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BuzzJack Music Forum _ Madonna _ Worldwide Chart Topic

Posted by: liamk97 15th October 2011, 02:10 PM


Madonna / The First Album

06 New Zealand
06 UK
07 Netherlands
08 France
08 US
10 Australia
15 Austria
16 Canada
18 Hungary
20 Japan
28 Germany
29 Greece
35 Spain
43 Sweden
50 Italy
65 South Africa


Gold: Germany, Italy, Spain, South Africa
Platinum: France, Hong Kong, Netherlands, New Zealand, UK
3x Platinum: Australia
5x Platinum: US


France: 232,500
Japan: 89,710
UK: 650,000
US: 5,000,000
WW: 10,000,000

Like a Virgin

01 Germany
01 Italy
01 Netherlands
01 New Zealand
01 Spain
01 UK
01 US
02 Australia
02 Japan
03 Austria
03 Canada
03 Sweden
03 Switzerland
05 France
06 Norway
08 Finland
22 Denmark


Gold: Finland
3x Gold: Germany
Platinum: Belgium Hong Kong, Spain
2x Platinum: France, Italy, Switzerland
3x Platinum: UK
5x Platinum: New Zealand
7x Platinum: Australia
Diamond: Canada, US


Finland: 35,398
France: 634,500
Japan: 935,430
UK: 1,678,000
US: 10,000,000
WW: 21,000,000

True Blue

01 Australia
01 Canada
01 Finland
01 France
01 Germany
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 Netherlands
01 New Zealand
01 Spain
01 Switzerland
01 UK
01 US
02 Austria
02 Norway
02 Sweden
29 Denmark


Gold: Brazil, Greece, Japan, Portugal
Platinum: Austria, Belgium, Finland, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Norway
2x Platinum: Germany
3x Platinum: Spain, Switzerland
4x Platinum: Argentina, Australia, Italy
5x Platinum: New Zealand
7x Platinum: UK, US
Diamond: Canada, France


France: 1,353,500
Finland: 53,912
Italy: 1,500,000
Japan: 718,000
UK: 2,000,000
US: 7,000,000
World: 25,000,000

Who's That Girl?

01 Germany
01 Netherlands
02 France
02 Italy
02 Norway
04 Canada
04 Spain
04 Sweden
04 Switzerland
04 UK
05 Austria
05 Finland
06 New Zealand
07 US
10 Japan
24 Australia


Gold: Australia, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand
Platinum: Hong Kong, Spain, UK, US
2x Platinum: France, Italy


France: 668,300
Japan: 111,350
UK: 350,000
US: 1,400,000
World: 6,000,000

You Can Dance

01 Italy
02 France
03 Netherlands
04 New Zealand
05 Japan
05 Norway
05 UK
06 Finland
10 Sweden
11 Canada
11 Switzerland
13 Australia
13 Austria
13 Germany
14 US
16 Spain


Gold: Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden
Platinum: Australia, France, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Spain, UK, US


France: 414,700
Italy: 450,000
UK: 400,000
US: 1,500,000
World: 5,000,000

Like a Prayer

01 Austria
01 Belgium
01 Canada
01 Denmark
01 Finland
01 France
01 Germany
01 Greece
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 Netherlands
01 Norway
01 Portugal
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 UK
01 US
01 Ireland
02 New Zealand
04 Australia


3x Gold: Germany
Platinum: Argentina, Austria, Finland, Hong Kong, Netherlands
2x Platinum: Brazil, France, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland
4x Platinum: Australia, Spain, UK, US
5x Platinum: Canada


Brazil: 710,000
Finland: 70,818
France: 770,300
UK: 1,340,000
US: 5,000,000
WW: 15,000,000

I'm Breathless

01 Australia
01 Finland
01 Germany
01 Greece
01 Ireland
01 Japan
01 Portugal
02 Italy
02 New Zealand
02 Spain
02 UK
02 US
03 Canada
03 France
03 Switzerland
04 Norway
04 Sweden
05 Austria
08 Netherlands
19 Hungary


Gold: Austria, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland
2x Gold: France
Platinum: Australia, Japan, UK
2x Platinum: Canada, Spain, US


Brazil: 182,000
France: 411,900
Japan: 329,382
UK: 350,000
US: 3,240,000
World: 7,000,000

The Immaculate Collection

01 Australia
01 Canada
01 Finland
01 UK
02 Italy
02 US
03 Ireland
03 New Zealand
03 Switzerland
04 France
05 Japan
05 Netherlands
05 Spain
06 Austria
06 Hungary
06 Portugal
07 Scotland
08 Sweden
10 Germany
14 Norway
23 South Africa
31 Denmark
33 Belgium (Flanders)
61 Mexico


Gold: Sweden
3x Gold: Germany
Platinum: Austria, Denmark, Finland, South Africa, Switzerland
2x Platinum: Brazil
3x Platinum: Argentina, Netherlands, Spain
4x Platinum: Japan
7x Platinum: Canada, New Zealand
12x Platinum: Australia, UK
Diamond: France, US


Australia: 880,000
Finland: 92,500
France: 1,128,700
UK: 3,883,000
US: 7,452,000
World: 30,000,000


01 Australia
01 Finland
01 France
02 Denmark
02 Italy
02 UK
02 US
03 Greece
04 Belgium
04 Canada
05 Germany
05 Ireland
05 Japan
05 New Zealand
05 Spain
05 Switzerland
06 Portugal
06 Sweden
10 Austria
11 Norway
13 Netherlands
15 Hungary
28 South Africa


Gold: Austria, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland
Platinum: Argentina, Spain
2x Platinum: Canada, Japan, UK, US
3x Platinum: Australia


Brazil: 180,000
France: 250,000
Mexico: 250,000
UK: 627,000
US: 1,989,000
World: 6,000,000

Bedtime Stories

01 Australia
02 Finland
02 France
02 Italy
02 Portugal
02 UK
03 Scotland
03 US
04 Canada
04 Germany
05 New Zealand
05 Spain
05 Sweden
07 Austria
07 Belgium
07 Hungary
07 Switzerland
09 Japan
12 South Africa
13 Netherlands


Gold: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland
2x Gold: France
Platinum: Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, South Africa, UK
2x Platinum: Australia, Canada
3x Platinum: US

France: 277,400
Japan: 294,790
UK: 450,000
US: 2,531,000
World: 8,000,000

Something to Remember

01 Australia
01 Austria
01 Finland
01 Italy
02 Canada
02 Denmark
02 Germany
02 Hungary
03 Chile
03 Portugal
03 Sweden
03 Switzerland
03 UK
04 Belgium (Wallonia)
06 Argentina
06 France
06 Norway
06 Scotland
06 Spain
06 US
07 Ireland
08 New Zealand
09 Belgium (Flanders)
09 Japan
19 Netherlands
32 South Africa


Gold: Belgium, Poland, Spain, South Africa
2x Gold: France
Platinum: Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland
2x Platinum: Canada, Finland, Japan
3x Platinum: UK, US
4x Platinum: Australia


Finland: 93,043
France: 203,000
UK: 880,000
US: 2,281,000
World: 10,000,000


01 Austria
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Belgium (Wallonia)
01 Scotland
01 Switzerland
01 UK
02 France
02 Germany
02 Italy
02 US
03 Norway
04 Denmark
05 Australia
05 Canada
05 Sweden
06 Netherlands
06 New Zealand
16 Spain
17 Finland
21 Japan


Gold: Belgium, Brazil, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain
Platinum: Argentina, Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Switzerland
2x Platinum: Austria, UK
5x Platinum: US


Japan: 124,470
UK: 737,000
US: 2,025,000
World: 11,000,000

Ray of Light

01 Australia
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Canada
01 Finland
01 Germany
01 Greece
01 Hungary
01 Israel
01 Italy
01 Netherlands
01 New Zealand
01 Norway
01 Scotland
01 Singapore
01 Spain
01 Switzerland
01 UK
02 Austria
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 Czech Republic
02 Denmark
02 France
02 Ireland
02 Sweden
02 US
04 Malaysia
06 Portugal
07 Japan
37 Poland


Gold: New Zealand
Platinum: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Finland, Hong Kong, Singapore
2x Platinum: Austria, Japan, Norway, Poland
3x Platinum: Australia, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
4x Platinum: US
6x Platinum: UK
7x Platinum: Canada


Finland: 50,604
France: 960,500
Italy: 600,000
UK: 1,730,000
US: 4,350,000
World: 16,000,000


01 Austria
01 Canada
01 Czech Republic
01 Denmark
01 Finland
01 France
01 Germany
01 Greece
01 Hungary
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Netherlands
01 Norway
01 Poland
01 Scotland
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 Taiwan
01 UK
01 US
02 Australia
02 Belgium (Flanders)
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 New Zealand
02 Spain
03 Portugal
07 Japan


Gold: Brazil, Chile, Finland, Hong Kong, Hungary, Mexico
Platinum: Argentina, Austria, Japan, Poland, Sweden
2x Platinum: Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland
3x Platinum: Australia, Belgium, Canada, US
5x Platinum: UK


Finland: 32,515
France: 680,000
UK: 1,640,000
US: 3,031,000
World: 11,000,000


01 Austria
02 Ireland
02 Scotland
02 UK
03 Australia
03 Belgium (Flanders)
03 Germany
03 Spain
03 Switzerland
05 Norway
07 Italy
07 US
08 Argentina
08 Hungary
08 New Zealand
09 Belgium (Wallonia)
11 Canada
11 Finland
11 South Africa
13 Netherlands
19 Denmark
21 Poland
23 Sweden


Gold: Argentina, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa
Platinum: Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland, US
2x Platinum: Australia, Spain, UK


Finland: 33,179
France: 354,400
UK: 869,000
US: 1,475,000
World: 7,000,000

American Life

01 Australia
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Belgium (Wallonia)
01 Canada
01 France
01 Germany
01 Italy
01 Norway
01 Scotland
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 UK
01 US
02 Denmark
02 Finland
02 Greece
02 New Zealand
02 Spain
03 Australia
03 Netherlands
04 Hungary
04 Japan
04 Poland
06 Ireland
10 Portugal


Gold: Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden
Platinum: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, UK, US


France: 500,000
UK: 357,000+
US: 680,000
World: 5,000,000

Remixed & Revisited

02 Italy
03 Denmark
12 France
33 Japan
37 Belgium (Wallonia)
61 Belgium (Flanders)
80 Switzerland
115 US



US: 129,000

Confessions on a Dancefloor

01 Australia
01 Austria
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Belgium (Wallonia)
01 Canada
01 Denmark
01 Finland
01 France
01 Germany
01 Greece
01 Hungary
01 Italy
01 Netherlands
01 Norway
01 Poland
01 Portugal
01 Scotland
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 UK
01 US
02 Argentina
03 Ireland
03 Mexico
05 Japan
05 New Zealand


Gold: Brazil, Chile, Hong Kong
Platinum: Belgium, Finland, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, US
2x Platinum: Argentina, Australia, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Sweden
3x Platinum: Germany, Switzerland
4x Platinum: Ireland, UK
5x Platinum: Canada, Denmark, Russia
Diamond: France


Finland: 54,588
France: 750,400
Italy: 400,000
UK: 1,357,000
US: 1,734,000
World: 10,000,000

I'm Going to Tell You a Secret

01 Italy
01 Mexico
04 Canada
04 Netherlands
05 Belgium (Flanders)
05 Portugal
07 Denmark
07 Switzerland
08 France
08 Germany
09 Hungary
10 Belgium (Wallonia)
12 Austria
12 Japan
18 UK
23 Scotland
33 US
34 Portugal
39 Czech Republic
40 Ireland


Gold: Brazil, France


France: 53,000
UK: 39,000
US: 85,000

The Confessions Tour

01 Belgium (Wallonia)
01 Czech Republic
01 Hungary
01 Italy
01 Portugal
01 Spain
02 Argentina
02 Canada
02 France
02 Germany
02 Netherlands
02 Switzerland
03 Belgium (Flanders)
05 Denmark
05 Finland
05 Poland
07 UK
08 Sweden
09 Scotland
10 Ireland
10 Japan
15 Norway
15 US
16 Mexico
23 New Zealand


Silver: UK
Gold: Brazil, Hong Kong, Mexico, Russia
Platinum: Argentina, Poland


France: 44,000
UK: 60,000
US: 148,000
World: 1,200,000

Hard Candy

01 Argentina
01 Australia
01 Austria
01 Canada
01 Czech Republic
01 Denmark
01 Finland
01 France
01 Germany
01 Greece
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 Netherlands
01 Poland
01 Portugal
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 UK
01 US
02 Belgium (Flanders)
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 Hungary
02 Norway
03 Mexico
05 New Zealand


Gold: Chile, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, US
Platinum: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, UK
3x Platinum: Russia


Finland: 20,311
France: 240,000
Italy: 175,774
Japan: 252,520
UK: 357,000
US: 751,000
World: 4,000,000


01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Canada
01 Croatia
01 Czech Republic
01 Denmark
01 Germany
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Mexico
01 Russia
01 Scotland
01 UK
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 Finland
02 Hungary
02 Netherlands
02 New Zealand
02 Portugal
02 Spain
02 Sweden
03 Argentina
03 Japan
03 Norway
03 Poland
03 Switzerland
04 Austria
06 Australia
07 US
34 France


Gold: Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, US
Platinum: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland
2x Platinum: Brazil, Denmark, Italy, UK


Finland: 29,416
France: 123,100
Japan: 177,194
UK: 697,000
US: 356,000
World: 4,000,000

Sticky & Sweet Tour

01 Argentina
01 Greece
01 Mexico
01 Portugal
02 Brazil
02 Czech Republic
02 Italy
02 South Korea
03 Canada
03 Spain
04 Belgium (Flanders)
04 Belgium (Wallonia)
04 Netherlands
05 Poland
05 Sweden
05 Switzerland
06 France
07 Finland
10 Japan
10 US
11 Germany
17 UK
20 New Zealand
27 Denmark


Gold: France, Mexico, Russia
Platinum: Italy


France: 41,700
UK: 22,000
US: 82,000


01 Australia
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Brazil
01 Canada
01 Croatia
01 Czech Republic
01 Finland
01 Greece
01 Hungary
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Mexico
01 Netherlands
01 Poland
01 Russia
01 Scotland
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 UK
01 US
02 Denmark
02 France
02 Portugal
02 Switzerland
03 Austria
03 Belgium (Wallonia)
03 Germany
03 New Zealand
04 Japan
05 Taiwan
17 South Africa


Gold: Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, India, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, US
Platinum: France, Hungary, Italy, Poland
2x Platinum: Brazil, Colombia
7x Platinum: Russia


Finland: 10,908
France: 85,000
Turkey: 50,000
UK: 139,000
US: 539,000
World: 2,000,000

The Complete Studio Albums (1983–2008)

09 Japan
19 Italy
26 France
44 Spain
45 Finland
48 Netherlands
52 Switzerland
62 Mexico
70 UK


Gold: Poland


MDNA World Tour

01 Hungary
02 Italy
04 Israel
04 Russia
04 Spain
06 France
11 Poland
18 Portugal
24 Belgium (Wallonia)
25 Greece
50 Netherlands
55 UK
66 Ireland
90 US
116 Belgium (Flanders)


Gold: Portugal


UK: 23,000
US: 18,000

Rebel Heart

01 Australia
01 Austria
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Canada
01 Czech Republic
01 Germany
01 Hungary
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 Netherlands
01 Portugal
01 South Korea
01 Spain
01 Switzerland
02 Argentina
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 Denmark
02 Finland
02 Mexico
02 Norway
02 UK
02 US
03 Croatia
03 France
03 Greece
03 Scotland
05 Ireland
05 Poland
07 New Zealand
08 Brazil
08 Japan
10 Sweden


Gold: Austria, Brazil, France, Mexico, Poland, UK
Platinum: Italy


France: 50,000
Italy: 53,630
Japan: 28,465
UK: 100,000
US: 238,000
World: 1,000,000

Rebel Heart Tour

01 Mexico
03 Portugal
04 Italy
04 Spain
06 Argentina
07 Hungary
08 Belgium (Flanders)
08 Germany
09 Belgium (Wallonia)
12 Greece
12 Poland
14 Netherlands
20 Australia
20 France
30 Scotland
30 Switzerland
42 UK


Platinum: France


Madame X

01 Argentina
01 Portugal
01 Taiwan
01 US
02 Australia
02 Belgium (Flanders)
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 Canada
02 Italy
02 Mexico
02 Netherlands
02 Switzerland
02 UK
03 France
03 Hungary
03 Spain
04 Austria
04 Czech Republic
04 Greece
04 Scotland
04 Slovakia
05 Germany
05 New Zealand
06 Norway
07 Finland
07 Poland
08 Ireland
10 Sweden
11 Japan
13 Denmark


Silver: UK
Gold: Italy


France: 30,000
Italy: 25,000
Japan: 11,207
UK: 60,000
US: 165,000
World: 520,000

Madame X: Music from the Theater Xperience

82 Spain



Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones

01 Australia
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Belgium (Wallonia)
01 Croatia (International Albums)
01 Netherlands
01 Portugal
02 France
02 Germany
02 Ireland
02 Italy
02 Scotland
02 Spain
02 Switzerland
03 Hungary
03 UK
07 Austria
07 Canada
08 US
09 Poland
13 Czech Republic
18 Finland
22 Japan
37 Sweden
39 Greece
39 New Zealand
89 Slovakia



UK: 20,000
US: 40,000

Posted by: liamk97 15th October 2011, 02:10 PM



107 US



US: 320,000

Burning Up

13 Australia



US: 265,000


02 Ireland
02 UK
04 Australia
06 Belgium (Flanders)
07 Netherlands
07 New Zealand
09 Germany
16 US
18 Switzerland
20 Sweden
22 Italy
32 Canada
37 France


Gold: South Africa, UK


UK: 919,000
US: 890,000

Lucky Star

04 US
08 Canada
14 UK
19 Ireland
25 Belgium (Flanders)
36 Australia



UK: 117,000
US: 795,000


01 Ireland
02 UK
03 Belgium (Flanders)
03 Netherlands
09 Ireland
10 US
12 Australia
23 Switzerland
25 Canada
47 New Zealand


Gold: UK, US


UK: 378,000
US: 935,000

Like a Virgin

01 Australia
01 Canada
01 Japan
01 US
02 Belgium (Flanders)
02 New Zealand
02 South Africa
03 UK
04 Germany
04 Ireland
04 Netherlands
05 Finland
07 Ireland
08 Austria
08 France
08 Norway
09 Switzerland
15 Sweden
16 Italy


Gold: UK, US


UK: 932,000
US: 2,400,000
World: 5,000,000+

Material Girl

02 Japan
02 US
03 Ireland
03 UK
04 Australia
04 Belgium (Flanders)
04 Canada
05 Ireland
05 New Zealand
07 Netherlands
08 Austria
10 Spain
13 Germany
15 Switzerland
18 Italy
47 France


Gold: UK


Japan: 47,060
UK: 679,000
US: 1,140,000

Crazy For You

01 Australia
01 Canada
01 US
02 Ireland
02 New Zealand
02 UK
04 Japan
07 South Africa
10 Iceland
11 Netherlands
12 Italy
13 Belgium (Flanders)
13 Sweden
16 Switzerland
17 Spain
23 Austria
26 Germany
47 France


Gold: UK


Japan: 46,300
UK: 794,000
US: 1,605,000
World: 3,000,000+


01 Australia (with 'Into the Groove')
02 New Zealand
02 Spain
03 Ireland
05 Canada
05 UK
05 US
11 Iceland
17 Switzerland
20 Belgium (Flanders)
31 Germany
46 Netherlands


Silver: UK
Gold: US


Japan: 20,190
UK: 205,000
US: 1,120,000

Into the Groove

01 Australia (with 'Angel')
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Finland
01 Iceland
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Netherlands
01 New Zealand
01 Spain
01 UK
02 France
02 Switzerland
03 Germany
03 Sweden
04 Norway
04 South Africa
06 Austria
37 Japan


Gold: France, Italy, New Zealand, UK, US


France: 533,000
Japan: 152,440
UK: 992,000
US: 375,000
World: 3,000,000+

Dress You Up

03 Ireland
05 Australia
05 Belgium (Flanders)
05 UK
05 US
07 Netherlands
07 New Zealand
08 Iceland
10 Canada
11 Spain
16 Italy
18 France
20 Germany
20 Switzerland


Silver: UK


Japan: 11,800
UK: 210,000
US: 625,000


03 Ireland
03 Italy
05 UK
06 Iceland
07 Netherlands
09 Norway
10 Australia
10 Belgium (Flanders)
23 Switzerland
25 Germany
33 France
45 New Zealand


Silver: UK


Japan: 8,510
UK: 295,000

Live to Tell

01 Canada
01 Greece
01 Italy
01 US
02 Ireland
02 Norway
02 UK
03 Belgium (Flanders)
03 Iceland
03 Netherlands
04 Switzerland
06 France
06 New Zealand
07 Australia
11 Sweden
12 Germany
22 South Africa


Silver: France, UK


Brazil: 60,000
France: 241,000
Japan: 23,850
UK: 331,000
US: 825,000

Papa Don't Preach

01 Australia
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Canada
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Netherlands
01 Norway
01 UK
01 US
02 Germany
02 Iceland
02 Switzerland
03 France
03 New Zealand
04 Austria
04 Spain
06 Sweden


Silver: France
Gold: Belgium, UK, US


France: 456,000
UK: 729,000
US: 1,000,000
World: 3,000,000+

True Blue

01 Canada
01 Ireland
01 UK
02 Belgium (Flanders)
03 New Zealand
03 US
04 Iceland
04 Italy
04 Netherlands
05 Australia
06 France
06 Germany
06 Switzerland
09 Austria
12 Spain
18 Sweden


Silver: France
Gold: UK, US
Platinum: Australia


France: 360,000
Japan: 5,170
UK: 608,000
US: 720,000

Open Your Heart

01 US
02 Ireland
04 Iceland
04 UK
06 Belgium (Flanders)
06 Italy
06 Netherlands
08 Canada
11 Switzerland
12 New Zealand
16 Australia
17 Germany
18 Austria
24 France


Silver: UK


Japan: 12,180
UK: 195,000
US: 670,000

La Isla Bonita

01 Austria
01 Canada
01 France
01 Germany
01 Iceland
01 Switzerland
01 UK
02 Ireland
02 Portugal
03 Belgium (Flanders)
03 Finland
03 Netherlands
03 Sweden
04 US
05 New Zealand
05 Norway
06 Australia
08 Spain
18 Italy


Silver: UK
Gold: France, Germany, Japan


France: 771,000
Japan: 181,290
UK: 559,000
US: 775,000
World: 3,000,000+

Who's That Girl?

01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Canada
01 Denmark
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Portugal
01 UK
01 US
02 France
02 Germany
02 Netherlands
02 New Zealand
02 Norway
02 Sweden
02 Switzerland
04 Austria
06 Iceland
06 Spain
07 Australia


Silver: UK
Gold: France


France: 417,000
Japan: 35,650
UK: 413,000
US: 575,000

Causing a Commotion

02 Belgium (Flanders)
02 Canada
02 Ireland
02 US
03 Iceland
03 Netherlands
04 Italy
04 UK
06 New Zealand
07 Australia
09 Switzerland
10 Norway
13 Sweden
14 Austria
14 Germany
21 Spain



UK: 230,000
US: 480,000

The Look of Love

06 Ireland
08 Netherlands
09 UK
10 Belgium (Flanders)
15 Iceland
20 Switzerland
23 France
34 Germany



UK: 121,000


68 Japan



US: 7,500

Like a Prayer

01 Australia
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Canada
01 Denmark
01 Finland
01 Iceland
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 Netherlands
01 Norway
01 New Zealand
01 Portugal
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 UK
01 US
02 Austria
02 France
02 Germany


Silver: France
Gold: Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland
Platinum: Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, US


France: 478,000
Japan: 31,810
UK: 1,012,000
US: 2,395,000
World: 5,000,000+

Express Yourself

01 Canada
01 Italy
01 Switzerland
02 New Zealand
02 US
03 Belgium (Flanders)
03 Finland
03 Germany
03 Ireland
03 Spain
03 Sweden
04 Norway
05 Australia
05 Austria
05 Netherlands
05 UK
07 France
15 Denmark


Silver: UK
Gold: Australia, Brazil, Netherlands, US


UK: 200,000
US: 860,000


01 Canada
02 Ireland
02 US
03 Italy
03 Portugal
03 UK
04 Australia
05 New Zealand
06 Denmark
07 Belgium (Flanders)
07 Netherlands
10 Norway
10 Spain
10 Switzerland
16 Austria
16 Germany
21 France


Gold: Australia


UK: 200,000
US: 615,000

Oh Father

06 Finland
06 Italy
14 Canada
16 UK
20 US
25 Ireland
26 France
59 Australia



UK: 59,000
US: 300,000

Dear Jessie

03 Ireland
05 UK
16 Switzerland
17 Spain
19 Germany
21 Austria
25 Netherlands
51 Australia


Silver: UK


UK: 255,000

Posted by: liamk97 15th October 2011, 02:10 PM


Keep It Together

01 Australia (with 'Vogue')
05 Japan
08 Canada
08 US
16 Italy


Gold: US
2x Platinum: Australia


US: 525,000


01 Australia
01 Canada
01 Finland
01 Greece
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 New Zealand
01 Norway
01 Portugal
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 UK
01 US
02 Belgium (Flanders)
02 Ireland
02 Netherlands
02 Switzerland
04 Germany
07 Austria
09 France


Silver: France
Gold: Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, UK
Platinum: Canada
2x Platinum: Australia, US


France: 220,000
Japan: 52,370
UK: 667,000
US: 2,905,000
World: 5,000,000+

Hanky Panky

01 Finland
02 UK
03 Ireland
05 Italy
06 Australia
06 New Zealand
10 US
13 Spain
15 Belgium (Flanders)
15 Switzerland
18 Canada
20 Austria
21 Germany
21 Netherlands


Silver: UK
Gold: Australia, US


UK: 210,000
US: 530,000

Justify My Love

01 Canada
01 Finland
01 US
02 Italy
02 UK
03 Ireland
03 Norway
03 Spain
03 Switzerland
04 Australia
04 Greece
04 Portugal
05 Netherlands
05 New Zealand
08 Sweden
09 Austria
09 Belgium (Flanders)
10 Germany
17 France


Silver: UK
Gold: Australia, Canada
Platinum: US


Japan: 14,125
UK: 235,000
US: 1,825,000

Rescue Me

03 Ireland
03 UK
04 Denmark
07 Canada
09 US
10 Netherlands
10 Norway
11 Switzerland
12 Italy
15 Australia
18 Belgium (Flanders)
18 New Zealand
21 France
21 Germany
27 Sweden


Gold: US


Japan: 14,510
UK: 135,000
US: 530,000

This Used to Be My Playground

01 Canada
01 Finland
01 Italy
01 Sweden
01 US
02 Ireland
03 Norway
03 UK
05 Denmark
06 Belgium (Flanders)
06 Germany
06 Spain
06 Switzerland
07 France
07 Netherlands
08 Portugal
09 Australia
10 Greece
11 Austria
14 New Zealand


Silver: UK
Gold: Australia, US


Japan: 24,240
UK: 175,000
US: 1,070,000


01 Greece
01 Italy
02 Finland
02 Norway
02 Portugal
03 New Zealand
03 Sweden
03 UK
03 US
04 Australia
04 Ireland
04 Spain
06 Denmark
08 Belgium (Flanders)
08 Switzerland
10 Netherlands
13 Canada
13 Germany
15 Austria
23 France


Gold: Australia, US


UK: 140,000
US: 595,000

Deeper and Deeper

01 Italy
02 Canada
04 Finland
06 UK
07 Ireland
07 US
08 Denmark
09 New Zealand
10 Belgium (Flanders)
11 Australia
13 Iceland
17 France
20 Netherlands
22 Sweden
23 Switzerland
26 Germany
30 Austria


Gold: Australia


UK: 137,000
US: 385,000

Bad Girl

03 Iceland
03 Italy
10 UK
20 Canada
20 Ireland
25 Switzerland
32 Australia
34 Netherlands
35 New Zealand
36 US
40 Belgium (Flanders)
44 France
47 Germany



UK: 75,000
US: 230,000


01 Finland
05 Netherlands
06 Ireland
06 UK
08 Italy
17 New Zealand
22 Belgium (Flanders)
23 Iceland
31 France
51 Australia



UK: 86,000


02 Canada
05 Australia
05 Finland
07 Ireland
07 UK
09 Italy
11 Switzerland
14 US
16 Sweden
20 New Zealand
24 Austria
25 Belgium (Flanders)
25 Iceland
26 Germany
38 Netherlands


Gold: Australia


UK: 131,000
US: 455,000

Bye Bye Baby

07 Italy
15 Australia
28 Switzerland
43 New Zealand



I'll Remember

01 Canada
01 Italy
02 US
05 Finland
07 Australia
07 UK
09 Sweden
10 Ireland
12 Scotland
17 Switzerland
20 Iceland
28 Netherlands
32 Belgium (Flanders)
37 New Zealand
40 France
49 Germany


Gold: Australia, US


UK: 100,000
US: 705,000


01 Canada
01 Finland
01 Switzerland
02 France
03 Italy
03 US
04 Spain
05 Australia
05 New Zealand
05 UK
06 Denmark
07 Iceland
07 Scotland
08 Denmark
11 Austria
12 Sweden
15 Belgium (Flanders)
16 Ireland
20 Netherlands
29 Germany


Silver: France
Gold: Australia, US


France: 255,000
UK: 118,000
US: 620,000

Take a Bow

01 Canada
01 US
02 Italy
03 Finland
08 Switzerland
09 New Zealand
11 Iceland
13 Norway
14 Scotland
15 Australia
16 UK
17 Ireland
18 Germany
19 Belgium (Flanders)
19 Sweden
22 Austria
25 France
39 Netherlands


Gold: US


UK: 103,000
US: 895,000

Bedtime Story

04 Finland
04 Scotland
04 UK
05 Australia
08 Italy
19 Ireland
38 Belgium (Flanders)
38 New Zealand
42 Canada
42 US
46 Netherlands



UK: 97,000
US: 160,000

Human Nature

07 Finland
08 UK
10 Italy
17 Australia
17 Switzerland
18 Scotland
21 Ireland
28 Iceland
37 New Zealand
46 US
50 Germany
64 Canada



UK: 81,000
US: 295,000

You'll See

02 Canada
02 Finland
05 Austria
05 Italy
05 Scotland
05 UK
06 Sweden
06 US
08 Switzerland
09 Austria
11 Belgium (Wallonia)
13 Ireland
15 Germany
17 New Zealand
20 Iceland
20 Netherlands
24 France
45 Belgium (Flanders)


Silver: UK
Gold: Australia, US


UK: 322,000
US: 545,000

One More Chance

02 Italy
11 UK
12 Finland
12 Scotland
35 Australia
39 Sweden



UK: 57,000

Love Don't Live Here Anymore

24 Canada
27 Australia
48 France
78 US



US: 130,000

You Must Love Me

03 Czech Republic
04 Finland
04 Italy
09 Scotland
10 UK
11 Australia
11 Canada
18 US
21 Ireland
26 Iceland
41 France
43 Switzerland
49 Sweden
50 Belgium (Flanders)
78 Germany


Gold: US


UK: 90,000
US: 655,000

Don't Cry For Me Argentina

01 Czech Republic
01 France
01 Hungary
01 Spain
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 Iceland
02 Italy
03 Austria
03 Germany
03 Scotland
03 UK
04 Netherlands
04 Switzerland
05 Belgium (Flanders)
06 Denmark
06 New Zealand
08 Finland
08 US
09 Australia
09 Ireland
09 Norway
09 Sweden
14 Canada


Gold: Australia, France, Germany, Switzerland, UK
Platinum: Belgium


France: 447,000
UK: 400,000
US: 360,000

Another Suitcase in Another Hall

04 Italy
07 UK
23 Ireland
56 Belgium (Wallonia)
60 Switzerland
91 Netherlands



UK: 75,000


01 Finland
01 Greece
01 Hungary
01 Italy
01 Scotland
01 Spain
01 UK
02 Austria
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 Canada
02 Denmark
02 France
02 Germany
02 Netherlands
02 Norway
02 Sweden
02 Switzerland
02 US
03 Belgium (Flanders)
04 Ireland
05 Australia
05 New Zealand
11 Iceland


Gold: Australia, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, US
Platinum: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Norway, UK


France: 469,000
UK: 608,000
US: 940,000
World: 3,000,000+

Ray of Light

01 Greece
01 Scotland
01 Spain
02 Finland
02 Italy
02 UK
03 Canada
05 US
06 Australia
06 Hungary
09 Iceland
09 New Zealand
14 Sweden
16 Ireland
18 France
22 Netherlands
25 Belgium (Flanders)
28 Germany
31 Austria
32 Switzerland
33 Belgium (Wallonia)


Silver: UK
Gold: Australia, US


UK: 340,000
US: 793,000
US: 1,185,000

Drowned World (Substitute for Love)

01 Spain
02 Iceland
04 Hungary
05 Italy
09 Scotland
10 UK
16 Australia
21 New Zealand
31 Switzerland
34 Austria
39 Germany
41 Sweden
42 France
43 Netherlands
58 Belgium



UK: 91,000
US: 25,000

The Power of Goodbye

02 Iceland
02 Spain
03 Sweden
04 Austria
04 Finland
04 Germany
05 Scotland
06 Hungary
06 UK
07 Netherlands
08 Italy
08 Switzerland
11 US
16 Canada
20 Belgium (Wallonia)
21 France
23 Ireland
25 New Zealand
31 Belgium (Flanders)
33 Australia


Silver: UK
Gold: Austria, Germany, Sweden


UK: 205,000
US: 490,000

Nothing Really Matters

01 Hungary
01 Spain
05 Greece
05 Iceland
06 Finland
07 Canada
07 Italy
07 New Zealand
07 UK
09 Scotland
15 Australia
26 Switzerland
28 Ireland
29 Austria
34 Netherlands
38 Germany
39 Belgium (Wallonia)
41 Sweden
43 Belgium (Flanders)
48 France
93 US


Silver: UK


UK: 128,000
US: 220,000

Beautiful Stranger

01 Canada
01 Finland
01 Iceland
01 Italy
02 Hungary
02 Scotland
02 UK
03 Greece
03 Ireland
04 Denmark
04 Spain
05 Australia
05 Netherlands
05 New Zealand
06 Switzerland
08 Norway
12 Belgium (Wallonia)
13 Germany
14 Austria
15 Belgium (Flanders)
15 Sweden
17 France
19 US


Silver: France
Gold: Australia, Belgium, UK


France: 137,000
UK: 557,800
US: 305,000

Posted by: liamk97 15th October 2011, 02:10 PM


American Pie

01 Australia
01 Canada
01 Finland
01 Germany
01 Hungary
01 Iceland
01 Italy
01 Norway
01 Romania
01 Scotland
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 UK
02 Denmark
02 Ireland
03 Austria
03 Greece
04 New Zealand
06 Belgium (Flanders)
06 Netherlands
07 Belgium (Wallonia)
08 France
29 US


Silver: France
Gold: Australia, Austria, Belgium, UK
Platinum: Sweden, Switzerland


France: 183,000
Italy: 70,000
UK: 412,000
US: 95,000


01 Australia
01 Canada
01 Czech Republic
01 Greece
01 Hungary
01 Iceland
01 Italy
01 New Zealand
01 Norway
01 Portugal
01 Romania
01 Spain
01 Switzerland
01 UK
01 US
02 Denmark
02 Finland
02 Germany
02 Scotland
04 Belgium (Wallonia)
04 Denmark
04 Sweden
04 Netherlands
05 Austria
06 Belgium (Flanders)
07 Ireland
08 France


Gold: Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Switzerland, UK
Platinum: Sweden, US
2x Platinum: Australia


France: 238,000
UK: 454,000
US: 1,635,000
World: 3,000,000+

Don't Tell Me

01 Canada
01 Italy
01 New Zealand
02 Spain
03 Finland
04 UK
04 US
05 Greece
05 Hungary
05 Scotland
06 Norway
07 Australia
10 Switzerland
12 Austria
12 Sweden
15 Belgium (Wallonia)
15 Denmark
15 Ireland
16 France
22 Germany
26 Netherlands
27 Belgium (Flanders)


Silver: France, UK
Gold: US
Platinum: Australia


France: 203,000
UK: 200,000
US: 665,000

What It Feels Like for a Girl

01 Spain
02 Canada
02 Italy
03 Portugal
03 Romania
04 Finland
04 Greece
06 Australia
07 Scotland
07 UK
09 Denmark
09 Hungary
11 Switzerland
14 Belgium (Wallonia)
14 Norway
15 New Zealand
16 Germany
16 Netherlands
18 Ireland
22 Sweden
23 Belgium (Flanders)
23 US
26 Austria
40 France


Gold: Australia


UK: 87,000
US: 265,000

Die Another Day

01 Canada
01 Italy
01 Portugal
01 Romania
01 Spain
02 Austria
02 Denmark
02 Greece
03 UK
04 Finland
04 Germany
04 Scotland
04 Sweden
04 Switzerland
05 Australia
05 Netherlands
05 Norway
07 Belgium (Flanders)
08 US
09 Belgium (Wallonia)
09 Ireland
15 France
22 New Zealand


Silver: France, UK
Gold: Australia, Belgium, Greece
2x Platinum: Canada


France: 110,000
UK: 226,000
US: 515,000

American Life

01 Canada
01 Denmark
01 Italy
01 Portugal
01 Switzerland
02 Greece
02 Spain
02 Sweden
02 UK
03 Finland
03 Scotland
04 Netherlands
07 Australia
07 Austria
07 Ireland
07 Romania
09 Norway
10 Belgium (Flanders)
10 France
10 Germany
12 Belgium (Wallonia)
33 New Zealand
37 US


Silver: France
Gold: Australia


France: 190,000
UK: 72,000
US: 155,000


02 Spain
02 UK
03 Italy
05 Canada
07 Scotland
08 Finland
08 Romania
10 Ireland
12 Denmark
14 Belgium (Flanders)
15 Switzerland
16 Australia
19 Sweden
20 Netherlands
21 Germany
22 France
32 Belgium (Wallonia)
34 Austria



UK: 60,000
US: 145,000

Me Against the Music (with Britney Spears)

01 Australia
01 Denmark
01 Hungary
01 Ireland
01 Spain
02 Canada
02 Greece
02 Italy
02 Norway
02 Scotland
02 UK
03 Belgium (Wallonia)
04 Switzerland
05 Belgium (Flanders)
05 Finland
05 Germany
05 Netherlands
05 Sweden
11 France
12 Austria
13 New Zealand
21 Romania
35 US
38 Japan


Silver: UK
Gold: Norway
Platinum: Australia


UK: 200,000
US: 420,000

Nothing Fails

01 Spain
07 Canada
07 Italy
11 Denmark
34 France
36 Germany
41 Switzerland
49 Netherlands
49 Romania
50 Belgium (Flanders)
51 Austria
53 Belgium (Wallonia)



US: 50,000

Love Profusion

01 Spain
03 Canada
03 Greece
05 Italy
11 UK
22 Ireland
25 Australia
25 France
31 Switzerland



UK: 41,000
US: 75,000

Hung Up

01 Australia
01 Austria
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Belgium (Wallonia)
01 Canada
01 Denmark
01 Finland
01 France
01 Germany
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 Netherlands
01 Norway
01 Romania
01 Scotland
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 UK
02 Greece
02 Ireland
02 New Zealand
07 US


Gold: China, France, Italy, Switzerland
3x Gold: Germany
Platinum: Australia, Belgium, Italy, Japan, UK, US
2x Platinum: Canada
3x Platinum: Sweden


France: 490,000
UK: 899,000
US: 1,455,000
World: 5,000,000+


01 Greece
01 Italy
01 Romania
01 Scotland
01 Spain
01 UK
02 Canada
02 Netherlands
02 Norway
03 Denmark
03 Finland
04 Australia
04 Belgium (Wallonia)
04 Switzerland
05 France
05 Germany
05 Ireland
07 Sweden
08 Austria
08 Belgium (Flanders)
12 New Zealand
58 US


Silver: UK
Platinum: Canada, Sweden


France: 100,800
UK: 200,000
US: 465,000

Get Together

01 Hungary
01 Spain
02 Italy
04 Canada
06 Finland
06 Scotland
07 UK
12 Denmark
13 Australia
14 Netherlands
15 Sweden
17 Ireland
22 Belgium (Flanders)
24 Switzerland
26 France
28 Germany
33 Belgium (Wallonia)
35 Austria
106 US


Gold: Sweden


Italy: 10,000
UK: 67,000
US: 180,000


01 Italy
02 Finland
03 Spain
04 Netherlands
07 Denmark
07 Greece
09 UK
18 Belgium (Flanders)
19 Ireland
20 Austria
21 Switzerland
23 Germany
27 Belgium (Wallonia)
29 Australia
40 Sweden
105 US



UK: 52,000
US: 39,000
US: 215,000

Hey You

36 Italy
55 Switzerland
57 Canada
57 Sweden
187 UK


UK: 10,000

4 Minutes (feat. Justin Timberlake & Timbaland)

01 Australia
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Belgium (Wallonia)
01 Canada
01 Denmark
01 Finland
01 Germany
01 Ireland
01 Italy
01 Netherlands
01 Norway
01 Romania
01 Scotland
01 Spain
01 Switzerland
01 UK
02 Austria
02 France
02 Sweden
03 Japan
03 New Zealand
03 Poland
03 US


Gold: Belgium, Japan, New Zealand,
2x Gold: Mexico
Platinum: Australia, Brazil, Finland, Germany, Sweden, UK
2x Platinum: Denmark, Spain, US
3x Platinum: Norway


Canada: 137,000
Finland: 16,799
France: 240,00
Italy: 77,561
UK: 627,000
US: 3,160,000
World: 5,000,000+

Give It 2 Me

01 Spain
01 Turkey
02 Finland
03 Belgium (Flanders)
03 Belgium (Wallonia)
03 Italy
03 Netherlands
04 Denmark
04 Scotland
04 Switzerland
05 France
06 Norway
07 UK
08 Canada
08 Germany
10 Austria
10 Ireland
13 Sweden
23 Australia
57 US


Silver: UK
Platinum: Brazil, Denmark


France: 52,170
Italy: 78,863
UK: 200,000
US: 435,000

Miles Away

01 Spain
07 Japan
09 Netherlands
09 Romania
11 Finland
11 Germany
15 Scotland
21 Austria
22 Italy
23 Canada
25 Sweden
31 Belgium (Flanders)
32 Switzerland
39 Belgium (Wallonia)
39 Denmark
39 UK
54 France


Platinum: Brazil, Japan


UK: 20,000
US: 85,000

Beat Goes On (feat. Kanye West)

15 Finland
82 Canada
189 UK



01 Finland
01 Hungary
01 Israel
01 Italy
01 Scotland
01 Sweden
02 France
02 Netherlands
03 Belgium (Wallonia)
03 Norway
03 UK
04 Belgium (Flanders)
04 Switzerland
05 Canada
05 Denmark
05 Germany
06 Japan
07 Greece
08 Austria
08 Iceland
10 Ireland
17 Spain
40 Australia
71 US


Gold: Denmark, Finland, Japan
Platinum: Italy


Finland: 6,521
France: 51,780
UK: 108,000
US: 290,000

Revolver (feat. Lil Wayne)

06 Finland
12 Belgium (Wallonia)
16 Italy
21 Belgium (Flanders)
25 France
30 Denmark
39 Spain
41 Ireland
47 Canada
130 UK


Gold: Italy
Platinum: Argentina


UK: 10,000
US: 45,000

It's So Cool

08 Finland
13 Portugal
20 Italy
30 Sweden
107 UK



Posted by: liamk97 15th October 2011, 02:11 PM

2010'S + 2020'S SINGLES

Give Me All Your Luvin' (feat. Nicki Minaj & M.I.A)

01 Canada
01 Finland
02 Hungary
02 Italy
02 Lebanon
02 Netherlands
02 Spain
02 Belgium (Wallonia)
03 France
03 Japan
05 Belgium (Flanders)
05 South Korea
06 Switzerland
08 Germany
10 US
11 Austria
11 Ireland
14 Columbia
16 Denmark
25 Australia
29 New Zealand
30 Scotland
37 UK
60 Sweden


Gold: US
Platinum: Italy


France: 58,000
South Korea: 339,983
UK: 50,000
US: 615,000

Girl Gone Wild

04 Hungary
04 Italy
06 South Africa
07 South Korea
07 Spain
08 Israel
13 Finland
13 France
17 Japan
25 Belgium (Flanders)
28 Belgium (Wallonia)
29 Switzerland
38 Sweden
42 Canada
62 Austria
66 Netherlands
73 UK
93 Australia
93 Ireland
106 US


Platinum: Italy


South Korea: 54,192
UK: 10,000
US: 95,000


28 Iceland
68 UK
77 Japan
147 South Korea



UK: 15,000

Turn Up the Radio

30 Spain
63 Belgium (Wallonia)
58 Italy
68 Japan
70 Belgium (Flanders)
125 South Korea
175 UK



UK: 5,000
US: 20,000

Gang Bang

90 South Korea
93 France


Living for Love

04 Israel
08 Sweden
11 Japan
12 Hungary
15 Scotland
20 Lebanon
21 Spain
26 UK
30 Italy
40 Germany
43 Belgium (Wallonia)
49 Switzerland
50 France
54 Belgium (Flanders)
79 Ireland
82 Canada
108 US


Gold: Italy


UK: 40,000
US: 90,000


17 Hungary
20 Italy
34 France
34 Germany
39 Switzerland
41 Spain
53 Belgium (Wallonia)
56 Belgium (Flanders)
86 Scotland
117 UK


Platinum: Italy


UK: 24,000
US: 70,000

Bitch I'm Madonna (feat. Nicki Minaj)

21 Hungary
49 Spain
58 Canada
84 US
90 France
100 Belgium (Flanders)


Gold: Poland


US: 90,000

Hold Tight

27 Hungary
34 Sweden
92 France


Devil Pray

10 Hungary
18 Lebanon
43 Italy
50 Spain
59 Switzerland
62 France


Unapologetic Bitch

18 Hungary
91 France



19 Hungary
92 France


Joan of Arc

20 Hungary
76 France


Iconic (feat. Chance the Rapper & Mike Tyson)

39 Hungary
114 France


Medellín (with Maluma)

09 Hungary
26 Greece
37 Italy
42 Scotland
57 Argentina
67 Spain
69 Switzerland
73 Japan
87 UK


Gold: Italy


UK: 8,000
US: 120,000

Crave (with Swae Lee)

38 Hungary
64 Scotland


I Rise

27 Hungary
45 Scotland


Future (feat. Quavo)

30 Hungary
50 Scotland


Faz Gostoso (feat. Anitta)

53 Portugal


Levitating [The Blessed Madonna remix] (Dua Lipa feat. Madonna & Missy Elliott)

35 Australia
47 Italy
71 Spain
83 Portugal
87 Paraguay
110 US
116 Belgium (Wallonia)
124 Belgium (Flanders)


Frozen [Sickick remix] (with Sickick)

64 France


Gold: France


Posted by: SweetCandy 16th October 2011, 11:06 AM

Thanks for doing this with all your hard work.

Posted by: liamk97 16th October 2011, 02:29 PM

You're very welcome! smile.gif

EDIT: I don't really mind big projects like this, it keeps me occupied when I don't really have much else to do! biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 16th October 2011, 05:02 PM

The 80's section is missing Love Don't Live Here Anymore & Who's That Girl and GHV2 is missing from the album section (when you get some spare time can you post it up sometime ?). But it all looks great so far!.

I always thought Erotica sold over 600k because it's always had the 2 x Platinum cert.

Posted by: liamk97 16th October 2011, 05:36 PM

Thanks for spotting smile.gif I'll add them in biggrin.gif I have them, but I'm not sure why I hadn't added them in!

Posted by: SweetCandy 16th October 2011, 06:42 PM

As this is a chart thread...
Cliff Richard's new album is in the UK top 10 he is the 2nd most charted act on the singles & album charts of all time. Madonna is 4th singles wise with 731 weeks on the top 75 and 6th album wise with 1,166 weeks with a total of 1,897 weeks together making her 5th. More reason for her to release her album sooner lol.

Posted by: liamk97 16th October 2011, 08:08 PM

Wow! That's fantastic! ohmy.gif I guess Elvis and The Beatles will also be in the Top 5

Posted by: SweetCandy 17th October 2011, 04:13 AM

The Top Ten is:
01. Elvis Presley
02. Cliff Richard
03. Michael Jackson
04. Queen
05. Madonna
06. The Beatles
07. Elton John
08. U2
09. The Shadows
10. Rod Stewart

Madonna climbed to #3 during the Hard Candy era but since MJ's death his albums always seem to be charting somewhere. He pushed Madonna to 4th in March 2011 and Queen pushed her to 5th in June 2011 because of fathers day but they are only 3 weeks ahead of her so she can soon catch up when she releases her new stuff.

So Cliff has got a new album out now that will probably still chart till the start of 2012. MJ has a "new" album out on nov 21st. The Beatles are still top 75 with "1" & U2 have an album release soon so they should all add weeks from now till the start of 2012.

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th October 2011, 02:52 PM

New Japanese certification!

Miles Away has now gone Platinum in Japan for sales over 850,000!
Well Done Madonna

Posted by: liamk97 19th October 2011, 03:07 PM

Wow! Thanks! biggrin.gif Japan's sales are massive!

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th October 2011, 05:37 PM

I guess it helped being the second hard candy single there and being used as the theme on a tv show.

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th October 2011, 08:25 AM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 23/10/11

01. Madonna - 731
02. Rihanna - 588
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 390
06. Mariah Carey - 381
07. Lady Gaga - 358
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329
11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Tina Turner -271
15. Katy Perry - 260
16. Celine Dion - 254
17. Petula Clark - 247
17. Christina Aguilera - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John -235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week.

Posted by: liamk97 25th October 2011, 11:00 AM

Is that weeks in the Top 75? With Madonna releasing an album next year (?), I don't think Rihanna will over take.

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th October 2011, 01:56 PM

Yes it's weeks in the top 75.

Posted by: vibe 25th October 2011, 07:10 PM

yes but rihanna has a new album out this year she will atleast release 4 singles from it, her singles usually spend around 30 weeks in the charts!

Posted by: liamk97 25th October 2011, 07:20 PM

QUOTE(vibe @ Oct 25 2011, 08:11 PM) *
yes but rihanna has a new album out this year she will atleast release 4 singles from it, her singles usually spend around 30 weeks in the charts!

Although she'll release the singles over 6-9 month period, so if Madonna's releasing a new album next year, Rihanna won't be able to overtake

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th October 2011, 07:40 PM

A lot of her success chart wise is singing or featuring on her records and other peoples.

Posted by: vibe 26th October 2011, 11:59 AM

liam i hope your right

Posted by: SweetCandy 26th October 2011, 01:54 PM

Even if she did over take Madonna has a HUGE back catalogue that could come into play at any time.

Posted by: SweetCandy 30th October 2011, 07:52 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 30/10/11:

01. Madonna - 731
02. Rihanna - 593
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 392
06. Mariah Carey - 381
07. Lady Gaga - 360
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Tina Turner -271
15. Katy Perry - 262
16. Celine Dion - 254
17. Christina Aguilera - 248
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John -235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week.
Christina Aguilera pushes Petula Clark down to #18.

Posted by: liamk97 31st October 2011, 06:25 PM

Deeper and Deeper is #191 in the Top 200 Best Selling Female Singles of the 90's - selling 117,000 in that decade smile.gif

Posted by: liamk97 1st November 2011, 05:31 PM

Erotica is #187 on Top 200 Best Selling Female Singles of the 90's, selling 119,100 (?) and one place above is Nothing Really Matters, selling 121,500 copies in the 90's biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st November 2011, 05:53 PM

Erotica's sales seems very low for the 90's as of 2008 the sales were 270,800.
Deeper And Deeper's seems a little low too.

Posted by: liamk97 1st November 2011, 06:32 PM

I think Deeper and Deepers sales are okay, but Gezza76 says he thinks Erotica's 270k sales are wrong. I'm guessing Erotica's total sales should be 170k

Posted by: gezza76 1st November 2011, 10:09 PM

On the point of "Erotica" I think we need to bear in mind the poor sales of 1992. Even had it sold 200k that would have put it top 25 for the year (they were that bad)- Erotica finished 92 as the 67th biggest seller so it was WELL below that 200k figure. I can only account for it by saying either it was a MW error or it's a song which is a big downloader- (which personally I'd be surprised about?) but I suppose possible!

"Deeper and Deeper" also finsihed 92 as the 96th best seller not clearing 100k in 92 alone but did so in early 93 (though Jan was not a strong point of the year obviously)- as a Madonna fan I'd love them to be higher but the source I have is very good and has seen the panel sales biggrin.gif

Posted by: vibe 1st November 2011, 10:32 PM

170k sounds about right with added downloads i reckon!

Posted by: liamk97 1st November 2011, 10:45 PM

What I think has happened was that there was a typo when the 270k figure was given on Madonna's birthday in 2008, and MTV have copied this. No way will Erotica been able to sell 151k in 4 years (2004-2008 - 2004 was when downloading became popular) tongue.gif

Posted by: gezza76 1st November 2011, 10:49 PM

well it won't have been the first typo MW have done! ohmy.gif

Posted by: liamk97 2nd November 2011, 04:13 PM

QUOTE(gezza76 @ Nov 1 2011, 10:49 PM) *
well it won't have been the first typo MW have done! ohmy.gif

Why, everything they say could be a mistake! ohmy.gif

Well, probably not, but you know... tongue.gif

Posted by: liamk97 2nd November 2011, 06:03 PM

Bedtime Story was #183 on Best Selling Female Solo Singles of the 90's, selling 123,000 biggrin.gif

EDIT: Despite MusicWeek saying it sold 97k up to 2008 tongue.gif

Posted by: liamk97 3rd November 2011, 07:29 PM

I've put Bedtime Story's sales as 130k, and I'll put Erotica's sales as 170k smile.gif

Posted by: liamk97 4th November 2011, 04:27 PM

Into the Groove update: 862,000

Posted by: SweetCandy 6th November 2011, 07:26 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 06/11/11:

01. Madonna - 731
02. Rihanna - 598
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 393
06. Mariah Carey - 381
07. Lady Gaga - 361
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Tina Turner -271
15. Katy Perry - 266
16. Celine Dion - 254
17. Christina Aguilera - 249
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John -235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week.

Posted by: liamk97 10th November 2011, 08:20 PM

Secret is #157 on the Best Selling Female Solo Singles of the 90's, selling 143,800 copies, more than the so called official sales given by the OCC tongue.gif Using Gezza76's sales, I think Secret will have sold about 150,000 to date smile.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 10th November 2011, 08:35 PM

Billboard US Catalogue Album Chart

This is thanks to itunes US making it album of the week with $2 off.

Posted by: liamk97 10th November 2011, 08:58 PM

QUOTE(SweetCandy @ Nov 10 2011, 08:35 PM) *
Billboard US Catalogue Album Chart

This is thanks to itunes US making it album of the week with $2 off.

Yay! biggrin.gif But what is a "catalogue album" exactly? tongue.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 10th November 2011, 09:34 PM

Like the budget chart we have.

Posted by: liamk97 10th November 2011, 09:54 PM

QUOTE(SweetCandy @ Nov 10 2011, 09:34 PM) *
Like the budget chart we have.

Okay, thanks biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 13th November 2011, 07:15 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 13/11/11:

01. Madonna - 731
02. Rihanna - 601
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 394
06. Mariah Carey - 381
07. Lady Gaga - 362
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Tina Turner -271
15. Katy Perry - 268
16. Celine Dion - 254
17. Christina Aguilera - 250
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John -235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week.

Other stuff:
Susan Boyle matches Madonna's record of having three straight number one albums. Her first three have all gone to #1 matching (Evita, Ray Of Light & Music).

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th November 2011, 04:29 PM

Spanish Physical Singles Chart: 13/11/2011:


Here's American Life's Spanish Physical Chart Run:
Peak: #2
Weeks: 19
2-5-7-9-10-11-13-12-9-11-11-10-14-14 [14 wks]
20 [1 wk]
15 [1 wk]
10 [1 wk]
14 [1 wk]
17 [1 wk]
18 [1 wk]

Posted by: liamk97 20th November 2011, 05:46 PM

This Used to Be My Playground is #138 in the Top Selling Female Solo Singles of the 90's, selling 154,600 copies

EDIT: Therefore I'm changing it's total sales to 175k, rather than 275k

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th November 2011, 06:03 PM

Man why was the OCC's stats so wrong for.

Posted by: liamk97 20th November 2011, 06:58 PM

They probably rushed it, as they all seem to be 100k too much. (i.e. they put 275k instead of 175k)

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th November 2011, 07:21 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 20/11/11:

01. Madonna - 731
02. Rihanna - 604
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 394
06. Mariah Carey - 381
07. Lady Gaga - 365
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Tina Turner -271
15. Katy Perry - 269
16. Celine Dion - 254
17. Christina Aguilera - 251
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John -235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week

Posted by: liamk97 23rd November 2011, 05:14 PM

The Power of Good-Bye is #131 in the Top 200 Female Solo Singles of the 90's, selling 160,900 copies. MusicWeek said 175,100 in 2008, so it's sold 13,200 between 2000-2008 - ~1,500 per year biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 27th November 2011, 05:05 PM

American Life falls out of Spain's physical top 20 chart this week.

Posted by: liamk97 27th November 2011, 06:15 PM

Thanks for the info, as always! biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 27th November 2011, 07:29 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 27/11/11:

01. Madonna - 731
02. Rihanna - 609
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 395
06. Mariah Carey - 382
07. Lady Gaga - 369
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Tina Turner - 271
15. Katy Perry - 270
16. Celine Dion - 254
17. Christina Aguilera - 252
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John -235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week

Posted by: liamk97 28th November 2011, 05:48 PM

The remix version/re-release for Crazy for You is #114 in the Top Selling Female Solo Singles of the 90's, selling 179,300

Posted by: liamk97 30th November 2011, 03:49 PM

Hanky Panky is #104 on the Top Selling Female Solo Singles of the 90's, selling 189,100 copies. It's total was 210,000 in late 2010, so it had sold ~2,090 in between then and then per year. biggrin.gif

Posted by: liamk97 1st December 2011, 06:24 PM

Madonna's version of Santa Baby re-enters at #176 on the US Digital Tracks Catalog Chart, selling 3,163 and bringing it's total to 228,263 biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 4th December 2011, 08:38 PM

Thanks for adding that, I forgot too!.

Posted by: SweetCandy 4th December 2011, 08:45 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 04/12/11:

01. Madonna - 731

02. Rihanna - 613
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 396
06. Mariah Carey - 383
07. Lady Gaga - 371
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Tina Turner - 271
14. Katy Perry - 271
16. Celine Dion - 254
17. Christina Aguilera - 253
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John -235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week

If anyone wants any other females weeks on the singles chart posted up each week who don't currently feature on the top 20 please say or pm me as I'd be happy to do it!

Posted by: SweetCandy 5th December 2011, 06:28 PM

Billboard have said last week that Madonna's single song downloads have passed the 12 Million mark in the US!.

Posted by: vibe 5th December 2011, 08:30 PM

^ and to think she was so agaiant the idea!

Posted by: Tom *.* Kay 5th December 2011, 09:37 PM

She wasn't really THAT against the idea, considering that Hung Up was made for the commecial for and included as a download with the first mobile phone that had iTunes laugh.gif

Posted by: vibe 6th December 2011, 12:43 PM

^ Madonna was very late to give permission for her material to be sold on itunes!!

Posted by: liamk97 6th December 2011, 04:22 PM

QUOTE(vibe @ Dec 6 2011, 12:43 PM) *
^ Madonna was very late to give permission for her material to be sold on itunes!!

Wonder why that was, because how else are people ment to buy Madonna songs, apart from ripping them off one of her albums!

Posted by: SweetCandy 8th December 2011, 04:57 PM

Madonna wanted people to buy her albums (= more $) rather people picking single songs.

Posted by: vibe 8th December 2011, 05:58 PM

^ that is correct!

Posted by: liamk97 10th December 2011, 08:18 PM

Ray of Light is #75 in the Top Selling Female Solo Hits of the 90's, selling 236,800 in that decade

Posted by: SweetCandy 10th December 2011, 08:56 PM

Not bad!

Posted by: liamk97 11th December 2011, 12:23 PM

Justify My Love is #69 (ironicly kink.gif ) in the Top Selling Female Solo Hits of the 90's, selling 252,500 in that decade, so I think it's sold 265,000 to date, not 235,000 like MTV/OCC said biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 11th December 2011, 01:28 PM

That's better then!.

Posted by: vibe 11th December 2011, 05:28 PM

lol at the 69 comment!! She must have vogue, beautiful stranger and DCFMA still to come i would have thought!

Posted by: vibe 11th December 2011, 05:29 PM

oh and frozen!

Posted by: SweetCandy 12th December 2011, 06:58 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 11/12/11:

01. Madonna - 731

02. Rihanna - 616
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 399
06. Mariah Carey - 384
07. Lady Gaga - 372
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Katy Perry - 272
15. Tina Turner - 271
16. Celine Dion - 254
16. Christina Aguilera - 254
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John -235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week

If anyone wants any other females weeks on the singles chart posted up each week who don't currently feature on the top 20 please say or pm me as I'd be happy to do it

Posted by: SweetCandy 12th December 2011, 08:21 PM

Argentina Radio Airplay Chart
71 (NEW) Give Me All Your Love !! - 1 week

Posted by: vibe 12th December 2011, 09:10 PM

^ lol they must be playing the leaked demo

Posted by: SweetCandy 13th December 2011, 05:19 AM

A similar thing happened in 2007, the demo of The Beat Goes On debuted at #26 on Bulgaria's official top 40 singles chart and stay there for 5 weeks.

Posted by: SweetCandy 17th December 2011, 05:38 AM

US hot digital track-catalog

3 176 64 56 MADONNA SANTA BABY 5947 18 5026 239236

Posted by: liamk97 18th December 2011, 07:33 PM

Don't Cry for Me Argentina is #42 in the Biggest Selling Female Solo Hits of the 90's, selling 326,000 in that decade biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th December 2011, 07:41 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 18/12/11:

01. Madonna - 731

02. Rihanna - 619
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 400
06. Mariah Carey - 385
07. Lady Gaga - 374
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Katy Perry - 273
15. Tina Turner - 271
16. Christina Aguilera - 255
17. Celine Dion - 254
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John - 235

*Rihanna, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry & Christina Aguilera have all charted this week

If anyone wants any other females weeks on the singles chart posted up each week who don't currently feature on the top 20 please say or pm me as I'd be happy to do it

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th December 2011, 04:53 PM

Finland Singles Chart: 18/12/11:

186 (RE) Give It 2 Me

Give It 2 Me peaked at #2 in 2008 in Finland.

Posted by: liamk97 19th December 2011, 06:25 PM

QUOTE(SweetCandy @ Dec 19 2011, 04:53 PM) *
Finland Singles Chart: 18/12/11:

186 (RE) Give It 2 Me

Give It 2 Me peaked at #2 in 2008 in Finland.

What's the reason behind it's re-entry? smile.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th December 2011, 07:59 PM

The media there have been saying Madonna is definitely coming back there to tour in 2012 and GI2M is the song playing on the news and tv stations.

Posted by: liamk97 19th December 2011, 09:02 PM

Thanks smile.gif Just having a quick look on, Give It 2 Me was quite a hit there - 11 weeks in the Top 10!

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th December 2011, 05:17 AM

I was saying to a friend of mine it's funny how since the download era her peaks in places like finland are getting way better peaks than the UK, Canada and all the good places she's had massive hits.

If only the physical sales were good here still (lol) because she made #1 with it.

I'm still a bit baffled why GI2M was never put on the Celebration album.

Posted by: liamk97 20th December 2011, 01:34 PM

You'll See is #35 in the Best Selling Female Solo hits of the 90's, selling 366,700 copies in that decade. biggrin.gif It's probably sold near enough 380,000 to date smile.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th December 2011, 03:44 PM

Oh really so was that another OCC mess up ?.

Posted by: liamk97 20th December 2011, 04:01 PM

QUOTE(SweetCandy @ Dec 20 2011, 03:44 PM) *
Oh really so was that another OCC mess up ?.

Afraid so! sad.gif

Posted by: liamk97 21st December 2011, 09:26 PM

Vogue is #29 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 90's, selling 445,000 copies in that decade smile.gif

Posted by: liamk97 22nd December 2011, 02:09 PM

Frozen is #25 in the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 90's, selling 486,000 copies in that decade

Posted by: SweetCandy 23rd December 2011, 04:09 PM

I think Vogue should be 28 places higher lol.

Posted by: SweetCandy 23rd December 2011, 04:18 PM

US Digital Tracks Catalog Chart
4 64 56 89 MADONNA SANTA BABY 5196 -13 5947
Sales to date of downloads in American :244,432

Posted by: SweetCandy 23rd December 2011, 04:22 PM

US Digital Tracks Catalog Chart
4 64 56 89 MADONNA SANTA BABY 5196 -13 5947
Sales to date of downloads in American :244,432

Posted by: liamk97 23rd December 2011, 05:50 PM

Thanks SweetCandy! smile.gif

Beautiful Stranger is #24 in the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 90's, selling 490,600 in that decade. It was her biggest selling single of the 90's! smile.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 27th December 2011, 07:48 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart By A Female Act as of 25/12/11:

01. Madonna - 731

02. Rihanna - 622
03. Diana Ross - 569
04. Kylie Minogue - 455
05. Beyonce - 401
06. Mariah Carey - 386
07. Lady Gaga - 375
08. Britney Spears - 355
09. Whitney Houston - 331
10. Shirley Bassey - 329

11. P!nk - 308
12. Cher - 307
13. Janet Jackson - 304
14. Katy Perry - 274
15. Tina Turner - 271
16. Christina Aguilera - 256
17. Celine Dion - 254
18. Petula Clark - 247
19. Connie Francis -244
20. Olivia Newton John - 235

Madonna remains top dog for another year.

Posted by: liamk97 1st January 2012, 05:27 PM

Top 1000 Songs With Most Radio Plays Since 2002 (UK)

152. Hung Up - 45,284
330. Sorry - 28,579
332. 4 Minutes - 28,497
585. Celebration - 17,337
614. Die Another Day - 16,325
624. Give It 2 Me - 15,985
633. Hollywood - 15,724
786. Get Together - 12,636
880. American Life - 10,835

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st January 2012, 05:45 PM

Interesting thanks!

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st January 2012, 08:40 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 01/01/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 731

02 (02) Rihanna - 624
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 403
06 (06) Mariah Carey - 386
07 (07) Lady Gaga - 378
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 331
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 275
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 257
17 (17) Celine Dion - 254
18 (18) Petula Clark - 247
19 (19) Connie Francis -244
20 (20) Olivia Newton John - 235

Posted by: liamk97 3rd January 2012, 05:21 PM

Gezza76's 80's thread has started, and at #194 is The Look of Love, selling 118,000 in the 80's smile.gif

Posted by: vibe 3rd January 2012, 09:04 PM

QUOTE(liamk97 @ Jan 1 2012, 05:27 PM) *
Top 1000 Songs With Most Radio Plays Since 2002 (UK)

152. Hung Up - 45,284
330. Sorry - 28,579
332. 4 Minutes - 28,497
585. Celebration - 17,337
614. Die Another Day - 16,325
624. Give It 2 Me - 15,985
633. Hollywood - 15,724
786. Get Together - 12,636
880. American Life - 10,835

No Jump, Miles Away or Love Profusion?

Posted by: vibe 3rd January 2012, 09:05 PM

QUOTE(liamk97 @ Jan 3 2012, 05:21 PM) *
Gezza76's 80's thread has started, and at #194 is The Look of Love, selling 118,000 in the 80's smile.gif

M will have a whole heap of songs in thic chart cant wait to get more realistic sales from gezza!

Posted by: liamk97 3rd January 2012, 09:47 PM

QUOTE(vibe @ Jan 3 2012, 09:04 PM) *
No Jump, Miles Away or Love Profusion?

Nope, although it's not that suprising since they performed so badly (not that they should have done!) wink.gif

Posted by: vibe 4th January 2012, 11:39 AM

^ Jump was a top ten hit , 4th single off the album it didnt perform too badly did it when compared to Get Together?

Posted by: liamk97 4th January 2012, 12:51 PM

QUOTE(vibe @ Jan 4 2012, 11:39 AM) *
^ Jump was a top ten hit , 4th single off the album it didnt perform too badly did it when compared to Get Together?

Perhaps not, but it's still wasn't a big enough hit for radio to play it a lot smile.gif

Posted by: vibe 4th January 2012, 04:10 PM

^ perhaps it could have been a bigger hit if it featured in the airplay charts lol!!

Posted by: SweetCandy 6th January 2012, 04:30 PM

Italian Album Chart: 27/12/2011:
98 (RE) CELEBRATION - 37 wks on

Posted by: SweetCandy 7th January 2012, 12:51 PM

UK Best Selling Acts Of The Year 1984 - 2011:
Here's Madonna's stats

1984: 29
1985: 1
1986: 1
1987: 1
1988: 240
1989: 8
1990: 2
1991: 14
1992: 18
1993: 28
1994: 39
1995: 18
1996: 63
1997: 72
1998: 15
1999: 24
2000: 10
2001: 73
2002: 101
2003: 21
2004: 224
2005: 61
2006: 8
2007: 556
2008: 9
2009: 130
2010: 465
2011: 312

1984: 118
1985: 4
1986: 2
1987: 1
1988: 108
1989: 12
1990: 8
1991: 3
1992: 26
1993: 48
1994: 37
1995: 23
1996: 34
1997: 31
1998: 10
1999: 16
2000: 21
2001: 11
2002: 33
2003: 36
2004: 199
2005: 78
2006: 15
2007: 124
2008: 23
2009: 53
2010: 93
2011: 383

Posted by: liamk97 7th January 2012, 02:35 PM

She seems to be quite high in the years she didn't release anything smile.gif Thanks for posting!

Posted by: SweetCandy 8th January 2012, 08:45 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 08/01/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 731

02 (02) Rihanna - 627
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 405
06 (06) Mariah Carey - 386
07 (07) Lady Gaga - 380
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 331
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 276
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 258
17 (17) Celine Dion - 254
18 (18) Petula Clark - 247
19 (19) Connie Francis -244
20 (20) Olivia Newton John - 235

Posted by: liamk97 14th January 2012, 12:32 PM

Celebration (album) re-enters at #184 in the UK cheer.gif

Posted by: liamk97 14th January 2012, 12:36 PM

Madonna's Dear Jessie is at #153 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 153,000 copies in that decade (it only charted for 4 weeks in the 80's!)

Posted by: SweetCandy 14th January 2012, 03:41 PM

Great stuff!.

Posted by: liamk97 15th January 2012, 12:37 PM

Cherish is #148 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 161,000 copies in that decade biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 15th January 2012, 04:22 PM

Not bad for a september 89 release!.

Posted by: liamk97 15th January 2012, 06:17 PM

Another '89 release, Express Yourself is #144 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 165,000 in that decade biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 15th January 2012, 09:06 PM

Does anybody know if Celebration charted in the Top 200 album chart tonight ?.

Posted by: SweetCandy 15th January 2012, 09:36 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 15/01/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 731

02 (02) Rihanna - 631
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 406
06 (06) Mariah Carey - 386
07 (07) Lady Gaga - 381
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 331
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 278
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 259
17 (17) Celine Dion - 254
18 (18) Petula Clark - 247
19 (19) Connie Francis -244
20 (20) Olivia Newton John - 235

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th January 2012, 08:53 PM

Swedish Album Chart Top 60: 12/1/12:

56 (RE) Sticky & Sweet Tour - 6 wks on

Posted by: liamk97 18th January 2012, 09:55 PM

Was S&S Tour shown on TV in Sweden? And thanks for the info! biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th January 2012, 05:11 AM

I don't know it could be in the sale over there or just hype from M.D.N.A

Posted by: liamk97 20th January 2012, 04:51 PM

Celebration is up to number 127 in the UK Albums! biggrin.gif

Posted by: liamk97 21st January 2012, 02:07 PM

I was just wondering if nearer to the time, there should be a seperate "MDNA Era Chart Topic", so people can solely talk about chart info and sales about the MDNA era. What does everyone think?

Posted by: SweetCandy 21st January 2012, 03:24 PM

Yeah, I was thinking that the other day, we could have all the chart runs for the singles and any other songs that chart on download and MDNA it's self.

Posted by: liamk97 21st January 2012, 03:26 PM

It's just so this thread doesn't become overwhelmed with MDNA chart info, as any other Madonna chart info may get lost in it all. I would still update all the chart positons for it on here though, too smile.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 21st January 2012, 03:56 PM

Hopefully Celebration (the album) will re chart in some places when MDNA is out.

Posted by: liamk97 21st January 2012, 05:17 PM

And maybe get a total for Celebration and/or Hard Candy from MusicWeek when MDNA debuts! biggrin.gif

Posted by: liamk97 21st January 2012, 05:18 PM

Causing a Commotion is #125 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 193,000 copies that decade

Posted by: SweetCandy 21st January 2012, 06:05 PM

Totals for those 2 albums would be great!.

Depending how well it does I may do a W.E. Chart thread it could include box office sales chart runs, dvd sales, soundtrack runs...

Posted by: liamk97 21st January 2012, 07:23 PM

That would be very interesting to see! biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 22nd January 2012, 07:29 PM

Celebration not top 100 this week then sad.gif

Posted by: liamk97 22nd January 2012, 07:41 PM

No sad.gif But I'd imagine it's still Top 200. I'm hoping it will remain Top 200 until M.D.N.A is released

Posted by: SweetCandy 22nd January 2012, 07:54 PM

Hopefully it will re turn in the top 100 in 3 weeks time because that would be the impact after the superbowl week and GMAYL should be out by then!.

Posted by: liamk97 22nd January 2012, 07:57 PM

If Glee doing Madonna can get Celebration to #15, I'm sure it will get Top 100! biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 22nd January 2012, 09:29 PM

We hope!

Posted by: liamk97 24th January 2012, 06:10 PM

Dress You Up is #112 and Open Your Heart is #111 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's. Dress You Up sold 215,000 and Open Your Heart sold 216,000 biggrin.gif This means the totals we have for them are wrong!

Posted by: vibe 24th January 2012, 07:16 PM

your updating the list tho aint ya liam? ^

Posted by: liamk97 24th January 2012, 08:01 PM

Which list?

Posted by: vibe 24th January 2012, 08:44 PM

didnt you start a thread with uk sales?

Posted by: liamk97 24th January 2012, 08:55 PM

I made a Peak Position Sales thread, but I don't think I made a total sales one

Posted by: vibe 25th January 2012, 12:44 PM

i think we need to have one then tongue.gif !!!

Posted by: liamk97 25th January 2012, 04:27 PM

I was planning on posting a Top 200 Singles/Albums Charts Run thread (one I have all the chart runs sorted), so it could be posted there?

Posted by: vibe 25th January 2012, 05:37 PM

thas good enough for me!

Posted by: liamk97 25th January 2012, 05:41 PM

Angel is #109 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 219,000 copies in that decade, so I'm changing it's total to 230,000 biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th January 2012, 08:31 PM

I love Angel!

Posted by: SweetCandy 27th January 2012, 07:11 PM

Irish Album Chart: 27/1/12:
24 (RE) The Immaculate Collection - 204 wks on

Posted by: liamk97 27th January 2012, 07:26 PM

Wow! Very impressive! I guess TIC is only getting cancelled/deleted in the UK?

Posted by: SweetCandy 27th January 2012, 07:42 PM

I think in time it will be deleted everywhere soon in time. (I hate to say) it's only because WBR will make more money from selling Celebration.

Posted by: liamk97 28th January 2012, 11:49 AM

The Imaculate Collection is #2 in the UK Budget Chart, and Vidcapper estimates it would have been mid-60's in the UK Albums biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 28th January 2012, 03:56 PM


Posted by: SweetCandy 28th January 2012, 04:32 PM

Sweden Album Chart: Top 60: 28/1/12
48 (RE) Celebration - 10 wks on

Peaks of 2012: (so far)
#24 - The Immaculate Collection (Ireland)
#48 - Celebration (Sweden)
#56 - Sticky & Sweet Tour (Sweden)

Posted by: liamk97 30th January 2012, 06:30 PM

Live to Tell is #98 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 231,000 in that decade

Posted by: SweetCandy 30th January 2012, 07:06 PM


Posted by: vibe 30th January 2012, 07:17 PM

LTT deserved so much more sales, especially for the first single !!

Posted by: liamk97 2nd February 2012, 04:31 PM

Gambler is #89 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 251,000 that decade biggrin.gif

Posted by: vibe 2nd February 2012, 07:34 PM

gambler sold more then LTT !!! Argh!

Posted by: SweetCandy 2nd February 2012, 09:47 PM

Because of the era it was released in.

Posted by: SweetCandy 3rd February 2012, 03:44 PM

Irish Album Chart: 03/02/12:
38 (24) The Immaculate Collection - 205 wks on

Posted by: liamk97 4th February 2012, 04:11 PM

Material Girl is #79 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 279,000 copies in that decade

Posted by: SweetCandy 9th February 2012, 06:21 PM

Italian Album Chart: Top 100: 31/1/12:
22 (RE) Celebration - 38 wks on

Posted by: SweetCandy 9th February 2012, 06:47 PM

Peaks of 2012:
#13 - Give Me All Your Luvin' (America)

#22 - Celebration (Italy)
#24 - The Immaculate Collection (Ireland)
#56 - Sticky & Sweet Tour (Sweden)

Weeks Spent in the charts of 2012
02 - Celebration (album)
02 - The Immaculate Collection
01 - Sticky & Sweet Tour
01 - Give Me All Your Luvin'

Posted by: liamk97 9th February 2012, 07:01 PM

Thanks for the post! Hoping to see more peaks for older albums for this year when MDNA is released biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 9th February 2012, 07:06 PM

^ yeah and after sunday's superbowl performance.

Posted by: Umi 9th February 2012, 08:06 PM

I love how updated this thread is! It's really cool so thanks SweetCandy and liamk!

Posted by: SweetCandy 9th February 2012, 08:26 PM

Billboard Hot 100 Album Chart:
24 (RE) Celebration

Posted by: liamk97 9th February 2012, 10:57 PM

Celebration (album) has now sold 326,446 copies in the US, with 16,184 copies sold this week biggrin.gif

Posted by: liamk97 11th February 2012, 06:02 PM

So far, The Immaculate Collection is the 89th best selling album of 2012, selling about 10,500 copies (from Vidcapper)

Posted by: SweetCandy 11th February 2012, 08:53 PM


Posted by: evansabove 12th February 2012, 09:58 PM

Great sales for an album which was supposed to have been deleted as well!

Posted by: liamk97 14th February 2012, 05:19 PM

Who's That Girl is number 44 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 373,000 copies

Posted by: liamk97 14th February 2012, 05:22 PM

Borderline was number 78 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 281,000 copies that decade, but I forgot to mention before biggrin.gif

Posted by: liamk97 17th February 2012, 04:13 PM

Celebration (album) re-enters at #152 in the UK this week biggrin.gif

Posted by: liamk97 18th February 2012, 12:25 AM

US Hot Digital Tracks
Position - Song - This Week Sales - Total
06. Give Me All Your Luvin' (with Nicki Minaj & M.I.A) - 156,729 - 271,231
44. Like a Prayer - 42,603 - 566,805
183. Vogue - 12,927 - 73,111

Digital Tracks Catalogue
04. Like a Prayer - 42,603 - 566,805
43. Vogue - 12,927 - 73,111
143. Like a Prayer - 6,221 - 46,483

Billboard 200
52. Celebration - 11,404 - 337,850

Top Catalogue Albums
03. Celebration - 11,404 - 337,850
195. Like a Virgin - 1,800 - 583,568

Catalogue Physical Albums
07. Celebration - 5,049 - 271,046
162. Like a Virgin - 1,528 - 565,856
186. Like a Prayer - 1,413 - 589,597

Posted by: lee wallace 18th February 2012, 01:07 AM

Vogue really does have poor sales, I expected more.

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th February 2012, 03:24 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 12/02/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 732
02 (02) Rihanna - 645
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 410
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (06) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 331
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 282
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 263
17 (17) Celine Dion - 254
18 (18) Petula Clark - 247
19 (19) Connie Francis -244
20 (20) Olivia Newton John - 235

Posted by: liamk97 18th February 2012, 04:17 PM

Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's:

35. Like a Prayer - 412,000
38. La Isla Bonita - 393,000

Posted by: liamk97 19th February 2012, 07:07 PM

51. (37) Give Me All Your Luvin'


96. (152) Celebration cheer.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th February 2012, 07:18 PM

Good to see Celebration back in the top 100.

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th February 2012, 08:00 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 19/02/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 733
02 (02) Rihanna - 648
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 411
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (06) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 343
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 283
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 264
17 (17) Celine Dion - 254
18 (18) Petula Clark - 247
19 (19) Connie Francis -244
20 (20) Olivia Newton John - 235

Posted by: vibe 19th February 2012, 08:14 PM

Once the album is released do the sales then contribute to the single position?

Posted by: liamk97 20th February 2012, 05:59 PM

Crazy for You is #26 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 494,000 copies, and at #22 is True Blue, selling 522,000

Posted by: liamk97 23rd February 2012, 01:44 PM

Holiday is #20 on the Best Selling Female Solo Hits of the 80's, selling 537,000 copies

Posted by: SweetCandy 24th February 2012, 03:02 PM

Irish Album Chart: 24/2/12:
33 (33) The Immaculate Collection - 208 wks on

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th February 2012, 08:39 PM

French Album Chart:
111 (RE) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 26th February 2012, 09:33 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 26/02/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 733
02 (02) Rihanna - 651
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 412
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (07) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 345
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 284
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 265
17 (17) Celine Dion - 254
18 (18) Petula Clark - 247
19 (19) Connie Francis -244
20 (20) Olivia Newton John - 235

Posted by: SweetCandy 3rd March 2012, 05:45 AM

Irish Album Chart: 02/03/12:
37 (33) The Immaculate Collection - 209 wks on

Posted by: liamk97 3rd March 2012, 11:38 AM

108 (96) Celebration (album)

Posted by: SweetCandy 3rd March 2012, 12:31 PM

Not a bad fall there!

Posted by: SweetCandy 3rd March 2012, 04:29 PM

French Album Chart
138 (111) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 3rd March 2012, 04:30 PM

Italian Album Chart:
48 (RE) Celebration - 41 wks on
90 (RE) Sticky & Sweet Tour - 23 wks on

Posted by: liamk97 4th March 2012, 07:07 PM

98 (108) Celebration (album) cheer.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 4th March 2012, 07:11 PM

Thanks for that!

Posted by: SweetCandy 4th March 2012, 07:54 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 04/03/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 733

02 (02) Rihanna - 655
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 413
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (07) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 345
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 285
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 266
17 (NE) Adele - 257
18 (17) Celine Dion - 254
19 (18) Petula Clark - 247
20 (19) Connie Francis - 244

Posted by: SweetCandy 10th March 2012, 05:44 AM

Irish Album Chart: 09/03/12:
44 (37) The Immaculate Collection
60 (RE) Celebration

Posted by: liamk97 11th March 2012, 07:04 PM

71. (98) Celebration (album) Into the Top 75! Yay!

Posted by: SweetCandy 11th March 2012, 07:08 PM

This is great news!. 27 weeks now ties with Bedtime Stories album!.

Posted by: SweetCandy 11th March 2012, 07:38 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 11/03/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 733
02 (02) Rihanna - 659
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 414
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (07) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 345
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 286
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 267
17 (17) Adele - 260
18 (18) Celine Dion - 254
19 (19) Petula Clark - 247
20 (20) Connie Francis - 244

Posted by: liamk97 15th March 2012, 05:36 PM

As of the 21/01, this has been The Immaculate Collection's budget chart run:


This is mainly due to it being Ł5 in HMV, and Ł2.99 if bought with another stickered album (like ABBA's 18 Hits which has been charting recently). TIC has sold about 25,500 copies this year. biggrin.gif

Posted by: vibe 15th March 2012, 07:06 PM

^ so impressive

Posted by: SweetCandy 15th March 2012, 08:05 PM

It's Ł3 in a few places. 25k is good!

Posted by: liamk97 16th March 2012, 04:13 PM

154. (118) Give Me All Your Luvin' (feat Nicki Minaj & M.I.A)

Posted by: SweetCandy 16th March 2012, 04:27 PM

Will be interesting what place it will be on next sunday.

Posted by: SweetCandy 16th March 2012, 04:37 PM

Irish Charts:
67 (55) Give Me All Your Luvin' - 6 wks

67 (60) Celebration - 31 wks on
68 (44) The Immaculate Collection - 211 wks on

Posted by: SweetCandy 17th March 2012, 04:19 PM

France album chart
187 (189) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th March 2012, 12:34 PM

Poland Album Chart
44 (34) Celebration
47 (38) Ray Of Light yahoo.gif yahoo.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th March 2012, 07:02 PM

UK Album Chart:
51 (71) Celebration - 28 wks
* wks in the top 75

Posted by: liamk97 18th March 2012, 07:06 PM

Top 40 next week? Surely the week after.

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th March 2012, 07:17 PM

Maybe the week Mdna is out but depends how long iTunes will have the deluxe version for Ł4.99.

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th March 2012, 07:20 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 18/03/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 733
02 (02) Rihanna - 662
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 415
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (07) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 345
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 287
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 268
17 (17) Adele - 263
18 (18) Celine Dion - 254
19 (19) Petula Clark - 247
20 (20) Connie Francis - 244

Posted by: SweetCandy 22nd March 2012, 03:52 PM

Italian Album Chart: 22/3/12:
34 (re) Celebration
96 (re) Like A Virgin

Posted by: SweetCandy 22nd March 2012, 05:10 PM

Peaks Of Back Catalogue in 2012:
Like A Virgin
#96 Italy

The Immaculate Collection
#24 Ireland

Ray Of Light
#38 Poland

22 Italy
24 US
34 Poland
48 Sweden
51 UK
59 Austria
60 Ireland
96 Switzerland
111 France

Sticky & Sweet Tour
56 Sweden
90 Italy

The Italians love Madonna

Posted by: SweetCandy 23rd March 2012, 04:05 PM

Irish Album Chart: 23/3/12:
40 (67) Celebration - 32 wks
78 (68) The Immaculate Collection - 212 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 23rd March 2012, 04:26 PM

French Album Chart: 23/3/12
116 RE Celebration

Posted by: liamk97 23rd March 2012, 09:21 PM

Celebration (album) is #40 on todays midweek chart in the UK cheer.gif

The chart run so far...

01-02-02-03-14-25-26-31-49-55-50-34-40-39-71-92-60-67-80-79-46-69-82-114-106-116-101-104-98-91-93-15-20-38-55-63-72-91-111-136-171-183 (first entry: 03/10/09) 42w
120-38-92-120-135-99-113-119-124-134-126-129-145 (second entry: 28/08/10) 13w
181-111-118-111-132 (third entry: 01/01/11) 5w
180 (fourth entry: 12/02/11) 1w
184-127-178 (fifth entry: 14/01/12) 3w
152-96-108-98-71-51- (sixth entry: 18/02/12) 6w
Total: 70w

Posted by: SweetCandy 23rd March 2012, 09:25 PM


Posted by: liamk97 25th March 2012, 05:46 PM

35. (50) Celebration cheer.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th March 2012, 05:51 PM

Great stuff!

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th March 2012, 06:38 PM

39 (55) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th March 2012, 06:50 PM

39 (55) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th March 2012, 07:19 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 25/03/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 733
02 (02) Rihanna - 665
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 416
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (07) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 345
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 289
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 269
17 (17) Adele - 266
18 (18) Celine Dion - 254
19 (19) Petula Clark - 247
20 (20) Connie Francis - 244

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th March 2012, 07:58 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Album Chart (Top 75): 25/3/12:
01 (01) The Immaculate Collection - 242
02 (02) Like A Virgin - 152
03 (03) Madonna / The First Album - 123
04 (04) Ray Of Light - 116
05 (05) True Blue - 85
06 (06) Like A Prayer - 70
07 (07) Music - 64
08 (08) Confessions On A Dance Floor - 44
09 (09) Erotica - 38
10 (10) Evita OST - 36
11 (11) Something To Remember - 29
11 (12) Celebration - 29
13 (13) Bedtime Stories - 27
14 (14) Hard Candy - 25
15 (15) Who's That Girl OST - 24
15 (15) GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2 - 24
17 (17) I'm Breathless - 20
18 (18) American Life - 19
19 (19) You Can Dance - 16
20 (20) The Confessions Tour - 4
21 (21) I'm Going To Tell You A Secret - 3
21 (21) Sticky & Sweet Tour - 3

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th March 2012, 08:17 PM

France Singles Chart:
102 RE Like A Prayer
124 RE La Isla Bonita
159 RE Frozen
185 RE Don't Cry For Me Argentina
196 RE Love Profusion

It's good to see some songs back in the charts that isn't on Celebration.

Posted by: SweetCandy 26th March 2012, 11:14 AM

Give Me All Your Luvin' sold 2,295 last week to make #104 in the uk.

Posted by: liamk97 26th March 2012, 06:41 PM

Thanks a bunch TinyPic, basically all photos have been deleted! mad.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 29th March 2012, 09:50 PM

Italian Album Charts:
28 - Celebration
82 - True Blue
93 - Sticky & Sweet Tour

Posted by: SweetCandy 30th March 2012, 08:33 AM

107 RE Into The Groove
123 (159) Frozen
160 RE 4 Minutes
166 RE Holiday

40 - Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 30th March 2012, 12:51 PM

49 (40) Celebration - 33 wks
60 (78) The Immaculate Collection - 213 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 30th March 2012, 12:58 PM

Celebration is #38 on today's mid weeks.
The Compelte Studio Albums box set has fallen out of the top 40.

Posted by: liamk97 30th March 2012, 02:19 PM

No surprises for the boxset, but I hope Celebration can atleast climb from last week - being #38 just in time for the weekend effect is a good sign!

Posted by: liamk97 30th March 2012, 02:20 PM

QUOTE(liamk97 @ Mar 26 2012, 07:41 PM) *
Thanks a bunch TinyPic, basically all photos have been deleted! mad.gif

And now they're all back again! *Phew*

Posted by: SweetCandy 30th March 2012, 09:33 PM

38 RE Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 31st March 2012, 06:24 AM

48 -- The Complete Studio Albums 1983-2008

Posted by: SweetCandy 31st March 2012, 11:45 AM

Spanish Physical Chart: (Singles)
17 (RE) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st April 2012, 06:07 PM

37 (35) Celebration - 30 wks
70 (--) The Compelte Studio Albums 1983-2008 - 1 wk

Posted by: liamk97 1st April 2012, 06:07 PM

UK Charts
68. (NE) Masterpiece
71. (104) Give Me All Your Luvin’ (feat Nicki Minaj & M.I.A)

01. (NE) MDNA
37. (35) Celebration
70. (NE) The Complete Studio Albums: 1983-2008

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st April 2012, 06:14 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 01/04/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 735
02 (02) Rihanna - 668
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 417
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (07) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 345
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 292
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
16 (16) Christina Aguilera - 270
17 (17) Adele - 267
18 (18) Celine Dion - 254
19 (19) Petula Clark - 247
20 (20) Connie Francis - 244

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st April 2012, 06:19 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Album Chart (Top 75): 01/04/12:
01 (01) The Immaculate Collection - 242
02 (02) Like A Virgin - 152
03 (03) Madonna / The First Album - 123
04 (04) Ray Of Light - 116
05 (05) True Blue - 85
06 (06) Like A Prayer - 70
07 (07) Music - 64
08 (08) Confessions On A Dance Floor - 44
09 (09) Erotica - 38
10 (10) Evita OST - 36
11 (11) Celebration - 30
12 (11) Something To Remember - 29
13 (13) Bedtime Stories - 27
14 (14) Hard Candy - 25
15 (15) Who's That Girl OST - 24
15 (15) GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2 - 24
17 (17) I'm Breathless - 20
18 (18) American Life - 19
19 (19) You Can Dance - 16
20 (20) The Confessions Tour - 4
21 (21) I'm Going To Tell You A Secret - 3
21 (21) Sticky & Sweet Tour - 3
23 (--) MDNA - 1
23 (--) The Compelte Studio Albums 1983-2008 - 1

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st April 2012, 06:21 PM

US Catalog chart:

200 MADONNA CELEBRATION 1,334 -8% 1,451 351,043 (Gold)

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st April 2012, 06:25 PM

#1 in Scotland!.

Posted by: SweetCandy 2nd April 2012, 06:37 PM

norway album chart:
38 RE Celebration

Posted by: liamk97 5th April 2012, 03:04 PM

Thanks to Andy on Haven who has estimated that Into the Groove has sold 870,000 to date, and is the 167th best selling single of all time in the UK

Posted by: SweetCandy 5th April 2012, 03:18 PM

I bet the other 166 songs are all rubbish and charity songs with some exceptions.

Thanks for the guess.

Posted by: liamk97 5th April 2012, 03:29 PM

Well, you know how bad some million sellers are... *cough* Teletubies, Barbie Girl, Bob the Builder *cough*

Posted by: SweetCandy 5th April 2012, 03:52 PM

I think ITG would have passed the milestone by now if there wasn't so many songs for hers released in 1985 and if Warner had re released back in '91 like they wanted.

I wonder how much her older songs sell each month / year on download here.

Posted by: Shaky Fan 5th April 2012, 05:14 PM



72 (77) Gimme All Your Lovin

Dropping out: Girl Gone Wild (from 93)

Artist Albums

11 (01) MDNA
69 (60) The Immaculate Collection
73 (49) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 5th April 2012, 05:30 PM

S**t, cheers for the update!.

Posted by: SweetCandy 6th April 2012, 03:39 PM

19 NEW The Complete Studio Albums 1983 - 2008
33 Celebration
82 True Blue
94 Sticky & Sweet Tour

Posted by: liamk97 7th April 2012, 09:47 AM

UK Singles
111 (NEW) Girl Gone Wild

UK Albums
194 (NEW) Original Album Series

Posted by: SweetCandy 7th April 2012, 07:21 PM

World Album Chart
39 RE True Blue
40 RE Like A Virgin

Posted by: SweetCandy 7th April 2012, 07:22 PM

France Album Chart
190 RE Like A Virgin

Posted by: liamk97 8th April 2012, 06:05 PM

87. (68) Masterpiece 2w

07. (01) MDNA 2w
60. (37) Celebration 73w

Posted by: SweetCandy 8th April 2012, 07:44 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Singles Chart as of 08/04/12:

01 (01) Madonna - 735
02 (02) Rihanna - 671
03 (03) Diana Ross - 569
04 (04) Kylie Minogue - 455
05 (05) Beyonce - 418
06 (06) Lady Gaga - 387
07 (07) Mariah Carey - 386
08 (08) Britney Spears - 355
09 (09) Whitney Houston - 345
10 (10) Shirley Bassey - 329

11 (11) P!nk - 308
12 (12) Cher - 307
13 (13) Janet Jackson - 304
14 (14) Katy Perry - 294
15 (15) Tina Turner - 271
15 (16) Christina Aguilera - 271
17 (17) Adele - 269
18 (18) Celine Dion - 254
19 (19) Petula Clark - 247
20 (20) Connie Francis - 244

Posted by: SweetCandy 8th April 2012, 07:48 PM

Most Weeks Spent On The UK Album Chart (Top 75): 08/04/12:
01 (01) The Immaculate Collection - 242
02 (02) Like A Virgin - 152
03 (03) Madonna / The First Album - 123
04 (04) Ray Of Light - 116
05 (05) True Blue - 85
06 (06) Like A Prayer - 70
07 (07) Music - 64
08 (08) Confessions On A Dance Floor - 44
09 (09) Erotica - 38
10 (10) Evita OST - 36
11 (11) Celebration - 31
12 (11) Something To Remember - 29
13 (13) Bedtime Stories - 27
14 (14) Hard Candy - 25
15 (15) Who's That Girl OST - 24
15 (15) GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2 - 24
17 (17) I'm Breathless - 20
18 (18) American Life - 19
19 (19) You Can Dance - 16
20 (20) The Confessions Tour - 4
21 (21) I'm Going To Tell You A Secret - 3
21 (21) Sticky & Sweet Tour - 3
23 (23) MDNA - 2
24 (23) The Compelte Studio Albums 1983-2008 - 1

Posted by: SweetCandy 8th April 2012, 08:03 PM

93 (48) The Complete Studio Albums 1983 - 2008

Posted by: liamk97 9th April 2012, 02:27 PM

On ChartStats, "The First Album" and "Madonna/The First Album" have been merged together. I've just posted a suggestion that "Madonna" should be combined with this too. smile.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 13th April 2012, 02:50 PM

63 (69) The Immaculate Collection - 215 wks
99 (73) Celebration - 35 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 13th April 2012, 08:57 PM

37 (33) Celebration
89 (82) True Blue

Posted by: liamk97 14th April 2012, 09:42 AM

UK Singles Chart
87 (68) Masterpiece
119 (71) Give Me All Your Luvin' (feat Nicki Minaj & M.I.A)
OUT (111) Girl Gone Wild

UK Albums Chart
07 (01) MDNA
60 (37) Celebration
OUT (70) The Complete Studio Albums 1983-2008
OUT (194) Original Album Series

Posted by: SweetCandy 14th April 2012, 02:44 PM

Australian Music DVD Chart:
18 RE Sticky & Sweet Tour
45 RE Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 15th April 2012, 06:10 PM

69 (60) Celebration - 31 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 16th April 2012, 02:59 PM

From MW:
Madonna's MDNA is also fading fast, falling 7-13 (7,194 sales) a fortnight after debuting at number one. It is the first Madonna studio album not to be in the Top 10 on its third week on the chart since 1984, when her second album, Like A Virgin, edged up 66-63 - it was a slow starter, debuting at number 74, arriving in the Top 10 for the first time 16 weeks later, and topping the chart on its 44th week. Madonna's longest opening run in the Top 10 came when follow-up True Blue reeled off 32 straight weeks in the top tier, including six at number one, before suddenly lurching 8-22.

Madonna is the 4th best ever singles selling act of all time selling 17,582,206.

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th April 2012, 03:05 PM

76 (63) The Immaculate Collection - 216 wks
OUT Celebration

Posted by: liamk97 20th April 2012, 03:51 PM

UK Singles
126. (87) Masterpiece
OUT (119) Give Me All Your Luvin' (feat Nicki Minaj & M.I.A)

Posted by: SweetCandy 22nd April 2012, 06:03 PM

UK 87 (69)

Posted by: liamk97 22nd April 2012, 06:08 PM

A recap on Celebration's Top 200 Chart Run (and a sneak peak of my upcoming thread kink.gif ):

01-02-02-03-14-25-26-31-49-55-50-34-40-39-71-92-60-67-80-79-46-69-82-114-106-116-101-104-98-91-93-15-20-38-55-63-72-91-111-136-171-183 (first entry: 03/10/09) 42w
120-38-92-120-135-99-113-119-124-134-126-129-145 (second entry: 28/08/10) 13w
181-111-118-111-132 (third entry: 01/01/11) 5w
180 (fourth entry: 12/02/11) 1w
184-127-178 (fifth entry: 14/01/12) 3w
152-96-108-98-71-51-35-37-60-69-87- (sixth entry: 18/02/12) 11w
Total: 75w

Posted by: SweetCandy 4th May 2012, 03:57 PM

62 (82) The Immaculate Collection - 218 wks on

Posted by: SweetCandy 4th May 2012, 10:54 PM

Orbit and the MDNA alternative versions
Haven't had much to say regarding MDNA recently.
But there is a host of alternative versions mustering somewhere just out of view ...
William Orbi, via Facebook.

Posted by: liamk97 11th May 2012, 03:24 PM

111. (117) Celebration

For some reason, my chart runs thread has been closed! cry.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 11th May 2012, 04:09 PM

I'm sorry that must have been me when I was using my iPhone.
If I touch the folder of a topic it closes. I'm sorry! I didn't notice I did that!.

Still good as a NM for Celebration!.

Posted by: liamk97 11th May 2012, 04:15 PM

No worries! biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th May 2012, 05:48 AM

Hungary Singles Chart: 25/05/12:
9 RE 4 Minutes

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th May 2012, 01:51 PM

MDNA falls out of the Irish Album Chart Top 100 today.
Heres it's run:
1-11-19-34-57-74-95-92 (8 wks)

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th June 2012, 06:14 PM

New Japanese Certs:
Hung Up: Double Platinum for Chaku Uta format, Gold for Chaku Uta Full format for a total of over 700,000.

Miles Away: Double Platinum for Chaku Uta format, Platinum for Chaku Uta Full format for a total over 850,000.

Posted by: SweetCandy 12th July 2012, 08:12 PM

Celebration (album) finally goes platinum in Germany!.

Posted by: SweetCandy 12th July 2012, 08:16 PM

More Updates:

Give Me All Your Luvin'
US: Gold cert 500,000 sales
Italy: Platinum

Girl Gone Wild
Italy - Platinum

Posted by: SweetCandy 13th July 2012, 06:11 PM

Italian Year End Charts:

14 Give Me All Your Luvin'
16 Girl Gone Wild

55 Celebration

Source: FIMI

Posted by: SweetCandy 30th August 2012, 04:04 PM

4 Minutes Passes 3 Million Digital Sales
"4 Minutes" by Madonna featuring Justin Timberlake tops the 3 million mark in digital sales this week. The 2008 smash is by far Madonna's best-selling digital hit, but Timberlake has had two bigger-selling hits: "SexyBack" (featuring Timbaland, 3,959,000) and T.I.'s "Dead And Gone," on which he was featured (3,120,000). "4 Minutes" reached #3 in April 2008. It was Madonna's highest-charting hit since 2000's "Music."

"4 Minutes" is currently certified Double Platinum by the RIAA. This news means that the single is now eligible for a Triple Platinum certification. 

Posted by: liamk97 30th August 2012, 04:28 PM

Great stuff! I'll update the first page with Turn Up the Radio, too. biggrin.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 30th August 2012, 06:22 PM

Thanks as always!!.

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st September 2012, 04:52 AM

134 (RE) MDNA

Posted by: SweetCandy 26th September 2012, 04:04 PM

45 (50) MDNA - 26 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 7th October 2012, 05:44 PM

Seemed very apt for this thread.

Posted by: SweetCandy 17th October 2012, 03:15 PM

After passing the 500,000 mark in sales a few weeks ago, MDNA has been officially certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America as of October 9, 2012.

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th February 2013, 12:12 PM

Celebration returned back to the Italian album chart at #84 for 1 week in January. It's spent 86 weeks in the top 100 to date.

Like A Prayer (single) has passed 700,000 downloads in the US getting it even closer to the 2 million mark there not that Warner will get a new cert for it.

Posted by: liamk97 18th February 2013, 11:02 PM

Cheers for that! I presume Like a Prayer is one of if not the best catalogue download for Madonna?

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th February 2013, 05:24 AM

Yeah, 4 Minutes is her best in the US with 3 million plus, Hung Up second and Like A Prayer and Vogue third and fourth in the US.

Like A Prayer should be around her 4th best selling download in the UK.

Posted by: liamk97 19th February 2013, 04:36 PM

Yep, you're about right - it's listed as her 5th best selling download by the OCC:

03. GIVE IT 2 ME
10. JUMP

So Like a Prayer is her most downloaded track which was released before the digital era. I'd say Hung Up would be second if you took away it's downloads from it's initial chart run.

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th February 2013, 05:08 PM

Yeah, iTunes have helped there sales. I would think Like A Prayer has overtaken Sorry by now or very close too.

Posted by: liamk97 19th February 2013, 05:18 PM

Like a Prayer's download sales must be well past 100k by now and Sorry is on 200k total sales (perhaps 50k physicals?), so it wouldn't surprise me if it has overtaken.

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th February 2013, 06:38 PM

The OCC bug me when they do all these lists but never give the sales for them .

Posted by: SweetCandy 24th February 2013, 12:57 PM

Since iTunes haven't been promoting Hung Up as a 59p single, Like A Prayer has easily been out selling it everyday. In time LAP could over take Hung Up's all time sales.

Posted by: vibe 24th February 2013, 03:10 PM

When / if the new tour cd / download is released it will add done sales for the following out of the list above:
Like a prayer , hung up, vogue

Posted by: vibe 24th February 2013, 03:10 PM

And celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 24th February 2013, 03:47 PM

These always seem to be on iTunes pop singles chart everyday:
Like A Prayer
Hung Up
Papa Don't Preach
Crazy For You

These make appearances every so often
True Blue (the most)
La Isla Bonita
4 Minutes

Posted by: SweetCandy 24th February 2013, 07:37 PM

Songs used on the MDNA tour overall placing on the all time UK sales for Madonna
02. Like A Virgin
05. Papa Don't Preach
06. Hung Up
07. Like A Prayer
11. Vogue
27. Justify My Love
32. Express Yourself
34. Open Your Heart
48. Celebration
56. Human Nature
65. Give Me All Your Luvin'
68. Masterpiece
69. Girl Gone Wild
70. Revolver
71. Turn Up The Radio

Songs based on download only sales (top 40 only)
02. Hung Up
05. Like A Prayer
06. Celebration
07. Vogue
15. Like A Virgin
17. Papa Don't Preach
18. Give Me All Your Luvin'
30. Open Your Heart
31. Express Yourself
32. Revolver
38. Justify My Love

It will be interesting to see what back catalogue of songs get used on the cd and digital version of the MDNA tour release.

Posted by: SweetCandy 7th March 2013, 02:30 PM

Charts in France have published Madonna's album sales figures since 1998 to co inside with Ray Of Light's 15th Anniversary

01. Ray of Light - 850,000
02. Confessions on a Dance Floor - 730,000
03. Music - 680,000
04. American Life - 500,000
05. Hard Candy - 240,000
06. MDNA - 85,000

Posted by: liamk97 7th March 2013, 04:45 PM

Cheers, they seem to be quite good sales for a country outside of the four main music industries.

Posted by: SweetCandy 7th March 2013, 06:39 PM

On a side note American Life sold the most copies in France than the anywhere else in the world.

Posted by: vibe 6th May 2013, 06:07 PM

A friend has acces to soundscan top 50 album sales weekly in America .

Since soundscan was introduced in late 1991 The Immaculate Collection has sold 5,853,766 copies. 893 last week, 10,017 this year!!

This is the only Madonna album in the chart.

Posted by: liamk97 6th May 2013, 06:20 PM

QUOTE(vibe @ May 6 2013, 07:07 PM) *
A friend has acces to soundscan top 50 album sales weekly in America .

Since soundscan was introduced in late 1991 The Immaculate Collection has sold 5,853,766 copies. 893 last week, 10,017 this year!!

This is the only Madonna album in the chart.

Ooh thank you! Shame it ranges back just after the release of The Immaculate Collection but I can see that it sold about 3 million between late 1990 and late 1991, meaning it sold more copies after initial release rather than within initial release!

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th June 2013, 07:07 PM

Australian Catalogue Album Chart: 17/06/13
50 (RE) Celebration - 4 wka

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th June 2013, 07:07 PM

Australian Catalogue Album Chart: 17/06/13
50 (RE) Celebration - 4 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 8th July 2013, 04:49 PM

Australian Catalogue Album Chart
40 (50) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 11th July 2013, 11:45 AM

Australia is celebrating 30 years of the ARIA Charts

Most #1 Singles
01. Madonna - 10
01. Kylie Minogue - 10

Most Weeks Spent at #1 on the Singles Charts
01. Madonna - 34
02. Kylie Minogue - 30

Most #1 Albums
01. U2 - 11
02. Madonna - 10

Posted by: liamk97 12th July 2013, 11:40 AM

Thanks for those! Madonna is probably the best selling female in Australia, I'm guessing.

Weeks at #1 // Title
05 Like a Virgin
04 Crazy for You
04 Angel/Into the Groove
06 Papa Don't Preach
05 Like a Prayer
05 Keep It Together/Vogue
01 American Pie
04 Music
01 Hung Up
03 4 Minutes

I count 38 week instead of 34...

Posted by: SweetCandy 23rd July 2013, 07:05 AM

Even better then wink.gif.

Spainsh Physical Singles Chart: 22/07/13
11 (RE) Girl Gone Wild

Madonna's Top 10 Best Selling Albums in Finland of All Time
01. Something To Remember
02. The Immaculate Collection
03. Like A Prayer
04. Confessions on a Dance Floor
05. True Blue
06. Ray of Light
07. I'm Breathless
08. Like A Virgin
09. GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2
10. Music

Posted by: vibe 23rd July 2013, 06:42 PM

Would never have thought that about STR

Posted by: SweetCandy 23rd July 2013, 06:50 PM

Me too!.

Posted by: liamk97 23rd July 2013, 08:07 PM

I third that! It is a great album though, definitely one I'd recommend to new fans and to anyone interested in ballads.

Posted by: SweetCandy 17th August 2013, 08:38 AM

The Immaculate Collection returned to the Irish album charts last week at #77 and fell out on the chart this week. It's spent 95 weeks in the top 100 since 2003.

Posted by: SweetCandy 27th August 2013, 12:13 PM

The Immaculate Collection returns to the Irish Album chart at #77 (again!) - 229 weeks in the top 100.

Posted by: SweetCandy 31st August 2013, 10:47 AM

Irish album chart:
88 (77) The Immaculate Collection - 230 wks.

Posted by: SweetCandy 6th September 2013, 02:09 PM

Irish Album Chart:
82 (88) The Immaculate Collection - 231 wks on

Posted by: SweetCandy 7th September 2013, 04:40 PM

Spanish Physical Singles Chart: 01/09/13
19 (RE) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 14th September 2013, 01:43 PM

MDNA World Tour album debuts so far:
39 Belgium (Wallonia)
50 Holland
66 Ireland
116 Belgium (Flanders)

DVD charts:
01 Australia
02 Belgium (W)
02 Taiwan
03 Ireland
04 Belgium (F)

Ireland album chart
73 (82) The Immaculate Collection

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th September 2013, 05:42 PM

Switzerland Album Chart

9 (RE) MDNA - 20 wks cheer.gif

Spanish Physical Singles Chart
20 (RE) Give Me All Your Luvin'

Posted by: liamk97 19th September 2013, 03:26 PM

Ooh, great re-entry position for MDNA there. Mind you, considering it only takes 10k for Gold and 20k for Platinum, it's not going to have sold a lot! tongue.gif

I'll do a big update soon, probably this weekend.

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th September 2013, 04:53 PM

I don't care how much it sound at least it's re charted smile.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th September 2013, 02:51 PM

Irish Album Chart:
82 (73) The Immaculate Collection - 233 wks on.

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th September 2013, 03:16 PM

Switzerland Album Chart
96 (9) MDNA - 21 wks

Posted by: liamk97 25th September 2013, 03:47 PM

QUOTE(SweetCandy @ Sep 25 2013, 04:16 PM) *
Switzerland Album Chart
96 (9) MDNA - 21 wks

Bloody hell! laugh.gif Biggest drop from the Swiss Top 10?

Posted by: SweetCandy 26th September 2013, 06:06 PM

QUOTE(liamk97 @ Sep 25 2013, 04:47 PM) *
Bloody hell! laugh.gif Biggest drop from the Swiss Top 10?

It's the biggest drop in there chart history of 87 places the previous record was 84.

Posted by: SweetCandy 1st October 2013, 03:42 PM

German Album Chart:
82 (5) MDNA

Mexico Album Chart:
3 (RE) MDNA wink.gif

Posted by: liamk97 1st October 2013, 03:47 PM

If only MDNA re-entered anywhere in the UK charts. sad.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 4th October 2013, 04:30 PM

Irish Album Chart:
65 (76) The Immaculate Collection - 235 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 18th October 2013, 04:42 PM

Irish Album Chart
Last Week
84 (65) The Immaculate Collection - 236 wks

This Week
83 (84) The Immaculate Collection - 237 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th October 2013, 03:15 PM

98 (83) The Immaculate Collection - 238 wks on

Posted by: SweetCandy 4th December 2013, 03:35 PM

Spanish Physical Top 20 Singles Chart:
20 (RE) Give Me All Your Luvin'

Posted by: SweetCandy 9th December 2013, 06:25 PM

The MDNA WORLD TOUR live album has officially gone platinum in Canada.

Posted by: SweetCandy 13th January 2014, 08:26 PM

Begium (Wallonia) Mid Price Album Chart
19 (34) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 21st January 2014, 07:58 PM

MDNA re-entered the Taiwanese album chart last week (International albums) at #4.

Posted by: SweetCandy 24th January 2014, 03:48 PM

Irish Album Chart
3 (RE) The Immaculate Collection - 239 wks

It's best peak since 2004 when she performed at slane castle.

Posted by: SweetCandy 25th January 2014, 05:35 PM

QUOTE(SweetCandy @ Jan 24 2014, 03:48 PM) *
Irish Album Chart
3 (RE) The Immaculate Collection - 239 wks

It's best peak since 2004 when she performed at slane castle.

From chart track:
Bruce Springsteen takes a second week at No1 on the Album Chart with 'High Hopes', heading a Top 30 transformed by Tesco's clearance sale.
Ellie Goulding climbs a place to No2 ahead of the first of this week's price promotions - Madonna's 'Immaculate Collection' at No3. James Vincent McMorrow's 'Post Topical' drops down to No4 while Mumford & Sons' 'Babel' climbs 22 places to complete the Top 5, due again to price promotions.

Posted by: vibe 27th January 2014, 08:57 PM

Number 3 ??

Posted by: SweetCandy 28th January 2014, 07:36 AM

QUOTE(vibe @ Jan 27 2014, 08:57 PM) *
Number 3 ??

Yes!! cheer.gif cheer.gif cheer.gif

Posted by: SweetCandy 31st January 2014, 03:10 PM

Irish Album Chart:
12 (3) The Immaculate Collection - 240 wks.

Posted by: SweetCandy 5th February 2014, 08:10 PM

The Immaculate Collection re-enters the Billboard 200 for the first time since 1993 at #153, 3.000 copies, 494% increase, best sales since 2008!

Posted by: SweetCandy 5th February 2014, 08:18 PM

Here's a look at the immaculate collection's run on the BB Top 200 to date.
Debut Date: December 1, 1990
Peak Date: January 26, 1991
Peak Position: #2
Week-By-Week Rundown: 32-12-5-3-3-3-3-3-2-2-3-3-7-9-10-12-12-14-17-17-19-24-25-26-34-33-29-22-25-30-38-38-37-43-47-44-43-42-46-48-48-47-55-56-57-64-72-78-78-84-79-76-73-72-79-76-76-76-69-71-69-75-75-79-83-86-83-92-93-98-104-105-104-103-98-95-104-107-109-103-105-100-102-96-102-93-87-94-92-95-100-101-98-108-108-104-114-113-114-117-114-109-122-125-119-119-122-120-114-117-116-105-119-122-113-119-136-138-140-156-154-165-144-163-156-154-152-160-168-172-174-181-192-191-192-198-// (136 weeks)
Final Week On Chart For First Run: July 3, 1993
Re-entry: August 28, 1993: 181-193-195-199-196-// (5 weeks)
Final Week On Chart For Second Run: September 25, 1993
Re-entry: February 5, 2014: 153

Posted by: SweetCandy 16th February 2014, 02:01 PM

Peaks of 2014 so far...

The Immaculate Collection
#1 Canadian Catalog Album Chart
#3 Ireland
#33 UK Budget Album Chart
#34 US Catalog Album Chart
#153 US

#2 Belgium Back Catalog Chart (Flanders)
#40 Belgium Back Catalog Chart (Wallonia)

#19 Belgium Mid Price Album Chart (Wallonia)
#188 UK

#4 Taiwanese International Album Chart

#4 Italy (20 wks in the top ten so far!)
#17 Netherlands

Posted by: SweetCandy 19th February 2014, 06:35 PM

Celebration (the album) has been certified Platinum in Switzerland with 30,000 sold.

Posted by: SweetCandy 26th February 2014, 06:24 PM

Spainsh Album Chart
58 (RE) MDNA World Tour - 12 wks

Not sure why this has recharted but it's great that it is.

Posted by: SweetCandy 2nd March 2014, 03:32 PM

"Celebration" is now certified Gold as a overall download single track in Japan for 100,000 copies sold.

Canadian Catalog Album Chart:
2 (RE) The Immaculate Collection - 138 wks

Posted by: SweetCandy 29th March 2014, 09:14 AM

Celebration (Single) has officially gone gold in Japan.

French Album Chart:
250 (RE) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 3rd April 2014, 05:53 AM

French Album Chart:
192 (250) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 9th April 2014, 06:28 PM

French Album Chart
238 (192) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 13th April 2014, 12:42 PM

Australian Certs 1997-2014 so far

Don't Cry For Me Argentina - Gold (35,000)
The Immaculate Collection - 10 x Platinum (700,000)

Frozen - Gold (35,000)
Ray of Light - Gold (35,000)
Ray of Light (album) - 2 x Platinum (140,000)

Beautiful Stranger - Gold (35,000)
The Immaculate Collection - 11 x Platinum (770,000)
Something To Remember - 4 x Platinum (280,000)
Ray of Light - 3 x Platinum (210,000)

American Pie - Gold (35,000)
Music - 2 x Platinum (140,000)
Like A Virgin - 7 x Platinum (490,000)
Music (album) - 2 x Platinum (140,000)

Don't Tell Me - Platinum (70,000)
True Blue - Platinum (70,000)
What It Feels Like For A Girl - Gold (35,000)
GHV2: Greatest Hits Volume 2 - Platinum (70,000)
Music - 3 x Platinum (210,000)
Erotica - 3 x Platinum (210,000)

Die Another Day - Gold (35,000)

Me Against The Music - Platinum (70,000)
American Life - Gold (35,000)
American Life (album) - Platinum (70,000)

Drowned World Tour 2001 - Platinum (15,000)
The Girlie Show Live Down Under - 3 x Platinum (45,000)

Hung Up - Platinum (70,000)
Confessions on a Dance Floor - 2 x Platinum (140,000)

I'm Going To Tell You A Secret - Platinum (15,000)

The Confessions Tour - Gold (7,500)

4 Minutes - Platinum (70,000)
Hard Candy - Platinum (70,000)
The Confessions Tour - Platinum (15,000)

Celebration - Gold (35,000)

Sticky & Sweet Tour - Gold (7,500)

MDNA - Gold (35,000)

Posted by: SweetCandy 15th April 2014, 06:59 PM

French Album Chart:
208 (238) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 20th April 2014, 10:09 AM

The Sticky & Sweet Tour (live album) has gone platinum in Italy. (60,000 copies sold)

Posted by: SweetCandy 6th May 2014, 05:43 PM

French Album Chart:
219 (RE) Celebration

Posted by: SweetCandy 27th September 2014, 01:25 PM

Hung Up has sold 490,000 till June 2014 in France.

Posted by: liamk97 15th January 2015, 08:08 PM

This from Neilsen's official site say 'Santa Baby' has sold 270k in the US.

Posted by: SweetCandy 8th March 2015, 08:07 PM

Scottish Album Chart
41 (52) Celebration
62 (Re) The Immaculate Collection

Posted by: liamk97 30th April 2015, 04:36 PM

Madonna no longer has the record for the biggest second-week percentage drop for #1-debuting album in the US.

Shawn Mendes' Handwritten had an 89% drop from 106k to 12k. Madonna had an 87% drop.

Posted by: Acidburn 20th January 2016, 07:20 PM

I've noticed that you didn't include one for "Vogue" worldwide positions and plus I've included her most recent era as well.


01 Australia
01 Belgium
01 Canada
01 Europe
01 Finland
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 New Zealand
01 Norway
01 Spain
01 Sweden
01 Switzerland
01 UK
01 USA
01 US (Hot Dance Music/Club Play

02 Dutch
02 Ireland
04 Germany
07 Austria
09 France

16 US (Hot R&B/Hip Hop Singles & Tracks)

Living For Love

01 US (Dance Club Song)
02 Croatia
04 Israel
07 Finland
08 Sweden
09 US (Hot Dance/Electronic Songs)

11 Japan
12 Hungary
13 Scotland
20 Lebanon
21 Spain
26 UK
30 Italy
36 US (Mainstream Top 40)
40 Germany
43 Belgium
46 Czech Republic
49 Switzerland
50 France
79 Ireland
92 Canada
108 USA


01 US (Dance Club Songs)
03 US (Hot Singles Sales)
07 Croatia

14 Finland
17 Hungary
18 US (Adult Contemporay)
20 Italy
20 Sweden
34 France
34 Germany
38 US (Adult Top 40)
39 Switzerland
41 Spain
86 Scotland
117 UK

Bitch I'm Madonna (Ft Nicki Minaj)

01 US Dance Club Songs
05 US (Hot Dance Electronic Songs)
13 Finland
30 Sweden
49 Spain
58 Canada
84 USA
90 France


Rebel Heart (Studio Album #13)

01 Australia
01 Austria
01 Belgium (Flanders)
01 Canada
01 Czech Republic
01 Dutch
01 Germany
01 Hungary
01 Italy
01 Japan
01 Korea
01 Portugal
01 Spain
01 Swiss

02 Belgium (Wallonia)
02 Danish
02 Finland
02 Norway
02 Russia
02 UK
02 USA
03 Croatia
03 France
03 Greece
03 Scotland
04 Brazil
05 Ireland
05 Poland
07 New Zealand
08 Japan
09 Argentina
10 Sweden

Posted by: liamk97 20th January 2016, 09:14 PM

^ Thanks! Don't know why 'Vogue' wasn't there! I really need to update the whole list tbf, I'll get on with that when I next have a lot of free time!

Posted by: liamk97 28th January 2016, 06:25 PM

The Immaculate Collection is #49 on the Billboard Top 200! ohmy.gif That's 11,132 chart sales for this week.

Poor Rebel Heart can't get a boost from its own tour. sad.gif

Posted by: HausofTroye 29th January 2016, 10:18 PM

What a huge boost for it! Was it totally down to the tour effect? I wonder if any of the other greatest hits got a boost and yeah, gutted 'Rebel Heart' wasn't in its place instead sad.gif

Posted by: HausofKubrick 14th May 2016, 05:37 PM

Like A Virgin re-enters the Billboard Hot 200 for the first time since 1987!

Madonna’s classic album, Like a Virgin, returns to the chart “for the very first time” since 1987. It was on sale priced for just 99 cents during the tracking week in the Google Play store.It yielded 5,000 in digital sales (up 1,028 percent – a gain from less than 1,000 sold the previous week) of its total 6,000 sales for the week (up 888 percent). Its 6,000 units total (nearly all from pure album sales) were up 835 percent. Thanks to Google, Like a Virgin scores its best sales week since Nielsen Music began tracking sales in 1991, and its first week on the Billboard 200 chart since Sept. 19, 1987. The effort was Madonna’s second studio album, and first No. 1, spending three weeks atop the chart in 1985.


Posted by: liamk97 15th May 2016, 01:34 PM

Great to see it charting again!

I do wonder how well Madonna's studio albums trickle sell, both in the UK and US, because, given her status, they never re-enter and, presumably, are rarely on sale.

Posted by: vibe 12th June 2016, 04:46 PM

Immaculate Collection number 70 on iTunes .

Posted by: liamk97 30th October 2016, 02:10 PM

Just got a little to finish off but I've updated the first few posts. I still need to proof read so bear with if there's any errors!

Posted by: Liam.k. 3rd July 2020, 03:56 PM

Thought it was about time I gave the main page an update! All re-organised and up to date.

Posted by: HausofGhibli 5th July 2020, 06:31 PM

Thanks for the update Liam! The 'Madame X' sales though no.gif

Posted by: raindrops9977 11th June 2021, 07:30 PM

someone added some new receipts from Asia and Turkey to wikipedia last year:

Like A Prayer (Album)

151,000 copies sold in Turkey
41,000 copies sold in India ( 25,000 in its first 10 days)
30,000 copies sold in Malaysia in its first three weeks

True Blue (Album)

100,000 copies sold in Turkey until September 1987
22,000 copies sold in Malaysia until June 1989

Posted by: Last Dreamer 13th May 2024, 11:55 AM

Denmark chart archive :

For sample :

I'll Remember
(15.04.1994) : 16-15-13-17-16-19-16

Finland chart archive :

Posted by: Liam.k. 9th July 2024, 05:05 PM

Some updated certifications in Brazil:

Faz Gostoso: Diamond (160k)
Girl Gone Wild: Platinum (40k)
Turn Up the Radio: Platinum (40k)

These also got updated earlier in the year:

Bitch I'm Madonna: 2x Platinum (80k)
Give Me All Your Luvin: 3x Platinum (120k)
Living For Love: Gold (20k)
Medellin: Platinum (40k)

Posted by: vibe 9th July 2024, 05:28 PM

How was the numbers for FG ignored by her team !!!

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