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BuzzJack Music Forum _ Movies and Theatre _ COMPLETE: Tafty's Movies of 2023 • COUNTDOWN

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 9th January 2024, 02:03 AM

Finally seen most of the movies I wanted to see. There are currently 105 movies that had a UK Release Date in 2023.

I will be starting this countdown, hopefully tomorrow night. But yeah. What will be victorious? Thanks to my impatient ass last year and watching a couple of movies thinking they weren't getting a UK release and including them in last years countdown, I will be including them in this years due to them getting official theatrical releases over here... eventually! Plus, I actually rewatched them on the big screen and one in particular I had to bump up because it is just TOO DAMN CUTE AND ADORABLE!!!!

Another spoiler: Horror had an outstanding year this year for me! Infact, I think 'Scream V' may have been *only* top 20 this year.........

My previous EOY top 5's:

01. NOPE ★★★★★
02. FLEE ★★★★★
03. Everything Everywhere All At Once ★★★★1/2
04. The Banshees of Inisherin ★★★★1/2
05. Scream V ★★★★

01. Spider-Man: No Way Home ★★★★★
02. The Father ★★★★★
03. In The Heights ★★★★
04. Promising Young Woman ★★★★
05. tick.. tick.. BOOM! ★★★★

01. Jojo Rabbit ★★★★1/2
02. Parasite ★★★★1/2
03. The Invisible Man ★★★★1/2
04. 1917 ★★★★
05. Soul ★★★★

01. Avengers: Endgame ★★★★★
02. The Joker ★★★★1/2
03. Captain Marvel ★★★★
04. Knives Out ★★★★
05. US ★★★★

01. Avengers: Infinity War ★★★★★
02. Crazy Rich Asians ★★★★★
03. Love Simon ★★★★1/2
04. A Quiet Place ★★★★
05. Coco ★★★★

01. La La Land ★★★★★
02. The Greatest Showman ★★★★★
03. Thor: Ragnarok ★★★★1/2
04. Spider-Man: Homecoming ★★★★
05. Split ★★★★

Posted by: Josh! 9th January 2024, 09:45 AM

Intrigued to see if Marcell & Pearl make it then! I’m an Impatient ass too xx

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 9th January 2024, 07:17 PM


Score out of 5: 1/2

[UK Release Date: N/A]

This was absolutey dire. Not only the worst movie this year that I have seen, but one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

Stick with Doja Cat’s (incredible) new video for her song ‘Demons’ instead.



Score out of 5: 1/2

[UK Release Date: 6th October]

The original The Exorcist is the only movie I have ever lost sleep over. It terrified 12 year old me bad and I still can’t view pictures of posessed Regan for that reason.

This sequel tried to do what Halloween (2018) did and retcon everything in between to do with that movie. But it failed. Spectacularly. This was horrendously boring and whiney! Some of those scenes where the cast had to deliver more than 2 lines just went on and on and on and on… particularly the scenes with Ellen Burstyn! The screenplay and writing is appalling. I will say one good thing though and that’s Leslie Odom Jr. continues to be as wholesome as ever.

Between this and the recent 2 Halloween sequels, David Gordon-Green should be blacklisted from ever making a horror movie, ever again. He got lucky with Halloween (2018) and he’s been given a few chances now to know that he should not be touching classic horror properties, let alone horror movies in general, EVER again.



Score out of 5: ★

[UK Release Date: 26th December]

Might just be one of the blandest, boring and monotonous movies I have seen in a long, long time. Just absolute drivel. So essentially Adam Driver in movie form.

Penélope Cruz was absolutely the highlight who gave her absolute best with the utter crock of shit she was given. Gabriel Leone was the other highlight for me.

Apart from that one scene (you’ll know which one if you are ever unfortunate enough to watch this) this was a complete waste of time tbh. Booooooorrrriiiinnnnnnggggg.



Score out of 5: ★

[UK Release Date: 2nd June]

Really thought this was DIRE. I’m sorry.

I don’t mind generic movies, I tolerate them more than most I think, but this just took the piss tbh. Came out of it feeling empty and like the last 90 mins just didn’t happen at all.

No effective scares. No tense build up moments. Bland creature design. Horribly generic therapist father tried to do best by his daughters because their mum just died plot point. Just bad tropes overall. The pacing was horrendous too. A MESS.

For something that left me feeling so meh, I’ve definitely rambled on. It’s probably not “tHe wOrSt mOvIe eVeR” but I’d rather watch a film and hate it than come out of it feeling nothing.

Reminded me of those straight to DVD - possibly written by an AI - movies that would come out the same week as a big Hollywood blockbuster with a similar name to capitalise on that. I’d probably call this A Light Place or something.

Yeah. Just didn’t like it I’m afraid.



Score out of 5: ★1/2

[UK Release Date: 18th August]

Went into this wonderfully optimistic and actually hopeful that this was going to be a bit of a gem and a nice movie for the DCCU.

But somehow I came out of this the worst I’ve felt about a movie in the cinema in a long time. It was a mix of emotions for me and that I think I was a bit *too* hopeful about this going to be a fun, nice little superhero movie that would actually be pretty entertaining.

Nope. Got a “Some of the MCU Greatest Moments” but told in the style of an SNL produced movie made for CW. Like it felt like the most generic, superhero movie ever made - and almost like a pisstake kinda in the style of Superhero Movie. Generic plot-points and story beats. Terrible writing etc..

We also got to learn absolutely NOTHING about the main lead? Why should we care for him? His relationship seemed forced. His family had far too much involvement in everything. The uncle was irritating, the granny didn’t feel as wholesome as she should and the scenes she had holding that blaster thing was so cringe! The villain is horrendously cheap and Susan Sarandon was dreadful. Also AGAIN with Warner Bros writing… this only furthered my theory that Warner are using AI for their Superhero movies…

A couple of things I did like. I liked the mum (Elpidia Carrillo) she was so warm and sweet. The real heart of the family and for the most part I thought the VFX were well done.

But everything else… maybe I set it up TOO much for myself but I just ended up feeling completely EMPTY and actually gutted about this.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 9th January 2024, 07:47 PM


Score out of 5: ★1/2

[UK Release Date: 22nd December]

At least I don’t have to sit through anymore of this absolute garbage.

The only thing I liked was Patrick Wilson. Everything else can get flushed away with the rest of the DCEUz

I really can’t wait for James Gunn’s era. This script is truly one of the worst for a superhero movie. The action sequences were abhorrent. The underwater stuff was dire.

At least there was a silver lining that there will be no more of this particular universe. Flush.



Score out of 5: ★1/2

[UK Release Date: 19th May]

FasTEN Your Seatbelts is what this one should’ve been named.

Absolutely DIRE. It’s saved by Jason Momoa’s gloriously OTT and camp af villain though. The most I’ve enjoyed a role of his tbh. But everything else? Jfc. Literal eye roll and facepalm moments, not just once or twice, the entire movie.

I can’t tell if it’s just a soap opera or a really bad, SNL piss take movie… it’s just lost everything that made instalments 4-6/7 so good & enjoyable and gone for ridiculousness OTT action over, “yeah it’s still a bit silly but I wouldn’t be surprised if it did happen” kind of action.

Everyone just seemed to be fighting everybody and then teaming up with them right after lmao.

There’s a scene that was outstanding though. It involves Vin Diesel and a crane. Magical. Chef’s kiss. Greatest scene of all time. Crying. Shaking.

This is just as stupid, convenient and as ridiculous as you’d expect. You’re either on board with it’s craziness at this point or you’re not. I’ll ride this out until the end (hopefully it ends!!!) but I can’t even ironically like them anymore.

Not them bringing everyone back from the dead too LMAOOOOOO! Also the post credits sequence… stupid. Funny how everyone comes crawling back to things after a box office bomb.



Score out of 5: ★1/2

[UK Release Date: 3rd August]

The last 20-30 mins of this movie is exactly the kind of stupid, ott nonsense I wanted from a movie about a huge shark On a mission to cause havoc and eat people etc..

Everything up to that part was really boring, generic human stuff. If the antagonist is going to be a shark (or dinosaurs *cough*Jurassic World*cough*), I don’t want the bulk of that movie to be human conflict with little to no monster stuff.

Cringe script and one-liners and just really boring until the last 20-30 mins (to which point I don’t care as much as I should). I liked Wu Jing & Shuya Sophia Cai as they brought heart to the movie but couldn’t care leas about anyone else.

Just bullshit. And yes that is with a “b”, Statham.



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 10th March]

Not *quite* as awful as some may have you believe, but this was frustratingly underbaked.

It’s so good seeing a dinosaur movie again, where the dinosaurs are the threat. Some of those moments were solid. But the screenplay and lack of story is what ultimately lets this glorified B-Movie down.

We needed a kill count. We needed more characters to kill off. Adam Driver and the little girl was not enough of a story for a survival movie. It was all wafer thin.

Wasted potential.



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 15th June]

I would really, really like to write that I think this would have been a better movie had it been someone else in the lead role but honestly, I don’t think that is the case. It’s just a generic, AI-ified multi-verse mess.

Is Barry Allen meant to be as annoying as they portray him to be? First they were incredibly annoying as him in Justice League (both versions) and now this… I assumed he was meant to be this nerdy, likeable and awkward guy? Maybe I’m wrong idk.

Even the “big” multiverse cameos were so… lacklustre and underwhelming. Ngl I don’t have the same sentimental or nostalgic attachment to the cameos we did get, but I thought I’d be able to appreciate them. But they just get incredibly contrived and forced into the story… the main plot of the story takes a huge back burner too.

Warner Bros really need to hire better writers. I’m intrigued for the future of the DCEU as I am hoping James can make me care about the characters. I just really couldn’t care less about any of them and then the post credits sequence… wtf was that stupid shit? Ugh.

Oh and CGI is somehow getting worse and worse with big budget movies. Wtf is happening?

I would honestly rather watch Shazam 2 again - at least I got a couple of belly laughs.



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 15th September]

A Haunting In Venizzzzzzzz

Bland. Boring. Repetitive. Unoriginal. Annoying jump scares. Tiresome. Just wanted it to end at various points tbh. The cast were good in their roles but they were either underutilised (Jamie and erm… HELLO??? YOU HAVE THEE Michelle Yeoh!) or just poorly written.

I’ll stick with the Knives Out movies I think.



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 17th November]

I thought this would be a bit more tongue-in-cheek and fun than it ended up being. Ah well. Just a generic take on the Nativity story with contemporary pop/rock-lite songs.

Idk… it would have been more fun had it taken itself less seriously and a few of the songs did have a tendency to just drone on and drag.

At least some songs SLAPPED though. In My Blood especially. Joel Smallbone put his ALL into that!! Also Antonio Banderas Muse-lite rock banger Good To Be King… incred. Mary’s Getting Married… a BOP!!



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 4th August]

I only bothered with this for one reason and for one reason alone. If I was basing my review on that reason, it would be 5 stars because Mercedes Varnado absolutely NAILED IT. She was “devilishly evil” and “wonderfully nasty” as one reviewer put it.

Nikita was by far the most compelling and interesting character. Her action scenes & sequences were great. Her character was the most feared by far “was that the knife girl?…oh Shit!” But my favourite moment was “Have fun bleeding out. Asshole!”

As for the movie itself… it’s fun but incredibly generic, cheap and pretty basic. But in terms of it being a “straight to DVD/streaming” movie, it’s enjoyable enough. Will probably watch again at some point (deciding whether to watch tomorrow just to get my 2 days rent out of it aha).

But yeah, it’s generic and cheap but fun and enjoyable for what it is. Mercedes Varnado was the big star in this and for her feature film debut, it was a great role!

Give me the Nikita spin-off ASAP!



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 30th August]

Just so plain, boring and generic. It missed the charm of the first two Equalizer movies for me. Through no fault of Denzel who perfectly encapsulates his character, again. The absolute highlight of the franchise (as he should be considering he is, y’know, the lead lol)

But yeah this just missed some of the beats that I quite enjoyed about the other two. Everything was just executed so… blandly and uninterestingly. It’s a “fine” franchise overall but there are definitely better franchises out there who do a similar thing. I just wish Denzel was in them instead!



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 27th January]

Pretty bland, generic and… “plane” (hahahehehahaho)

Extremely straight to DVD action movie and that’s fine if you’re into that kinda thing, I guess. But I won’t be remembering this in an hour.

Posted by: Josh! 9th January 2024, 11:01 PM

Ferrari and The Boogeyman were both decent movies for me. They'd be much higher on my list tongue.gif Very harsshhhhh xx

Can't argue with those placements for Blue Beetle and Exorcist though. I have no idea what so many people saw in BB. To me it was the blandest that the DC has ever been yet the usual haters seemed to be praising it?

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 9th January 2024, 11:50 PM

I'm glad you got some enjoyment from them both! I wish I did </3 I almost get jealous when people love certain movies that I didn't quite get and I fear it may be the same thing when I see 'Poor Things' tomorrow! laugh.gif We'll see I guess tongue.gif

'Blue Beetle' being as well received as it was was extremely baffling to me. Especially when said people probably and likely shit on 'The Marvels' when the family dynamic in the latter was far superior to the cringefest we got in BB sad.gif

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 11th January 2024, 12:41 PM


Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 17th March]

This was… fine I guess? No worse or better than the first movie. But, just like the first movie I think I’d have preferred it if I was a teen or something?

Got a couple of chuckles from me throughout but the comedy wears thin when it’s pretty much EVERY sentence. A big issue for me and a very similar problem I have to Deadpool. In fact this is just a Deadpool movie but for early teens.

Generic villains, set pieces & action sequences and it suffers from the big problem of these DCEU movies (before James Gunn hopefully reigns it all in) just really terrible writing. But it’s fun enough for a throwaway, popcorn filler movie.

A couple of the kids were annoying af but one of them is either the best part of the kids or just really f***ing annoying… Freddie literally fails to find a balance! It’s odd.

Not the worst but not the best.

Also Gal Gadot is really awful lmao omg.



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 2nd June]

Found myself losing interest quite a bit in this. Pretty disappointing tbh because Melissa and Paul were CHEMMING HARD and they were great together! Need them in a major romance or romcom movie, asap!

I’m really not quite sure what was going on in this for the most part tbh so maybe I missed some integral storytelling whilst zoning out but I was disappointed on the whole.



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 23rd June]

The thing about Wes Anderson movies is that stylistcally and aesthetically I actually really like his work. It’s always really beautifully shot and the colour pallets & gradiants are stunning.

Unfortunately, like everything else he’s done, the rest of it is a big miss for me. I try and try but I just don’t think I get on with his writing style & methods much, if at all. It’s a shame really. But as a creative visionary I respect his work a lot.

This was just… uneventfully boring. Nothing happens and when things do happen, it’s just way too dry and boring. Scarlet and Margot are absolute STARS though. Both of them just have that old-school Hollywood actor presence that really reels you into their stuff (ironically, both are Superheroes/anti-heroes too @Quentin xx)



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 22nd November]

You know when a well received movie just isn’t for you? Yeahhh… this is another one of those for me, oops.

Aside from the battle sequences (obvz) I was just so bored all throughout that not even Vanessa Kirby’s strong performance could save it. It just never stepped up a gear outside of the battle sequences which kinda felt like whiplash from the drama-free drama stuff, a little bit.

It just bored me. I guess I understand why he is called Napoleon



Score out of 5: ★★

[UK Release Date: 10th November]

I have to emphasise this at the start… courtroom dramas are a REAL MIXED BAG for me. I’m either engaged completely or I find it hard to engage with and end up not caring at all.

Unfortunately for me, this is the latter. I just found that it drags on and on and you never get a clear indication of where it ends, which kind of makes me feel like I wasted my entire time watching the 2 and a half hour movie. I get that movies can end where you decide for yourself on how it ended etc… but this just took the piss a little to me.

I was getting incredibly restless throughout and could not be bothered to concentrate. The stuff I like is the re-enactment kinda things and this didn’t really do that beyond like a 15 minute scene. I found the little boy to be irritating af and despite a strong argument scene, I just couldn’t care less at that point.

If you like courtroom dramas, great. I’m sure you’ll love it. But for me, someone who has the attention span of a child in a history museum… YAWN.



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 8th December]

I feel like this never goes as far as it’s story/concept suggests and promises it will/should. Don’t get me wrong, some really strong performances and yes, Charles Melton steals it, especially when his character starts to really realise and assess the sutuation he’s in and how he got there.

But for the most part I did find this pretty overrated and a tad disappointing tbh. I feel like it never reaches it’s potential and just when you think you’re about to get somewhere it feels a bit deflating and “oh… ok?”

One of those movies that’s more about the acting showcase than anything else. Annoying coz the story is an interesting one.



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 18th September]

This was good but I’m not sure it needed to be a movie tbh. A one-off TV special or something, sure, but I just felt that this was just a lot of filler with decent performances.

I need someone to stop casting Pete Davidson in things though, he just irritates me in just about everything, no matter how much they try to make him the “likeable” side character. Bleh.

I’m going to forget this in a day or so but I’m sure there will be people out there who will like it.



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 28th June]

This is perfectly fine. A lot of people were saying it was so much worse than the last one and it’s really not. It’s decent. Not one I will go back to at all but that’s fine.

I feel like that with this franchise tbh. I like it but don’t love it or care for it.l enough to go back to it.

Meh. Not as bad as everyone says it is but still not all that either.

OH AND HOLLYWOOD I S2G YOU NEED TO STOP MAKING MOVIES SO LONG JUST FOR THE SAKE OF THEM BEING LONG. Stop this needless trend! Bring back the good 90-110min stompers!



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 9th June]

Went into this knowing absolutely nothing about it and it was ok. You can tell it’s a predominantly “non-actor” cast and that it was many of their first times. The lead in this, Jojo Bapteise Whiting started off as being really noticeable with it, I am fairly sure he couldn’t get through a scene without smiling, even at a semi-serious moment!

I went on a wild ride with him in particular as I started out not really liking him due to thinking he was just a terrible actor (this was before I had knowledge this was his first role) but throughout the film, I found myself really warming to him and ended up finding him quite endearing and he ended up putting in a very good performance in the 2nd half of the movie.

The story was a bit basic to me. I also felt the conflicts and resolutions to those conflicts kinda just happened and didn’t really go anywhere?

Very much a one time watch for me. I’m glad I watched it but I wouldn’t really go back to it. I don’t think it was for me but that’s fine!



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 21st June]

This was meh. Got a few chuckles out of me (especially silly things like when he got scared via the pool table!) but literally about 30-40 mins in it just falls completely flat, becomes too “serious” instead of trying to be comedy and doesn’t really find it’s feet again.

I thought Jennifer and Andrew were actually solid leads, I just think the writing and screenplay let them both down.

Also, How To Train Your Dragon live action is happening, yes? Can I start the petition for Andrew to play Hiccup? No? Well I’m gonna.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 12th January 2024, 03:37 PM


Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 22nd September]

This was… fine, I guess.

I loved that the aliens were the classic alien designs that we all know. They were effectivey weird and creepy.

On the whole though, the gimmick if no dialogue got old really quick and I think it’s largely down to the characters being put in positions where they would speak, but for some reason it was decided that they’d all just grunt and huff and puff (and spit!) at each other. Just a really bizarre choice to go down a no dialogue route. Didn’t make sense to me and it was actually really irritating.

Also, some of the story didn’t make much sense to me. Not one I’m gonna go back to. But it was ok at best.



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 21st April]

HEvans and de Armas again… already a perfect movie 🥰

This is one of those you’ll never watch again. A straight to streaming, generic action-comedy movie. It’s extremely throwaway. I liked both Chris and Ana in this, but both have done better overall.

It’s fun enough, but there’s also a tonal whiplash all throughout. The main flaw for me is the same flaw I have with other Apple TV movies… the writing and script is terribly generic, basic and quite weak, despite a strong screenplay and idea (I even feel similar to award movies like CODA, Swan Song, Causeway etc) it’s so odd coz Apple seem to get their TV shows spot on when it comes to writing, but their movie writers seemingly need more work…

Dexter’s directing is a mess too. (Oh and Imma need movies to stop needle dropping generic songs over random action sequences. This trend needs to stop!)

But yeah, it’s not good but not bad. It’s… fine. Fun enough for what it is but if it wasn’t for how much I love both Chris and Ana I doubt I’d be interested and I will forget this movie exists in a day or two.



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 13th January]

Better than I had anticipated, but still such a slog and chore to get through & not as good as most say it is. It’s not my thing overall and I was so disinterested in the story that I kept getting distracted throughout and the length didn’t help at all.

Cate Blanchett as expected though was brilliant. I have no idea who Lydia Tár was before this movie but thanks to Cate I felt like I had known about her for years.

Everything else falls into standard, award bait, biopic drama. Executed well enough but I just found it hard to get interested and engage properly with the story. Probably due to Tár herself being quite unlikeable.

Edit: I am so embarrassed… why did I think she was a real person and people had been banging on about her like she was? Omg.



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 11th August]

Average. Cute idea and story, but executed in such a cringe way. The script especially was a bit “pass the bucket” cringe. But overall it was a nice, if generic, story.

Cute but not essential. I think this will absolutely have it’s fans and I wouldn’t necessarily not recommend it, but it wouldn’t be one of the first I’d think of if I was to recommend a teen-lgbtq+-romcom, for example.



Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 17th November]

This is… fine, I guess? It’s biggest problem is that it just doesn’t know when it should end. Somewhere at/slightly after the half way point, it just goes on and on and on.

The main issue I have with The Hunger Games franchise overall is that they never fully hit with me. It’s like something just prevents them from being better than they are for me and I don’t know what it is. They feel like they never quite get to the momentum I think they should or can reach - despite them being perfectly serviceable as movies.

I thought the arena stuff was the best stuff here but not only did that not last long enough, it was actually pretty dull and uninteresting.




Score out of 5: ★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 19th October]

If you’re a Scorsese fan, I am sure this will absolutey be your thing. But for me, I was just bored ALL throughout it. I have the attention span of a toddler in a museum but this was extremely one note and despite the story being an interesting one, I struggled to engage with it fully, despite great performances (particularly from the 2 leads).

Unpopular opinion but 9 times out of 10, dramas don’t need to be 20 hours long. If it is, it’s gonna need to be a bit more exciting to hold my interest. I also thought the editing and timeline was confusing me with the constant back and forth. But maybe that’s just me, idk.

It’s better than The Irishman though.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 16th June]

Who knew Alexandra Burke was actually a solidly decent actress??? I LOVE her as a pop star (seriously underrated!) but I was expecting her to be wooden and cringe when it came to acting, but she was surprisingly good in this!

The story was interesting and executed well. Not only was Alexandra good but Natey Jones was really good as the lead. He impressed me.

However, a lot of this movie has something that I don’t really like too much from a personal preference point, it has that obviously British-Indie movie aesthetic to it and idk what it is, but 90% of those indie movies just feel really bland, dull and uninteresting to me at times. I just can’t get on with it a lot of the time. But that’s more of a personal preference to stylistic choice than it is anything about the movie itself.

I do think this has a lot that people will take away from this. It’s very good. The ending was perfect for the movie.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 17th February]

It’s… good. Nowhere near as boring as I feared it would be, but also, it didn’t particularly draw me in as much as a movie like this should and it was pretty one note throughout tbh. One of those “performance driven” movies. Without the performances of Rooney Mara, Jessie Buckley and Ben Whishaw (particularly them 3 - everyone else was solid too) I doubt it would have held as much of my interest as it eventually did.

Not one I’m gonna be raving about and not one I will rewatch (and that’s ok!) but I’m glad I saw it and tbh I’m just happy I didn’t find it as boring as I expected it to be.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 24th November]

This was actually somewhat better than I had anticipated. I do think the first half was stronger than the 2nd. The directing was fantastic in the first half, before it becomes sort of generic.

Bradley Cooper is such a great actor and this really is no different, although the more this went on, the more annoying I kind of found his performance, oddly. Carey Mulligan was as reliably wonderful as ever!

I do think for the most part it’s all “technically” excellent, but I think one component really lets it down for me and I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is. I think it’s probably the writing (well most of it anyway as some of it really is good) and how it just makes it feel like such a drab and dreary story.

Like I said, some of that first half direction is especially WONDERFUL and it lures you in thinking it’s going to be quite a unique experience, but then it just crumbles somewhere at the mid-way point into becoming quite a generic autobiographical movie.

It’s good but had elements going for it to be better than it ended up being.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 8th December]

In terms of 2023 World is coming to an end movies, Knock At The Cabin felt like it did that better, it’s just unfortunate that that had such a God awful final act.

This one though, lots where it worked but a whole lot that didn’t and the pacing was just all over the place. Could have been executed a whole lot smoother for a tighter and more cohesive movie. My favourite shot was right towards the end and seeing that huge DVD collection! PHYSICAL MEDIA FTW!!!!!

The little girl & the son were hella annoying but everyone else were great though. I just wish the script wasn’t as droning and wish it was all executed better. Not bad but not one I’ll likely watch again.

Posted by: Josh! 12th January 2024, 09:03 PM

I wanted to see Pretty Red Dress because of the Alexandra connection but never got round to it. Heard decent things though!

Lots of awards-y films out in this section!! Some of those were bigger hits than others for me. I'd defo have Women Talking and Killers higher but can't really argue with that spot for Maestro. I was a little disappointed in that.

Posted by: Chez Wombat 12th January 2024, 09:52 PM

I agree with you re: Napoleon, that was pretty directionless and overly simplistic about his life and Joaquin Phoenix was really miscast, I saw it mainly because my sister was in the crew and was in the credits tearsmile.gif I usually love Wes Anderson and his quirks, but Asteroid City was just a bit too far, it's too abstract and isn't compelling as a story.

A few here I really liked though - Anatomy of a Fall was a stunning drama, the emotional intensity building throughout was amazing. May December is quite slow, but the themes are really strong. The unease of the husband is built up slowly and it becomes really tragic. Tar is another one I loved, was always gonna love a psychological drama surrounding classical music I guess x

I am a bit tired of the really long Oscar-baity movies so I'm not sure I can be bothered with Maestro, though I did like Killers of the Flower Moon if just cos the back story was interesting and the last part picked up a gear, better than the Irishman.

Leave the World Behind was a bit disappointing for me too, some great scenes, performances and tension but the message was a bit too simplistic and felt like it never reached it's potential.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 14th January 2024, 09:08 PM

QUOTE(Josh! @ Jan 12 2024, 09:03 PM) *
I wanted to see Pretty Red Dress because of the Alexandra connection but never got round to it. Heard decent things though!

Lots of awards-y films out in this section!! Some of those were bigger hits than others for me. I'd defo have Women Talking and Killers higher but can't really argue with that spot for Maestro. I was a little disappointed in that.
It's definitely worth the watch I would say and I do think she will surprise! It's not a career changing performance or anything but I was pleasantly surprised.

The award bait movies... idk what it is, they just rarely ever grab my full undivided attention, despite appreciating majority of them for the works that they are etc.. I'd just rather lose myself in a mindless, fun, Superhero flick over ever seeing those again tbh. Which is why I have a certain movie coming up... ABOVE these *eyes* (and you're gonna hate it - BUT I HAD A GOOD TIME WITH IT OKAY!!!!!!???? GET OFF MY BACK!!! laugh.gif)

QUOTE(Chez Wombat @ Jan 12 2024, 09:52 PM) *
I agree with you re: Napoleon, that was pretty directionless and overly simplistic about his life and Joaquin Phoenix was really miscast, I saw it mainly because my sister was in the crew and was in the credits tearsmile.gif I usually love Wes Anderson and his quirks, but Asteroid City was just a bit too far, it's too abstract and isn't compelling as a story.

A few here I really liked though - Anatomy of a Fall was a stunning drama, the emotional intensity building throughout was amazing. May December is quite slow, but the themes are really strong. The unease of the husband is built up slowly and it becomes really tragic. Tar is another one I loved, was always gonna love a psychological drama surrounding classical music I guess x

I am a bit tired of the really long Oscar-baity movies so I'm not sure I can be bothered with Maestro, though I did like Killers of the Flower Moon if just cos the back story was interesting and the last part picked up a gear, better than the Irishman.

Leave the World Behind was a bit disappointing for me too, some great scenes, performances and tension but the message was a bit too simplistic and felt like it never reached it's potential.
Directionless is exactly what it is! Just dull tbh. LMAO at that random but amazing tidbit!! YESSS SIS WOMBAT! GET IT!!! Oh I'm not a Wes fan. I find him way too overbearingly "style over substance" and I think 'Asteroid City' took the piss a bit too much laugh.gif

I'm glad to see some people love those movies, but they just didn't do it for me. drama.gif If what you were saying about 'Tar' is right, then I can't see you not liking 'Maestro' tbh. I think you should try and give it a go, although I do agree, the fact that most of these movies are so much longer now than they used to be is annoying.

Thank you both for commenting! I truly appreciate it! <3

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 14th January 2024, 09:39 PM


Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 4th August]

Hmm… I liked this but also, I lost interest about half way through and I can’t pin point the exact moment it kinda lost me. It’s odd. For the most part it was a fun little comedy, the kinda comedy movie that we need more of nowadays. But then the jokes kinda got old quick and it stuck to the same comedy tropes of majority of the comedy movies that it didn’t feel particularly unique and ended up quite generic.

It’s a fun time, but I think I won’t be remembering this in the future.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 7th July]

In terms of closing this particular chapter of the franchise, it was decent. The Red-Faced Demon just creeps me out every time! I hate ittttt lmao.

I did feel like I was laughing more than I was being scared or feeling on edge or whatever. Not because it was particularly “stupid” or anything, I just found Chris (I will be keeping a sharper eye on Sinclair Daniel from now!) to be such a nice and humorous character and filled the light-relief role quite nicely alongside the moments of terror where she also excelled!

This did feel like it took forever to get to all the interesting stuff though and at times it felt like a different franchise altogether, but once we got into Dalton and the further it was back in full swing. Rose felt incredibly under used in this, which is a shame because she was a big highlight of the first 2.

But as an ending for the Lambert family, I enjoyed it and thought it concluded well, but didn’t love it.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 17th August]

The humour is extremely juvenile but ngl, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t mind it every now and again. For the most part it really works for this.

The thing that gets tedious is the overuse of a single joke. There are a couple in here where they don’t know when to stop so drive that joke into the ground so that it doesn’t become or feel funny anymore.

However, I did enjoy this. But a movie with dogs was always going to be hard to turn me against tbh.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 31st March]

A cute, fun and funny movie. As someone who has never played the game and know absolutely nothing about it, I thought it worked for the most part.

The story just seemed really randomly thrown together and didn’t feel like it had a cohesive plot, but I assume that’s kind of the nature of the actual game?

Rege Jean Page was the scene stealer and I am a fan of Justice Smith anyway, but he was also very endearing in this.

Not sure I’ll personally rave about it, but I did like it. Good, fun popcorn filler. Enjoyed it!



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 28th April]

This was really random but cute. Well directed and the story is endearingly over the top and bizarre. Which really helped with it’s charm.

It has a very flat middle though but it manages to recover itself in time for a thrilling and fun conclusion.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 3rd February]

I find M. Night hit and miss. When he hits, it’s excellent. When he misses though, it’s some of the worst. This may be his first which makes me feel a bit torn.

Excellent performances throughout from everybody, specifically Dave Bautista. The tension was incredibly well done, I thought. And I was really liking it until about 15-20 mins towards the end.

He managed to hook us into believing that, for once, in an entertainment piece of horror and thriller, the gays would finally be “right” and they would finally live happily, injured and wounded, but survived.

But nope, the religious cult win and were right, obviously. Doomsday prevails and it only took a gay man to be sacrificed to “save the world”. Lol. Idk what is different from the source material and I believe it wasn’t Shyamalan’s intentions for the movie to come off this way, but it’s hard to overlook.

It was so good until some time towards the end. Beliefs were being challenged and the classic arc where one of the protagonists starting to believe and question things from the other perspective etc… but the ending sucked and kinda made me feel like I wasted my time.

It’s a very good (if repetitive) movie otherwise! I was surprised and was really engrossed for the most of it.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 11th August]

This was solid. I went in expecting what I got, except I wasn’t expecting to be AS invested in the lead as I ended up being. I thought Archie Madekwe was very charming and warm as the protagonist of the movie. David Harbour really does have that “dad role” down to a tee doesn’t he?

As much as I liked the movie, it did come off as incredibly dry and kinda “plain”. Geri was as predictably horrendous as expected and Orlando was bad too!

But as a whole, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Doesn’t bring anything new but wasn’t a waste of time either.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 9th June]

Generic and clichéd in every way possible. It’s not bringing anything new to the table and doesn’t re inventing the wheel, but in terms of popcorn filler, fun Summer blockbuster… it’s enjoyable.

Bumblebee remains unbothered though.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 24th March]

Another instalment of this franchise and it’s absolutely “more of the same”. In every aspect. Even down to the fact that I enjoyed and was interested in aspects of it, but they get bogged down by the story and action sequences just going on and on and on - it really does get exhausting.

Donnie Yen and Shamier Anderson and his companion were my absolute favourites in this. I was also pretty impressed by Rina Sawayama on her major picture acting debut. Her action scenes in particular! SOOOO GOOD!!

Just like the others though, I’m not sure I’m going back to this anytime soon. It’s just a bit much for me, personally. But it’s fine overall.

I think it just frustrates me that I enjoy elements of this but I still come out of these movies feeing deflated and exhausted due to how overdone it all ends up becoming, despite the choreography and stunts being excellent and really appreciating that art. I’m excited for Ballerina. And I hope we get a spin-off of Caine and/or Akira.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 20th January]

This is as messy and as bonkers as the trailer had you believe it was. It’s so crazy!

Damien Chazelle is probably my favourite director of “the new crop”. He knows what he wants and he will get it. This definitely felt like a passion project for him in the sense that he got to make a movie about the magic of movies and throw everything plus the iamspamspamamisink at it!

The direction in this is stunning. Each shot was so beautifully handled and framed etc.. the performances were ok. Didn’t think there was a particular standout, although Margot and Diego were the strongest and their chemistry together was great.

Overall though, the story and screenplay were a complete and utter mess! I loved that it’s essentially his love letter to the movie experience (that shone all throughout and it was gorgeous to see it unfold) but the structure of it all was a bit too chaotic and “random” for me to follow completely.

He’s such a great director and although this is a Box Office bomb, I’ll always appreciate the movies that are like this and just throw everything to the wall and see what we can do with it. I eagerly await his next project!

Posted by: JackTheeStallion 14th January 2024, 10:16 PM

I really enjoyed Joy Ride! By no means perfect but it was still a lot of fun imo

Posted by: UltraCruelSummer 15th January 2024, 09:58 PM

Babylon and Gran Turismo deserved better x (I hate that I high key stan the latter film but I do oops)

Bottom 15 i agree mostly x I’ve seen like ten of them, my fave of those was The Boogeyman but that would also be bottom half in my ranking! The flash cgi was hideous

90-81 oh no x justice for Anatomy of a December Asteroid Fall in the Dial of Feelings Destiny x

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 18th January 2024, 01:50 AM


Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 24th February]

Exactly what you’d expect. It was just silly, outrageous fun. An idea that very much sounds like it could be another Sharknado type B-Movie but was executed in a decent way.

The directing and editing was all over the place and a mess, but it helped enhance the viewing somehow.

Fun little movie and I will always appreciate a movie like this and one that doesn’t take itself so seriously. I actually can see this being one of those movies I would rewatch and enjoy just as much as the first time etc..

Nothing groundbreaking, but it knew it wasn’t supposed to be and never took itself seriously. Fun movie.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 27th October]

I can’t really fault David Fincher and his directing. Michael Fassbender was absolutely excellent as the lead and I thought it had a really interesting plot.

However, it was all a bit one-note for me. It never really feels like it kicks up a gear and I think the choppy editing here and there kinda threw me off with who he was going after and what for etc… so it kinda confused me at times - maybe it was from being tired from working and then doing a double bill of Bottoms and then this, idk.

But yeah. I liked it more than I think this score would suggest but the one-note pacing and confusion with elements of the story prevented me from liking it more!

At least Mank remains the worst thing he has ever done!



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 26th December]

Animation, as ever with Studio Ghibli, FAULTLESS. Absolutely STUNNING piece of work. Really enjoyed the voice cast for the dubbed version of this too.

Everything else about this though is quite frankly not only Studio Ghibli by numbers, but a bit of a mess and all over the place. It just feels like they have the most random ideas and decide to just throw them all into a mixing bowl and execute it in the most generically Studio Ghibli way possible. When it worked it was actually decent, but then things change and go a bit too weird at times that it kinda ruins the flow.

It’s fine. I didn’t hate nor actually dislike it. I just know I won’t be going back to this anytime soon and will be forgetting about it soon.

It’s alright but absolutely overhyped and overrated. From 2023’s animation movies (UK release) Spider-Verse, Puss In Boots, Suzume, Elemental, Nimona & (dare I say it for fear of being lynched) Wish were all better complete packages for me… oops.



Score out of 5: ★★★

[UK Release Date: 8th September]

To my surprise, this is actually somewhat decent! The first was terrible, but I thought this was fun for what it was and executed it’s scares better than the first did.

Still felt a little throwaway though but thankfully Taissa and the addition of Storm Reid was enough to keep this afloat. Also, the magazine scene was INSANELY good and genuinely one of the best executed “I KNOW IT’S COMING…” jump scares in a while for me.

Horror still excelling so far this year… WHEW!



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 14th April]

A lot of fun to be had. It’s exactly everything the trailer promised it to be. Highlighted by an extremely eccentric and electrifying performance by Nicolas Cage, even if he does feel somewhat underused for the role he has.

It can be a bit of a tonal whiplash at times though. But I appreciated how it never really took itself too seriously and the action sequences, although quite messy at times (both figuratively and literally lol - the shaky camerawork was a bit TOO Much imo) were exhilarating all the same.

A fun time.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: N/A]

A queer coming-of-age drama that is largely carried by a stunning set of lead performances by both Thom Green and Elias Anton. It has that indie movie feel to it and it works for the movie.

The time jump towards the end hits perfectly. That is when Elias especially excels. He manages to make it feel like you’ve been with him through the 10 years to get to the point they are at. The confidence his character exudes since that night with Adam is wonderfully done.

I do think it gets a bit too predictable and “seen it all before”, but it still doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt when revelations unfold.

Doesn’t go as “hard” as some of the drama usually allows, but it’s not effected by it any less.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 5th April]

This was a lot of fun. I think they adapted the games so, SO well. I especially loved the shots where it it followed more than one character and how it was filmed as if you were playing the games. Little things like that really make me smile.

It was funny and charming too. The screenplay was a bit of a mess overall though. Things weren’t as consistent as they should be, but for the most part, there’s so much to this that you kinda don’t really care?

It’s effective at the points it’s supposed to be and ultimately the kids are going to absolutely love it. Our screen clapped and cheered at the end of it like it was a Marvel movie or something and that was so cute.

This is so much fun. The critics are wrong tbh.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 31st July]

This was really good fun! Probably one of the biggest surprise of the year for me.

The story is a bit basic and the writing is very Nickelodeon kids friendly, but I will be lying if I said it didn’t make me laugh and smile throughout. It got quite a few laughs outta me and I don’t mean little belly laughs, I mean full hearty laughs.

I wish the script was catered a bit less towards kids (but still have it kid friendly ofc) as I think that lets it down slightly. But overall a really fun time and experience with this. I’m ready for a sequel tbh! Not having Shredder in this was a very smart move.

Oh and Chris Evans is the superior Chris. Sorry, not sorry!



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 17th February]

Don’t get the hate. Perfect? Absolutely not. But it’s fun. Jonathan Majors delivered as Kang and I think I am as biased for Kathryn Newton as I am for the MCU tbh. She was great!

The story and plot to me felt like it was ripped straight out of the Star Wars franchise, a bit too obvious at times, but I found it easy enough to embrace and just revel in it.

The Ant-Man series is probably my least watched from the MCU. Not because I didn’t like the others, but because I never really felt an urge or get like I needed to see them again at whatever point. This will be the same, but I do think that thanks to Kang, I will be visiting this movie more often than the others in the series.

Extremely excited about seeing Kang some more and what they decide to do with him to help build him up as the big bad for the next Avengers movie. His training for Creed III paid off for his battle against Ant-Man lmao! Jeezus those strikes and that damn boot!!!

But yeah, I had fun with this. I hate it when big blockbuster movies like this don’t feel fun and over compensate with “stunning visuals” to make up for how weak the storytelling actually is or whatever (and vice-versa). I personally think this finds a nice balance between it all. Not everything is perfect but I don’t care.

We shall be forgetting about M.O.D.O.K. though. Nope at whatever THAT disaster was!!! Should’ve just kept him to his armoured look coz… major jumpscare when his actual identity was revealed on camera lmaooo!

Edit: Oh and they absolutely wimped out by not making Kang more formidable and a bigger threat when they decided to not kill anyone off. Surely (at LEAST) Janet and Hank were/are disposable at this point??


*2nd REVIEW*

First time I’ve rewatched one of the Ant-Man movies at the cinema and Ik this will probably annoy some people but idk… I still found it fun and think it did a good (not great) job at introducing us to Kang. I wish he had been built more and to make him seem like more of a BIG threat, but we’ll see where they go from here.

Jonathan Majors is so, SO good and the PERFECT choice.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 22nd November]

I found this to be a very cute celebration of 100 years of Disney. I liked the little and subtle references to Disney Past. Yes, the story is pretty thin and absolutely not original, but 60% Disney movies aren’t.

I thought Ariana DeBose carried the movie. The star was also so SO cute. I thought Chris Pine’s villain was surprisingly strong too. Everything about this movie was the perfect kinda movie to celebrate a milestone in a studios existence. The animation was a bit of a mess, but it actually wasn’t anywhere near as disastrous as I expected it to be.

The songs need to sit with me a little while longer, but Ariana’s voice is just so beautiful!

Just a cute, charming and lovely celebratory Disney movie.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 18th January 2024, 01:52 AM


JFC!!! tearsmile.gif

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 20th January 2024, 02:45 PM


Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 21st April]

A really solid heist-thriller. The thing that lets it down for me is that I didn’t really care for any of the characters bar like 2 of them. I found them to be largely annoying/irritating for the most part.

But overall I liked it and appreciated the message it was going for. I thought it was executed pretty well on the whole.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 1st September]

An intriguing, well directed and well paced almost psychological horror. I was really impressed particularly with the directing. Extremely well done and some of the shots were beautiful. Lizzy Caplan really stole the show for me. She was fantastic. Really enjoyed Anthony Starr’s performance too but overall everyone was actually really good.

It suffers majorly from, just like other horrors of this calibre, the reveal of that dumbass looking “monster”. Gave me major Mama vibes. No thank you. I don’t like the jerky CGI they use to make it look like the monster is really fast, as it really takes me out of horrors when that happens.

But apart from that, I actually enjoyed this and did find it really creepy and pleasently gory! I liked to character development.

Horror is really excelling this year!



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 5th April]

Directed, written and acted very well. A solid, if generic, biopic picture. I feel like Blackberry felt a bit fresher in the biopic stakes this year but this was still a rewarding and satisfactory enough watch.

I did find it kind of irritating and annoying that Michael was consistently off screen and that he was distractingly looking away in every shot lmao.

Viola Davis was my highlight as Michael’s mum. As ever with her it seems! Just such a beautifully talented woman. I love her.

A generically strong biopic that doesn’t bring anything new to the table but works just as well, all the same.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 10th November]

I actually liked this more than I expected (mainly because I am not a Nic Cage fan) but I thought he was actually pretty good in this. It’s a bit weird and a tad bonkers at times due to how random the story is, but it surprisingly worked well for the most part.

I did find that it lost me a bit right around the middle and never *quite* got me back on board fully. But it was better and more enjoyable than I expected. A pleasent surprise somewhat.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 26th December]

Not this actually being… somewhat decent! I actually found it to be funnier than earlier rom-com releases in the year (notably No Hard Feelings).

Glenn Powell and Sydney Sweeney surprised me with their chemistry. I’m not a Sydney fan but I liked her in this.

I do think some of the writing was quite “forcefully toxic” just to get a narrative going but the events surrounding their relationship and things like their families getting in between/involved made for really fun if a generic, run of the mill rom-com. But they’re so few and far between nowadays… it really doesnmt matter!

I think it could’ve been a bit more emotional in the places it needed to be though. But as I said, it was a really fun time tbh. Whoever did the trailer needs to be sacked though, coz it genuinely looked like it was going to be one of the worst films of the year… I’m glad I’m a movie whore and like to watch as much as I can.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 17th November]

2023 has been a great year for horror and this adds favourably to that growing list! It was pretty much exactly what I expected/wanted from it more or less. Just an all out gory, fun and entertaining slasher with extreme OTT kills and sequences.

I will be returning to this one. Just a fun time!



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 13th January]

Was gonna give it a 4 but my judgement thought better. It’s an absolute RIOT of a movie. It very much is what it says it is and it’s switch your brain off for a bit of mindless fun!

Some of the performances were very one-note and dry throughout and the story is as basic as you would be expecting. It’s executed fairly well though. I’m very much here for this being a new franchise tbh. M3GAN is creepy af lol.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 6th October]

Oh this was somewhat of a pleasent surprise! It never really gives the answers you need/want, but the entire premise is incredibly interesting and actually pretty well done!

Some incredible and gruesome imagery and horrifyingly brutal moments all throughout but one scene in particular had me with my jaw on the floor for the entirety of that scene… how we saw all of that without any cheap cut away scenes… JEEEEEEZ!!!

It shies away from nothing and honestly it all feels purposeful and not for the sake of shock value. It does the silly cult thing at the end (which I always find to be really poorly done) and it does cheapen the finale quite a bit (I just think the whole cult thing is quite a lazy idea and almost always feels like a cop out) however, it’s not *too* bad in this movie. I would just have preferred for it not to have happened.

But a pleasent surprise overall and that dog scene is going to stick with me for quite a long, long time!



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 21st July]

This was pretty much exactly what I expected and whenever I hear “character study” in reviews etc… I know to expect a potentially pretentious bore. This wasn’t as boring as I expected it would be though.

It’s the kind of movie that isn’t really for me, but I can absolutely appreciate everything/most things about it, especially from the “technical” side of it. Powerhouse performances. Interesting editing and effects. Very nice directing and a strong screenplay.

Honestly the thing that lets this down for me, personally, is the script. I just found it extremely wordy and it just felt like random words were being thrown together and throwing me off a lot of the time.

It’s definitely a highlight reel for performances though because I can’t think of a single weak link amongst the performances. Even though he was good in this, I do find Cillian to be a bit one note as an actor and find him quite dull most of the time.

Great from a technical standpoint but it’s not one I’m in a rush to see again anytime soon and that’s ok.



Next Goal Wins
Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 26th December]


Charming and delightful, even if some (not all!) of the comedy moments do fall a bit flat. It’s not perfect and there will be films I have rated lower in score that are “technically” better but I just found this more enjoyable, personally.

I am actually a bit of a sucker for these underdog stories in sports and I think that is largely down to me not really caring for anything to do with sports (apart from wrestling) so I like to root for the underdogs!

Say what you (rightfully) will about Taika’s brief moment on screen (that happening at the start really made me say to myself “omg please be better than this??” - thankfully it IS!) but his directing is really strong. He knows what shots work and he knows how to capture the most important moments of his movies, wonderfully. His writing can be hit & miss for people, I get it, but when he hits it… he knocks it out of the park. Fassbender’s final speech was immaculate. I also loved how they told Jaiyah’s story and didn’t make a mockery of her.

The heart of this story was beautifully executed and you really end up rallying behind the team. It’s a really cute, fun and nice movie tbh. It actually reminded me of the football version of Cool Runnings a little.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 20th January 2024, 10:56 PM


Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 26th May]

I actually really quite liked this. I thought they translated it into a live action movie pretty well tbh (well, for the most part - the less said about Flounder’s character design the better! Horrendous.)

Halle really did smash it as Ariel. But I didn’t have qualms about her… my main gripe going into it was Melissa. I’m not a fan of her usually, but she ended up giving a great performance as Ursula. I thought Jonah was a solid casting choice as Eric too and the trio of Daveed Diggs, Awkwafina & Jacob Tremblay was great! I think my main issue, casting wise, was Javier. It felt very Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia!

I didn’t mind the newer version of Under the Sea. It served it’s purpose. I really enjoyed Kiss the Girl a lot but the new songs didn’t grab me much, if at all. They’re “fine” I guess but don’t match the greatness of the original songs. Scuttle Butt was horrendous.

But the absolute highlight for me was Halle’s stunning renditions of Part of Your World. Her voice is INSANE and I’ve been a fan for a while but she still blew me away. It helps that she really became Ariel.

My main issues with this apart from Javier and Flounder’s design, is that some of the underwater scenes seemed a bit TOO glossy and “Hollywood” (maybe the green screen effect) but for the most part, it worked better than I imagined. Also… why did she have one outfit for the entirety of the movie? Where was that sparkly dress when Triton gave her her human-ness? Also not sure how I feel about them cutting Sebastian’s fun escape plot!

But yeah, overall I enjoyed this a lot. Some of the extra additions weighed the movie down a bit in the middle. But some of it was also cute as I think Halle and Jonah have great chemistry together!

Halle has such a presence about her. I was in awe of her. An absolute STAR and I can’t wait for more of her.

Was it needed? No. But am I happy with what we got? Absolutely. Whether I opt for this one over the animation will depend on whether I want to hear Halle or not tbh. My 3rd favourite of the live actions I think.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 24th February]

This was heartbreakingly lovely! Just a really nice “family” road-trip movie (which I didn’t expect so much of at all) that will play with your emotions but gives you hope at the end of it!

My favourite moment was the Ferris Wheel conversation between So-young and Dong-soo. That was a really powerful and beautiful moment and actually one of my favourite movie scenes of 2023 so far! Executed wonderfully.

The police stuff on the side, I got why it was included, but I don’t think we needed so much of it tbh. But seeing So-young really mull over whether she should turn the Brokers in was an interesting touch.

Kang ho Song is so damned likeable in everything. He has such a charm about him that you immediately connect with him and want him to succeed in his mission in all his movies.

As the road trip goes on, you really start to warm to the characters more and more and you just get so caught up in their journeys with each of them and the little boy they pick up on the way is adorable. I love the way he connects and bonds with Woo-sung, almost immediately (well all of them tbh but especially baby Woo!)

I wouldn’t say it was particularly groundbreaking or anything original though, but that’s ok. A nice little drama movie that grabs the heart where and when it needs to.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 13th January]

This ended up being a lot of fun! Often times it is generic, but it’s still effective. Also felt surreal (and a lil scary in itself - it feels so long ago???) seeing all the COVID stuff in such a recent movie.

After the fun opening, it took it’s time to get momentum and move, but once it got there, it was really strong.

Impressive for a straight to streaming slasher, where it could quite easily have just been another, boring slasher.



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 8th December]

Brighter, bolder and bigger than the original. Just as charming and funny as it too. So everything a sequel usually is. I had a really nice time with this overall. I don’t think it captured the same spark that makes the first so special though, but it really isn’t a disaster in any kind of way thanks to it still keeping it’s heart.

The main thing for me is that, although I did find it funny and heartwarming, it felt like it catered a tad too much to a younger audience unlike the original which found a nice balance for both adults and children alike.

Still absolutely worth a watch and ofc the animation is incredible. Nowhere near the disaster this could have been! So that’s a WIN, in my book!



Score out of 5: ★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 26th May]

Just a simple, fun, wacky action movie.

Simplicity is key and this benefits largely from that. It won’t be one I go back to but I’ll definitely recommend to those just wanting a fun, ballsy, gory action movie.




Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 6th October]

This is an absolute blast! It’s very Do Revenge meets Final Girls meets Happy Death Day in the absolute best ways possible.

Just a fun, camp, meta, comedy slasher movie. I’ll be adding this to my watchlist for spooky szn for the forseeable.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 3rd February]

One of those movies where it’s more about the performances than anything else. Everyone was fantastic in their roles. Particularly Hong Chau who was excellent and it’s easy to see why she is nominated for “Best Supporting Actress” this year.

I am so glad that I read from a couple of people on here that Sadie Sink’s character was evil, coz had I not known that and after being a huge fan of her, I think it would have thrown me off completely and I would have hated it coz I think her character was a bit too unnecessarily cruel. Like it wasn’t a subtle few digs here and there it was horrible and even with her arc, it didn’t feel very redeemable to me? She was great, I just think the character was just a bit TOO nasty that by the time it got to the point where you are supposed to be “aww bless her” you just end up continuing to not like her.

A story that wasn’t pleasant to watch but it definitely helps drives the story home and hits exactly where and when it needs to. There were definite moments where I could tell it was based on a play though, which threw me off ever so slightly and I think I would have liked to have seen the backstory of Charlie & Alan (I’m more of a visual guy than I am words lol) but as I said, it worked for the movie it’s just a personal preference.

Very glad to see Brendan get his flowers. He really deserves them for this performance.

An emotionally charged, performance driven movie and it’s easy to see why it’s raved about. Not an easy watch and will definitely have a profound impact on you after viewing.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 25th August]

I found this to be a lot of fun and really, genuinely funny too! It’s nice to see horror comedy can be silly without that part of it being overworked and outstaying it’s wecome to the point it becomes irritating and annoying.

Gave me a goofier version of Cabin In The Woods meets Sick/Bodies Bodies Bodies kinda vibes. Will be revisiting this one again in the future as it was a blast and just genuine fun to watch.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 3rd November]

This was very fun. It’s actually annoying that there is no official UK release for this!

Although it didn’t fall flat as such, I do think it could have been even more funnier because when the comedy hit, it was funny! Reminded me a little bit of Do Revenge from last year.

Pretty sharp and surprisingly brutal in parts, but a whole lot of fun! Stop hiding these gems from international territories!!


*2nd REVIEW*

Finally got to see this at the cinema as it got released over here! When it’s funny it’s REALLY funny. But there are a couple of parts where it gets a bit too serious a tone and although it doesn’t last for too long, it does bog it down slightly.

But this was a romp on a rewatch!



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 13th October]

This gripped me way more than I originally thought it would. I thought the The Office-lite documentary shooting style was a nice and unique touch and I think it worked to it’s favour.

Good and strong performances from everyone and it was funnier than I expected it to be. The screenplay was well done and the script was well written. My only qualm with it is that it does feel a bit one-note sometimes but it’s interesting enough to look over it for the most part.

Really good dramedy. Also, I have missed Jay Baruchel and his endearing and charming awkwardness.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 20th January 2024, 10:56 PM

35 movies over 4 stars cheeseblock.png

Posted by: Chez Wombat 21st January 2024, 12:08 AM

Loved BlackBerry & Sisu too and M3GAN was a lot of fun.

How to Blow up a Pipeline was really interesting as well as eco-terrorists are so often demonised in the mainstream media, it's interesting to see a film get made making them more sympathetic.

Oppenheimer was one of my favourite cinematic experiences, the sound design in the bomb testing scene had me gripped. Incredible performances and all round style as well. Probably didn't need to be that long, but I was invested for most of it.

I really loved The Boy and the Heron, a lot of it was derived from his own childhood experiences which I think really enhanced the emotional heart of the movie. It's weird iyeah but I think it was going for an Alice's Adventures in Wonderland vibe to it which I really loved.

I'm interested in The Blackening, I do like horror films that go a bit meta!

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 21st January 2024, 08:04 PM

QUOTE(JackTheeStallion @ Jan 14 2024, 10:16 PM) *
I really enjoyed Joy Ride! By no means perfect but it was still a lot of fun imo
It's a cute movie. I just think it's largely forgettable and not sure I'd be too fussed if I never saw it again </3

QUOTE(UltraCruelSummer @ Jan 15 2024, 09:58 PM) *
Babylon and Gran Turismo deserved better x (I hate that I high key stan the latter film but I do oops)

Bottom 15 i agree mostly x I’ve seen like ten of them, my fave of those was The Boogeyman but that would also be bottom half in my ranking! The flash cgi was hideous

90-81 oh no x justice for Anatomy of a December Asteroid Fall in the Dial of Feelings Destiny x
I didn't hate them two either. I just have a really high rating system this year it seems laugh.gif Both enjoyable cinema movies!

Yeah 'The Flash' was horrendous! 'The Boogeyman' disappointed me so much! UGHHHHH. It pisses me off how much I hate it sad.gif

'Indiana' I didn't hate! It was mid, but I think I liked it more than most & enjoyed 'No Hard Feelings' somewhat! The other 2 though... no thank you. I'm ok with not being bored out of my brain watching those again! drama.gif

Thank youuuuu <3

QUOTE(Chez Wombat @ Jan 21 2024, 12:08 AM) *
Loved BlackBerry & Sisu too and M3GAN was a lot of fun.

How to Blow up a Pipeline was really interesting as well as eco-terrorists are so often demonised in the mainstream media, it's interesting to see a film get made making them more sympathetic.

Oppenheimer was one of my favourite cinematic experiences, the sound design in the bomb testing scene had me gripped. Incredible performances and all round style as well. Probably didn't need to be that long, but I was invested for most of it.

I really loved The Boy and the Heron, a lot of it was derived from his own childhood experiences which I think really enhanced the emotional heart of the movie. It's weird iyeah but I think it was going for an Alice's Adventures in Wonderland vibe to it which I really loved.

I'm interested in The Blackening, I do like horror films that go a bit meta!
'Blackberry' surprised me majorly. I think it does what 'Air' and 'Dumb Money' try to do, so, SO much better! 'Sisu' was fun & yeah, 'M3GAN' was a lot of fun too. I agree about 'How To Blow Up...' and it was very interesting they went that route for the movie! Refreshing take on that kind og story though.

I can't fault 'Oppenheimer' for the technical side of things. Incredible detailing and the acting especially. But I would be fine not watching it ever again and use my 3 hours doing/watching something I would enjoy much more. 'The Boy & The Heron' was fine to me, but I do find it very overrated. I just thought it lacked the emotional gravitas that Studio Ghibli usually give us. So I was disappointed in that aspect. Oh 'The Blackening' is SOOOO fun! Definitely worth the watch if and when you can!

Thanks Chez <3

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 21st January 2024, 09:01 PM


Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 22nd December]

I do like a good big budget movie based on true events. This is no different. J. A. Bayona did some really impressive work on this one.

I like that it focused solely on the victims and didn’t do the whole “back and forth” with their families/rescue teams etc… it made you really rally for the victims and at times you even felt like one of them because you’d spent more time with them.

It’s insane what they had to go through. Especially the weather conditions they had to endure. A strong biopic about an incident I had little (to none??) knowledge about!

The only major downside for me again is the (shock horror) length of the movie. It could’ve been condensed down, however I don’t mind it with movies like this as it helps you sympathise and empathise for what they had to go through for so long… I’m sure I can endure the length of these movies lol.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 14th July]

Been meaning to catch this for a few weeks now but I kept forgetting I hadn’t seen it yet lol.

Another solid and good entry into the Mission: Impossible franchise. But it suffers from the same flaws as a few of the other ones… the stunts and action set pieces are incredible. Done to perfection. However, not only are they convenient but they go on and on and on, ESPECIALLY the last sequence with the train! My God it felt like it was the same thing for 4 different train carts lmao! Like… OK get on with itttt!

But the major highlights for me were the women! Specifically Pom Klementieff. I NEEEEED more of her in the next one. But Hayley was great too.

Overall a lot of fun and another consistent and strong entry to this franchise. I just wish they would tighten some of the sequences to prevent them from going on so long.

This is my 1000th Letterboxd entry!



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 25th August]

Was really into this but then at random moments it’d cut to silly documentary-lite interviews and random cut-scenes to talking spiders which added literally nothing to the plot of the story or anything.

However, everything else was really nice and ended up being such a cute little British-Indie movie. I really loved the dynamic between Jason and Georgie. Lola Campbell is a star in the waiting! Her line execution and delivery was perfect!

Between Triangle of Sadness, this and the upcoming (for us in the UK at least) The Iron Claw, Harris Dickinson has an incredible future ahead of him and is one of the UK’s most promising actors right now.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 25th August]

At least I know what a Mr. G spin off Summer Heights High movie could be like!!

Really enjoyed my time with this. I thought everything played out the way it was supposed to really well. I do think it could have had a little bit more heart/character development as I thought the son entered being a douche but was immediately not? I just don’t think they fleshed his character out enough for such a whiplash effect.

But it’s only a minor thing. This is my thing and I would welcome more!



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 3rd February]

Wait… hold tf UP???? How is this so good?

Legit one of the best stories and screenplays I’ve seen, especially for an animation, for a long, long time. Every beat was hit perfectly.

My slight criticism is that I didn’t like the inconsistent animation at various points. Felt very Bad Guys in that sense although not as overdone as that was so it wasn’t too distracting, just got a bit annoying when it was happening for me.

It was everything you could probably want from a movie based on “fairytales” tbh. I’m actually shocked as I’m not a huge fan of the Shrek franchise generally.

The Big Bad Wolf is one of the scariest and terrifying villains in movie tbh. Yes, he was that good!

I’m shocked.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 17th March]

Another great addition to the X franchise. Mia Goth has given us the annual female horror movie performance with this turn. Great stuff by her.

I love that Ti clearly has a vision for this franchise and it's what makes this all work. It doesn't come off as forced or ingenuine & it doesn't feel like a "cash grab". He has a plan and it has so far paid off very well for him.

It lost me a tad with one too many overlong monologue sequences (as powerful as they ended up being) but overall it was sharply executed and the gruesome deaths weren't just for shock value. I loved seeing Pearl spiral and loved seeing how long it'd take for her to switch. It was incredibly effective in the final killing scene as that was really terrifying!


*2nd REVIEW*

I’m in the very small minority that prefers X to this.

However, the only issue I have with this movie is that it’s fairly slow and I love a good monologue but I find this has one too many and kinda slows it down more.

Apart from that, I love this and even on a rewatch, seeing Pearl spiral in the way she does is just brilliant to see and Mia Goth truly puts in one of the greatest horror performances of all time and is yet another example of how stupid it is that awards season continuously overlooks horror performances.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 10th November]

Oh yeahhhh! This was exactly what I wanted from it. Just a short, sweet, FUN and funny Marvel superhero movie.

The chemistry between the main 3 actresses was (unsurprisingly) amazing! Brie & Teyonah were excellent but the heart came from Iman. The villain is extremely 1 dimensional and “surface level” but that is ok for a movie like this. Reminded me a lot of the Phase 1 kind of villains. Tbf the MCU have never really been too strong on the villain side of things (bar a few exceptions). The action sequences were some of the most innovative I’ve seen in a superhero movie to date. Their power switch up made for some exciting and enthralling sequences.

The Flerkittens… omg.

Having Monica and Kamala there experiencing Aladna at the same time as us really prevented that whole scene become a bit too cheesy and cringe. It ended up being camp fun!

This was also the best version of Captain Marvel we’ve seen to date.

Idk but I had a BLAST with this. I cannot wait to experience it again in all honesty. It felt very early phase 2 MCU and I loved that tbh.


*2nd REVIEW*

2nd time and still just as fun, funny and just an all out good time. It’s just an entertaining movie and I’m sorry to those who don’t find enjoyment in it tbh.

Also, the fight sequences are some of the best in the MCU. So good!!


*3rd REVIEW*

The most over-hated movie of 2023.

I’m sorry. It’s just so fun. Switch your brain off and just enjoy the ride, fun.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 28th September]

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this. I thought Gareth Edwards delivered a really strong, sci-fi epic that will become a bit of a cult classic. I’ve seen a few people say they found it quite “hollow” and that the characters were “weak” but I disagree. I found myself invested in the characters and thought the emotional beats were well done.

The main flaw for me though is that it isn’t as original as it’s being hyped up to be. It’s literally a love letter to sci-fi movies in general (Rogue One (obvz), Blade Runner, District 9, Ex Machina etc..) and although not particularly original or unique, I think it honours those movies nicely.

Also, I thought the “villain” was the blandest and most generic thing about this as Allison Janney delivers a performance that resembles a bit too much like Stephen Lang in the Avabore movies. Just boring and 2 Dimensional. Luckily though, there is more to focus on with this storywise than there was for those movies.

We’ll see what I think on a rewatch but yeah, very happy with this and I am eager to revisit it again! Also, I love AI robots in these movies. I always sympthise and empathise more with them than humans lol.


*2nd REVIEW*

Saw this again but this time in IMAX and it really is a thrilling, sci-fi epic to me. I managed to take a bit more in on the rewatch as sometimes with big blockbuster movies although you like them originally it can still be a little overwhelming, so it was nice to just immerse into that world again and take it all in that little bit more. Just a delight.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 7th July]

This was really stunning visually and it’s one of Pixar’s most consistently strong stories in a while. It really does just play off as a classic 90’s/00’s rom-com, just in a Disney Pixar way.

The social commentary was strong in this but it was so cleverly done in that it will resonate with further viewings for children as they grow up. They’ll see it in one way as a kid but then watch it again in like 10 years time and be like… oh wow! Ok!

Really cute and my favourite Pixar offering for a while. Since Soul probably.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 14th April]

Another stunning display of animation and it’s even bolder than Weathering With You was. I still need to see Your Name but I am a fan of these movies so far.

This one has a story that, on paper, sounds absurd, but actually works really beautifully. It’s also a bit meatier than WWY is and there’s just more in general to sink your teeth into.

It is quite formulaic and generic in terms of being an anime movie, but it’s still execute well. It’s a really lovely and exciting movie with absolutely STUNNING animation (to the surprise of nobody).

Can’t wait for the next Shinkai movie tbh.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 22nd January 2024, 07:07 PM


Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 6th January]

I am a sucker for biopics like this and this is one of the best in recent memory. Absolutey gut-wrenchingly overwhelming and powerful.

Danielle Deadwyler gave a fantastic performance as Mamie. She deserved every award nomination that went her way and truly, deserved more.

I knew little about this story, but I knew some of the basics. My jaw DROPPED (although should it have really??) when I read at the end that the men not only confessed to his murder, but got paid $4000 for their interview and continued living as free men. Also Carolyn… vile.

This story is so sad and heartbreaking. But, it needed to be told.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 28th July]

2023 is shaping up to be the strongest year for horror movies I have witnessed in a long, long time. The thing that makes Talk To Me stand out for me is that it takes a very “predictable” premise of a posessed object and those who hold/encounter it but flips it 180 to give us one of the most sinister, creepiest and unique entries to the posession sub-genre at the same time.

It really excelled by not having jump scares and instead just relied solely on it’s nerve wrecking tension to build an uncomfortable dread and make it uncomfortable whilst watching. My only qualm really is that a couple of the characters (not actors! As they all knocked it out of the park!) were just down right shitty people lol. But, you still feel sorry for them somewhat so I guess that’s just the bonus of having a more complex character.

Very impressed with this! Will definitely be rewatching this in the future! Equal parts horrifying and it actually had a really nice comedic balance to it to help relieve the stress.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 23rd June]

This was SOOOOOO good! I loved the story and I thought the voice cast were stellar! Chloë Grace Moretz especially! Riz Ahmed is continuing to prove himself as one of the most likeable actors of today, too.

The only drawback for me is that the animation feels very dated to me. Although it wasn’t inconsistent or necessarily bad, it’s just not completely my thing.

But this is 2nd to Spider-Verse to me for animation movies of the year. Honestly, I’m glad Disney fumbled this one.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 17th March]

A really cute, charming, funny Rom-Com. Really compelling lead performances by both David Jonsson and Vivian Oprah. Very strong chemistry and a distinctly British and unique directing style by Raine Allen-Miller that prevents this from being a completely generic movie.

The screenplay underneath the unique directing style though is pretty generic on the whole and that’s fine but it kinda makes it feel like the movie isn’t as unique as it shows itself off to be.

I recommend this to people though. Especially if you’re looking for a nice, cute modern day romantic comedy. Very good.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 19th May]

There is just something that I love about a coming of age movie where the parents are, y’know, supportive and nice.

This was really endearingly cute and charming. Rachel McAdams just seems to be one of the sweetest, kindest and warmest actors out there. She was really excellent in this role.

Loved everyone in this overall. Kathy Bates being as reliable as she always is. Benny Safdie in that endearingly warm father character role. Even the kids served their roles really well.

Just a nice, funny, coming-of-age movie.

We must. We must. We must increase our bust.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 22nd January 2024, 07:11 PM


Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 7th September]

Just a really lovely, rich and beautiful drama with stunning performances.

Greta Lee is fantastic and delivers such a wonderful performance that all comes together perfectly with that final moment in the movie. Both her main supporting stars Teo Yoo and John Magaro were excellent in their roles too, especially the latter who managed to convey his hurt and emotions perfectly.

The story was a bit simple and wasn’t executed in a particularly unique or fresh way, but it’s enough for it to make a lasting impression on you.


*2nd REVIEW*

This is just such a cute movie.

That last shot where we see Nora walking back to her home before she breaks down in Arthur’s arms is probably my favourite movie moment of 2023. Just superbly executed and acted. The right amount of devastating and tenderness.

Also, my fave moments are definitely the moments with Arthur. From the bed moments to the scene where he has a somewhat of a heart to heart with Hae.. just beautiful. I feel like you really feel his pain but how he keeps it all in.



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 29th September]

So they did it. They managed to make a SAW movie that actually legitimately lives up to the original in a way that makes you wish that it had originally followed on from it from the start.

It doesn’t quite match the grittiness of the original but it succeeds where 90% of the other sequels fail… it has an engaging story and although there are traps and they are “moments”, they actually feel secondary to the story… as they should!

The thing that lets it down for me a little bit is that the first 20 mins or so are a bit slow and it tested my patience a little, but once it got going (pretty much right from the moment of realisation)… it was all systems go. Captivating story. Gruesome traps. Characters that you love to hate and hate to love (John Kramer is still a terrible human for setting all this shit up but he does it for a purpose!!!). The character arc of Amanda is so good in this. The twists were also well earned and not just thrown in coz “it’s another SAW movie!!!!!”

Tobin Bell is incredible in this and it’s definitey my favourite performance of his in this franchise. Shawnee Smith was a delight as ever as John’s apprentice. Synnøve Macody Lund was fantastic - one of the best antagonists this franchise has ever had. She was just an all out bitch and there was no redeeming of her character and the way they got around that so you ended up routing for John and Amanda was excellent.

2023 has been the best year for horror since I can remember! Incredible year!



Score out of 5: ★★★★

[UK Release Date: 8th March]

The requels are 2 for 2 for me! The Melissa Barrera haters are gonna be crying coz she proved every single one of them wrong lmao! She was a big highlight, even more so than she was in the first (where she was overshadowed by Jenna).

My main gripe is… are you ready? My main issue with movies nowadays… it’s a bit overlong but… I really had a blast in this and it’s just further solidified the Scream franchise as my favourite horror franchise.

Even if it was predictable, it was still a lot of fun to follow and see it all unravel! I love the “core four” so much and honestly after the amazing work Neve, Courtney & David did to make the originals so great, I never thought it’d be possible to get that kind of connection in this franchise again. But they succeeded.

So much fun!

Edit: Oh and can I just say… whoever edited the teaser trailer… ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!! Y’all really made me believe they were all on the same train!!!



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 6th January]

Very nearly gave it a 5. It probably does deserve it, a beautiful and compelling one, but heavy all the same.

I cried numerous times. Not just “teared up”, literal streams and the ending destroyed me. Every character was on point and I loved how feel-good it felt throughout to help give you the hope that you needed in this movie.

After a troubling last few projects, Tom Hanks is BACK WITH FULL FORCE! He is probably the most “human” actor out there. Him and (unrelated to the movie) Olivia Colman both shine the most in the most human moments of their characters.

I loved everyone in this but Mariana Treviño was a big scene and movie stealer as both her and Tom bounced off each other perfectly.

Yeah, I loved this and I loved how heartwarming it was throughout but then it really drags you in at the most opportune moments. Beautifully profound. Will catch the original when I can!



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 1st June]

Another solid entry into what is set up to become the greatest trilogy ever? (Or at least one of…)

Pretty much the only qualms I have with this are the exact same as the first one. The animation is kind of all over the place, I get it when they’re visiting other worlds etc… but sometimes when they’re in the same universe, the animation (not of the characters) is quite inconsistent with that world and it just throws me out most of the time. But like the first, the animation styles themselves are so beautifully done.

The structure of this movie is a bit more inconsistent in it’s story too. Not really a fan of stop-starts in movies in general though. But I really like the story and was really drawn into it towards the end.

I love all the characters too. Not a weak link among the main ones! I think Shameik, Hailee, Issa and Jake Johnson are going to go down as beloved actors who brought Spider-Man to life. In a similar way to how Mark Hamill is considered one of the absolute best Joker.

I loved Spot so much. I thought that character was extremely compelling! Excited for more of him in the future!

An extremely good-great movie! Even though I’m not too big a fan of the animation’s various styles all at once (which makes it seem messy to me) I get the hype. Excited to see it a few more times coz Into the Spider-Verse has really only gotten better for me on repeated viewings so maybe this is the same?


*2nd REVIEW*

On a rewatch I think this is exactly like the first in that, in terms of story, characters and the overall aesthetics of each animation style used etc… is flawless. There is so much more to it too.

I actually managed to soak it all in a lot easier on a rewatch. The first watch was kinda overwhelming.

But my main problem is still the same… the animation style overall in each world is quite inconsistent to me and I just find it hard to adjust immediately each time (for example sometimes it’ll look like 3D animation and the next scene right after it looks slightly like stop motion and then 2D for a brief second - almost like it’s unfinished? Idk I’m not a technical expert at this lol) but other than that personal gripe… it’s amazing. Worth the hype.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 22nd January 2024, 07:12 PM

Don't know what happened there. I tried to post all 10 together, but it just posted a blank post and wouldn't let me "edit" as I "didn't have permission"... how odd.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 23rd January 2024, 10:32 PM


Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 8th December]

Paul King (of the family movies!!!)!

Absolutely LOVED this. Paul seems to create such magical worlds with his vision and they come off so wholesome, pure and just absolutely wonderful, which make them work and connect with their audiences. He manages to find the perfect balance for a family movie. Not too childish and not too adult. It’s always the best balance to keep both adults and children alike entertained all throughout.

Timothée is absolutely fantastic as the title character and had such a great supporting cast surrounding him. Especially from Calah Lane and the ever brilliant Olivia Colman!

It’s just such a magical and beautiful imagining of such a famous children’s character. The songs are great too. I’m bowled over. Perfect movie to get us through the holidays!


*2nd REVIEW*

Still an absolute joy on rewatch. I was just sat there with a huge grin on my face the entire time. So damn good!



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 3rd November]

Well… talk about an underrated future cult classic.

This was one of the biggest emotional rollercoaster rides I have witnessed in a movie in absolutely ages. Let me start by saying Mia Mckenna-Bruce gives us one of the best performances of the year. This really feels like one of those “breakout” roles where you just know that actor is going to be a huge star over the course of the next 5 years or so. She was wonderful! Gave me big Florence Pugh vibes (absolutely a positive!!).

I loved how it touched on a lot that people wouldn’t probably be aware of in those situations. Everything to do with Paddy, how all of their friends feel (Taz & Em and how Em knew whenever something wasn’t quite right but never pushed too much) Badger knowing what Paddy must have done but never saying anything to him about it. That balcony scene where Taz just stares at Badger was a MOMENT. He knew. HE KNEW!

The movie is just so powerful and rich in it’s story that you absolutely end up feeling every feeling you should at every moment.

It’s such a powerful and hard watch, but it’s supposed to be. I will be thinking about this movie for a while.



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 3rd March]


This was beautifully devastating! I’d heard it was emotional but didn’t really realise to what extent. I was a mess as soon as everything hit and then was on and off for the entirety of the last 40 mins or so.

The first half is where this movie shines the most though as it really helps set everything up perfectly. It really executes the emotional tones for the movie wonderfully. You are immediately drawn into Leo and Remi’s world and it feels like you’ve known them since they were born, which greatly helps the movie experience later on. The self-denial part of the story was the strongest point to me as it was immaculately told. In a way I haven’t experienced in a movie before.

As someone who lost a close friend when we were just 14 as she sadly took her own life, I completely sympathised and empathised with Leo, right from the moment he was told all the way to the end where he couldn’t help but feel guilty somewhat.

I do think it took a tad *too* long to get to the point where Leo broke down in front of Remi’s mother though. I was really yearning for that 1 to 1 speech we didn’t really get. Especially the dinner scene.

Eden Dambrine and Gustav De Waele were both outstanding. Especially for them to convey as much as they did for boys who are so, so young. I’m so blown away by all of this. Equal parts powerful, beautiful and devastating.



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 17th November]

This was unexpectedly better than I thought it would be. I was expecting it to be good but not as good as it was. It was funnier than I had anticipated too. I laughed out loud a lot.

Barry Keoghan is such a STAR. He is absolutely one of the best breakout stars of the last few years, imo. He’s on a huge roll right now. Such a captivating performer. Rosamund Pike and Richard E. Grant give incredible performances too.

I loved that this dark comedy didn’t shy away from any of it’s weirdness and it seemed to actually embrace it all which played to it’s favour of being a nice, quirky movie. One scene in particular I can’t stop thinking about… it really caught me off guard and I wasn’t expecting it at ALL. I’m so happy Emerald didn’t shy away from any scenes.

Can’t wait to watch this quirky little number again!



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 21st April]

Genuinely one of the creepiest movies I have seen in a while. I was expecting it to be a bit creepy, but this somehow outdid those expectations.

I think this is my favourite entry into the Evil Dead franchise yet. I feel like Lee Cronin managed to grasp everything that worked with the franchise (original AND sequels/reboot) and managed to throw it all together for one cohesive, creepy, scary and fun horror movie.

I had a really good time with this. I do think it started off a little slow (after the EXCELLENT opening!) but once it got to where it needed to go, it grabs you by the throat and never once lets go! The way it just embraces the chaos and the gore was so fun!

Big [REC] vibes sprinkled throughout and I appreciated that. Highly recommend to those wanting a damn good time in a horror movie. Will definitely be keeping my eye on Lee Cronin in the future…


*2nd REVIEW*

I just had to up this half a star.

Just incredible. The best horror of the year for me. Right from THAT opening sequence all the way to the very end. Perfectly paced, the perfect balance of OTT gore & genuine horror, amazing use of weapons…

Just fantastic stuff! The best of the Evil Dead franchise, imo.

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 26th January 2024, 07:17 PM


Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 17th February]

Well, isn’t this just the most charming and beautiful little movie??

So endearing and gorgeous. It’s literally just a big, warm hug in movie form! Adorable. We all now want a pet shell, with shoes on ofc!

Charismatic, endearing, funny and just down right cute!! We will protect Marcel and his family at any cost that we need to!! So sweet!


*2nd REVIEW*

Just the warm big hug that everyone needs from time to time. Just so damn cute!!



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 21st July]


This is SUBLIME!!!

No, seriously, it’s excellent. Usually with comedies like this that also deal with social commentary of things, the jokes and actual “comedy” wears thin at around the half way mark, but this absolutely didn’t. In fact the 2nd half got some bigger laughs and I think the message that Greta clearly tried to go for, landed perfectly.

Margot IS the perfect stereotypical Barbie. Ryan IS exceptional as Ken. Like, I don’t think people understand just HOW good he is in the role. The set design is phenomenal and everybody played their parts to perfection. Truly. I don’t think I’ve seen such a strong ensemble cast quite like this before. Well, not since Endgame I don’t think.

I genuinely think some award noms and wins are on their way. Golden Globes for both Margot and Ryan at least I reckon. I’m gonna have ‘I’m Just Ken’ stuck in my head now.

There are some really excellent monologues in this particularly the ones from Margot, Rhea and America. Just really good!

The main negative for me is that the structure of the movie was quite jarring at times. Things happening pretty quick, but I didn’t mind it too much. I’d rather it did that than outstay it’s welcome explaining plot points that didn’t need explaining for as long as they did etc..

I’m just so happy it didn’t disappoint me!

The replay factor is HIGH as I already want to see it again! It was exactly the movie you’d expect and want a Barbie movie to be in 2023. Soooo good!


*2nd REVIEW*


In a world full of Ken’s be a Ken but aim to be an Allan.


*3rd REVIEW*


3rd time and it’s still just so much fun! A really good time with such a great message. Give them all the awards this awards season tbh!


*4th REVIEW*


First time watching in IMAX and it was… SUBLIME!

It was just as wonderful if not even moreso in IMAX. The bonus content at the end was great. I miss outtakes in the credits anyway but I liked that and the BTS footage that we got! The movie looked like it was an absolute BLAST to work on!



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 15th December]

I thought this was excellent. The only critique that I have is that, just like all the other Godzilla movies that have come before it, it never finds the *perfect* balance of human story/Godzilla attack & story. It’s either too much of one and too little of another.

However, the thing that separates this from all the others is that the human story is actually fantastic and engrossing. You end up rooting for who you’re supposed to and there’s an emotional punch that hits incredibly nicely. When we do see Godzilla, it was genuinely exciting/terrifying. Felt like stakes were at play. Also, Godzilla itself looked incredible.

There is one scene that would have been nice to see though and that’s how Godzilla got out of Tokyo! He just looks up at the damage he caused with his heat beam whilst the human protaganoist is mourning the loss of his friend in the attack as radiation pours down on him. Is Godzilla supposed to have just been like “oh that was my bad sorry folks, I’ll head back to the water. Sorry again.”

But other than that, I thought this was excellent and it’s already my favourite Godzilla movie…



Score out of 5: ★★★★1/2

[UK Release Date: 3rd May]

Yeah I LOVED this. I just think this group is one of the most consistently solid and fun groups to grace a movie screen ever. James Gunn manages to make this volume soul destroying AND make it have the same charm and charisma that the other 2 movies benefit so hugely from.

The entire Rocket backstory was incredibly done and touched every damn emotion possible. Which really helped elevate the villain as being one of the most heinous, vicious and cruel villains we’ve seen in the MCU to date. My jaw dropped several times and most of them was throughout his back story.

Groot and Drax remained the absolute highlights. Groot had some incredible and genuine bad ass moments. But I think everyone played the role they were supposed to play, extremely well. Stakes were high and I’ve not been this uncomfortable in a movie, waiting for the fate of our heroes since Endgame.

I was gonna go half a mark higher but just like recent movies, the length of the movie is a bit long and there ended up being some plot points that didn’t need to happen just to prolong the movie some more, when it could’ve just happened a different way and could have been a bit shorter. I didn’t hate those plot points, but just felt like the movie wouldn’t have been any better or worse with them included.

I’m really excited to see this again ASAP. I just love them and they cheer me up as a group so much. The perfect ending to this trilogy, but I love that it left it wide open for more to come from this specific part of the MCU. If we can get Michelle Yeoh back for next time though… that’d be grand!!!


*2nd REVIEW*

Impromptu trips to the cinema FTW!!! Wasn’t planning on seeing this again today, but when it was suggested, how could I say no?!

I think this hits just about every beat that is needed and I can’t get over how amazingly well written Rocket’s character has been. His origin story is absolutely devastating! I just wanted to protect him, Lylla, Teefs and Floor so much!!

So good and just as good on the 2nd time around as it was easier for me to process the length of the movie.


*3rd REVIEW*

3rd time in a week! Oops.

This time for IMAX though and what a beaut it is. Rocket’s story seems to be absolutely wrecking me the more times I see it… it’s just so wonderfully done and soul destroying but beautiful.

And ending on such a high note after all that… whew.


*4th REVIEW*

I swear the scene where Rocket is just about to die and he’s visited by Lylla, Teefs and Floor gets more and more emotional each time… WHEW. It destroys me.


*5th REVIEW*

There are just some scenes in this movie that are going to be my favourite scenes in movies this year.

Sorry Scream Sequels, I have a new core 4!



Score out of 5: ★★★★★

[UK Release Date: 27th January]

This was so much more than just a “love letter to movies” than I thought it would be. That narrative didn’t come off as forced or as preachy as I was expecting.

The story was simple, beautiful and so emotionally deep. I was really impressed by it all. As I was sat there watching him introduce the movie, I realised he is the actual GOAT director.

He has such a special spark to his movies that, no matter how different, “normal” or unique his movies are, you know it’s Spielberg. He has this wonderful magic to majority of his movies that’s really hard to describe.

Michelle Williams really earns her noms and praise in this. Probably my favourite role of hers. I was really impressed by Gabriel LaBelle as Sam too! He had the perfect blend of endearing, likeable awkwardness that Steven has.

I’m really enamoured by this movie tbh. Something so simple, but so, so beautiful and told with such beautiful passion and care. The screenplay is… *chef’s kiss*


*2nd REVIEW*

At this point in the year, it feels like I’m the only one that thinks this is the best movie of the year (I’m working on UK dates!).

I just think in terms of movie biopics that are based on such a prolific name, you will be hard pressed to find a better one. The thing that makes this standout is that it feels quintessentially Spielberg. The shots that are used. The story that really makes you want to do something you never wanted to do before watching the movie and the acting is… SO GOOD. Gabriel LaBelle really captures Spielberg’s endearing awkwardness perfectly, that makes him such a likeable and warm lead.

I just love this so much and if I’m the only one ranking this as the #1 movie of the year, then so be it. I will not be apologising. So warm and cute. LOVE!

Posted by: Tafty³³³ 26th January 2024, 07:17 PM


01. The Fabelmans
02. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
03. Godzilla Minus One
04. Barbie
05. Marcel the Shell With Shoes On
06. Evil Dead Rise
07. Saltburn
08. Close
09. How To Have Sex
10. Wonka
11. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
12. A Man Called Otto
13. Scream VI
14. SAW X
15. Past Lives
16. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
17. Rye Lane
18. Nimona
19. Talk to Me
20. Till
21. Suzume
22. Elemental
23. The Creator
24. The Marvels
25. Pearl
26. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
27. Theater Camp
28. Scrapper
29. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning (Part 1)
30. Society of the Snow
31. Blackberry
32. Bottoms
33. The Blackening
34. The Whale
35. Totally Killer
36. Sisu
37. Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget
38. Sick
39. Broker
40. The Little Mermaid
41. Next Goal Wins
42. Oppenheimer
43. When Evil Lurks
44. M3GAN
45. Thanksgiving
46. Anyone But You
47. Dream Scenario
48. Air
49. Cobweb
50. How to Blow Up a Pipeline
51. Wish
52. Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania
53. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
54. Super Mario Bros. The Movie
55. Of an Age
56. Renfield
57. The Nun II
58. The Boy and the Heron
59. The Killer
60. Cocaine Bear
61. Babylon
62. John Wick: Chapter 4
63. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
64. Gran Turismo
65. Knock at the Cabin
66. Polite Society
67. Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
68. Strays
69. Insidious: The Red Door
70. Joy Ride
71. Leave the World Behind
72. Maestro
73. Women Talking
74. Pretty Red Dress
75. Killers of the Flower Moon
76. The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
77. Red, White & Royal Blue
78. TÁR
79. Ghosted
80. No One Will Save You
81. No Hard Feelings
82. War Pony
83. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
84. Dumb Money
85. May December
86. Anatomy of a Fall
87. Napoleon
88. Asteroid City
89. Carmen
90. Shazam! Fury of the Gods
91. Plane
92. The Equalizer 3
93. The Collective
94. Journey to Bethlehem
95. A Haunting in Venice
96. The Flash
97. 65
98. Meg 2: The Trench
99. Fast X
100. Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
101. Blue Beetle
102. The Boogeyman
103. Ferrari
104. The Exorcist: Believer
105. The Last Voyage of the Demeter

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