaz!

Posted by: spiceboy 19th January 2024, 08:46 PM

QUOTE(Linds. @ Jan 19 2024, 09:19 AM) *

CREASED laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: ElectroBoy 19th January 2024, 10:00 PM

Here for Ross bringing down the Traitors from within biggrin.gif

Posted by: spiceboy 20th January 2024, 10:10 PM

Honestly I don’t understand why Harry went for Ross!? He is so meh.

Posted by: Calum 20th January 2024, 10:54 PM

I think Harry may well have shot himself in the foot a bit going for Ross, because I can see Ross maybe turning against both him and Andrew at some point (particularly Harry after that comment about Diane kink.gif). But I'm praying if Andrew ends up being a pawn for them to throw out they can work together and stay until the end!

Posted by: ElectroBoy 21st January 2024, 01:13 PM

I think Harry is getting a bit overly confident. He gave himself away to Mollie when he said 'she'd be safe' when they were leaving the castle, he then corrected himself by saying 'i hope you will be'

She didn't pick up on it as she is basically blinded by him - but if he carries on like that others will probably suspect.

Jaz picking up on Harry being a Traitor after Paul as well biggrin.gif Literally the only one who has worked things out, but then come the roundtable does nothing!

I'm guessing Jasmine will be an easy pick for the next banishment. Then I can see things going awry in the final 2 eps.

Posted by: Rooney 22nd January 2024, 12:32 AM

I think Harry made the right play with his tactics, but I think there's the wrong people left now. Jaz, Jasmine and Ross will be suspicious when attention is drawn to himself and because Harry has thrown three traitors under the bus, I'm not sure Andrew or Ross fully trusts him, so they'd both throw him under the bus as well.

Posted by: Linds. 22nd January 2024, 01:06 AM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 20 2024, 10:10 PM) *
Honestly I don’t understand why Harry went for Ross!? He is so meh.

Process of elimination really, they had to go with someone that they knew would say yes which in their minds put Mollie and Evie out as potential Traitors, Jas doesn't have enough influence over the group as it stands and his theories change every day making him seem suspicious (apparently) so he's likely to get himself banished, same is Jasmine except she's just rubbing people up the wrong way more than anything and after Charlotte's banishment a lot of eyes are on her. Zack is quite unpredictable and people are often torn over him but I think he could have been as good a choice as Ross really. They want someone who will say yes to the offer but also someone they can throw under the bus that people are already a little bit suspicious of should shit hit the fan. It's gonna be a Harry vs Ross showdown in the end for sure.

Posted by: Calum 24th January 2024, 10:03 PM

That was delicious! Ross planning to bring Harry down and then absolutely squandering it and making Harry’s position in the game even stronger, we love to see it laugh.gif

Poor Andrew looks like he’s at breaking point. Feel like he’s had enough and probably won’t put up a fight for much longer if it’s all getting to him too much (can see him being banished tomorrow night anyway).

Posted by: chartdj 24th January 2024, 11:16 PM

It's obvious now that Harry will win.
It's a bit of an anticlimax this final part of the series, very predictable. Maybe it's true that not all tv shows are completely scripted, because I can't see a script more boring than this finale, with useless Faithfuls like Mollie and Evie who don't have a clue about how to play this game.

Posted by: Slayer 25th January 2024, 12:20 AM

Thank god he’s gone, couldn’t stand him!

I really hope Harry wins!

Posted by: Rooney 25th January 2024, 12:43 AM

Yeah, I can't see past a Harry win now. The only way I think he gets caught is if he gets greedy and votes Andrew out too early at the next banishment. Mollie is playing an absolutely terrible game, but it's going to be hilarious when she finds out she's been hoodwinked.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 25th January 2024, 03:29 PM

Ross was so useless I’m glad he’s gone , Harry played him so effortlessly .

I’m rooting for Harry to take the win he’s deserves it imo .

Posted by: ElectroBoy 25th January 2024, 04:18 PM

I think the heat was already on Ross, so he probably would've been gone regardless of his recruitment.

Harry is a lock for the win though, unless Andrew throws him under the bus or Jaz actually pieces everything together and comes for him. But i'm guessing he'll be murdered tonight.

Jaz Murdered
Jasmine Banished

Then tomorrow Andrew Banished. Leaving Harry, Mollie, Zack and Evie. At which point they'll probably decide to end the game and then Harry wins.

Although I guess something could go wrong like Wilf last year. But I think The Traitors will win this year, once Andrew is found out, they'll think that's all of them gone.

Posted by: Rooney 25th January 2024, 10:15 PM

This could go either way now, at least Jaz notices the possibility of two traitors. If they get Andrew out at the banishment, I don't know how Jaz will go. Clearly Andrew is going under the bus tomorrow from Harry.

Posted by: Linds. 25th January 2024, 10:46 PM

I don't think Evie is useless at all, I think she's just not been given as much screen time but the way she defended herself against Jasmine was brilliant, I'd love for her to win but I'm pretty sure she'll get banished because of Zack's theory and Jasmine being a faithful. They're going to banish anyone they're not confident about so it's definitely going to be her and Andrew, Harry will probably contribute to Banishing Andrew as well, that's always been his plan it's just a matter of when and I think Andrew knows that. The only way the table could turn is if Andrew and Jaz both speak up about Harry and manage to get Evie on side, Mollie is never going to vote Harry that's a given. Jaz could potentially stay but there's been doubt surrounding him before so they may bring that up again. The problem with them voting Harry (if they do) is it might make Jaz and Andrew look like Traitors depending on how confident the others are in Harry's innocence.

I think it's going to be Harry and Mollie standing there at the end, I swear Mollie must have thought she signed up for Love Island instead laugh.gif

Posted by: ElectroBoy 26th January 2024, 12:00 AM

Yeah I can see just Harry and Mollie at the end and him then revealing he’s a Traitor.

Be interesting to see how Jaz goes… but given he hasn’t ever built on his suspicions before I can see Andrew and Evie being banished. Then Mollie and Harry voting out Jaz.

Posted by: Slayer 26th January 2024, 12:06 AM

I’m scared for Harry at the final round table, I feel like Jaz will go for him and Andrew will join in!

I really want Harry to make it to the end and win, he’s been a great Traitor!

Posted by: troylovesmusic 26th January 2024, 12:09 AM

I think Harry might of potentially messed up getting rid of Zach over Jaz . Jaz is the only thing really standing in his way of winning . It would have made more sense to get rid of him rather than Zach who never suspected him and who was actually someone on his side .

Posted by: Rooney 26th January 2024, 12:55 AM

QUOTE(troylovesmusic @ Jan 26 2024, 12:09 AM) *
I think Harry might of potentially messed up getting rid of Zach over Jaz . Jaz is the only thing really standing in his way of winning . It would have made more sense to get rid of him rather than Zach who never suspected him and who was actually someone on his side .

I don't think Jaz has openly said anything about Harry, so Harry won't have a clue that Jaz suspects him. But yeah at this point, Evie seems game to be put up for banishment by logic, but I reckon Harry goes for Andrew.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 26th January 2024, 01:54 AM

QUOTE(Rooney @ Jan 26 2024, 12:55 AM) *
I don't think Jaz has openly said anything about Harry, so Harry won't have a clue that Jaz suspects him. But yeah at this point, Evie seems game to be put up for banishment by logic, but I reckon Harry goes for Andrew.
Still think it was rather silly of him to get rid of Zach though who was one of his strongest allies in there over Jaz especially so close to the end . However I hope he still manages to pull it off but it won’t be as plain sailing.

Posted by: Calum 26th January 2024, 10:38 AM

Dreading tonight, feel like Jaz is going to wait until the very last second to announce his suspicions of Harry when they’re at the fire pit and make everyone doubt themselves. I think there’s too much of a chance he could end up being banished himself if he throws it all out at the round table (which would be good too of course x). Although Evie’s in the firing line now, I think she should be able to hold her own and reason with them for it to tip towards banishing Andrew/Jaz instead. Hopefully… laugh.gif

Posted by: ElectroBoy 26th January 2024, 11:47 AM

QUOTE(Calum @ Jan 26 2024, 10:38 AM) *
Dreading tonight, feel like Jaz is going to wait until the very last second to announce his suspicions of Harry when they’re at the fire pit and make everyone doubt themselves. I think there’s too much of a chance he could end up being banished himself if he throws it all out at the round table (which would be good too of course x). Although Evie’s in the firing line now, I think she should be able to hold her own and reason with them for it to tip towards banishing Andrew/Jaz instead. Hopefully… laugh.gif

I don't know... if its Mollie, Jaz and Harry left in at the end Jaz wont be able to convince Mollie to vote out Harry.

Its probably down to at what point Harry turns on Andrew. If Jaz and Evie are left in together, then I think they could potentially upset Harry's plans. But Jaz vs Harry and his sidekick, he wont get anywhere.

I would love Jaz to finally manage to get a Traitor though - he clocked both Paul and Harry way before anyone else and before Harry chose to throw Paul under the bus. His position in the group is always just lacking though and I don't think there is enough of them left to get rid of Andrew and Harry.

We'll see though; I can't see past Harry and Mollie at the end and then Mollie's ohmy.gif face when she realises Harry has screwed her over

Posted by: Rooney 26th January 2024, 12:04 PM

QUOTE(ElectroBoy @ Jan 26 2024, 11:47 AM) *
I don't know... if its Mollie, Jaz and Harry left in at the end Jaz wont be able to convince Mollie to vote out Harry.

Its probably down to at what point Harry turns on Andrew. If Jaz and Evie are left in together, then I think they could potentially upset Harry's plans. But Jaz vs Harry and his sidekick, he wont get anywhere.

I would love Jaz to finally manage to get a Traitor though - he clocked both Paul and Harry way before anyone else and before Harry chose to throw Paul under the bus. His position in the group is always just lacking though and I don't think there is enough of them left to get rid of Andrew and Harry.

We'll see though; I can't see past Harry and Mollie at the end and then Mollie's ohmy.gif face when she realises Harry has screwed her over

Mollie is going to look like an idiot whatever happens with her blind loyalty to Harry. She's forget she's playing a game. Surely at some point you have to question why you have not been murdered when you're not a candidate to be banished. Harry's played a blinder by keeping her onside with her loyalty. I'll be interested to see how Jaz plays his hand tonight, I reckon he could easily vote out Harry, but it's whether at that point Andrew gets banished or not.

Posted by: Aaron. 26th January 2024, 01:56 PM

Is the last episode tonight?
Definitely not as strong as Season 1, I really don’t care for anyone that’s left really. Harry deserves it I suppose but yes, quite a boring predicable winner if that’s the case.

Posted by: ElectroBoy 26th January 2024, 02:12 PM

QUOTE(Aaron. @ Jan 26 2024, 01:56 PM) *
Is the last episode tonight?

Yup only 5 left now.

I think its been different to the first series. But I still think its been great and addictive tv. Paul dominated things a little too much, but there have been some good moments.

Series 1, it was new and everything was very much unknown. There were so many moments in Series 1 that really propelled it to being must-see-tv basically everything from 'She's not a Traitor, she's my girlfriend!' onwards.

Posted by: Linds. 26th January 2024, 02:23 PM

I think this season has been better actually, I loved season one but the game the Traitors have played this time around has been very entertaining, admittedly it was a bit too Paul heavy in the beginning and took longer to find it's flow I guess but overall it's been great, a twist where the faithfuls win tonight would just be the cherry on top

Posted by: ElectroBoy 26th January 2024, 02:25 PM

The Ratings for this series have been amazing - be interesting to see what the overall ratings are for this evenings final will be. Episode 6 consolidated to 6.5m!

Posted by: Rooney 26th January 2024, 03:00 PM

Last season was brilliant as everything was so unexpected with the contestants. I feel the first series was consistent, whereas the highs and lows of Series 2 have been more jolted. I think this series suffered from the Traitors throwing each under the bus so quickly and also the contestants knowing how the game works. I was expecting a few more twists.. but the episodes have been way better structurally as they've nailed the task element a lot better, either by giving the task a meaning or increasing the budget and excitement with the tasks. The funeral episode was pure gold.

Overall it's just great we have event TV back and you'd expect Series 3/4 to be where the series truly peaks.

Posted by: Anita Hanjaab 26th January 2024, 03:55 PM

I don't want Harry to win. He's just too smarmy, smug and arrogant! But Mollie is absolutely infatuated with him and would never vote him, so he will win easily.

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 26th January 2024, 04:14 PM

Yeah I really don't like Harry either and I think him (& Paul) are just not likeable imo and for me at least, just ruined my overall enjoyment if the series as they were all big characters. Harry doesn't even need this money, posting pics on private jets come on darlin. I hope he gets cut but the new Meryl of the group will ruin it all.

Posted by: Linds. 26th January 2024, 05:25 PM

Yea I've gone off Harry as well, we're seeing a selfish and arrogant side to him now and like Jack says, he needs the money the least, his motivations are just greedy and egotistical imo. He's played a good game so I couldn't argue he didn't deserve the win but I just think it would be quite a sour ending whereas if everyone were to listen to Jaz and hopefully Evie if she backs him then it would be a major win for the underdogs and you know they have good intentions with the money to help their families etc I think for that reason, if a Traitor was to win I'd like it to be Andrew now

Posted by: Calum 26th January 2024, 05:25 PM

This is where sob stories really ruin reality shows lmao. Whether you like a player or not and whether Harry needs the money or not shouldn’t really come into it. Fair enough if some people apply purely for the monetary/prize aspect of it that could help build a better life for themselves, but does that automatically mean people who want to apply because it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity and a lot of fun don’t deserve to win if they’ve played an absolutely incredible game, compared to those with sob stories who have just breezed through with no actual strategy or gameplay going into it?

I don’t think Harry’s going to win tonight, but I’d much rather see him rewarded for being an excellent traitor with consistent strategy and managing to play the game well as opposed to the likes of Mollie who has just become a pawn in someone else’s game and never really played for herself, or Evie who was much the same until her life actually depended on it. laugh.gif

Posted by: Aaron. 26th January 2024, 07:07 PM

Unless this final blows my socks off - I’ll probably go with:

01: Traitors UK1
02: Traitors US1
03: Traitors NZ1
04: Traitors CAN1
05: Traitors UK2
06: Traitors AU2
07: Traitors AU1

US2 Which is airing now might just knock UK1 off the top spot.

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 26th January 2024, 07:09 PM

To be honest, I do think for me it leaves a sour taste in my mouth when someone who comes from riches or a wealthy background wins a show like this. I felt the same about people I loved, Gina for instance I would've felt weird if she won £100k or whatever it is. Not everyone needs to come from poverty but it gives me an ick idc. Like cry me a river you are privileged, the rich always getting what they want is icky but that's just my opinion , I felt the exact same with Brice on The Trust which was way worse as he's a millionaire 🤢

I would also say Jaz and Evie to me are a lot more likeable, Mollie doesnt deserve but oh well neither did Meryl lmao

Posted by: Calum 26th January 2024, 08:37 PM

I guess in this instance it's not being helped either by the person in question being straight, white and male.

But in all seriousness (and with Harry in mind, in particular), it seems like people have jumped on the bandwagon and made their minds up that he is the least deserving because one photo of him leaving a private jet has been posted? It appears - when given context and put into perspective - it really doesn't say anything about his background or wealth at all, it just so happens to be a byproduct of him being romantically involved with somebody who has a famous (if you can still call him that kink.gif) brother. None of us really know whether his circumstances are any better or worse than the others.

Getting the ick myself now at the idea of contestants on reality shows having to meet (or not, rather) some sort of income threshold and be on the breadline to be seen as a viable and likeable competitor, or that these prize funds need to be seen as charity for those at a disadvantage that have had bad things happen to them in life. Should we be resenting people that live comfortable lives who have won the lottery too because their numbers came up by chance?

Posted by: Anita Hanjaab 26th January 2024, 08:47 PM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ Jan 26 2024, 07:09 PM) *
To be honest, I do think for me it leaves a sour taste in my mouth when someone who comes from riches or a wealthy background wins a show like this. I felt the same about people I loved, Gina for instance I would've felt weird if she won £100k or whatever it is. Not everyone needs to come from poverty but it gives me an ick idc. Like cry me a river you are privileged, the rich always getting what they want is icky but that's just my opinion , I felt the exact same with Brice on The Trust which was way worse as he's a millionaire 🤢

I would also say Jaz and Evie to me are a lot more likeable, Mollie doesnt deserve but oh well neither did Meryl lmao

Preach!! It also makes his greed against Andrew even MORE questionable!

Posted by: Linds. 26th January 2024, 09:06 PM

For me it's not so much about his background it's more just his attitude, his race or sexuality isn't even a factor either but I think people like to see representation of themselves on screen so when you see people who are part of the same minority group, have a similar background or struggles in life it's easy to understand why they'd want the money for the reasons they've mentioned as someone in the same shoes would think the same. Most people don't have the same level of privilege Harry seemingly has, he wants to use it for a holiday or a nice meal whereas the others see it more as a need so they can make their lives better. If they win they win though they can do what they like with the money, most of us can only dream of having that amount in our bank accounts.

In saying all this though it doesn't diminish the great game he's played as a traitor and if he wins nobody can say he didn't deserve it, I don't think anyone is implying it should be a contest for the best sob story because that's not what it's about. I love how diverse the cast is but there's a lot of things they don't make a point of sharing, you only find out after the show when they're doing interviews etc (take Charlotte for example).

Posted by: Rooney 26th January 2024, 10:11 PM

That banishment was unbelieveable TV. Well done Harry, played a great game. As much as I wanted Jaz to win, Harry played a blinder and Mollie was dumb as anything, she'd have been a terrible winner like Meryl and Hannah last year were.

Posted by: Calum 26th January 2024, 10:11 PM

cheeseblock.png cheeseblock.png cheeseblock.png

FUCK. I felt so bad for Mollie at the end there, but ooooft what an ending! WD Harry clap.gif

Posted by: Slayer 26th January 2024, 10:15 PM

Yassssss!! So happy that Harry won!

That ending was intense with Mollie wanting to change’

Harry deserved to win, such a great traitor!

Posted by: Jade 26th January 2024, 10:17 PM

What a nail-biting end to the show! I wasn't expecting Mollie to suddenly play such a pivotal part in the drama with her indecisiveness during the final choice. I'm glad that Jaz gave Harry a run for his money when it mattered most even if it didn't quite work out, but ultimately, Harry played a blinder the whole way through - really good job from him.

Posted by: Linds. 26th January 2024, 10:18 PM

Gutted for Evie and Jaz sad.gif

Posted by: Anita Hanjaab 26th January 2024, 11:16 PM

No surprise! She forgot she was playing a game. Harry deserved the win over her 100%!

Posted by: spiceboy 26th January 2024, 11:19 PM

I feel sorry for Jaz but at the same time am SO glad Mollie did not win! She was so stupid right up to the end, I mean it was RIGHT THERE that Jaz was clearly a faithful, why on earth would he continue the game otherwise? She knew at that point Jaz was a faithful but did not have the 100% on Harry but still chose him simply because of her infatuation with him. She deserved to lose.

Posted by: Anita Hanjaab 26th January 2024, 11:21 PM

Exactly!! laugh.gif If he were an imposter, he would have just voted to end the game!!

Posted by: Herbs 26th January 2024, 11:42 PM

Simple answer as to why Mollie wasn’t sure. She thought all the Traitors were gone and thought Jas was wrong

Posted by: Linds. 27th January 2024, 12:04 AM

If that was the case she would have said that before showing her board, she definitely didn't think her decision through despite changing her board and went solely on trusting what harry was saying, she should have known better so I'm glad she didn't win but I still wish one of the other three banished faithfuls won instead

Posted by: Anita Hanjaab 27th January 2024, 12:22 AM

QUOTE(Herbs @ Jan 26 2024, 11:42 PM) *
Simple answer as to why Mollie wasn’t sure. She thought all the Traitors were gone and thought Jas was wrong

Sure, but she knows Jaz is safe by now. She can promise Harry half of her money, and get Jaz to commit to half of his, if they're wrong,.sns votr him out. That would sort it.

Posted by: Slayer 27th January 2024, 12:26 AM

View this post on Instagram

Posted by: lewistgreen 27th January 2024, 09:53 AM

The first hour of Claudia's show on Radio 2 from 10am today will focus on the show, final and participants.

Posted by: troylovesmusic 27th January 2024, 11:30 AM

Harry played an amazing game and definitely deserved to win . The only faithful I would have been ok to see win would have been Jaz !

Posted by: LMFan 27th January 2024, 12:43 PM

Well done to Harry. He played an absolute blinder of a game which must have been such a challenge at times. He seems like such a decent guy too. This had to be one of my favourite shows, Claudia is just outstanding at hosting it

Posted by: Jαsє 27th January 2024, 08:34 PM

That dramatic ending was CINEMA laugh.gif

Harry played it brilliantly so kudos to him!

I've already got post Traitor blues sad.gif What an amazing show.

Posted by: Jαsє 27th January 2024, 09:23 PM

Love it! laugh.gif

Posted by: JosephChalamet 27th January 2024, 09:37 PM

A phenomenal finale, one of the most riveting hours (and a bit) of reality TV I've ever seen. Harry played a blinder, he truly deserved that win. In the long run it may have been obvious but I did momentarily think Jaz voting to banish again MAY have been the end of Harry, especially with Mollie dithering so much! I felt a bit bad for Mollie but it was her own doing, the clues were right in front of her.

Another brilliant series, I think the first series had a certain magic that can never quite be recreated, but I didn't expect series 2 to match that and it's still been hugely enjoyable regardless. What a show!

Posted by: ElectroBoy 6th February 2024, 01:53 PM

Crazy ratings for a relatively new reality tv show - final ep with over 8m as well!

Posted by: Scene 6th February 2024, 02:09 PM

Both UK series have been top class. I agree with Joseph how the first series cannot be recreated. As the series go on, the contestants will become more and more clued up with the game so it will be interesting to see how the gameplay evolves.

Great how the ratings improved as the series went on. I think series 3 will be ENORMOUS!!

Posted by: Aaron. 6th February 2024, 05:20 PM

Those ratings are massive - wow!
It will be interesting to see if they can navigate this show as 2x a year without over-saturating the market. Having 11 Months between seasons probably won’t last (likely true for the US Version as calls for Season 3 are going out).

Posted by: Slayer 6th February 2024, 07:35 PM

Wow, what incredible ratings!

Posted by: Rooney 6th February 2024, 08:18 PM

Those are huge ratings! What a success. I don't think two series a year will work - the only way I could see it working is a celebrity version, but even then, not sure it would be the same if it's done in a comedy vein.

I think there's an argument to say could you make the format longer, e.g. 15 episodes. I wonder if the BBC might launch the show on NYD 2025 and plug the finale on a Sunday like it used to do with The Apprentice and make it proper event TV. Another danger is, I wonder how many other channels or services want a piece of it ala Bake Off? Difference here is I'd love to see the demographics breakdown as I suspect it does great with the 18-35 demographic.

Posted by: JosephBoone 6th February 2024, 08:25 PM

I'm perfectly happy with one series a year, I don't think more than one ever really works (even if it's one civilian and one celeb). You can have too much of a good thing and it'll burn the format out faster.

Posted by: Jessie Where 8th February 2024, 10:00 AM

I finally finished this the other day, I can't say Harry didn't deserve it as he played an absolute blinder! I think he's actually a likeable guy, although Andrew was perhaps my favourite. He's really lovely and genuine. We and he knew he never stood a chance, bless him.

My heart kind of broke for Mollie when she voted for Jaz, but at the same time I was like HOW DUMB ARE YOU FFS!

Time to start the first series...

Posted by: WhoOdyssey 11th March 2024, 08:13 PM

This looks great laugh.gif

Posted by: ElectroBoy 18th April 2024, 04:46 PM

Celeb version incoming in 2025

I'm guessing like Race Across the World will mean 2 series in a year

Posted by: Hassaan 7th June 2024, 03:07 PM

This is so baffling:

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 7th June 2024, 05:07 PM

I knew Harry was gross.

Conor Maynard has always given ugly loser vibes. Poor Charlotte.

Posted by: Calum 7th June 2024, 05:20 PM

Harry is gross because of something his girlfriend's brother has done lol? unsure.gif

Posted by: ElectroBoy 7th June 2024, 06:19 PM

Aaron who won the 1st Series is set to appear on the next series of Love Island US

Posted by: spiceboy 7th June 2024, 06:51 PM

He was also on that First Dates... guess it didn't work out then lol

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