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BuzzJack Music Forum _ Spice Girls _ Spice Girls - Chart Runs & Sales Thread: Worldwide

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:01 AM


22/07/1996: 18-4-11-5-2-2-1-2-4-2-6-9-x
28/10/1996: 20-x

25/07/1996: 9-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-3-4-9-16-28-x
31/10/1996: 29-x
14/11/1996: 30-x
28/11/1996: 26-x
30/05/2019: 62-x

02/08/1996: 28-12-4-2-1-1-1-2-2-3-6-7-13-11-20-32-36-x

12/08/1996: 61-26-7-6-2-1-1-1-1-2-6-11-16-26-30-39-47-58-57-60-61-54-x

18/08/1996: 27-29-7-4-3-4-3-3-2-6-11-13-15-27-23-x

24/08/1996: 39-14-2-1-1-2-2-3-4-7-10-13-21-26-44-x

25/08/1996: 64-53-45-41-36-31-25-10-5-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-9-11-18-22-15-19-20-25-35-42-47-61-73-84-x
(#1 Dance Chart #2 Hiseekers Chart)
Platinum (2)

25/08/1996: 5-5-4-1-1-1-1-1-2-4-6-6-7-6-25-19-26-26-27-23-44-47-37-40-x

New Zealand
01/09/1996: 38-34-25-12-12-4-8-6-4-8-1-6-4-4-5-5-4-5-5-8-9-7-16-29-28-28-26-42-48-x
27/04/1997: 48-41-x

14/09/1996: 14-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-x


17/10/1996: 8-3-2-3-4-6-6-7-6-9-12-13-20-x

25/10/1996: 5-6-4-8-4-10-11-8-5-6-12-21-48-32-51-x

26/10/1996: 28-7-5-5-5-10-13-19-20-47-43-39-46-70-76-x

28/10/1996: 33-32-16-17-17-22-24-23-27-30-37-47-54-62-x

03/11/1996: 22-11-10-7-8-12-13-15-19-22-22-25-x

New Zealand
10/11/1996: 2-7-8-7-6-4-5-8-6-9-11-11-14-25-29-31-32-37-31-47-47-44-37-x

10/11/1996: 10-8-14-4-15-15-18-19-18-21-25-34-38-48-x

11/11/1996: 6-1-3-5-4-9-x

26/01/1997: 23-23-16-15-16-17-15-19-15-15-14-15-16-12-18-21-28-44-40-40-45-49-62-73-87-87-x
(#4 Dance Chart)


16/12/1996: 9-13-x

19/12/1996: 1-1-1-1-1-4-9-10-12-16-21-25-x

20/12/1996: 21-10-14-7-10-9-10-13-21-30-31-37-58-x

New Zealand
22/12/1996: 12-6-9-3-10-4-12-17-27-22-23-27-23-46-35-40-47-x
18/05/1997: 49-x

23/12/1996: 46-29-18-13-14-13-14-19-20-27-28-32-37-43-40-64-79-x

28/12/1996: 13-8-4-2-3-3-7-10-13-17-22-27-41-49-56-67-82-92-91-88-85-x

19/01/1997: 11-14-10-13-18-18-23-22-27-28-42-39-43-49-48-46-x

26/01/1997: 17-12-11-12-9-10-11-13-19-24-12-36-29-x

01/03/1997: 12-4-2-3-1-3-6-x

20/04/1997: 5-4-2-2-3-5-4-5-7-7-9-9-14-22-26-31-38-48-65-69-88-x


06/03/1997: 2-1-1-1-1-4-5-6-10-10-16-18-27-25-30-x

08/03/1997: 70-21-9-5-3-3-3-5-4-4-4-5-11-14-20-22-31-31-33-37-46-50-52-62-68-76-x

10/03/1997: 20-15-19-15-16-20-x

14/03/1997: 43-12-11-8-12-10-9-9-9-5-5-5-8-7-11-14-31-27-45-39-x
08/08/1997: 29-34-28-31-36-37-42-40-40-39-40-x

17/03/1997: 44-35-22-11-13-11-13-16-15-4-15-14-22-36-45-56-62-x

23/03/1997: 31-17-8-7-7-10-10-12-1-6-9-11-15-18-25-x

New Zealand
23/03/1997: 10-7-6-8-11-16-13-21-16-28-33-37-49-38-x
06/07/1997: 42-x

06/04/1997: 15-16-12-12-12-15-6-6-8-11-24-20-23-29-43-44-x

27/07/1997: 13-13-14-13-14-19-22-17-25-25-28-31-38-50-62-66-74-87-80-x


13/10/1997: 7-4-2-2-3-5-7-15-x

16/10/1997: 2-3-3-3-5-9-11-15-24-23-20-23-27-x
30/05/2019: 72-x

18/10/1997: 29-4-4-6-7-7-10-13-15-21-31-31-33-50-57-65-78-x

18/10/1997: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-5-5-8-5-5-2-11-x

24/10/1997: 2-3-3-3-7-7-10-9-11-14-24-52-49-x
30/01/1998: 57-x

26/10/1997: 17-13-8-8-12-10-10-11-11-10-13-19-16-19-21-26-28-36-38-57-58-61-62-62-51-61-99-x

New Zealand
26/10/1997: 2-2-2-2-4-6-7-10-14-31-23-22-29-46-47-x

26/10/1997: 6-8-5-8-10-13-18-23-24-25-35-40-38-41-46-x

27/10/1997: 14-15-15-16-17-24-37-40-49-48-51-56-x

02/11/1997: 16-15-12-15-15-20-20-25-25-27-26-33-x


08/12/1997: 10-5-9-3-7-12-17-17-17-x

16/12/1997: 5-5-4-4-10-21-24-29-36-40-x

19/12/1997: 33-20-18-18-18-24-31-35-59-60-x

20/12/1997: 33-15-17-18-24-29-34-35-45-58-66-71-86-x

New Zealand
21/12/1997: 20-9-9-11-15-17-22-28-42-43-37-44-x

22/12/1997: 63-29-23-22-22-21-22-31-34-47-54-67-x

27/12/1997: 9-x

04/01/1998: 23-15-17-16-25-21-25-28-27-25-28-32-x

11/01/1998: 23-18-23-27-29-40-39-40-41-33-45-33-x

19/01/1998: 29-13-12-11-14-9-12-15-17-23-25-27-28-29-52-40-66-70-77-86-x


09/03/1998: 6-6-8-10-13-x

12/03/1998: 3-3-8-9-11-13-17-25-37-39-x
30/05/2019: 80-x

20/03/1998: 14-8-9-8-9-11-28-19-25-31-26-27-x

21/03/1998: 22-8-7-6-6-9-14-15-20-24-26-27-35-41-48-55-57-58-71-81-x

22/03/1998: 34-21-22-20-12-19-21-27-34-32-36-33-x

23/03/1998: 35-39-40-41-41-51-54-58-58-x

29/03/1998: 26-20-25-26-30-35-34-37-39-41-47-48-x

New Zealand
12/04/1998: 13-10-9-10-13-10-11-17-21-21-32-44-x

10/05/1998: 11-9-8-7-5-5-9-12-14-14-17-21-23-18-23-22-20-30-35-45-48-x
04/10/1998: 65-68-x


23/07/1998: 2-2-2-3-5-9-14-18-22-31-37-x

25/07/1998: 39-12-8-7-7-7-8-10-14-18-24-24-28-31-41-44-47-54-59-67-66-74-90-x

31/07/1998: 23-14-12-9-10-13-14-6-8-11-12-11-19-47-36-33-49-48-49-49-32-45-46-40-59-x

02/08/1998: 15-13-4-5-5-5-4-6-8-10-8-13-9-19-19-x

03/08/1998: 9-9-4-5-4-6-9-7-9-10-11-12-16-20-28-27-36-39-45-58-56-x

09/08/1998: 6-4-3-4-4-4-4-6-5-6-9-7-10-16-18-18-23-34-35-45-49-x
17/01/1999: 49-x

23/08/1998: 59-8-6-2-2-3-4-4-6-9-9-9-11-12-15-12-16-16-24-31-35-47-60-56-59-75-77-76-91-98-91-x
(#1 Dance Chart)

New Zealand
23/08/1998: 1-1-2-2-2-8-5-12-27-22-36-x


07/12/1998: 2-4-3-6-5-5-5-x

13/12/1998: 5-8-4-4-3-3-5-9-10-17-21-25-35-39-46-48-61-56-81-95-x

17/12/1998: 2-1-2-2-5-8-11-19-27-31-35-x

17/12/1998: 2-2-3-4-4-4-9-13-20-28-42-x

19/12/1998: 15-6-5-9-13-16-21-25-31-42-50-55-74-90-x

20/12/1998: 21-17-13-15-13-18-18-25-29-x

New Zealand
20/12/1998: 1-1-3-4-10-10-16-20-29-32-39-41-x

20/12/1998: 11-10-8-10-10-13-18-19-27-27-42-x

21/12/1998: 18-25-17-18-21-31-31-41-53-65-x

26/12/1998: 9-8-x


New Zealand
22/10/2000: 47-46-35-35-29-2-7-8-5-16-22-29-43-x

23/10/2000: 6-12-x

26/10/2000: 8-3-5-7-14-20-32-42-46-x
04/01/2001: 44-45-x

28/10/2000: 5-7-9-13-x

30/10/2000: 2-6-5-7-7-8-11-14-16-16-20-22-36-36-49-63-77-79-87-x
(#2 Dance Chart)

30/10/2000: 96-85-83-89-42-16-12-16-24-33-37-45-56-75-85-x

02/11/2000: 8-11-11-11-18-23-32-34-47-53-40-x

05/11/2000: 24-32-34-x

05/11/2000: 19-15-21-29-37-52-58-59-62-74-x

06/11/2000: 17-30-30-49-57-64-76-89-87-x


15/11/2007: 3-25-29-49-x
27/12/2007: 41-x

17/11/2007: 52-93-x

22/11/2007: 29-45-x

25/11/2007: 3-2-3-12-16-x
06/01/2008: 17-x

27/11/2007: 74-88-x
(#34 Physical Chart)

23/11/2007: 67-x

23/11/2007: 46-74-84-x

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:02 AM


08/11/1996: 41-14-15-15-18-15-10-8-6-5-3-4-5-9-13-9-7-11-9-7-8-6-7-5-6-8-6-6-8-6-6-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-3-3-3-4-5-6-5-5-9-17-17-16-15-15-18-24-28-x
05/12/1997: 57-50-49-53-x
16/01/1998: 52-33-x
Platinum (2)

10/11/1996: 5-2-2-6-6-4-3-3-1-1-1-2-4-5-5-2-2-3-3-2-2-2-3-3-1-2-2-2-3-3-4-4-6-11-10-5-6-8-6-7-12-14-19-16-17-20-19-25-x
30/05/2019: 17-x
04/11/2021: 32-x

10/11/1996: 1-2-3-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-4-6-8-8-4-2-1-1-2-3-4-5-7-6-4-2-3-4-6-10-10-10-12-14-13-13-12-13-15-19-24-26-27-39-32-39-28-26-34-33-43-50-66-72-66-70-70-72-70-70-77-x
04/10/1998: 93-76-x
05/11/2021: 5-68-98-x

11/11/1996: 18-10-9-7-8-4-4-6-5-4-4-6-8-9-10-12-13-13-19-16-18-19-21-20-21-20-31-23-22-15-22-19-20-24-20-23-26-26-20-25-30-36-x
09/03/1998: 32-22-26-33-33-34-31-32-26-23-25-36-34-34-x
13/06/1998: 37-x

16/11/1996: 79-23-14-16-22-22-x
04/01/1997: 21-18-14-10-7-6-7-5-6-8-9-8-5-1-1-1-2-2-3-2-3-3-2-2-1-5-1-3-3-2-1-2-3-3-4-6-7-11-9-6-24-18-22-18-16-35-36-28-36-37-44-53-56-46-42-42-39-39-49-63-58-53-47-37-32-33-36-31-35-36-36-46-45-50-51-56-63-56-52-52-50-56-56-54-60-64-69-73-89-80-84-x
06/11/2021: 78-x
Platinum (3)

17/11/1996: 8-5-5-10-11-10-10-5-6-8-7-7-7-8-9-10-14-13-13-10-10-6-8-9-9-9-10-11-13-12-15-17-17-19-20-26-29-34-30-19-26-37-41-48-48-x
07/11/2021: 45-71-x
Platinum (2)

18/11/1996: 14-15-9-10-12-13-14-6-6-7-7-6-7-8-12-13-15-15-13-7-7-6-8-10-6-9-10-12-18-26-26-28-32-34-40-43-47-50-58-58-66-82-82-94-92-x
05/11/2021: 64-x
Gold (3)

24/11/1996: 31-11-14-19-14-17-13-13-12-12-10-10-8-5-3-11-8-10-1-1-3-4-6-8-10-13-11-16-15-16-16-20-23-23-x

01/12/1996: 50-38-50-43-43-43-39-36-34-30-26-21-20-10-10-7-6-5-5-5-4-4-3-3-5-3-4-3-3-3-5-4-4-7-5-6-5-6-6-9-13-19-13-18-22-26-36-37-38-35-26-38-20-20-18-22-21-23-21-20-11-11-9-11-14-13-13-14-17-22-23-21-20-17-22-24-33-30-30-37-24-32-39-37-35-33-44-48-44-42-52-32-54-62-54-59-64-52-55-90-67-69-62-90-75-76-55-58-51-67-81-75-80-x
08/11/2021: 31-x
(#9 Catalogue Chart #1 Dance Chart #33 Digital Chart #7 Physical Chart #2 Vinyl Chart)
Platinum (6)

New Zealand
08/12/1996: 12-3-2-1-2-2-3-3-7-5-5-6-5-4-3-3-4-3-3-2-3-5-7-7-7-3-3-4-8-8-14-10-16-21-22-23-26-27-39-41-39-47-x
16/11/1997: 50-41-x
21/12/1997: 48-x
25/01/1998: 40-x


09/11/1997: 3-1-6-8-7-7-7-6-5-4-5-8-9-15-17-17-8-9-15-17-18-23-28-20-x
03/05/1998: 30-28-x
30/05/2019: 24-x

09/11/1997: 1-1-2-2-3-4-3-3-2-5-10-14-19-30-34-27-24-21-25-30-34-27-19-25-40-37-39-50-51-57-37-39-46-60-30-25-20-36-36-35-34-39-43-63-58-61-68-76-77-70-73-83-x
20/03/2020: 83-x
11/11/2022: 20-x
23/12/2022: 69-x

09/11/1997: 2-5-8-9-10-9-9-9-9-13-37-37-28-36-x
13/11/2022: 58-x
Platinum (2)

10/11/1997: 1-1-2-2-2-1-2-2-5-8-6-8-11-17-15-17-19-17-17-18-19-22-25-19-24-24-23-x
11/03/1998: 35-22-32-17-12-8-16-26-25-25-26-30-27-32-32-30-31-30-36-35-x
28/09/1998: 40-x
Platinum (2)

14/11/1997: 3-6-8-10-7-8-9-17-17-15-23-26-22-24-31-34-30-28-34-26-38-43-47-x
15/05/1998: 47-50-33-46-35-46-42-54-52-53-x
14/08/1998: 56-54-x
Platinum (2)

15/11/1997: 1-1-5-3-3-4-9-11-9-9-10-11-16-19-24-23-26-23-17-13-18-15-13-12-16-17-20-17-19-19-18-29-29-27-27-25-24-26-21-21-26-28-33-32-30-36-66-71-75-83-x
28/11/1998: 90-80-84-95-x
16/01/1999: 99-95-x
20/02/1999: 96-94-93-97-x
(#28 Vinyl Chart)

16/11/1997: 3-7-6-2-2-3-4-4-6-7-6-3-3-6-6-7-8-8-8-11-11-10-9-6-8-10-12-12-7-6-5-10-13-16-9-10-12-13-15-13-10-9-17-20-19-17-19-18-11-20-21-22-19-24-25-26-26-24-26-26-27-28-39-41-47-46-60-57-57-58-65-55-72-78-86-72-79-x
10/05/1999: 97-x
31/05/1999: 76-71-82-81-97-86-92-93-x
(#1 Dance Chart)
Platinum (6)

16/11/1997: 1-2-5-6-8-9-5-5-2-5-4-6-9-7-9-15-16-21-18-21-18-14-21-24-x
07/06/1998: 25-27-30-30-27-22-24-21-33-20-28-26-20-27-27-27-x

16/11/1997: 2-2-5-5-6-6-5-5-6-7-10-10-10-10-11-11-11-15-18-16-27-20-21-24-29-32-29-44-38-47-x
28/06/1998: 46-x
Platinum (2)

17/11/1997: 4-6-8-10-12-14-7-7-5-8-12-11-16-16-21-19-27-30-32-35-29-24-31-40-41-50-55-58-72-91-x
27/07/1998: 86-84-75-73-63-66-66-75-72-80-83-76-91-100-x

New Zealand
23/11/1997: 1-3-4-2-5-9-12-14-14-14-20-15-15-25-29-30-33-27-25-14-14-22-26-25-35-31-39-43-x
05/07/1998: 40-46-x
26/07/1998: 36-x
09/08/1998: 44-x
23/08/1998: 27-13-5-3-4-6-14-5-8-11-17-20-22-29-18-16-19-19-24-26-42-x
07/02/1999: 48-x
Platinum (3)


09/11/2000: 20-15-32-43-56-59-x

11/11/2000: 26-x

12/11/2000: 4-19-36-45-46-58-73-86-x
15/09/2002: 79-92-x
27/11/2020: 83-x

13/11/2000: 9-27-35-46-48-58-53-84-x
(#5 Dance Chart)

13/11/2000: 24-29-x
11/12/2000: 33-x

13/11/2000: 22-37-x

16/11/2000: 24-32-46-54-56-58-x

18/11/2000: 48-30-35-45-55-73-x

19/11/2000: 10-29-40-38-41-41-x
14/01/2001: 71-x

19/11/2000: 11-18-22-30-40-47-51-68-x
28/01/2001: 77-x

20/11/2000: 6-19-31-47-50-67-83-89-x

New Zealand
03/12/2000: 25-30-39-x


15/11/2007: 9-10-15-24-31-29-33-32-47-59-94-x
15/11/2018: 78-41-38-64-79-67-76-x
16/05/2019: 79-24-3-44-66-72-x

17/11/2007: 73-78-89-98-100-x

18/11/2007: 6-9-19-25-37-37-36-59-76-75-82-x
19/08/2012: 23-73-x
09/12/2012: 91-x
09/02/2018: 99-x
09/11/2018: 79-23-95-x
07/12/2018: 59-59-55-52-64-67-x
24/05/2019: 99-60-26-22-64-x
12/07/2019: 10-x
30/08/2019: 87-x
13/09/2019: 99-x
25/10/2019: 100-x

18/11/2007: 23-60-83-95-x

19/11/2007: 1-3-7-12-19-18-19-28-39-46-60-69-85-x
20/08/2012: 48-88-x
28/03/2016: 76-52-73-x
(#1 Catalogue Chart #27 Digital Chart #1 Physical Chart #1 Vinyl Chart)

New Zealand
19/11/2007: 15-17-17-25-30-30-26-36-x

22/11/2007: 58-x
10/01/2008: 50-x

23/11/2007: 70-x

23/11/2007: 50-x

25/11/2007: 52-65-x

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:03 AM


30/09/1999: 34-x

04/10/1999: 48-60-25-46-54-55-69-93-x

09/10/1999: 98-64-64-91-x


25/11/1999: 34-33-31-x

26/11/1999: 76-87-75-81-82-93-x

29/11/1999: 16-16-x
03/01/2000: 17-18-x

29/11/1999: 83-72-66-65-65-63-50-58-57-x

02/12/1999: 9-7-8-12-12-15-10-21-27-35-43-x

06/12/1999: 82-99-x
31/12/1999: 98-x


21/03/2000: 19-8-10-14-x

23/03/2000: 8-4-3-3-3-5-6-10-14-21-30-35-44-49-x

30/03/2000: 1-1-1-2-2-5-5-10-14-16-20-23-31-40-41-45-45-41-41-48-x

01/04/2000: 41-15-5-3-2-1-2-3-3-5-7-7-12-17-20-27-29-34-41-55-64-72-78-x

09/04/2000: 20-13-7-6-8-5-5-4-4-4-3-3-3-5-7-9-11-12-13-16-26-23-29-33-39-48-56-58-72-x

10/04/2000: 33-7-5-3-2-3-3-3-2-6-7-8-11-13-13-17-21-25-35-49-60-64-82-99-x

10/04/2000: 30-19-11-6-5-6-7-7-8-9-12-16-21-26-30-35-37-44-55-61-x

30/04/2000: 14-14-8-3-4-4-4-7-5-6-8-16-19-29-34-35-x

New Zealand
07/05/2000: 49-48-32-26-2-1-1-1-2-4-3-3-2-3-5-6-9-14-13-16-12-14-20-20-33-36-43-x


10/08/2000: 8-8-6-7-8-7-11-13-25-28-33-44-x

12/08/2000: 28-5-3-3-2-2-2-3-4-7-10-14-19-21-25-35-42-49-55-61-77-x

14/08/2000: 6-11-4-5-7-8-5-4-4-9-16-17-x

17/08/2000: 1-1-1-3-3-7-12-15-22-26-30-36-41-47-53-x

20/08/2000: 12-13-3-3-2-2-1-3-2-4-4-7-9-20-21-24-32-37-x
14/01/2001: 66-71-x

20/08/2000: 21-12-8-5-3-3-5-8-9-11-11-17-16-16-22-25-30-59-60-67-68-72-68-78-89-83-x

21/08/2000: 7-5-3-2-2-3-2-4-4-9-12-18-21-27-38-44-52-60-x

28/08/2000: 16-17-11-13-12-11-11-14-17-20-21-21-23-23-28-26-33-33-26-29-34-41-45-53-60-69-73-91-95-x
(#27 Club Chart #6 Dance Chart)


30/11/2000: 39-40-44-x
28/12/2000: 48-38-40-x

09/12/2000: 84-68-51-43-43-41-41-51-64-74-78-x

11/12/2000: 58-71-65-63-66-69-68-72-74-x

28/12/2000: 30-23-25-23-29-22-25-35-35-48-x

14/01/2001: 47-45-49-57-74-72-x

11/02/2001: 61-61-50-56-57-61-59-63-67-x

05/03/2001: 30-30-28-38-33-32-34-42-38-54-56-62-71-94-100-x

New Zealand
22/04/2001: 47-33-30-27-22-26-35-35-40-x


27/02/2003: 19-25-34-43-x

02/03/2003: 16-19-20-x

06/03/2003: 36-46-54-x

08/03/2003: 35-22-43-59-78-x

09/03/2003: 49-66-61-62-66-x

09/03/2003: 77-61-69-x
06/04/2003: 97-x

10/03/2003: 59-87-x

17/03/2003: 49-68-76-86-82-93-97-x


05/06/2003: 34-x

07/06/2003: 83-59-54-54-66-67-68-80-84-95-98-98-x

16/06/2003: 80-94-92-x


28/09/2003: 13-19-x

29/09/2003: 72-63-77-84-89-x



07/04/2005: 37-x

11/04/2005: 42-41-71-80-87-92-95-x

14/04/2005: 49-31-41-42-54-x

17/04/2005: 34-25-34-36-54-48-68-94-x

18/04/2005: 32-34-35-36-36-35-49-47-60-61-x

23/04/2005: 36-28-49-65-84-x

24/04/2005: 66-57-55-52-61-60-45-51-54-58-61-62-x

In Australia, Italy and UK, Better Alone was released as the second single from Beautiful Intentions while in Austria, Germany and Switzerland was released as the third single.

12/09/2005: 83-94-x

10/03/2006: 60-57-66-68-72-72-x

10/03/2006: 51-71-72-76-88-88-84-92-x

19/03/2006: 51-58-47-33-33-40-36-57-66-84-82-89-96-x
25/06/2006: 96-x

In Austria, Germany and other countries, First Day Of My Life was released as the second single from Beautiful Intentions while in Australia and Italy was released as third single.

16/10/2005: 14-6-2-2-2-3-2-2-3-3-3-3-5-5-9-9-13-10-19-25-36-31-42-48-54-54-49-66-58-61-x

16/10/2005: 15-6-2-1-1-2-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3-4-6-8-9-12-16-11-14-16-21-19-19-20-23-19-20-25-34-39-39-47-41-38-64-62-75-47-64-81-71-67-76-82-x
17/12/2006: 95-x
14/01/2007: 73-89-74-90-99-x
15/04/2007: 91-87-86-x
13/05/2007: 87-x

17/10/2005: 6-3-2-1-1-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-5-5-7-8-12-12-17-26-38-41-49-63-72-x

24/12/2005: 99-95-x
14/01/2006: 94-94-99-x

29/01/2006: 4-1-1-3-3-9-9-16-15-18-19-x

16/02/2006: 27-13-10-9-10-22-22-26-22-21-22-29-29-33-27-37-36-38-52-47-57-56-x
27/07/2006: 58-50-x

22/05/2006: 66-65-74-x


30/03/2007: 42-42-28-37-43-46-51-57-59-56-69-75-x

30/03/2007: 15-22-21-27-33-39-54-54-65-x

01/04/2007: 18-16-14-17-20-19-21-23-27-31-43-45-54-60-72-80-99-98-85-x

05/04/2007: 55-31-18-x

22/04/2007: 9-1-1-2-4-5-9-17-x
24/06/2007: 15-10-x



22/06/2007: 74-59-49-48-56-47-44-48-42-45-x

22/06/2007: 37-33-32-28-32-35-42-50-58-65-x

15/07/2007: 66-41-31-40-34-54-37-44-63-80-x
30/09/2007: 97-x


26/10/2007: 71-69-78-x


08/07/2011: 38-x


09/09/2011: 34-51-65-x

09/09/2011: 48-54-57-82-x

11/09/2011: 45-32-30-45-69-x




Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:04 AM


24/10/1999: 11-20-63-60-52-39-48-56-56-60-60-96-x
30/01/2000: 96-x
20/02/2000: 93-51-36-20-16-17-14-14-12-13-16-21-29-37-48-54-64-68-53-56-36-27-27-20-22-19-17-3-5-7-4-6-13-16-24-32-46-63-57-63-50-44-40-35-34-41-42-51-60-73-91-90-85-x
30/12/2001: 84-54-60-83-x
04/01/2004: 85-42-61-97-x
29/04/2022: 26-x
20/10/2023: 100-x

25/10/1999: 32-x
15/05/2000: 80-59-68-68-54-61-61-65-92-94-x
18/09/2000: 99-x
09/10/2000: 95-70-78-90-x

01/11/1999: 85-95-x
10/04/2000: 91-73-50-41-30-26-30-29-26-42-48-51-57-65-66-43-36-27-22-24-15-8-7-9-8-9-13-16-19-25-28-38-38-49-50-70-64-65-63-40-38-35-40-38-40-43-49-57-50-57-61-81-84-63-80-92-x

06/11/1999: 91-x
08/04/2000: 70-47-45-31-31-32-36-35-42-49-56-69-89-98-x
29/07/2000: 94-53-37-31-22-11-10-8-10-18-39-33-32-41-56-65-72-86-89-81-84-85-76-69-63-49-45-51-55-59-61-64-70-75-92-x

New Zealand
14/11/1999: 43-x
17/06/2001: 46-36-48-x

09/03/2000: 48-40-34-41-39-36-35-33-27-14-12-24-17-27-37-39-40-35-20-11-5-3-1-1-1-1-2-2-3-6-10-16-20-27-49-34-53-48-x
25/01/2001: 51-59-59-52-45-60-x
29/03/2001: 26-49-x

30/04/2000: 74-77-51-51-54-50-45-42-50-47-51-68-45-35-27-26-27-21-17-15-12-12-15-19-24-25-34-40-37-47-60-69-81-76-x
14/01/2001: 85-87-82-86-68-75-93-70-74-100-x
01/04/2001: 96-x

14/05/2000: 46-30-23-28-31-36-30-33-41-24-40-24-19-17-18-18-17-16-19-20-29-32-42-47-x
14/01/2001: 62-64-47-55-56-69-65-x

30/06/2000: 36-24-18-14-15-6-11-14-26-26-36-33-37-x


13/03/2003: 36-x

13/03/2003: 47-70-x

16/03/2003: 9-25-47-70-x

20/03/2003: 38-44-x

22/03/2003: 62-66-86-x

23/03/2003: 47-39-57-69-x

23/03/2003: 21-27-41-53-82-x

24/03/2003: 13-24-34-68-88-90-x

31/03/2003: 71-x


17/04/2005: 28-52-98-x

21/04/2005: 31-56-x

01/05/2005: 56-49-63-x
16/10/2005: 45-15-16-12-16-22-20-19-26-39-40-48-58-50-54-72-x

01/05/2005: 17-29-28-37-51-58-77-x
23/10/2005: 39-27-22-23-17-15-20-14-19-26-27-29-24-24-26-34-33-39-43-49-54-59-67-71-45-35-41-61-59-71-76-75-90-x

02/05/2005: 15-33-45-54-66-78-x
17/10/2005: 33-23-20-18-19-17-21-24-27-32-36-33-30-46-53-59-70-73-x
10/03/2006: 68-85-75-79-87-x

21/05/2005: 98-x

09/01/2006: 28-x

24/02/2006: 6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-5-8-10-12-8-8-12-18-21-27-x
Platinum (2)

12/03/2006: 52-x


08/04/2007: 66-x

12/04/2007: 54-48-x

13/04/2007: 26-27-42-57-70-66-x

13/04/2007: 15-25-30-50-70-72-76-81-74-87-75-67-82-93-92-x

15/04/2007: 8-12-16-20-26-34-45-49-64-x
01/07/2007: 67-70-69-82-83-87-90-93-x

03/06/2007: 21-25-x


11/09/2011: 69-x

16/09/2011: 38-71-74-x

16/09/2011: 16-26-51-87-x

18/09/2011: 13-22-34-70-54-67-94-84-x
27/11/2011: 100-x


16/09/2012: 79-x

18/10/2012: 83-x
(#9 Independent Chart)


28/10/2016: 94-x

28/10/2016: 28-x

30/10/2016: 83-x

24/02/2017: 34-x

26/02/2017: 24-74-x


08/10/2020: 80-x
(#6 Independent Chart)

09/10/2020: 27-x

09/10/2020: 9-58-x

11/10/2020: 89-x

11/10/2020: 50-x

12/10/2020: 37-x
(#17 Digital Chart #14 Physical Chart)

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:05 AM


13/05/1999: 8-x

13/05/1999: 3-5-7-9-11-16-23-28-37-x

15/05/1999: 55-28-26-28-35-49-61-74-96-x

15/05/1999: 6-6-6-12-13-15-17-20-x

17/05/1999: 3-4-4-7-7-8-10-11-12-17-23-30-36-46-50-56-69-x
20/09/1999: 78-x
(#2 Dance Chart)

20/05/1999: 16-14-19-20-26-31-36-49-55-x

23/05/1999: 31-29-27-27-28-31-35-x

23/05/1999: 15-16-15-16-17-19-26-33-34-41-46-43-x

24/05/1999: 25-37-22-28-35-39-52-64-76-x

New Zealand
30/05/1999: 1-7-9-13-10-15-35-x


16/08/1999: 6-9-17-x

16/08/1999: 56-47-37-29-32-28-34-34-47-51-58-x

19/08/1999: 12-10-9-11-16-25-27-34-x

21/08/1999: 63-44-36-28-27-28-37-49-52-60-82-x

30/08/1999: 43-50-54-59-54-43-47-45-45-53-61-63-99-x

02/09/1999: 46-29-34-38-42-37-53-49-50-x

05/09/1999: 34-28-28-32-27-28-31-34-x

19/09/1999: 26-26-30-29-40-30-49-x

25/09/1999: 10-7-7-11-11-16-20-x


04/11/1999: 28-20-15-18-27-35-x

15/11/1999: 94-81-77-79-79-90-87-95-90-x

20/11/1999: 86-81-71-72-74-83-85-88-100-x

22/11/1999: 20-x

25/11/1999: 57-56-x

New Zealand
12/12/1999: 43-23-40-23-30-43-26-35-x

14/02/2000: 75-84-83-x


16/03/2000: 9-9-6-10-15-22-27-36-x
25/05/2000: 46-x

23/03/2000: 55-53-x

25/03/2000: 80-62-82-93-x

26/03/2000: 74-80-73-66-67-68-75-x

27/03/2000: 79-81-80-81-82-89-95-x

New Zealand
23/04/2000: 18-31-45-x


03/05/2001: 1-1-1-1-2-3-3-5-6-7-10-12-21-26-32-38-50-x

05/05/2001: 18-10-5-5-6-6-9-10-14-x

07/05/2001: 7-10-x
04/06/2001: 19-x

10/05/2001: 37-23-15-15-13-14-18-20-25-26-23-23-26-17-18-12-11-15-10-11-15-19-21-25-27-34-31-39-43-44-48-47-51-x

13/05/2001: 9-8-7-4-4-4-4-4-8-7-6-4-6-7-7-15-17-24-24-27-28-33-34-34-31-32-33-44-42-47-69-69-73-62-70-81-77-78-90-81-x
03/03/2002: 99-x

19/05/2001: 74-28-19-17-16-5-5-5-3-3-3-6-8-10-19-23-32-40-60-77-x

20/05/2001: 24-17-9-6-6-5-8-9-8-13-11-11-16-16-18-18-18-24-29-38-42-53-57-64-71-x

21/05/2001: 18-15-5-5-5-5-6-9-14-14-17-23-30-34-40-42-51-56-x

04/06/2001: 10-11-10-7-7-4-8-8-8-13-14-15-19-18-23-27-36-38-42-50-50-63-82-81-x

New Zealand
17/06/2001: 32-24-27-15-16-17-23-25-26-40-42-x
09/09/2001: 47-50-44-x


02/08/2001: 17-17-21-22-30-39-x

19/08/2001: 67-62-84-79-77-68-88-87-91-x

20/08/2001: 67-74-78-95-x

08/09/2001: 83-69-66-68-77-x

17/09/2001: 40-53-56-51-57-70-78-100-x


29/11/2001: 43-50-38-46-39-37-39-x

02/12/2001: 61-54-48-43-50-29-29-32-32-21-25-32-28-37-50-39-39-64-x
21/04/2002: 68-84-71-x

09/12/2001: 44-41-41-43-36-31-28-29-31-34-39-52-67-x

10/12/2001: 48-64-57-54-60-53-59-63-66-x



25/11/2004: 19-30-35-45-49-42-x

12/12/2004: 13-8-9-6-14-6-3-3-6-15-19-13-x

19/12/2004: 63-71-73-96-x

27/12/2004: 75-86-76-73-76-86-93-x

09/01/2005: 75-55-63-57-62-59-73-x

07/03/2005: 63-85-99-x


02/06/2005: 38-x

11/07/2005: 97-x



12/06/1999: 22-34-46-x

13/06/1999: 13-33-47-69-93-x
08/08/1999: 63-50-35-25-27-32-52-74-x
17/10/1999: 97-x
31/10/1999: 67-41-47-47-55-64-76-81-88-88-x
05/03/2000: 75-27-14-14-27-41-41-47-75-77-89-91-x

14/06/1999: 22-28-27-37-38-46-44-60-51-69-64-79-99-x
20/09/1999: 84-x
04/10/1999: 83-x

15/06/1999: 13-11-13-20-28-36-x

17/06/1999: 43-53-x

18/06/1999: 89-85-x

20/06/1999: 50-33-37-40-x
01/08/1999: 30-x
15/08/1999: 47-x

20/06/1999: 34-31-35-47-x

21/06/1999: 52-57-85-72-x
02/08/1999: 77-77-76-75-89-83-74-73-x

New Zealand
27/06/1999: 19-45-47-x
01/08/1999: 50-x
14/05/2000: 41-42-x


17/05/2001: 15-26-49-58-x

19/05/1999: 20-31-38-44-x

20/05/2001: 4-12-23-30-52-65-69-93-67-53-45-43-58-48-90-x

27/05/2001: 45-25-22-26-36-48-46-49-69-78-80-86-62-95-93-x

03/06/2001: 43-45-30-57-68-68-64-x
26/08/2001: 73-x

04/06/2001: 32-29-45-53-79-87-67-94-x
03/09/2001: 91-x

25/06/2001: 55-100-87-x


12/06/2005: 56-x

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:06 AM


04/11/1999: 15-14-14-22-29-38-x

22/11/1999: 97-94-88-82-88-90-84-81-82-x

New Zealand
26/12/1999: 48-x

13/12/1999: 65-69-96-84-89-85-x
(#3 Hitseekers Chart)

20/01/2000: 52-x

12/02/2000: 94-95-x


05/04/2001: 16-9-10-12-18-20-24-29-39-x

16/04/2001: 48-56-45-39-24-26-19-16-16-12-10-19-12-17-25-28-41-53-54-72-76-79-88-x

19/04/2001: 39-30-25-21-19-14-17-15-19-22-26-28-31-36-39-50-43-47-56-x

28/04/2001: 86-81-64-56-63-73-76-x

29/04/2001: 57-41-36-30-25-27-27-27-26-27-26-26-26-27-26-30-33-38-42-52-53-52-54-48-63-x

30/04/2001: 80-62-49-45-40-40-38-36-37-42-51-60-x

06/05/2001: 68-65-71-73-48-51-50-60-63-67-72-x

New Zealand
06/05/2001: 50-45-33-18-21-17-13-9-1-3-3-3-3-5-10-12-12-16-22-26-32-39-x

23/06/2001: 20-x


30/08/2001: 26-32-40-x

09/09/2001: 89-x
23/09/2001: 89-x

29/10/2001: 56-72-73-65-48-57-74-89-86-84-x



29/05/2003: 33-44-x


16/10/2003: 25-27-19-17-25-29-39-46-x

26/07/2004: 52-56-62-69-69-75-82-92-92-x

08/08/2004: 93-x

14/08/2004: 91-88-94-99-x

23/08/2004: 56-69-82-x

29/08/2004: 68-63-x

03/09/2004: 37-51-33-52-x


29/01/2004: 46-42-x


03/06/2004: 40-x


23/11/2006: 36-41-x




19/04/2001: 62-55-x

22/04/2001: 6-21-32-45-68-66-92-x
12/08/2001: 88-x
26/08/2001: 76-60-56-70-73-x

23/04/2001: 38-x

07/05/2001: 72-67-70-87-93-90-99-x

13/05/2001: 75-x

21/05/2001: 86-x
(#2 Hitseekers Chart)

New Zealand
15/07/2001: 21-33-47-x


15/02/2004: 9-17-29-34-45-53-81-x
30/05/2004: 88-76-65-73-89-x


10/12/2006: 69-82-92-x


18/04/2019: 88-x
(#8 Independent Chart)

19/04/2019: 7-38-x
17/05/2019: 44-x

21/04/2019: 55-x

22/04/2019: 92-x
(#24 Digital Chart #1 Hitseekers Chart #26 Physical Chart)

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:07 AM


24/09/1998: 13-6-11-17-22-27-33-x

24/09/1998: 36-40-28-21-21-28-29-32-42-44-56-55-x

26/09/1998: 48-16-11-9-6-7-10-13-23-31-39-51-56-76-x

28/09/1998: 89-92-64-51-51-49-45-37-42-44-54-61-x

19/10/1998: 12-12-15-16-19-28-35-37-43-45-44-52-63-74-81-99-100-x
(#6 Dance Chart)

New Zealand
25/10/1998: 20-29-21-29-41-x

25/10/1998: 36-32-35-35-39-38-36-25-40-x


28/09/2000: 22-29-33-40-x

07/10/2000: 55-44-58-72-x

08/10/2000: 66-84-84-78-91-93-x

09/10/2000: 43-59-73-x
(#22 Dance Chart)

23/10/2000: 98-x


22/02/2001: 43-42-42-47-x

26/02/2001: 71-69-62-70-75-79-88-84-95-x

18/03/2001: 89-95-88-x

03/03/2001: 99-85-x


07/06/2001: 47-49-x




15/10/2000: 47-92-x

23/10/2000: 69-x

13/11/2000: 35-x

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:23 AM


20/09/2001: 23-29-41-50-x

22/09/2001: 15-x

01/10/2001: 36-52-73-88-x
(#31 Club Chart #6 Dance Chart)




07/10/2001: 20-65-x

10/10/2001: 69-x

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:24 AM



30/11/1998: 29-17-11-11-9-6-6-4-4-4-6-8-12-13-16-20-19-25-34-40-46-55-56-56-77-77-82-x

03/12/1998: 26-17-11-11-8-6-4-3-4-3-3-8-11-18-22-25-39-x

12/12/1998: 79-38-13-11-8-7-7-8-10-11-12-14-17-25-31-43-50-55-59-62-63-75-x

14/12/1998: 75-74-57-53-49-48-39-37-36-41-34-18-24-14-19-24-33-42-51-64-x

17/12/1998: 53-41-29-13-12-13-10-9-8-10-13-18-24-27-39-40-48-x

24/01/1999: 21-27-22-17-19-24-14-17-20-22-25-26-x

New Zealand
31/01/1999: 48-x
14/02/1999: 48-27-15-24-32-35-21-27-37-30-48-44-x

31/01/1999: 26-28-20-26-21-11-14-13-11-13-16-23-26-44-46-x


17/07/1999: 100-86-94-x


16/12/1999: 38-34-38-36-45-x

25/12/1999: 55-55-59-76-x

26/12/1999: 95-x
16/01/2000: 92-x


17/08/2000: 5-4-6-9-13-21-29-38-43-x

02/09/2000: 75-37-33-25-17-16-16-25-34-46-61-x

04/09/2000: 27-29-28-30-27-35-38-44-60-66-66-82-98-x
(#13 Dance Chart)

07/09/2000: 36-23-24-36-42-58-x

01/10/2000: 98-x


18/12/2003: 10-6-9-16-27-31-x


01/01/2004: 27-19-17-21-27-37-45-x


20/12/2012: 4-16-88-x

05/01/2013: 36-x


22/08/2013: 42-100-x



23/06/2017: 25-40-70-x

25/06/2017: 90-28-x

03/07/2017: 53-x
(#20 Digital Chart #1 Hitseekers Chart)

07/07/2017: 32-x
21/07/2017: 53-61-x


Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 08:25 AM

Melanie B first album Hot charted on Hitseekers chart at #8 and Victoria debut album charted at #20 on the same chart.
Half Of Me by Geri charted at #281 on Singles chart. It was revealed online because the official singles chart is a top 100.

Let There Be Love by Melanie C charted at #113 on Singles chart. The position was revealed on UKmix forum. The single was at #91 during the midweek.

Melanie C debut album peaked at #9 but I don't have the full chart run also Schizophonic that peaked at #26.
The certifications are hard to find back in the day. Spice reached 15 platinums and Northern Star should be gold but the source is not confirmed.

According to UKmix forum, Greatest Hits sold 1.582 copies, Reason sold 1.251 copies and Beautiful Intentions sold 327 copies, updated on 2009.

Singles charts are coming soon.

Spice peaked at #1 and was certificated ten times platinum but I do not have the full chart run. Say You'll Be There peaked at #2, again I don't have the full chart run.

Posted by: Good Old Days 16th September 2017, 09:06 AM

Hello, do you have Irish chartruns for "Schizophonic" ?

Posted by: Babyboy 16th September 2017, 09:58 AM

QUOTE(Good Old Days @ Sep 16 2017, 09:06 AM) *
Hello, do you have Irish chartruns for "Schizophonic" ?

It entered and peaked at #26 when the chart was a top 30.
Then I saw it again in the low top 100 when the chart became a top 100. But I don't have the top 100 full chart run.

Posted by: Eduardo 16th September 2017, 03:54 PM

Not sure if they're relevant, but these chart runs are from "Hit Parade Brasil", a weekly top 20 of the most requested songs at "Jovem Pan FM", the main pop radio station in Brazil.

22 weeks - peak position: 3

Say You'll Be There
27 weeks - peak position: 3

2 Become 1
25 weeks - peak position: 1

Spice Up Your Life
22 weeks - peak position: 3

Too Much
14 weeks - peak position: 4

21 weeks - peak position: 2

Viva Forever
28 weeks - peak position: 2

Never Give Up On The Good Times
8 weeks - peak position: 4

32 weeks - peak position: 1

When You're Gone (Bryan Adam feat. Melanie C)
5 weeks - peak position: 10

Look At Me (Geri Halliwell)
11 weeks - peak position: 8

Never Be The Same Again (Melanie C)
22 weeks - peak position: 2

14 weeks - peak position: 1

Let Love Lead The Way
13 weeks - peak position: 4

What Took You So Long (Emma Bunton)
21 weeks - peak position: 2

Here It Comes Again (Melanie C)
7 weeks - peak position: 12

On The Horizon had a good airplay, but did not chart.

Posted by: SamJudd 17th September 2017, 06:56 PM

Don't mind if I contribute by including their USA singles runs =

Spice Girls - USA Singles Run

Date: 25/01/1997 - Run: 11-6-4-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-5-6-10-13-20-25-28-31-38-45 (25/15/4wks)

Say You'll Be There
Date: 24/05/1997 - Run: 5-3-3-3-5-6-6-7-8-15-13-17-18-23-24-32-33-35-41-44-46 (21/9wks)

2 Become 1
Date: 16/08/1997 - Run: 6-5-5-4-5-7-8-8-10-11-13-15-23-26-28-30-33-39-45-45-46-46-44-49 (24/9wks)

Spice Up Your Life
Date: 08/11/1997 - Run: 32-27-19-18-20-19-20-18-19-19-24-33-28-25-37-43-51-57-65-79 (20wks)

Too Much
Date: 14/02/1998 - Run: 22-9-11-11-15-24-30-33-38-42-45-54-61-59-59-72-85-82-87-89 (20wks)

Date: 20/06/1998 - Run: 36-19-16-21-18-21-21-24-32-36-38-41-54-54-58-75-79-85-98 (19wks)

Date: 26/12/1998 - Run: 11-11-11-37-65-58-61-79-87-95-99 (11wks)

Date: 02/12/2000 - Run: 122-112 (2wks)

Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)
Date: 24/11/2007 - Run: *90* (1wk)


Date: 22/02/1997 - Run: 6-6-5-7-6-4-5-3-2-2-2-3-3-1-1-1-1-3-4-2-1-3-2-4-3-4-5-4-3-5-6-7-12-15-16-17-17-18-16-18-19-23-23-17-15-22-21-18-23-19-11-10-14-19-20-29-32-38-39-42-49-39-41-55-64-73-76-81-77-77-72-60-54-57-53-58-62-66-66-65-55-67-71-70-72-80-95-99-98-100-102-96-101-84-84-74-64-61-76-90-90-90-91-95-96 (105/33/5wks)

Date: 22/11/1997 - Run: 8-8-11-9-6-6-7-9-13-13-6-3-3-4-5-8-12-15-17-20-20-25-18-20-30-38-44-43-50-52-61-51-40-32-34-32-36-38-40-40-43-35-41-48-53-55-65-81-83-83-88-94-93-93-81-77-67-57-63-74-89-94-99-101-104-105-116-117-146-156-160-177-x-169-196 (74/13wks)

Date: 25/11/2000 - Run: 39-78-108-131-150-160-165 (7wks)

Greatest Hits
Date: 02/02/2008 - Run: 98-121-167 (3wks)

Posted by: tommie 18th September 2017, 05:36 AM



Say You'll Be There

2 Become 1

Who Do You Think You Are / Mama

Spice Up Your Life

Too Much


Viva Forever



Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)





Greatest Hits

Posted by: Babyboy 18th September 2017, 07:12 AM

Thanks I will add everything later!

Posted by: Babyboy 23rd September 2017, 06:56 AM

Australian charts are completed.
Feel free to add something more if you have official source.

Posted by: Babyboy 25th September 2017, 11:57 AM

QUOTE(SamJudd @ Sep 17 2017, 06:56 PM) *
Don't mind if I contribute by including their USA singles runs =
Spice Girls - USA Singles Run

Date: 25/01/1997 - Run: 11-6-4-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-5-6-10-13-20-25-28-31-38-45 (25/15/4wks)

Say You'll Be There
Date: 24/05/1997 - Run: 5-3-3-3-5-6-6-7-8-15-13-17-18-23-24-32-33-35-41-44-46 (21/9wks)

2 Become 1
Date: 16/08/1997 - Run: 6-5-5-4-5-7-8-8-10-11-13-15-23-26-28-30-33-39-45-45-46-46-44-49 (24/9wks)

Spice Up Your Life
Date: 08/11/1997 - Run: 32-27-19-18-20-19-20-18-19-19-24-33-28-25-37-43-51-57-65-79 (20wks)

Too Much
Date: 14/02/1998 - Run: 22-9-11-11-15-24-30-33-38-42-45-54-61-59-59-72-85-82-87-89 (20wks)

Date: 20/06/1998 - Run: 36-19-16-21-18-21-21-24-32-36-38-41-54-54-58-75-79-85-98 (19wks)

Date: 26/12/1998 - Run: 11-11-11-37-65-58-61-79-87-95-99 (11wks)

Date: 02/12/2000 - Run: 122-112 (2wks)

Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)
Date: 24/11/2007 - Run: *90* (1wk)


Date: 22/02/1997 - Run: 6-6-5-7-6-4-5-3-2-2-2-3-3-1-1-1-1-3-4-2-1-3-2-4-3-4-5-4-3-5-6-7-12-15-16-17-17-18-16-18-19-23-23-17-15-22-21-18-23-19-11-10-14-19-20-29-32-38-39-42-49-39-41-55-64-73-76-81-77-77-72-60-54-57-53-58-62-66-66-65-55-67-71-70-72-80-95-99-98-100-102-96-101-84-84-74-64-61-76-90-90-90-91-95-96 (105/33/5wks)

Date: 22/11/1997 - Run: 8-8-11-9-6-6-7-9-13-13-6-3-3-4-5-8-12-15-17-20-20-25-18-20-30-38-44-43-50-52-61-51-40-32-34-32-36-38-40-40-43-35-41-48-53-55-65-81-83-83-88-94-93-93-81-77-67-57-63-74-89-94-99-101-104-105-116-117-146-156-160-177-x-169-196 (74/13wks)

Date: 25/11/2000 - Run: 39-78-108-131-150-160-165 (7wks)

Greatest Hits
Date: 02/02/2008 - Run: 98-121-167 (3wks)

Do you have airplay entry date?

Posted by: Babyboy 11th October 2017, 07:08 PM

The big part is done guys!
More updates coming soon wink.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 14th March 2018, 12:23 PM

Wikipedia kept saying Silver 125k sales for STOP but the SNEP website now has Too Much and Stop as Gold sellers which means 250k each in France smile.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st March 2018, 02:41 PM

Came across a website with album sales in Australia

Spice and Spiceworld were both certified 6x Platinum which is 420k each

Exact sales

Spice - 460,000
Spiceworld - 440,000


Posted by: Jay ☆ 8th December 2018, 08:44 AM

Not sure if this is the full Greatest Hits chart run in Ireland, but this is the information I've found:

(Entry: 15/11/2007 - Top 75) 09-10-15-24-31-29-33-32-47-59-out
(Entry: 16/11/2018 - Top 100) 78-41-38-64...

As of 2nd April 2018, 'Spice' was the 45th best selling album of all time in Ireland!

Posted by: sammy01 8th December 2018, 01:18 PM

Surely it recharted after the Olympics in Ireland.

Posted by: Jay ☆ 8th December 2018, 01:59 PM

I had a look at the August 2012 charts and it wasn't there!

Posted by: Lapland Labia 8th December 2018, 03:43 PM

Is the hilarious Forever run here?

Posted by: Babyboy 24th January 2019, 09:13 AM

I am thinking about to renew the topic. Put again the pics and updating it.

Posted by: Babyboy 24th January 2019, 09:15 AM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Dec 8 2018, 01:18 PM) *
Surely it recharted after the Olympics in Ireland.

It does not chart sadly.

Posted by: Jay ☆ 24th January 2019, 06:53 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Jan 24 2019, 09:13 AM) *
I am thinking about to renew the topic. Put again the pics and updating it.


Posted by: Babyboy 1st February 2019, 05:12 PM

I started the updated for a few countries. More coming soon

Posted by: gabry 1st February 2019, 08:54 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Feb 1 2019, 06:12 PM) *
I started the updated for a few countries. More coming soon

good job thank you smile.gif

Posted by: Babyboy 5th February 2019, 04:52 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ Feb 1 2019, 09:54 PM) *
good job thank you smile.gif

I added more countiries!

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 12th February 2019, 06:29 PM

Found a website with album sales in France, updated as late as 2017

Spice Girls album sales update

Spice - 1,096,000
Spiceworld - 645,000

Posted by: Good Old Days 25th February 2019, 08:31 PM

Geri Halliwell (Top 40 chartruns)

Belgium (Wallonia)

Singles :
1. Look At Me (11 weeks)
(22.05.1999) : 26-19-16-13-12-14-19-22-23-27-39

2. Mi Chico Latino (7 weeks)
(11.09.1999) : 27-25-27-27-34-37-39

3. It's Raining Men (20 weeks)
(19.05.2001) : 35-10-5-6-4-3-2-2-2-2-3-5-6-4-2-4-5-8-17-38

4. Scream If You Wanna Go Faster (12 weeks)
(15.09.2001) : 34-21-20-23-25-26-27-29-25-26-35-40

5. Calling (18 weeks)
(08.12.2001) : 25-25-25-24-24-24-23-24-19-15-12-13-12-11-18-25-28-38

Albums :
1. Schizophonic (1 week)
(03.07.1999) : 35

Posted by: Good Old Days 25th February 2019, 08:31 PM

Belgium (Flanders)

Singles :
1. Look At Me (6 weeks)
(29.05.1999) : 32-34-35-35-33-35

2. It's Raining Men (19 weeks, 4 weeks at # 1)
(12.05.2001) : 16-7-2-1-1-1-1-2-3-3-2-3-4-4-5-9-18-23-27

3. Scream If You Wanna Go Faster (6 weeks)
(15.09.2001) : 22-18-19-21-28-35

Albums :
1. Schizophonic (1 week)
(03.07.1999) : 39


Singles :
1. Look At Me (4 weeks)
(22.05.1999) : 28-26-28-35

2. Mi Chico Latino (5 weeks)
(04.09.1999) : 36-28-27-28-37

3. It's Raining Men (17 weeks)
(26.05.2001) : 28-19-17-16-5-5-5-3-3-3-6-8-10-19-23-32-40

Posted by: Good Old Days 25th February 2019, 08:32 PM


Singles :
1. Look At Me (3 weeks)
(20-1999) : 12-13-16

2. It's Raining Men (8 weeks)
(20-2001) : 20
(22-2001) : 13-16-14-13
(32-2001) : 16-19-16

Albums :
1. Schizophonic (2 weeks)
(24-1999) : 12-31


Singles :
1. Look At Me (1 week)
(19-1999) : 8

2. Mi Chico Latino (3 weeks)
(33-1999) : 6-9-17

3. Lift Me Up (1 week)
(47-1999) : 20

4. It's Raining Men (3 weeks)
(19-2001) : 7-10
(23-2001) : 19

Albums :
1. Schizophonic (6 weeks)
(23-1999) : 13-11-13-20-28-36

Posted by: Good Old Days 25th February 2019, 08:32 PM


Singles :
1. Look At Me (2 weeks)
(28.05.1999) : 14-14

2. It's Raining Men (13 weeks)
(11.05.2001) : 12-9-10-7-6-8-7-9-8-13-13-19
(10.08.2001) : 17

Posted by: Good Old Days 25th February 2019, 08:33 PM


Singles :
1. Look At Me (6 weeks)
(29.05.1999) : 30-27-28-28-37-36

2. Mi Chico Latino (1 week)
(09.10.1999) : 40

3. It's Raining Men (35 weeks, 5 weeks at # 1)
(16.06.2001) : 23-7-3-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-2-3-4-6-5-7-10-10-14-17-20-17-19-22-32-33-25
(09.02.2002) : 38-32

4. Calling (12 weeks)
(17.11.2001) : 29-22-32-36-33-39
(12.01.2002) : 34-35-29-25-34-34

Posted by: Good Old Days 25th February 2019, 08:36 PM

Emma (Top 40 chartruns)


Singles :
1. What Took You So Long ? (10 weeks)
(18.05.2001) : 16-20-13-17-11-10-17-18-19

Albums :
1. A Girl Like Me (4 weeks)
(22.06.2001) : 23-35-25
(20.07.2001) : 40


Singles :
1. What Took You So Long ? (9 weeks)
(07.07.2001) : 34-39-37-36-36-38-34-40-40


Albums :
1. A Girl Like Me (1 week)
(17-2001) : 38

Belgium (Flanders)

Singles :
1. What Took You So Long ? (7 weeks)
(12.05.2001) : 28-22-27-32-35-33-39

Belgium (Wallonia)

Singles :
1. What Took You So Long ? ((8 weeks)
(02.06.2001) : 34-35-38-35-35-35
(21.07.2001) : 38-39

P.S : I don't know any correct dates for Norway and Finland, but for instance 17-2001 is 17th week of 2001 year. For Netherlands I used Top 100, because it was "sales only" chart in mentioned time period.

Posted by: gabry 7th March 2019, 08:20 PM

when the other charts of the other countries? like Italy, France, Ireland etc. smile.gif

Posted by: Babyboy 8th March 2019, 08:12 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ Mar 7 2019, 09:20 PM) *
when the other charts of the other countries? like Italy, France, Ireland etc. smile.gif

I am adding bits every week. Just look the first page smile.gif

Posted by: gabry 9th March 2019, 01:34 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Mar 8 2019, 09:12 PM) *
I am adding bits every week. Just look the first page smile.gif

Thank you!

Posted by: Babyboy 14th April 2019, 06:28 PM

Added a few welsh charts runs. Very rare!

Posted by: Jay ☆ 14th April 2019, 06:35 PM

Ooh, thanks for those!

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd April 2019, 11:57 AM

I was looking at their discography page and thinking that they not only need to update their U.S. single sales but also Ireland and Australia too.

Apart from 'Goodbye' I've never seen any single sales for Canada.

I just hope that with this reunion we get a few random tweets or updates from various music organisations/bodies around the world this year.

Posted by: Jay ☆ 23rd May 2019, 06:45 PM

Greatest Hits is doing incredibly well in Ireland in advance of their show there tomorrow!

It's currently #5 on iTunes (and #297)

Meanwhile on Apple Music streaming:

#7 & #101 & #109 - Greatest Hits
#33 - Spice
#104 - Spiceworld
#373 - Greatest Hits

wub.gif Incredible! Looking forward to seeing where they chart in Ireland tomorrow. It was #79 last week. Does anyone have the full Greatest Hits chart run in Ireland?

Official Charts have revealed some Irish streaming information, the streams they've achieved since their November reunion announcement (so essentially their streams in the past 6 months):

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd May 2019, 08:17 PM

Amazing that Wannabe has had nearly 900,000 streams in Ireland since November but I wish the article had included some total sales too.

Posted by: Jay ☆ 25th May 2019, 12:51 AM

Greatest Hits moves up to #24 in the Irish Albums chart!

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 27th May 2019, 10:49 PM

Wannabe has now been certified plat.jpg in Germany for sales of 500,000 biggrin.gif

Posted by: gabry 28th May 2019, 09:44 AM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ May 27 2019, 11:49 PM) *
Wannabe has now been certified plat.jpg in Germany for sales of 500,000 biggrin.gif
Yeees !! Fantastic

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 28th May 2019, 05:01 PM

The Greatest Hits is in the running for the #1 album on the Irish album charts after their Croke Park Stadium gig last week!

The GH has gone in at #2 on the midweek chart followed by Spice at #5 and Spiceworld at #15

Posted by: gabry 28th May 2019, 05:11 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ May 28 2019, 06:01 PM) *
The Greatest Hits is in the running for the #1 album on the Irish album charts after their Croke Park Stadium gig last week!

The GH has gone in at #2 on the midweek chart followed by Spice at #5 and Spiceworld at #15

Queen heart.gif cheer.gif

Posted by: tommie 28th May 2019, 05:15 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ May 28 2019, 05:01 PM) *
The Greatest Hits is in the running for the #1 album on the Irish album charts after their Croke Park Stadium gig last week!

The GH has gone in at #2 on the midweek chart followed by Spice at #5 and Spiceworld at #15

It charted at #9 in Ireland back in 2007, so it'll get a new peak at least!

Posted by: Mr.X 28th May 2019, 05:16 PM

Amazing news!! Here is hoping the the UK has also a high entry wub.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 28th May 2019, 05:27 PM

The GH is at #32 on the album update chart in the UK, and they’ve only played Cardiff so it looks promising smile.gif

Posted by: sammy01 28th May 2019, 08:13 PM

Amazing the GH will get a new peak in Ireland, hopefully it stays top 5.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 28th May 2019, 09:40 PM

I pray it stays up! #1 would be amazing and such a lovely thing for them to have but I'd be so grateful for a #2 also

They look set to have 3 songs chart in the Top 60 which is great and fingers crossed the album keeps rising in the UK too smile.gif

Posted by: Jay ☆ 28th May 2019, 11:52 PM

Fantastic to see that the GH is midweek 2 in Ireland wub.gif I really hope it stays Top 5 for the official Friday chart!

Posted by: Feel_The_Fever 29th May 2019, 01:01 AM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ May 28 2019, 06:01 PM) *
The Greatest Hits is in the running for the #1 album on the Irish album charts after their Croke Park Stadium gig last week!

The GH has gone in at #2 on the midweek chart followed by Spice at #5 and Spiceworld at #15

A new peak looks certain for the greatest hits here in Ireland then, I hope it can go number 1. Where dud you get the midweek info for Ireland.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 29th May 2019, 10:02 AM

I got it from the Irish Charts page on twitter and the article took me to the official charts page

Posted by: Feel_The_Fever 29th May 2019, 10:46 AM

Great that 3 of their albums will be at least top 30 and a brand new peak for the greatest hits. I wonder will forever even be top 100. It shows the disconnect with that album comparing to the others.

Posted by: Mr.X 29th May 2019, 10:57 AM

QUOTE(Feel_The_Fever @ May 29 2019, 11:46 AM) *
Great that 3 of their albums will be at least top 30 and a brand new peak for the greatest hits. I wonder will forever even be top 100. It shows the disconnect with that album comparing to the others.

To be honest, it is partly their own fault for neglecting Forever all the time. sad.gif

Posted by: sammy01 29th May 2019, 02:46 PM

Forever is obviously very awkward for them now as this 4. Only 3 of the girls were involved. I feel had Forever been all 5 but gone the same way as it did I think they would use and incorporate it more.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 29th May 2019, 03:54 PM

Is anyone else going to be downloading the albums/singles over the next few weeks?

I think it'll make more of an impact rather than a random month when the tour isn't active.

It's obviously making an impact so far on the UK/Irish charts. Hoping lots of fans stream and download biggrin.gif

Posted by: tommie 29th May 2019, 03:54 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ May 29 2019, 02:46 PM) *
Forever is obviously very awkward for them now as this 4. Only 3 of the girls were involved. I feel had Forever been all 5 but gone the same way as it did I think they would use and incorporate it more.

To be fair, Emma did mention Oxygen as one of her non-single favourites (along with Let Love Lead The Way, smh), so that gives me the impression that they did give the album a listen and some consideration for inclusion, but I think they decided that three non-Geri singles were enough (well, two singles and an album track by Bunton logic).

Posted by: Spiceboy 31st May 2019, 07:02 AM

Where is it in the Irish midweeks I’m guessing it has fallen?

Posted by: tommie 31st May 2019, 11:00 AM

QUOTE(Spiceboy @ May 31 2019, 07:02 AM) *
Where is it in the Irish midweeks I’m guessing it has fallen?

Well, the Irish charts should come later today, so no need for midweeks... tongue.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st May 2019, 02:01 PM

GH has gone in at #3 in Ireland biggrin.gif

Spice #17
Spiceworld #24

Posted by: tommie 31st May 2019, 02:06 PM

Great that it's gotten a new peak there! It's also it's tenth week on the chart.

Wannabe also enters the Irish singles chart #62, Spice Up Your Life #72, Stop #80.

Posted by: Mr.X 31st May 2019, 03:45 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ May 31 2019, 03:01 PM) *
GH has gone in at #3 in Ireland biggrin.gif

Spice #17
Spiceworld #24

GREAT! But these should be on the Worldwide Chart Runs and Sales Thread as Ireland is not in the UK tongue.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st May 2019, 04:02 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ May 31 2019, 04:45 PM) *
GREAT! But these should be on the Worldwide Chart Runs and Sales Thread as Ireland is not in the UK tongue.gif

Yes I thought that when I posted it was just so excited dance.gif yahoo.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st May 2019, 04:03 PM

The Greatest Hits album has gone in at #3 in Ireland yahoo.gif

Spice #17
Spiceworld #24

And 3 single entries too

Wannabe #62
Spice Up Your Life #72
Stop #80

Posted by: Mr.X 31st May 2019, 04:48 PM


Posted by: Jay ☆ 31st May 2019, 06:11 PM

Great that it has a #3 peak now. wub.gif Far more pleasing than its original #9.

As far as I can tell this is its full chart run:

(15/11/2007) 9-10-15-24-31-29-33-32-47-59-out
(15/11/2018) 78-41-38-64-79-67-76-out
(17/05/2019) 79-24-3...

Posted by: Mr.X 31st May 2019, 08:29 PM


Do we know the chart runs of Spice and Spiceworld in Ireland? x

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st May 2019, 09:31 PM

I had the chart runs for Spice and Spiceworld as I needed the stats for my facts page. At the moment I only have the Top 10 run for the Spice album.

5-2-2-6-6-?-3-3-1-1-1-2-4-5-5-2-2-3-3-2-2-2-3-3-1-2-2-2-3-3-4-4-10-10-5-6-8-6-7-9-out the Top 10

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 7th June 2019, 02:31 PM

GH at #44 this week on the Irish album charts

Posted by: sammy01 8th June 2019, 09:21 AM

So nice to have that #3 peak for the GH is Ireland now. Any extra weeks in the chart is a bonus.

Posted by: Babyboy 25th June 2019, 02:25 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ May 31 2019, 09:31 PM) *
I had the chart runs for Spice and Spiceworld as I needed the stats for my facts page. At the moment I only have the Top 10 run for the Spice album.

5-2-2-6-6-?-3-3-1-1-1-2-4-5-5-2-2-3-3-2-2-2-3-3-1-2-2-2-3-3-4-4-10-10-5-6-8-6-7-9-out the Top 10

I should have somewhere the correct top 30 for spice and spiceworld.

Posted by: vibe 25th June 2019, 04:52 PM

I think it’s so odd that spice entered at number 5 !!!

Posted by: tommie 25th June 2019, 05:31 PM

QUOTE(vibe @ Jun 25 2019, 04:52 PM) *
I think it’s so odd that spice entered at number 5 !!!

Why? Girl group albums traditionally aren't big sellers and Wannabe was very gimmicky. At that point they might as well have been one hit wonders...

Posted by: Jay ☆ 25th June 2019, 06:14 PM

I’d say it was surprising it started at #5, given it followed on from Say You’ll Be There reaching #2. Also makes me wonder what boosted it to #2 in the second week.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 25th June 2019, 06:35 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Jun 25 2019, 03:25 PM) *
I should have somewhere the correct top 30 for spice and spiceworld.


I got all of my info from Billboard Books and Music & Media which were useful biggrin.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 25th June 2019, 06:37 PM

The funny thing about 'Spice' is, although it sold a lot of copies straight away and was #1 in the UK the week of its release, in most places it was a slow burner, gradual climber and then seemed to stick around for a good 18 months solid.

For example, it came out in Nov 96 and was in the charts in so many European countries for weeks before it made it into the Top 10 or even #1.

Sweden being an example where it wasn't until July 1997 that it reached the top spot.

Posted by: vibe 25th June 2019, 07:43 PM

QUOTE(tommie @ Jun 25 2019, 06:31 PM) *
Why? Girl group albums traditionally aren't big sellers and Wannabe was very gimmicky. At that point they might as well have been one hit wonders...

They had two huge singles.
Say youll be there opened with huge huge sales , I would have thought the album would have debuted higher.
That is why !!!

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 11th July 2019, 05:54 PM

Does anyone know what's up with the ARIA Certification for Wannabe on Wikipedia? It says 54x Plat with sales of 3.78 million wacko.gif

Posted by: gabry 12th July 2019, 09:33 PM

the greatest hits is at number 2 in the vinyl chart and at number 78 in the overall album chart in Italy! smile.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 12th July 2019, 10:32 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ Jul 12 2019, 10:33 PM) *
the greatest hits is at number 2 in the vinyl chart and at number 78 in the overall album chart in Italy! smile.gif

Hey thanks for the info. Where did you see it? smile.gif

Posted by: gabry 12th July 2019, 10:50 PM

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 12th July 2019, 11:55 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ Jul 12 2019, 11:50 PM) *

Thank you very much.

Would be great if their label updates their album/singles in other countries 😊

Posted by: Babyboy 28th July 2019, 08:47 PM

Added Emma Welsh charts!

Posted by: Spiceboy 17th August 2019, 09:10 AM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Jul 28 2019, 09:47 PM) *
Added Emma Welsh charts!

I find looking at the Welsh and Scottish charts fascinating. Obviously U.K. chart is a mixture of all 4 countries but seeing songs / albums chart higher or lower (and in some charts very significantly - All I need to know / My happy place) is interesting makes me wonder what the English charts were.

Posted by: Jay ☆ 17th August 2019, 09:23 AM

The Scottish/Welsh charts in 2007 still only used physical sales data, which is why All I Need to Know managed #24 in Scotland and #27 in Wales! It reached #25 in the physical chart (based on England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland sales).

Fairly certain that Scottish/Welsh charts in 2019 don't take into account streaming for some reason, so that also explains the #7 peak for My Happy Place in both countries. In the UK sales chart it was #6!

Posted by: Spiceboy 18th August 2019, 09:38 AM

QUOTE(Jay ☆ @ Aug 17 2019, 10:23 AM) *
The Scottish/Welsh charts in 2007 still only used physical sales data, which is why All I Need to Know managed #24 in Scotland and #27 in Wales! It reached #25 in the physical chart (based on England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland sales).

Fairly certain that Scottish/Welsh charts in 2019 don't take into account streaming for some reason, so that also explains the #7 peak for My Happy Place in both countries. In the UK sales chart it was #6!

Downloads / Streaming really killed off the Spice Girls didn’t it cry.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 18th August 2019, 10:29 AM

QUOTE(Spiceboy @ Aug 18 2019, 10:38 AM) *
Downloads / Streaming really killed off the Spice Girls didn’t it cry.gif

Kinda yeah, but tbh it's their own fault.

Over the past 2 decades, they have done very little to keep the group in people's minds other than the occasional reunion. Their records are barely promoted, not even during highly successful tours - and even then they were poorly promoted, if at all.

I think it is getting better, but if they want to catch up on streaming they need to be more active with their music, not just the tours every 10 years or so.

Posted by: Spiceboy 18th August 2019, 10:47 AM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Aug 18 2019, 11:29 AM) *
Kinda yeah, but tbh it's their own fault.

Over the past 2 decades, they have done very little to keep the group in people's minds other than the occasional reunion. Their records are barely promoted, not even during highly successful tours - and even then they were poorly promoted, if at all.

I think it is getting better, but if they want to catch up on streaming they need to be more active with their music, not just the tours every 10 years or so.

To be fair I was talking more about their solo music than the group efforts. I do think it still applies some, I mean there is minimal promotion done for their solo work (Angels in chains, Baby please don't stop, For once in my life...) they need to get out there and really promote to try to get even a small hit. Then again Melanie C did a pretty big radio tour for Anymore and still got nowhere. #1 on physical sales and still not in the top 200 official chart... wacko.gif blink.gif

Posted by: vibe 18th August 2019, 11:00 AM

Why is this still being discussed ?

You can’t get a hit single without streaming .

Posted by: Mr.X 18th August 2019, 11:12 AM

QUOTE(Spiceboy @ Aug 18 2019, 11:47 AM) *
To be fair I was talking more about their solo music than the group efforts. I do think it still applies some, I mean there is minimal promotion done for their solo work (Angels in chains, Baby please don't stop, For once in my life...) they need to get out there and really promote to try to get even a small hit. Then again Melanie C did a pretty big radio tour for Anymore and still got nowhere. #1 on physical sales and still not in the top 200 official chart... wacko.gif blink.gif

Emma did quite a bit of promo for Baby Please Don't Stop actually, but she did the old school promo way, with radio slots and a couple of TV shows. Very little focus on streaming, which is sad.

Posted by: tommie 19th August 2019, 12:33 PM

I just don't think their audience is a streaming one and is probably, at this point, in the 35+ bracket.

It reminds me how the recent Beverly Hills 90210 reboot did in the ratings - it had a 1.5 rating in the overall A18-49 demographic, but once you broke it down properly it scored a 0.5 rating in the A18-34 and a 1.9 rating in the A25-52 one. Basically, everyone watching Beverly Hills 90210 is now 35+. It's the same case with the Spice Girls - their main audience just doesn't do streaming in large numbers, so trying to get a hit single is pretty pointless. If they do record new music all their efforts should be put on getting album sales, not hit singles because that won't happen.

Posted by: Jay ☆ 19th August 2019, 04:27 PM

QUOTE(tommie @ Aug 19 2019, 01:33 PM) *
If they do record new music all their efforts should be put on getting album sales, not hit singles because that won't happen.

You never know, Westlife managed a #13/Silver certified single this year!

Posted by: JaneJ 19th August 2019, 07:36 PM

QUOTE(tommie @ Aug 19 2019, 07:33 PM) *
I just don't think their audience is a streaming one and is probably, at this point, in the 35+ bracket.

It reminds me how the recent Beverly Hills 90210 reboot did in the ratings - it had a 1.5 rating in the overall A18-49 demographic, but once you broke it down properly it scored a 0.5 rating in the A18-34 and a 1.9 rating in the A25-52 one. Basically, everyone watching Beverly Hills 90210 is now 35+. It's the same case with the Spice Girls - their main audience just doesn't do streaming in large numbers, so trying to get a hit single is pretty pointless. If they do record new music all their efforts should be put on getting album sales, not hit singles because that won't happen.

They do have younger audience (the streaming generation) and also the kids too but you're right most of their fans are in 30s, not digital kids. I'm 38, not comfortable with the streaming thing at all and I would buy the new album(s) both physical and digital in a heart beat when it comes to the spice girls. I think one of their problems with the streaming is that they only have 3 studio albums, that's a very small catalog.

Posted by: tommie 19th August 2019, 07:59 PM

Of course they do have a younger fanbase that's discovering them - it's why the GH "sells" about 500 streaming "units" per week. But it's limited.

I'll admit - I don't like streaming. Too paranoid about my internet ever being down since I like to be out in the country, plus I like to own the music I listen to. Streaming might be an improved version of listening to the radio, but that's about it.

Posted by: JaneJ 3rd October 2019, 06:15 PM

How many sales for wannabe in the US exactly? Some articles said around 3 million but I see 1 million certified by RIAA.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 3rd October 2019, 06:39 PM

QUOTE(JaneJ @ Oct 3 2019, 07:15 PM) *
How many sales for wannabe in the US exactly? Some articles said around 3 million but I see 1 million certified by RIAA.

Wannabe had sold 1.8 million by the end of 1997 in the US and over 2.91 million by 2014.

The RIAA hasn't updated any of their albums/single sales since 1998/99 time.

Posted by: JaneJ 3rd October 2019, 07:03 PM

Alright, thanks. Someone should tell them to update those sales for the girls already, since there are more girl groups coming to challenge them. One million mark is quite easy these days with the streaming culture. New generations might misunderstood that wannabe had sold only one million in the US.

Posted by: Mr.X 26th November 2019, 12:16 AM

Aparently the Spice vinyl is #19 in the Australian Vinyl Charts - probably the white vinyl as it was released there recently but the picture the official charts use is from the Greatest Hits picture disk lol

Posted by: Big Boobs Vjay! 29th November 2019, 10:56 PM

Where did Christmas Wrapping or Just Hear Those Sleigh Bells Ringing peak?

Posted by: gabry 31st December 2019, 04:05 PM

Wishing you a good 2020 to all, I read that stop in the US has been certified gold for the 500k and the 8xplatinum album is official?

Posted by: tommie 31st December 2019, 04:10 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ Dec 31 2019, 05:05 PM) *
Wishing you a good 2020 to all, I read that stop in the US has been certified gold for the 500k and the 8xplatinum album is official?

Sadly, no. The last official certifications for the Spice Girls are in May 1999 per RIAA (Spice World 4xPlatinum, Live At Wembley and Girl Power: Live In Istanbul Platinum) since they haven't started doing automatic certifications like BPI. I'd be surprised if Stop wasn't above 500k though with streaming + downloads.

Posted by: JaneJ 31st December 2019, 06:27 PM

It is label's job to apply for the certs. Looks like they couldn't be bothered.
Happy New Year! yahoo.gif

Posted by: sammy01 1st January 2020, 12:28 AM

Well in a lot of countries you have to pay for certifications, so record labels don't want to waste money on them. The artist themselves can pay for it too, Rihanna does this I seem to recall and all her carts in the US are very upto date.

Posted by: JaneJ 1st January 2020, 01:18 AM

It's only $350 per cert. I don't think those amount would hurt the label but yeah what's the point of paying money for the group who's no longer active. I assume the girls themselves don't have the sale figures though. They're probably in Virgin's database.

Posted by: sammy01 1st January 2020, 08:56 AM

I'm sure in the US there certifications are very out of date. The US let albums now retrospectively add streaming sales, video streaming, individual track sales etc to count towards album sales totals in a weird ratio system.

So Spice would have all Wannabes streams, download sales etc added into it now.

Whilst $350 isn't much I bet pretty much every major release of theirs in the US needs updating so the record company might be basically throwing $3.5k away for no reason.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 1st January 2020, 11:15 PM

The last update for the 'Spice' album sales in the U.S. was 7.5 million either around the 2012 Olympics time or in 2016 when Wannabe was 20.

I wish the RIAA/SG label would update their sales. The albums are pretty much what they were a decade or so ago when they were updated in the late 2000s, but the singles haven't been updated since 98/99 sad.gif

Posted by: Spiceboy 1st January 2020, 11:44 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jan 1 2020, 11:15 PM) *
The last update for the 'Spice' album sales in the U.S. was 7.5 million either around the 2012 Olympics time or in 2016 when Wannabe was 20.

I wish the RIAA/SG label would update their sales. The albums are pretty much what they were a decade or so ago when they were updated in the late 2000s, but the singles haven't been updated since 98/99 sad.gif

Wannabe has gone from 1 million to nearly 3 million sales in the USA but I don't believe it has had a further update in certification?

Posted by: tommie 2nd January 2020, 12:44 AM

QUOTE(Spiceboy @ Jan 2 2020, 12:44 AM) *
Wannabe has gone from 1 million to nearly 3 million sales in the USA but I don't believe it has had a further update in certification?


I assume their label just don't see any reason to update their certifications. I really wish RIAA would use the same system as the BPI since Spice Girls aren't the only ones who are undercertified (Janet Jackson is another example), but oh well.

Posted by: JaneJ 2nd January 2020, 12:52 AM

Those updates were from Soundscan/Billboard but if you want the cert you need to apply for it yourself, sending the figures(sales+downloads+streaming) to RIAA and they'll audit those numbers then give you the cert. The RIAA recommend to use your own numbers from your database not Soundscan since it would probably more cover all the sales or they called it "consumption" these days. No official certifications for the spice girls since 99, that means no one cares to apply for the certs. But from what we know from Soundscan, the Spice album probably still around 7+ million, I guess we have to wait for the movie to boost up their streaming numbers/sales over there and worldwide, if the movie gets well-received by the audience of course. However, at least Wannabe should be updated to 3xP already. SYBT and 2B1 probably already hit one million as well.

Posted by: Spiceboy 2nd January 2020, 02:17 AM

QUOTE(JaneJ @ Jan 2 2020, 12:52 AM) *
Those updates were from Soundscan/Billboard but if you want the cert you need to apply for it yourself, sending the figures(sales+downloads+streaming) to RIAA and they'll audit those numbers then give you the cert. The RIAA recommend to use your own numbers from your database not Soundscan since it would probably more cover all the sales or they called it "consumption" these days. No official certifications for the spice girls since 99, that means no one cares to apply for the certs. But from what we know from Soundscan, the Spice album probably still around 7+ million, I guess we have to wait for the movie to boost up their streaming numbers/sales over there and worldwide, if the movie gets well-received by the audience of course. However, at least Wannabe should be updated to 3xP already. SYBT and 2B1 probably already hit one million as well.

Biff or one of the writers confirmed that SYBT and 2B1 had hit the million sales mark in the USA and the UK. He posted something saying "The only girl band to have 3 million selling singles in the UK and the USA" and tagged Wannabe SYBT and 2B1.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 16th January 2020, 01:02 PM

I was wondering if there was any way of finding out some of the SG total worldwide single sales?

I’d love to know how close ‘Wannabe’ is to 10 million in actual sales

7 million sold by the end of 1997, including 1.8m sold in the U.S. by the end of the year

Since 1997 ‘Wannabe’ has sold this amount in both pure sales and digital downloads

Japan - 100k
UK - 150k estimate
USA - 1.2m
Germany - 250k

That means the total is around 8.7 million and with just a few countries added. I hope we can get a total for their singles in the future

Posted by: sammy01 16th January 2020, 01:30 PM

Wannabe has sold over 500k in the UK since downloads and streaming were added. It was always at 1.2m+ until then and as we know it passed 1.8m getting a triple platinum cert in November last year.

I'd say Wannabe is well over 10m now.

Posted by: sammy01 16th January 2020, 01:34 PM

it is pretty impossible to know actual sales these days as even the OCC rarely give info that isn't combined streaming and actual sales.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 16th January 2020, 01:44 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Jan 16 2020, 01:30 PM) *
Wannabe has sold over 500k in the UK since downloads and streaming were added. It was always at 1.2m+ until then and as we know it passed 1.8m getting a triple platinum cert in November last year.

I'd say Wannabe is well over 10m now.

Yes I was talking about sales rather than streams as it was 1.2m by the end of the 90s so I’m guessing out of the 1.8m total pure sales and downloads is around 1.4m

I wish we could have some single updates from the USA and Australia too

Weirdly enough they had single/album updates in Denmark and Germany in 2018/2019 when new certifications were reached

Posted by: JaneJ 19th January 2020, 01:33 AM

According to the official global music industry report.

Digital download market started to appear in 2004 with very tiny market share, streaming started to show up in early 2010s with very small share as well, it was growing 2013-2014, Billboard started to count streaming as sales in Dec. 2014, right now it's taking over the market. So Wannabe's 2.91 million number in the US was before Dec. 2014 right? Then I would say it was pure sales. Streaming is generating huge revenue but artists only get a tiny cut, most of the money goes to streaming services themselves but it helps new artists to build the fan base globally, grows their sale numbers if they have crazy stans to stream their music day in day out, keeps active veteran artists alive and relevant, artists can cash in later with touring (which is also growing constantly and generating massive revenue) or sponsorship deals or whatever. Only Adele can still sell her albums in this streaming era. With this rate if they're lazy like this and so scared of failure, they'll be surpassed in terms of sale numbers soon. The movie is a brilliant idea but they need to do more. The world tour would also hype up the fans around the world, Netflix was also a smart move to keep their faces in circles of streaming world as the 90s legendary icons, they have to release more new music as well, but it's the Spice Girls so we won't get any of those things.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st January 2020, 07:36 PM

I came across this article and it mentions that Melanie C - ft Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes collaboration 'NBTSA' reached the #1 spot in 35 countries. Is this true ?? confused.gif

Posted by: Babyboy 31st January 2020, 08:58 PM

Technically is not possible.

Posted by: JaneJ 1st April 2020, 06:45 AM

Not sure this has been posted yet.

Their weekly album sales in the US (Top 10 only)

February 22, 1997
06 82,000 SPICE Spice Girls

March 1, 1997
06 104,000 SPICE Spice Girls
March 8, 1997
05 105,000 SPICE Spice Girls
March 15, 1997
07 98,000 SPICE Spice Girls
March 22, 1997
06 na SPICE Spice Girls
March 29, 1997
04 114,000 SPICE Spice Girls

April 5, 1997
05 104,000 SPICE Spice Girls
April 12, 1997
03 174,000 SPICE Spice Girls
April 19, 1997
02 147,000 SPICE Spice Girls
April 26, 1997
02 139,000 SPICE Spice Girls

May 3, 1997
02 143,000 SPICE Spice Girls
May 10, 1997
03 145,000 SPICE Spice Girls
May 17, 1997
03 149,000 SPICE Spice Girls
May 24, 1997
01 138,000 SPICE Spice Girls
May 31, 1997
01 134,000 SPICE Spice Girls

June 7, 1997
01 136,000 SPICE Spice Girls
June 14, 1997
01 137,000 SPICE Spice Girls
June 21, 1997
03 140,000 SPICE Spice Girls
June 28, 1997
04 139,000 SPICE Spice Girls

July 5, 1997
02 122,000 SPICE Spice Girls
July 12, 1997
01 123,000 SPICE Spice Girls
July 19, 1997
03 148,000 SPICE Spice Girls
July 26, 1997
02 131,000 SPICE Spice Girls

August 2, 1997
04 125,000 SPICE Spice Girls
August 9, 1997
03 140,000 SPICE Spice Girls
August 16, 1997
04 133,000 SPICE Spice Girls
August 23, 1997
05 125,000 SPICE Spice Girls
August 30, 1997
04 119,000 SPICE Spice Girls

September 6. 1997
03 115,000 SPICE Spice Girls
September 13. 1997
05 103,000 SPICE Spice Girls
September 20. 1997
06 88,000 SPICE Spice Girls
September 27. 1997
07 84,000 SPICE Spice Girls

November 22, 1997
08 83,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls
November 29, 1997
08 101,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls
December 13, 1997
09 145,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls

December 20, 1997
06 183,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls
December 27, 1997
06 223,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls

January 3, 1998
07 284,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls
January 10, 1998
09 274,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls
January 31, 1998
06 78,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls

February 7, 1998
03 109,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls
February 14, 1998
03 114,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls
10 58,000 SPICE Spice Girls
February 21, 1998
04 108,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls
February 28, 1998
05 120,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls

March 7, 1998
08 95,000 SPICEWORLD Spice Girls

1. Spice Girls — Spice: 5,300,000
45. Spice Girls — Spiceworld: 1,400,000

20. Spice Girls — Spice World: 2,400,000
39. Spice Girls — Spice: 1,600,000

Spice went on to be 1997's best selling album.
1998 was a tough year for them, they were facing the gigantic Titanic/Celine Dion, yet at one point still managed to have 2 albums in the top ten.

Posted by: Jay ☆ 1st April 2020, 06:50 AM

Thanks for posting wub.gif Impressively consistent sales!

Interesting to learn that Spiceworld achieved some higher weekly sales than Spice, although it figures with it being out at Christmas time. Wow at Spiceworld passing 1 million sales before it managed to climb into the Top 5.

Posted by: Spiceboy 1st April 2020, 12:43 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Jan 31 2020, 09:58 PM) *
Technically is not possible.

How is it technically not possible? laugh.gif I mean it's not true, but "technically not possible" isn't quite the statement is it laugh.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 1st April 2020, 02:03 PM

Thank you for the USA top 10 sales, much appreciated 😊

Posted by: gabry 1st April 2020, 05:41 PM

Wow thank you so much JaneJ !! it would be possible to have weekly sales in the top 10 also in the UK

Posted by: JaneJ 2nd April 2020, 03:53 AM

The UK sales, I'm still waiting for Jay's promise. tongue.gif cheer.gif

Posted by: Jay ☆ 2nd April 2020, 04:30 AM

I’ve sadly given up hope with that; the member who said that they’d send the info to me didn’t end up doing so, unfortunately!

Posted by: JaneJ 2nd April 2020, 05:23 AM

Posted by: Jay ☆ 2nd April 2020, 05:26 AM


Posted by: tommie 2nd April 2020, 09:40 AM

Posted by: Spiceboy 11th April 2020, 10:28 PM

Mean mean meaaaaaaan cry.gif cry.gif cry.gif cry.gif cry.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 26th June 2020, 11:43 PM

I came across an archive website for the Japanese album charts from 2007 (As you do) and it seems that the
Spice Girls GH album go to #6 on the Japanese western album chart and #18 on the main chart cheer.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 3rd July 2020, 06:54 PM

Do we think the RIAA or ARIA for example are ever going to update the SG single certifications or are we going to have to wait until 2050 for the record company to pay for it 🤦‍♂️

Posted by: tommie 4th July 2020, 09:23 AM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jul 3 2020, 06:54 PM) *
Do we think the RIAA or ARIA for example are ever going to update the SG single certifications or are we going to have to wait until 2050 for the record company to pay for it 🤦‍♂️

I'm honestly shocked that they haven't gone the way of the BPI and just have automatic certifications.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd August 2020, 05:28 PM

The Greatest Hits album has been certified 'Gold' in Denmark for sales of 10,000 as of August 4th cheer.gif

Albums released after 2007 that were certified 'Gold' was 15,000, but I'm guessing as most of the sales have come from the streaming era its total probably is 10,000 max.

Still nice to get these updates smile.gif

Posted by: Jay* 23rd August 2020, 07:17 PM

Stan a bit, Denmark *.*

Posted by: sammy01 23rd August 2020, 07:47 PM

I do love the GH has become a bit of a classic. I bet there are many places it could be certified that it isn't now too.

Posted by: tommie 24th August 2020, 11:04 AM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Aug 23 2020, 07:47 PM) *
I do love the GH has become a bit of a classic. I bet there are many places it could be certified that it isn't now too.

A lot of places still require for the label to apply for a certification. I really hope more places implement the automatic certification that BPI does; there's really no reason for them not to now that everything is done automatically via computers anyway.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 28th August 2020, 02:30 PM

I found out that Headlines sold 73,000 copies worldwide during the first week of December 2007 and in the 2nd week 63,000.

As the World Traffic chart website only publishes the Top 40, I don't know its sales for the rest of the month, January 2008 or even any streams or sales its picked up since then.

If you include the 58-59k sales in the UK, it should be around the 200,000 sales mark.

Not too shabby considering it had hardly any promo and wasn't even a Top 10 hit in the UK.

Posted by: Mr.X 28th August 2020, 03:50 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Aug 28 2020, 03:30 PM) *
I found out that Headlines sold 73,000 copies worldwide during the first week of December 2007 and in the 2nd week 63,000.

As the World Traffic chart website only publishes the Top 40, I don't know its sales for the rest of the month, January 2008 or even any streams or sales its picked up since then.

If you include the 58-59k sales in the UK, it should be around the 200,000 sales mark.

Not too shabby considering it had hardly any promo and wasn't even a Top 10 hit in the UK.

Oh it would be really interesting to see how much it did sell worldwide indeed. So around 200k mark isnt great for the spice girls but I guess for the major flop that it was, it is not too bad lol

Posted by: Mr.X 9th October 2020, 02:49 PM

'Melanie C' album chart positions known so far:

Germany: #27
Ireland: #80
Belgium Wallonie: 181
BELGIUM Flanders: 132

Posted by: Spiceboy 9th October 2020, 03:02 PM

She really has had a fall from grace in Germany hasn’t she 5 consecutive top 15 albums and now just scraping top 30...

Better than version of me though that didn’t even make top 30.

Posted by: Babyboy 10th October 2020, 11:55 AM

#37 Auatralia
#9 Scotland
#80 Ireland

First page update coming soon.

Posted by: Mr.X 15th October 2020, 12:05 PM

'Melanie C' charts at #89 on the Spanish Album Charts

Posted by: Pearll 22nd October 2020, 05:56 PM

According to Wikipedia Northern Star has sold 4 millions copies worldwide. I saw some insta spice fan pages reporting the same numbers.


Posted by: Spiceboy 22nd October 2020, 06:14 PM

QUOTE(Pearll @ Oct 22 2020, 06:56 PM) *
According to Wikipedia Northern Star has sold 4 millions copies worldwide. I saw some insta spice fan pages reporting the same numbers.


We will never know the actual sales of Northern Star. We know it has sold just short of 900k in the UK (892,935) and it was reported in the 90's it was on sales of 3+ million by Virgin. Since then there have been various reports of between 3-4 million sales so somewhere between them two I guess.

Posted by: Mr.X 22nd October 2020, 06:19 PM

QUOTE(Spiceboy @ Oct 22 2020, 07:14 PM) *
We will never know the actual sales of Northern Star. We know it has sold just short of 900k in the UK (892,935) and it was reported in the 90's it was on sales of 3+ million by Virgin. Since then there have been various reports of between 3-4 million sales so somewhere between them two I guess.

True this. I am not sure that it told much more than that over the years to be honest either, as it was discontinued (i.e. not printed anymore) quite back in the early 2000s right? I remember reading that and feeling quite shocked as it was such a ssuccessful album.

Posted by: Spiceboy 22nd October 2020, 07:27 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Oct 22 2020, 07:19 PM) *
True this. I am not sure that it told much more than that over the years to be honest either, as it was discontinued (i.e. not printed anymore) quite back in the early 2000s right? I remember reading that and feeling quite shocked as it was such a ssuccessful album.

Yeah I'd definitely say it hasn't passed the 4 million mark, maybe 3.5 or just over that with it getting rounded up to the 4 mark?

These are the sales Virgin put out for the albums:
Northern Star - 3+ million
Reason - 500,000
Beautiful Intentions - 500,000 (Melanie said it outsold Reason so put it on the same sales)

Schizophonc - 2 million
Scream if you wanna go faster - 1+ million

A Girl Like Me - 500,000

So we have 7.5 million album sales kind of confirmed, although I do wonder where the 500k for Reason and A Girl like me were sold?

Posted by: Spiceboy 22nd October 2020, 07:30 PM

Ps watch Jay move this conversation to the worldwide sales thread... laugh.gif

(I'd do it but I still haven't worked out how to laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif )

Posted by: Mr.X 22nd October 2020, 09:41 PM

QUOTE(Spiceboy @ Oct 22 2020, 08:27 PM) *
Yeah I'd definitely say it hasn't passed the 4 million mark, maybe 3.5 or just over that with it getting rounded up to the 4 mark?

These are the sales Virgin put out for the albums:
Northern Star - 3+ million
Reason - 500,000
Beautiful Intentions - 500,000 (Melanie said it outsold Reason so put it on the same sales)

Schizophonc - 2 million
Scream if you wanna go faster - 1+ million

A Girl Like Me - 500,000

So we have 7.5 million album sales kind of confirmed, although I do wonder where the 500k for Reason and A Girl like me were sold?

I think BI sold a bit more than that. But there's no way Scream sold that many...

Posted by: Voodoo 22nd October 2020, 10:05 PM

QUOTE(Spiceboy @ Oct 22 2020, 10:27 PM) *
Scream if you wanna go faster - 1+ million

Where?! wacko.gif

I'd say that even 300,000 is too generous.

Posted by: Spiceboy 22nd October 2020, 10:32 PM

I've always wondered myself but they definitely said it had sold over 1 million worldwide. They claimed it was the biggest selling import album of that year in the US too didn't they?

Posted by: Sideout 22nd October 2020, 11:04 PM

USA imports was probably only a couple of thousands. There's no way SIYWGF sold a million. Maybe shipped, but not sold.

Posted by: Mr.X 22nd October 2020, 11:10 PM

Yeah, Scream was a bit of a flop, hence why she retreated for a while...

Posted by: Jay* 22nd October 2020, 11:11 PM

QUOTE(Spiceboy @ Oct 22 2020, 08:30 PM) *
Ps watch Jay move this conversation to the worldwide sales thread... laugh.gif
(I'd do it but I still haven't worked out how to laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif )

Posted by: sammy01 23rd October 2020, 11:00 PM

Record labels mean shipped when they talk about 'sold' as when they ship an album they have sold those to retailers. I wouldn't be shocked if Scream shipped 1m but lots ended up unsold in pound shops.

Scream opened with 30k+ which would have been all physical it wouldn't be surprising if UK shipments were 200k as I'm sure after opening with decent numbers retailers were confident it would sell well.

Posted by: tommie 24th October 2020, 01:17 AM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Oct 23 2020, 11:00 PM) *
Record labels mean shipped when they talk about 'sold' as when they ship an album they have sold those to retailers. I wouldn't be shocked if Scream shipped 1m but lots ended up unsold in pound shops.

Scream opened with 30k+ which would have been all physical it wouldn't be surprising if UK shipments were 200k as I'm sure after opening with decent numbers retailers were confident it would sell well.

It's also worth remembering that It's Raining Men was a huge hit and probably the biggest solo hit any of them had at that point, so retailers probably had a lot of confidence that Scream was going to sell better than it did. Of course, it being a cover ended up having the same effect that Emma suffered a few years later with Downtown - people ended up not really being that interested in the album since it was just a track that was tacked on to try and sell an album that the label didn't seem to have much faith in.

Posted by: sammy01 24th October 2020, 06:36 AM

QUOTE(tommie @ Oct 24 2020, 02:17 AM) *
It's also worth remembering that It's Raining Men was a huge hit and probably the biggest solo hit any of them had at that point, so retailers probably had a lot of confidence that Scream was going to sell better than it did. Of course, it being a cover ended up having the same effect that Emma suffered a few years later with Downtown - people ended up not really being that interested in the album since it was just a track that was tacked on to try and sell an album that the label didn't seem to have much faith in.

Yep iirc It's raining men was a big hit in France then you look at France peak for the album and it having a 100k cert. It was evidently incredibly over shipped compared to what it actually sold in France.

Scream could have easily shipped 300k between the UK and France alone.

Posted by: tommie 24th October 2020, 08:56 AM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Oct 24 2020, 06:36 AM) *
Yep iirc It's raining men was a big hit in France then you look at France peak for the album and it having a 100k cert. It was evidently incredibly over shipped compared to what it actually sold in France.

Scream could have easily shipped 300k between the UK and France alone.

I think a lot of people forget how big It's Raining Men actually was at the time - it was everywhere due to the tie-in with Bridget Jones Diary. I think it must've been a surprise when Scream didn't sell off the back of it; of course today Geri's version of It's Raining Men is forgotten and people have (rightfully, I might add) gone back to The Weather Girls, but it was massive and probably the last "big" solo Spice single; Emma had blips after that and Mel C some local successes.

Posted by: Mr.X 24th October 2020, 09:07 AM

QUOTE(tommie @ Oct 24 2020, 09:56 AM) *
I think a lot of people forget how big It's Raining Men actually was at the time - it was everywhere due to the tie-in with Bridget Jones Diary. I think it must've been a surprise when Scream didn't sell off the back of it; of course today Geri's version of It's Raining Men is forgotten and people have (rightfully, I might add) gone back to The Weather Girls, but it was massive and probably the last "big" solo Spice single; Emma had blips after that and Mel C some local successes.

This is all true tbh so maybe it shipped loads but no-one was interested?! pirate.gif

As much as I love the original 4 piece, their moves in 1999-2000 really damaged their chances. It's also no suprise that after Forever thanked, so did their solo outputs, as the general public and press were very much against them.

It also didnt help that Schizo and everything that came out of Solo Spice-dom post 2000 was subpar (apart from Free Me and Life in Mono imo) teresa.gif

Posted by: tommie 24th October 2020, 09:13 AM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Oct 24 2020, 09:07 AM) *
This is all true tbh so maybe it shipped loads but no-one was interested?! pirate.gif

As sad as that sounds, it's fairly possible; I can see both the label and retailers overestimating demand and somewhere in China there's a road built on discarded Scream If You Wanna Go Faster cds. It's a bit like Victoria's Secret buying 600k of the Greatest Hits - for the label it means they sold that amount in the US and was a very smart business deal. Of course it doesn't mean it sold anywhere near that in households in the US (at least initially).

Posted by: Mr.X 24th October 2020, 09:24 AM

QUOTE(tommie @ Oct 24 2020, 10:13 AM) *
As sad as that sounds, it's fairly possible; I can see both the label and retailers overestimating demand and somewhere in China there's a road built on discarded Scream If You Wanna Go Faster cds. It's a bit like Victoria's Secret buying 600k of the Greatest Hits - for the label it means they sold that amount in the US and was a very smart business deal. Of course it doesn't mean it sold anywhere near that in households in the US (at least initially).

Can I ask if this means they still got the money? When it comes to the sales, record labels get the money from shipments right? Not necessarily on how many copies it actually sold in stores?!

Posted by: tommie 24th October 2020, 09:46 AM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Oct 24 2020, 09:24 AM) *
Can I ask if this means they still got the money? When it comes to the sales, record labels get the money from shipments right? Not necessarily on how many copies it actually sold in stores?!

Yes. I don't remember exactly, but I think the record label sells "regular" priced cds to retailers for around £4.99 (which then retails for somewhere between £7.99-10.99) and budget cds for £2.99 (which won't count towards the main chart; retails maybe £4.99). This is just from memory and is probably outdated so don't hold me to this.

Posted by: Chemistry 25th October 2020, 08:45 AM

QUOTE(tommie @ Oct 24 2020, 09:56 AM) *
I think a lot of people forget how big It's Raining Men actually was at the time - it was everywhere due to the tie-in with Bridget Jones Diary. I think it must've been a surprise when Scream didn't sell off the back of it; of course today Geri's version of It's Raining Men is forgotten and people have (rightfully, I might add) gone back to The Weather Girls, but it was massive and probably the last "big" solo Spice single; Emma had blips after that and Mel C some local successes.

It's a shame the era basically ended after It's Raining Men. I am not that surprised the song didn't do much for the album as it seemed more like a stand-alone single to support to movie, but you would have expected the Scream... single to do better (and get better radio support, as well) after four #1 singles.

I wouldn't say it's completely forgotten now though, while it may not be a classic, it's the most streamed solo Spice song (besides When You're Gone but that is labelled as Bryan's) on Spotify with over 26 million streams.

Posted by: Mr.X 25th October 2020, 10:50 AM

QUOTE(tommie @ Oct 24 2020, 10:46 AM) *
Yes. I don't remember exactly, but I think the record label sells "regular" priced cds to retailers for around £4.99 (which then retails for somewhere between £7.99-10.99) and budget cds for £2.99 (which won't count towards the main chart; retails maybe £4.99). This is just from memory and is probably outdated so don't hold me to this.

Interesting, thank you. So when it comes to royalties, it is based on those shipments rather than actual sales, I would guess?!

Posted by: schizo_spice 25th October 2020, 10:51 AM

Geris cover of It's Raining Men is far from forgotten.

Definitely a cover thats lasted the distance.

Posted by: Mr.X 25th October 2020, 11:07 AM

QUOTE(schizo_spice @ Oct 25 2020, 11:51 AM) *
Geris cover of It's Raining Men is far from forgotten.

Definitely a cover thats lasted the distance.

Yeah as much as I think it's an aweful cover, you cant deny that it is still today her biggest hit and probably one of the most enduring solo Spice releases (and probably the only reason she has half a million listeners on Spotify lol)

Posted by: schizo_spice 25th October 2020, 12:29 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Oct 25 2020, 12:07 PM) *
Yeah as much as I think it's an aweful cover, you cant deny that it is still today her biggest hit and probably one of the most enduring solo Spice releases (and probably the only reason she has half a million listeners on Spotify lol)

That would be for the awesomeness that is Schizophonic with its high relistenability. wub.gif

Posted by: Spiceboy 25th October 2020, 01:24 PM

Yeah Geri's version of IRM is far from forgotten, it's one of THE most remembered solo Spice songs.

Posted by: Mr.X 25th October 2020, 01:53 PM

QUOTE(schizo_spice @ Oct 25 2020, 01:29 PM) *
That would be for the awesomeness that is Schizophonic with its high relistenability. wub.gif

pirate.gif that album is so dissapointing lol

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 1st November 2020, 06:25 PM

In 2007 when the group announced the ROTSG Tour one of the original tour dates was in China. They planned to do a few shows there, unlike Japan, where they sold a lot of records.

I was wondering if anyone knew how well the SG did in China in terms of chart positions and sales?

Thanks smile.gif

Posted by: JaneJ 2nd November 2020, 06:46 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Nov 2 2020, 01:25 AM) *
In 2007 when the group announced the ROTSG Tour one of the original tour dates was in China. They planned to do a few shows there, unlike Japan, where they sold a lot of records.

I was wondering if anyone knew how well the SG did in China in terms of chart positions and sales?

Thanks smile.gif

In the 90s Mainland China was not the significant market in the music industry. There were no charts or certification systems, the values were too small. They have been growing rapidly since 2000s though and might crack the top five biggest markets in a few years. Among the 90s western girl groups, the SG have the most followers on QQ music but no where near boy bands like Westlife or Backstreet Boys. The sales data and insight info about the popularity of the girls in China, might belong to the label, I assume. There were a lot of Chinese fans asking them to play there in 2007-2008, no?

Posted by: Mr.X 2nd November 2020, 08:23 PM

QUOTE(JaneJ @ Nov 2 2020, 07:46 PM) *
In the 90s Mainland China was not the significant market in the music industry. There were no charts or certification systems, the values were too small. They have been growing rapidly since 2000s though and might crack the top five biggest markets in a few years. Among the 90s western girl groups, the SG have the most followers on QQ music but no where near boy bands like Westlife or Backstreet Boys. The sales data and insight info about the popularity of the girls in China, might belong to the label, I assume. There were a lot of Chinese fans asking them to play there in 2007-2008, no?

They added dates in China originally to a total of 3, only to cancel them, which was so sad. They really screwed up that tour, which could have done much better and go for much longer. The power was there if they had been on it.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 3rd November 2020, 12:59 PM

QUOTE(JaneJ @ Nov 2 2020, 06:46 PM) *
In the 90s Mainland China was not the significant market in the music industry. There were no charts or certification systems, the values were too small. They have been growing rapidly since 2000s though and might crack the top five biggest markets in a few years. Among the 90s western girl groups, the SG have the most followers on QQ music but no where near boy bands like Westlife or Backstreet Boys. The sales data and insight info about the popularity of the girls in China, might belong to the label, I assume. There were a lot of Chinese fans asking them to play there in 2007-2008, no?

Thanks for the info.

China was already one of the original dates along with Argentina, South Africa, Australia etc so the group were always going to play in China which I found interesting

Posted by: Mr.X 3rd November 2020, 02:48 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Nov 3 2020, 01:59 PM) *
Thanks for the info.

China was already one of the original dates along with Argentina, South Africa, Australia etc so the group were always going to play in China which I found interesting

Maybe they had originally intended to do it and expand to other regions of South East Asia, which would have been announced had they actually gone for it, but were cancelled... I think Japan and a few other countries around there should be included in future tours, to be honest. WILD that they were so successful in those countries but never made it there on tour...

Posted by: Babyboy 4th November 2020, 08:09 PM

I edited the first page just with the peaks. It is easy and "clean" to read.
Also it is easy to find chart runs around the web.
I will add soon Mel recent projects.

Posted by: spiceboy 4th November 2020, 08:33 PM

Didn’t stop get to #1 in Hungary and Goodbye was their longest running #1 in Canada where it was #1 for 11 weeks wasn’t it!?

Posted by: Babyboy 4th November 2020, 08:48 PM

Hungary didn't have an official single chart back then also there are no official sources/chart run for Canada story.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 4th November 2020, 08:54 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Nov 4 2020, 08:48 PM) *
Hungary didn't have an official single chart back then also there are no official sources/chart run for Canada story.

The Goodbye chart run in Canada can be found on Billboard books during Dec 1998 to March 1999

The Hungary chart for Stop is in an issue of Music and Media which can also be found online.

Posted by: Babyboy 4th November 2020, 08:58 PM

Hungary has an official chart website and there isn't an official single chart.

Do you have Canada chart run for Goodbye?

Posted by: Jay* 4th November 2020, 09:06 PM

Editing the chart runs out of the chart runs thread? thinking.gif Seems a shame to have removed all of that information!

Posted by: Babyboy 4th November 2020, 09:48 PM

A few of them were not fully correct. I will post them again after a check.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 4th November 2020, 10:08 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Nov 4 2020, 08:58 PM) *
Hungary has an official chart website and there isn't an official single chart.

Do you have Canada chart run for Goodbye?

Billboard books - Canada chart (Page 58)

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 13th November 2020, 05:17 PM

I found a website with some info regarding the Spice Girls charts in Italy. (FIMI Charts and Musica e dischi)

For example Too Much reached #4 on the FIMI Singles chart and #16 on the M&D Chart

Is one of these charts more important than the other?

Many thanks if any Italian fans know smile.gif

Posted by: gabry 13th November 2020, 05:35 PM

Fimi is the official Italian chart,Musica & Dischi was a "local" classification based on distribution if I remember correctly

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 13th November 2020, 05:39 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ Nov 13 2020, 05:35 PM) *
Fimi is the official Italian chart,Musica & Dischi was a "local" classification based on distribution if I remember correctly

Thank you for letting me know.

Interestingly Goodbye reached #1 on the FIMI chart which is the chart reference used on the Wikipedia page. Other singles use the M&D chart position.

Posted by: gabry 13th November 2020, 05:44 PM

An example if I remember correctly Free me entered at # 98 in the Fimi chart, in the Musica & Dischi ranking it was # 35 but this ranking has no real value as a local / region
Wikipedia is not always reliable it can be edited

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 13th November 2020, 05:49 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ Nov 13 2020, 05:44 PM) *
An example if I remember correctly Free me entered at # 98 in the Fimi chart, in the Musica & Dischi ranking it was # 35 but this ranking has no real value as a local / region
Wikipedia is not always reliable it can be edited

Well to be fair all the charts on Wikipedia do take you to billboard books or a proper online magazine with the charts on it so I knew that Too Much was #16 on the M&D chart, but #4 on FIMI. I prefer the #4 peak dance.gif

Posted by: gabry 13th November 2020, 06:01 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Nov 13 2020, 06:49 PM) *
Well to be fair all the charts on wikipedia do take your to billboard books or a proper online magazine with the charts on it so I knew that Too Much was #16 on the M&D chart, but #4 on FIMI. I prefer the #4 peak dance.gif

Sure 😉✌️

Posted by: Babyboy 13th November 2020, 09:19 PM

Fimi is the official Italian chart.
Free Me album did not enter in the album chart I think.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 18th November 2020, 05:44 PM

Some Brazil chart page on Twitter is claiming that LM has sold 900k in Brazil (based on certifications) and the SG on 730k (but when you add their 4 albums it's at least 880k)

Pro-Música Brasil's official page has also added LM's single certifications recently.

Why can't the SG certifications be updated or published?

I know some countries do it automatically and other countries require the label to pay for any updates, but it's so frustrating that we don't really know how well their albums and singles have done in the last 20 years, bar the UK.

There's hardly been any sales or certifications updates anywhere in the world since 1998/1999.

Posted by: Mr.X 18th November 2020, 07:57 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Nov 18 2020, 06:44 PM) *
Some Brazil chart page on Twitter is claiming that LM has sold 900k in Brazil (based on certifications) and the SG on 730k (but when you add their 4 albums it's at least 880k)

Pro-Música Brasil's official page has also added LM's single certifications recently.

Why can't the SG certifications be updated or published?

I know some countries do it automatically and other countries require the label to pay for any updates, but it's so frustrating that we don't really know how well their albums and singles have done in the last 20 years, bar the UK.

There's hardly been any sales or certifications updates anywhere in the world since 1998/1999.

I guess in a way it allows them to say they sold 85million copies lol

It might very well be that Little Mix sold much more than the Spice Girls did back in the day. Remember that it was different times and Little Mix have actually been promoting their work for 10 years, compared to the Spice Girls who havent done any promotion worth its salt since 1999. Plus, they only had 3 albums compared to LM's 6.

Both groups are amazing!

Posted by: dachiki 27th November 2020, 02:03 PM

Forever: 199 in the Top Album in Belgique Wallonia Flanders this week.

Posted by: Jay* 27th November 2020, 03:06 PM

Ooh nice! I wasn't expecting it to chart elsewhere.

Posted by: spiceboy 27th November 2020, 03:16 PM

Yay great to see it charting elsewhere too! wub.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 27th November 2020, 03:58 PM

Excellent wub.gif

Lets hope for at least a similar showing today in the UK charts tongue.gif

Posted by: sammy01 27th November 2020, 06:54 PM

Global smash

Posted by: dachiki 30th November 2020, 12:04 PM

Forever: 120 in top physical album in France

Posted by: Jay* 30th November 2020, 03:25 PM

Nice to see it's at least selling a few copies in different markets wub.gif

Posted by: SouthernStar88 30th November 2020, 09:27 PM

Hello everyone, recently, from various sources, I have collected all the peak positions reached by the Spice Girls releases entered in the Italian FIMI and Musica e Dischi charts.
I hope you can enjoyed it. biggrin.gif

Spice Girls albums:
- 'Spice' (1996) #2 FIMI #2 Musica e Dischi
- 'Spiceworld' (1997) #2 FIMI #2 Musica e Dischi
- 'Forever' (2000) #11 FIMI #14 Musica e Dischi
- 'Greatest Hits' (2007) #20 FIMI #30 Musica e Dischi

Spice Girls singles:
- 'Wannabe' (1996) #4 Musica e Dischi
- 'Say You'll Be There' (1996) #23 Musica e Dischi
- '2 Become 1' (1996) #9 Musica e Dischi
- 'Mama/Who Do You Think You Are' (1997) #10 FIMI #12 Musica e Dischi
- 'Spice Up Your Life' (1997) #2 FIMI #3 Musica e Dischi
- 'Too Much' (1997) #4 FIMI #16 Musica e Dischi
- 'Stop' (1998) #10 FIMI #22 Musica e Dischi
- 'Viva Forever' (1998) #2 FIMI #2 Musica e Dischi
- 'Goodbye' (1998) #1 FIMI #2 Musica & Dischi
- 'It's Only Rock 'N' Roll' among Various Artists For Children's Promise ‎(1999) #23 FIMI #10 Musica e Dischi
- 'Holler/Let Love Lead The Way' (2000) #3 FIMI #5 Musica e Dischi
- 'Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)' (2007) #2 FIMI #7 Musica e Dischi

Melanie C's albums:
- 'Beautiful Intentions' (2005) #68 FIMI
- 'This Time' (2007) #77 FIMI

Melanie C's singles:
- 'When You're Gone' featuring Bryan Adams (1998) #10 FIMI #20 Musica e Dischi
- 'Goin' Down' (1999) #37 Musica e Dischi
- 'Northern Star' (1999) #4 FIMI #14 Musica e Dischi
- 'Never Be The Same Again' featuring Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes (2000) #6 FIMI #8 Musica e Dischi
- 'I Turn To You' (2000) #15 FIMI #16 Musica e Dischi
- 'Here It Comes Again' (2003) #12 FIMI #15 Musica e Dischi
- 'On The Horizon' (2003) #45 FIMI
- 'Yeh Yeh Yeh' (2003) #38 FIMI
- 'Next Best Superstar' (2005) #21 FIMI #28 Musica e Dischi
- 'Better Alone' (2005) #36 FIMI #47 Musica e Dischi
- 'First Day Of My Life' (2005) #32 FIMI
- 'I Want Candy' (2007) #9 FIMI #22 Musica e Dischi
- 'Carolyna' (2007) #34 FIMI #18 Musica e Dischi

Geri Halliwell's Albums:
- 'Schizophonic' (1999) #17 FIMI 16# Musica e Dischi
- 'Scream If You Wanna Go Faster' (2001) #15 FIMI #23 Musica e Dischi
- 'Passion' (2005) #49 FIMI

Geri Halliwell's singles:
- 'Look At me' (1999) #3 FIMI #5 Musica e Dischi
- 'Mi Chico Latino' (1999) #5 FIMI #5 Musica e Dischi
- 'Lift Me Up' (1999) #19 FIMI #34 Musica e Dischi
- 'Bag It Up' (2000) #13 FIMI #24 Musica e Dischi
- 'It's Raining Men' (2001) #1 FIMI #1 Musica e Dischi
- 'Scream If You Wanna Go Faster' (2001) #13 FIMI #9 Musica e Dischi
- 'Calling' (2001) #30 FIMI #18 Musica e Dischi
- 'Desire'(2005) #19 FIMI #16 Musica e Dischi

Emma Bunton's albums:
- 'Free Me' (2004) #98 FIMI #35 Musica e Dischi

Emma Bunton's singles:
- 'What Took You So Long?' (2001) #9 FIMI #7 Musica e Dischi
- 'Take My Breath Away' (2001) #16 FIMI #28 Musica e Dischi
- 'Maybe (2004) #20 FIMI #14 Musica e Dischi

Victoria Beckham's singles:
- 'Out Of Your Mind' featuring Truesteppers and Dane Bowers (2000) #33 FIMI #28 Musica e Dischi
- 'Not Such An Innocent Girl' (2001) #32 FIMI

Melanie B(G)'s singles:
- 'Word Up' (1999) #34 Musica e Dischi
- 'Tell Me' (2000) #50 FIMI

Posted by: Voodoo 30th November 2020, 09:34 PM

QUOTE(SouthernStar88 @ Nov 30 2020, 11:27 PM) *
Hello everyone, recently, from various sources, I have collected all the peak positions reached by the Spice Girls releases entered in the Italian FIMI and Musica e Dischi charts.
I hope you can enjoyed it. biggrin.gif

Melanie C's albums:
- 'Beautiful Intentions' (2005) #68 FIMI
- 'This Time' (2007) #77 FIMI

Thank you!

What about Northern Star & Reason?

Posted by: SouthernStar88 30th November 2020, 09:45 PM

QUOTE(Voodoo @ Nov 30 2020, 10:34 PM) *
Thank you!

What about Northern Star & Reason?

You're welcome! wink.gif

I honestly think they didn't entered in the Italian charts unfortunately, at least based on the data I was able to find

Posted by: Jay* 30th November 2020, 11:03 PM

Thank you for sharing! wub.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 30th November 2020, 11:04 PM

Thank you SouthernStar for sharing.

Posted by: SouthernStar88 30th November 2020, 11:17 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Dec 1 2020, 12:04 AM) *
Thank you SouthernStar for sharing.

You're welcome my friend, and thanks again for your help 😊 (Spice World Italy on IG ✌️🌐)

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 30th November 2020, 11:18 PM

QUOTE(SouthernStar88 @ Nov 30 2020, 11:17 PM) *
You're welcome my friend, and thanks again for your help 😊 (Spice World Italy on IG ✌️🌐)

I was wondering if we'd spoken. Hi Spiceworld Italy cheer.gif

Posted by: SouthernStar88 30th November 2020, 11:19 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Dec 1 2020, 12:18 AM) *
I was wondering if we'd spoken. Hi Spiceworld Italy cheer.gif


Posted by: SouthernStar88 1st December 2020, 09:13 AM

QUOTE(Jay* @ Dec 1 2020, 12:03 AM) *
Thank you for sharing! wub.gif

Sorry Jay I've ready your reply only now, you're welcome! wub.gif

Posted by: gabry 1st December 2020, 10:42 AM

Reason # 92 fimi
A girl like me # 75 fimi
Hot # 83 fimi

I don't think Northern star made it into the charts

If I remember correctly .. a user had posted it some time ago in an Italian forum

Posted by: SouthernStar88 1st December 2020, 10:45 AM

QUOTE(gabry @ Dec 1 2020, 11:42 AM) *
Reason # 92 fimi
A girl like me # 75 fimi
Hot # 83 fimi

I don't think Northern star made it into the charts

If I remember correctly .. a user had posted it some time ago in an Italian forum

Thank you very much! 😊

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 17th January 2021, 06:02 PM

Northern Star was certified Gold by IFPI Denmark over 20 years for sales of 25,000 but found some figures on the Official Hitlisten End of year charts in Denmark for 2000 (archived copy)

Northern Star (as of late 2000) sold 57,401 copies, making it Platinum cheer.gif

Other additional sales (as of end of 2000)

Never Be The Same Again - 3,937
I Turn To You - 6,063

Posted by: Babyboy 18th January 2021, 08:49 AM

A friend of mine work for FIMI, he passed me a file with the Spice Girls charts.
No sign of Free Me, Reason, Hot and AGLM. I had the same details in the past but never found a source.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 22nd January 2021, 10:40 PM

Not sure how reliable this source is.

It's a French music site with sales of Europe's Best Selling albums (updated in 2009) and some albums have been released since like Adele's 21 (10x Plat in Europe for 10m)

22. Spice (9,370,000)
106. Spiceworld (5,340,000)

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 22nd January 2021, 10:41 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Jan 18 2021, 08:49 AM) *
A friend of mine work for FIMI, he passed me a file with the Spice Girls charts.
No sign of Free Me, Reason, Hot and AGLM. I had the same details in the past but never found a source.

Does your friend at FIMI have any access to sales totals? wub.gif wub.gif

Posted by: spiceboy 22nd January 2021, 11:47 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jan 22 2021, 10:40 PM) *
Not sure how reliable this source is.

It's a French music site with sales of Europe's Best Selling albums (updated in 2009) and some albums have been released since like Adele's 21 (10x Plat in Europe for 10m)

22. Spice (9,370,000)
106. Spiceworld (5,340,000)

Makes you wonder where the other 20 million were sold with it's supposed 30 million sales... laugh.gif

9 million in Europe
7 million in USA
1 million Canada
1 million South America
500,000 Australia
500,000 Japan

19 million, makes the 23 million originally stated sound more accurate.

Posted by: spiceboy 23rd January 2021, 12:05 AM

Same for Spiceworld

5 million Europe
4 million USA
1 million Canada
500,000 Australia
500,000 South America
500,000 Australia / New Zealand
500,000 Japan

12 million

Again making 14 million look more accurate than 20 million.

Posted by: spiceboy 23rd January 2021, 12:07 AM

Final post (and off topic) WOW at Michael Jackson having THREE albums in the top 10! Truly the King of Pop!

Posted by: sammy01 23rd January 2021, 10:10 AM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 22 2021, 11:47 PM) *
Makes you wonder where the other 20 million were sold with it's supposed 30 million sales... laugh.gif

9 million in Europe
7 million in USA
1 million Canada
1 million South America
500,000 Australia
500,000 Japan

19 million, makes the 23 million originally stated sound more accurate.

It's at 7.5m in the US, I thought it was well over 700k in Japan.

Sales in the 90s were huge, I think we have touched on this but record labels sold directly from themselves too through a thing called book club. There was also many countries who didn't track their sales back then. Also it went on shipments not sales.

Posted by: spiceboy 23rd January 2021, 12:13 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Jan 23 2021, 10:10 AM) *
It's at 7.5m in the US, I thought it was well over 700k in Japan.

Sales in the 90s were huge, I think we have touched on this but record labels sold directly from themselves too through a thing called book club. There was also many countries who didn't track their sales back then. Also it went on shipments not sales.

Did British acts get this? I thought it was strictly US acts like Britney?

Posted by: sammy01 23rd January 2021, 12:46 PM

Book club was most certainly a UK thing too, my parents signed up for it I remember. You paid a subscription and they sent you so many cds or vhs a month. You could pick or be sent their recommendations.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd January 2021, 01:28 PM

Spice went 4x Platinum in Japan in the April of 1997 (800,000)

That was 24 years ago, hasn’t been updated since and I can imagine they sold more copies during the rest of 1997, 1998 plus downloads and streaming units

Posted by: Mr.X 23rd January 2021, 01:55 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 22 2021, 11:47 PM) *
Makes you wonder where the other 20 million were sold with it's supposed 30 million sales... laugh.gif

9 million in Europe
7 million in USA
1 million Canada
1 million South America
500,000 Australia
500,000 Japan

19 million, makes the 23 million originally stated sound more accurate.

Think some of those dont include a lot of sales as per the rest of this thread and mostly record companies in each country havent updated their sales publicly in a long time with the Spice catalogue...

Plus, there are 195 countries in the world and whilst many dont have charts or track sales publicly, they will have private information on sales. Overall, I think the 28million for Spice and 20million for Spiceworld make sense - they were literally everywhere back then and sales in the 90s were SKY HIGH and top artists were selling in those regions.

Whilst the 85million records might well be inflated, I think that is an overall figure of group and solo sales though...

Guess unless one of us sleeps with the boss at EMI records, we wont ever find out the real numbers teresa.gif

Posted by: sammy01 23rd January 2021, 02:20 PM

I'd say as a group they are well over 100m 'sales' now. I mean Wannabe in the UK alone is nearly 700k more than when we were getting 85m reported sales. Stop is another 400k more too. The GH continues to sell well.

Here is one for you Jay, comparing the 2009 update of sales from the UK we had to the latest update and see how many more sales they have achieved in that time?

Then you have to think about all the other countries in the world too. I mean Wannabe has well over 1 billion streams from Spotify and YouTube alone, add in apple, Amazon music, deezer, tidal and others plus it's download sales over the last 15 years. I wouldn't be shocked if Wannabe was way over 10m 'sales' WW these days maybe closer to 15m.

Posted by: Mr.X 23rd January 2021, 02:46 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Jan 23 2021, 02:20 PM) *
I'd say as a group they are well over 100m 'sales' now. I mean Wannabe in the UK alone is nearly 700k more than when we were getting 85m reported sales. Stop is another 400k more too. The GH continues to sell well.

Here is one for you Jay, comparing the 2009 update of sales from the UK we had to the latest update and see how many more sales they have achieved in that time?

Then you have to think about all the other countries in the world too. I mean Wannabe has well over 1 billion streams from Spotify and YouTube alone, add in apple, Amazon music, deezer, tidal and others plus it's download sales over the last 15 years. I wouldn't be shocked if Wannabe was way over 10m 'sales' WW these days maybe closer to 15m.

Maybe we are getting ahead of ourselves here

Whilst Wannabe and GH have continued to sell well, lets not forget that the UK is their main market. That level of continued growth wont be the same in all other countries

Posted by: spiceboy 23rd January 2021, 02:55 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 23 2021, 01:55 PM) *
Think some of those dont include a lot of sales as per the rest of this thread and mostly record companies in each country havent updated their sales publicly in a long time with this group.

Plus, there are 195 countries in the world and whilst many dont have charts or track sales publicly, they will have private information on sales. Overall, I think the 28million for Spice and 20million for Spiceworld make sense - they were literally everywhere back then and sales in the 90s were SKY HIGH and top artists were selling in those regions.

Whilst the 85million records might well be inflated, I think that is an overall figure of group and solo sales though...

Guess unless one of us sleeps with the boss at EMI records, we wont ever find out the real numbers teresa.gif

Use that mouth for us, you’ll go down as a patron saint of the Spice community w00t.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 23rd January 2021, 03:01 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 23 2021, 02:55 PM) *
Use that mouth for us, you’ll go down as a patron saint of the Spice community w00t.gif

It will be my life's work

Posted by: sammy01 23rd January 2021, 03:48 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 23 2021, 02:46 PM) *
Maybe we are getting ahead of ourselves here

Whilst Wannabe and GH have continued to sell well, lets not forget that the UK is their main market. That level of continued growth wont be the same in all other countries

It's also not the biggest market. Spice Girls net got hold of some US album sales and the GH is at nearly 800k in America that's not including the 600k sold to VS.

The US increases will be much larger than the UK ones given the size of the market there. Spice has done over 500k in streaming sales in the US.

The GH UK + US sales including those sold to VS are now nearly 2.1m thanks to streaming.

Posted by: Mr.X 23rd January 2021, 06:00 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Jan 23 2021, 03:48 PM) *
It's also not the biggest market. Spice Girls net got hold of some US album sales and the GH is at nearly 800k in America that's not including the 600k sold to VS.

The US increases will be much larger than the UK ones given the size of the market there. Spice has done over 500k in streaming sales in the US.

The GH UK + US sales including those sold to VS are now nearly 2.1m thanks to streaming.

You mean it was streamed 500,000 times? That doesnt mean it is a sale?!.... Or has Spice increased 500,000 copies as a result of streaming?

OK I want to believe this cos the numbers sound good but it also sounds too good to be true and surely the group would be shouting about it at least whenever a new vinyl was released...

Posted by: sammy01 23rd January 2021, 06:36 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 23 2021, 06:00 PM) *
You mean it was streamed 500,000 times? That doesnt mean it is a sale?!.... Or has Spice increased 500,000 copies as a result of streaming?

OK I want to believe this cos the numbers sound good but it also sounds too good to be true and surely the group would be shouting about it at least whenever a new vinyl was released...

It is over 8 million sales now only 7.4m of them are actually physical or download sales. It's increased over 500k thanks to streaming.

Posted by: spiceboy 23rd January 2021, 08:06 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 23 2021, 03:01 PM) *
It will be my life's work

The devotion is real! cool.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd January 2021, 08:51 PM

Look out for some Spice Girls Net posts on Monday regarding sales wink.gif

Posted by: spiceboy 23rd January 2021, 09:17 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jan 23 2021, 08:51 PM) *
Look out for some Spice Girls Net posts on Monday regarding sales wink.gif

wub.gif loved the solo (Melanie c) updates ❤️

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd January 2021, 09:23 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 23 2021, 09:17 PM) *
wub.gif loved the solo (Melanie c) updates ❤️

Thank you smile.gif heart.gif

Posted by: gabry 29th January 2021, 08:46 PM

Small curiosity the spice girls have 5 singles at number one in the European radio airplay in the 90's (the only girl band to have more than ever)

Wannabe (2 weeks at #1)
Say you'll be there (6 weeks at #1)
Spice up your life (3 weeks at #1)
Stop (1 week at #1)
Viva forever (4 weeks at #1)
16 weeks at #1 ✌️

Posted by: colinn 30th January 2021, 09:36 AM

QUOTE(gabry @ Jan 29 2021, 08:46 PM) *
Small curiosity the spice girls have 5 singles at number one in the European radio airplay in the 90's (the only girl band to have more than ever)

Wannabe (2 weeks at #1)
Say you'll be there (6 weeks at #1)
Spice up your life (3 weeks at #1)
Stop (1 week at #1)
Viva forever (4 weeks at #1)
16 weeks at #1 ✌️

Is there anywhere to view this chart in full? Would love to see it!

Posted by: Mr.X 30th January 2021, 12:00 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ Jan 29 2021, 08:46 PM) *
Small curiosity the spice girls have 5 singles at number one in the European radio airplay in the 90's (the only girl band to have more than ever)

Wannabe (2 weeks at #1)
Say you'll be there (6 weeks at #1)
Spice up your life (3 weeks at #1)
Stop (1 week at #1)
Viva forever (4 weeks at #1)
16 weeks at #1 ✌️

Impressive stats, specially for the Spiceworld era. Viva Forever being #1 for so long is amazing and just shows how successful that single was w00t.gif

Posted by: spiceboy 30th January 2021, 12:03 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 30 2021, 12:00 PM) *
Impressive stats, specially for the Spiceworld era. Viva Forever being #1 for so long is amazing and just shows how successful that single was w00t.gif

It deserved 10 times that amount 😍

Posted by: Mr.X 30th January 2021, 12:18 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 30 2021, 12:03 PM) *
It deserved 10 times that amount 😍


I think if they would want to further the success of their catalogue even further, they could afford to focus on Viva Forever as much as they focus on Wannabe, Spice Up Your Life and Stop. 2 Become 1 and Viva Forever are their best ballads and tunes that everyone loves so they should absolutely perform and platform them more often.

Just remember the reaction from the crowd in 2019 when they performed Viva Forever - the crowd went wild.

Posted by: sammy01 30th January 2021, 01:09 PM

Viva Forever is definitely the song they need to remind the public of. A big performance with Adele would make it explode, not sure how they could make that happen but that would be the dream.

Posted by: spiceboy 30th January 2021, 01:16 PM

If they do get the opportunity to do Glastonbury they need to make sure that Viva Forever it a HIGHLIGHT that's the kind of performance / venue that would help to make really bring it back into public focus and make it the classic it deserves to be.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 30th January 2021, 01:33 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 30 2021, 01:16 PM) *
If they do get the opportunity to do Glastonbury they need to make sure that Viva Forever it a HIGHLIGHT that's the kind of performance / venue that would help to make really bring it back into public focus and make it the classic it deserves to be.

Similar to Adele's Glastonbury set, it needs to be their 'Make You Feel My Love/Someone Like You' moment.

Every tour I've been to VF has been such a highlight and when the chorus kicks in the fans wave from side to side and sing the song out loud.

It needs much more attention.

Posted by: sammy01 30th January 2021, 02:22 PM

Glastonbury it being the 2nd to last song before the big Wannabe final would be perfect. Get the crowd dead silent, lighters up and nail Viva Forever. Get a choir out for a couple of rousing choruses like SW98, do an accapela final chorus before the 2 Mels do their ending.

Posted by: Mr.X 30th January 2021, 03:12 PM

Really agree with everyone! They need to RETIRE Mama at least from the bloody encore and focus on Viva Forever which has much bigger cross appeal and it is always a MOMENT live wub.gif

Posted by: spiceboy 30th January 2021, 04:59 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Jan 30 2021, 02:22 PM) *
Glastonbury it being the 2nd to last song before the big Wannabe final would be perfect. Get the crowd dead silent, lighters up and nail Viva Forever. Get a choir out for a couple of rousing choruses like SW98, do an accapela final chorus before the 2 Mels do their ending.

Yesss and the ending HAS to be the SW98 ending that was just bone chilling, spine tingling wonderful wub.gif

Posted by: spiceboy 30th January 2021, 10:40 PM

According to Spice Girls Net on Instagram Spice is now at 8 million units in America:

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st January 2021, 02:36 PM

Veli posted a scan on spice circle and it was an article from one of the Official Spice magazines (August 1997) and it said that Spice had sold 1 million in Japan.

It was released in September 1996
By April 1997 it had gone 4x Platinum (800k)
1 million sold by August 1997 (increase of 200k)

Imagine the total now seeing as the 1 million figure was Aug 1997, we had the rest of the year, 1998, digital downloads and now the streaming era 🤯

Posted by: Mr.X 31st January 2021, 04:12 PM

In fact, some interesting figures from that article which I had no idea about:

South Africa: 50,000 copies
Rest of Africa: 3.5millon

France; 600,000
Germany: 500,000
USA: 3million (now 8million)
Denmark: 100,000
Sweden: 100,000
Finland: 40,000

Italy: 500,000 this is A LOT
Netherlands: 200,000 this is A LOT

These make sense for 1997 due to the height of their success and the article frames their world-wide sales for Spice on 15million by that point. So it totally makes sense that they sold much more than that. I totally believe the 28million figure for Spice to be honest...

Posted by: Mr.X 31st January 2021, 04:15 PM

Also South Korea: 500,000 copies for Spice and 200,000 copies for Spiceworld back in 1998 apparently, so probably way more nowadays

Posted by: sammy01 31st January 2021, 04:17 PM

Let's not forget the album will have shipped more than sold too. When we get a figure like 85m from a label they aren't looking at actual over the counter sales but copies they shipped out. Spice could have easily shipped 28m. I mean look at Schizophonic it shipped 600k in the UK and sold 480k is it.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st January 2021, 05:47 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 31 2021, 04:12 PM) *
In fact, some interesting figures from that article which I had no idea about:

South Africa: 50,000 copies
Rest of Africa: 3.5millon

France; 600,000
Germany: 500,000
USA: 3million (now 8million)
Denmark: 100,000
Sweden: 100,000
Finland: 40,000

Italy: 500,000 this is A LOT
Netherlands: 200,000 this is A LOT

These make sense for 1997 due to the height of their success and the article frames their world-wide sales for Spice on 15million by that point. So it totally makes sense that they sold much more than that. I totally believe the 28million figure for Spice to be honest...

Even though it said other territories over the map of Africa did they mean the continent itself or did they mean 3.5m for the rest of the world? 🤔

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st January 2021, 05:49 PM

Spice was certified 6x Platinum in Denmark back in 2018 which is now 300,000

As for Germany that’s been on 750k for 20 years and France is 1.1m. Most of those territories including Finland are basically double what they were in 1997 👏

Posted by: Mr.X 31st January 2021, 07:03 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jan 31 2021, 05:47 PM) *
Even though it said other territories over the map of Africa did they mean the continent itself or did they mean 3.5m for the rest of the world? 🤔

That doesnt make sense since the rest of the page has total figures on 15million and sales across other areas of the world that clearly exceeds that number?

I dont find it hard to believe at all

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 31st January 2021, 07:11 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 31 2021, 07:03 PM) *
That doesnt make sense since the rest of the page has total figures on 15million and sales across other areas of the world that clearly exceeds that number?

I dont find it hard to believe at all

I don’t doubt that at all, it’s just if 50k was sold in South Africa I wondered which other countries made up the rest. I’m just not aware of how many countries in Africa sold as many copies its very impressive 👏

Also I’m wondering if any countries in Africa have official music organisations similar to BPI for example as I wonder how they count the sales?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 3rd February 2021, 06:08 PM

Found some sales info for SYBT in the United States cheer.gif

Physical sales - 900,000 (Sales in 1997 alone)
Downloads - 268,611
Streaming units - 339,466
Total sales - 1,508,077

*Total does not include physical sales from 1998 on wards*

SYBT could possibly be anywhere between 1.6-1.8m, but it's definitely over 1.5m

View this post on Instagram

Posted by: k👠th 3rd February 2021, 06:26 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jan 31 2021, 09:11 PM) *
I don’t doubt that at all, it’s just if 50k was sold in South Africa I wondered which other countries made up the rest. I’m just not aware of how many countries in Africa sold as many copies its very impressive 👏

Also I’m wondering if any countries in Africa have official music organisations similar to BPI for example as I wonder how they count the sales?

The vast majority of African countries don't track music sales or even have official music organizations

In South Africa, 40k is needed for platinum and Spice has definitely sold much more than that here, they were a phenomenon similar to what Adele has become and Adele sold 80k physicals here in 5 days with 25

Posted by: sammy01 3rd February 2021, 07:07 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Feb 3 2021, 06:08 PM) *
Found some sales info for SYBT in the United States cheer.gif
Physical sales - 900,000 (Sales in 1997 alone)
Downloads - 268,611
Streaming units - 339,466
Total sales - 1,508,077

*Total does not include physical sales from 1998 on wards*

SYBT could possibly be anywhere between 1.6-1.8m, but it's definitely over 1.5m

View this post on Instagram

600k download and streaming sales for SYBT in the US. You can see how when I said their 'sales' are probably easily over 100m it's not far fetched.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 3rd February 2021, 07:29 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Feb 3 2021, 07:07 PM) *
600k download and streaming sales for SYBT in the US. You can see how when I said their 'sales' are probably easily over 100m it's not far fetched.

Very happy to know their singles look much healthier compared to 1997. Fingers crossed I get more sales info for the singles at least.

I reckon if they did 900k in 1997 alone what are the chances they did say 300k in 1998 - is that realistic? SYBT could be nearer to 2m in the next couple of years.

Posted by: spiceboy 3rd February 2021, 08:34 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Feb 3 2021, 07:29 PM) *
Very happy to know their singles look much healthier compared to 1997. Fingers crossed I get more sales info for the singles at least.

I reckon if they did 900k in 1997 alone what are the chances they did say 300k in 1998 - is that realistic? SYBT could be nearer to 2m in the next couple of years.

I don’t see how they would have sold another 300k in 1998? Was it still charting? As we know once it fell of the charts sales didn’t continue like now.

Posted by: gabry 3rd February 2021, 08:39 PM

a question but how much has the single stop sold in the usa? I knew around 300k is it true?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 3rd February 2021, 08:40 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Feb 3 2021, 08:34 PM) *
I don’t see how they would have sold another 300k in 1998? Was it still charting? As we know once it fell of the charts sales didn’t continue like now.

Well regardless of the charts I just mean that it must have still been available in stores on a CD single. I remember still seeing all of the Spice Girls singles in HMV London up until 1999.

Posted by: spiceboy 3rd February 2021, 08:48 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Feb 3 2021, 08:40 PM) *
Well regardless of the charts I just mean that it must have still been available in stores on a CD single. I remember still seeing all of the Spice Girls singles in HMV London up until 1999.

They certainly were not available in MHV or Virgin Megastores Leeds for that long, they stocked them for their chart life and then they were no longer available. I used to go into those stores once a month with my dad (I remember him trying to talk me out of getting I want you back because he hated the song laugh.gif )

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 3rd February 2021, 08:50 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Feb 3 2021, 08:48 PM) *
They certainly were not available in MHV or Virgin Megastores Leeds for that long, they stocked them for their chart life and then they were no longer available. I used to go into those stores once a month with my dad (I remember him trying to talk me out of getting I want you back because he hated the song laugh.gif )

I guess it wasn’t the same everywhere I guess 😊

I think if the figure is 1.509 I’m hoping that if you included a few sales from 1998 at least then maybe 1.6m in total.

I just wish their label would update a few more of their certifications. We don’t even know their single sales in countries like Spain and Canada and places like Australia have not been updated for over 20 years.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 20th March 2021, 08:21 PM

Found a couple of chart positions in Croatia wub.gif

Stop #10*
Holler #1

*Stop had already been on the charts for 10 weeks so I can't find it's actual peak.
References/links on their Wiki pages. Sadly can't find anymore as there are only screenshots for those two releases.

Posted by: Mr.X 20th March 2021, 09:28 PM

Holler wub.gif

Thanks for sharing

Posted by: spiceboy 20th March 2021, 09:36 PM

Holler at #1 😍 That could be Stop’s peak!? Did songs climb up charts over there or peak in first week etc?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 20th March 2021, 10:16 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Mar 20 2021, 09:36 PM) *
Holler at #1 😍 That could be Stop’s peak!? Did songs climb up charts over there or peak in first week etc?

Annoyingly there's only a few screenshots for a few weeks of 1998 and 2000.

When Stop was at #10 it had already been in the charts for 10 weeks so it's likely it peaked higher. Wish we knew blink.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 27th March 2021, 01:14 PM

Was listening to Viva Forever after it poped up on my twitter feed this morning and thought I would give it a look online.

Found out these positions (some of which are not included in the main post here, so please could you update that?):

New Zealand: #1
Germany: #4 (week of 37 of 1998)
Holland: #7 (week 37 of 1998)
Ireland: #2
Italy: #2
Hungary: #2
Switzerland: #3
Iceland: #2
Ireland: #2
Sweden: #6
Austria: #4
Australia: #2
Denmark: #4
France: #18
Belgium: #9
Norway: #12


For Iceland:



It also topped the airplay charts in Germany and the UK, as well as the European Airplay charts for 4 weeks!

Viva Forever always wins!

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 27th March 2021, 01:24 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Mar 27 2021, 01:14 PM) *
Was listening to Viva Forever after it poped up on my twitter feed this morning and thought I would give it a look online.

Found out these positions (some of which are not included in the main post here, so please could you update that?):

New Zealand: #1
Germany: #4 (week of 37 of 1998)
Holland: #7 (week 37 of 1998)
Ireland: #2
Italy: #2
Hungary: #2
Switzerland: #3
Iceland: #2
Ireland: #2
Sweden: #6
Austria: #4
Australia: #2
Denmark: #4
France: #18
Belgium: #9
Norway: #12

For Iceland:


It also topped the airplay charts in Germany and the UK, as well as the European Airplay charts for 4 weeks!

Viva Forever always wins!

Hey, do you have any reference for the Denmark peak. I have it as #10 (trying to think where I saw it) as I added to my blog. You have it as #4 thanks

Posted by: Mr.X 27th March 2021, 02:02 PM

ah, apologies just noticed that I confused DE with DK dry.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 27th March 2021, 02:27 PM

Oh I see. No worries 😊

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 15th May 2021, 04:00 PM

According to the LM forum they group have got the most certifications for a girl group in Brazil.

I asked, but got no reply, to ask if Brazil update their certifications automatically like the BPI?

Posted by: spiceboy 16th May 2021, 08:44 AM

No idea here???

Posted by: gabry 16th May 2021, 04:40 PM

It would also be interesting to know the updates of the certifications in Australia, they have not been updated for 20 years!

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 16th May 2021, 04:57 PM

QUOTE(gabry @ May 16 2021, 05:40 PM) *
It would also be interesting to know the updates of the certifications in Australia, they have not been updated for 20 years!

Apart from the UK and a few updates of the odd single/album in another country here and there, most of their certifications haven't been updated since 1998/1999 Mel B.png

Posted by: gabry 16th May 2021, 06:48 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ May 16 2021, 05:57 PM) *
Apart from the UK and a few updates of the odd single/album in another country here and there, most of their certifications haven't been updated since 1998/1999 Mel B.png

Exactly! We hope for new updates🤞🤞

Posted by: Mr.X 19th May 2021, 11:03 PM

Do we know if these numbers are true? I cant find it anywhere....

Anyway, almost 1million sales in Brazil is very very good cheer.gif If this is true, they are only behind Little Mix

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 19th May 2021, 11:15 PM

Those LM sales are albums and singles (streams included)

The SG figure is album sales only.

Posted by: Mr.X 19th May 2021, 11:19 PM

Pretty great hey cheer.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 21st June 2021, 11:32 PM

Can we establish which is the correct amount of the 'Spice' album sales?

Wikipedia says 23million sleep.gif :

but Roughtrade is saying 30million ohmy.gif :

I even remember back in the Viva Forever! musical, that 28million was also banged about

And also this video where the host states that Spice has sold more than 31million copies worldwide. This was in 2016 (from 8mins12sec in):


Posted by: -Jay- 21st June 2021, 11:58 PM

I don’t think we’ll ever know the truth cry.gif so let’s go with the highest figure teresa.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 22nd June 2021, 12:02 AM

31 million it is then! kink.gif hic.gif friends.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 22nd June 2021, 12:08 AM

And what about Spiceworld?

Wiki says 14million:

This blog states 20million:

Recordstore states 17million:

It's that fan's 20million blog that we go with yes? tongue.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 22nd June 2021, 11:02 AM

Spice was definitely at 23m by 2000. Even with digital sales, cds and vinyls over the last 20 years it could potentially be 25m at least in terms of ‘sales’ with streaming units it could be nearer to 30m. But I’ll take the 31m

Spiceworld did 13-15m by 98/99. I would guess 17m seems like a fair total. I wish it had done 20m.

As Jay says, there’s so many sources and different articles all with different totals 🤪

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 28th July 2021, 01:25 PM

Stop peaked at #2 in Guatemala sometime in 1998. Someone's added it to their Stop Wikipedia page, which is a nice find cheer.gif

I wonder if it got to #1 there at all? biggrin.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 28th July 2021, 04:14 PM

This article in Music and Media states that during one particular week in August 1996 "Wannabe" was No.2 on the Oricon Singles Chart in Japan.

I always thought "Wannabe" was #1 in Japan on a chart, but officially the SG Oricon page says the position was No.50. Were there multiple charts, if so does anyone know the actual chart position?

Thank you.

Article is on page 7

Posted by: tommie 28th July 2021, 04:36 PM

There's a separate chart for "international acts" which is why so many acts can brag about being "big in Japan". I'm guessing that Wannabe reached either #1/#2 on that chart and #50 on the combined chart.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 28th July 2021, 04:48 PM

QUOTE(tommie @ Jul 28 2021, 05:36 PM) *
There's a separate chart for "international acts" which is why so many acts can brag about being "big in Japan". I'm guessing that Wannabe reached either #1/#2 on that chart and #50 on the combined chart.

I know the album was #1 on the International album chart.

I wasn't sure if there was a general Oricon singles chart and an international Oricon singles chart.

Thanks for the info smile.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 1st September 2021, 08:08 PM

Billboard says "Spice" has sold 31 million copies worldwide. I'll take that cheer.gif

Posted by: spiceboy 1st September 2021, 11:39 PM

But official charts company said 23 million today too lol!!!

Posted by: -Jay- 2nd September 2021, 12:40 AM

Spice 25 will sell 8 million copies, then it’ll be 31m for sure cheer.gif cheer.gif


Posted by: spiceboy 2nd September 2021, 07:28 AM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Sep 2 2021, 01:40 AM) *
Spice 25 will sell 8 million copies, then it’ll be 31m for sure cheer.gif cheer.gif


No it will be 39 million then and of course we will just say 40 million cheer.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 2nd September 2021, 07:58 AM

To be fair they’ve been throwing the 23m figure around since 2000. I’m sure the album had sold 22m by the end of the 90s. Maybe another 9m is a stretch but they’ve picked up casual cd sales, downloads, vinyls and streams

Posted by: Mr.X 2nd September 2021, 08:28 AM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Sep 2 2021, 08:58 AM) *
To be fair they’ve been throwing the 23m figure around since 2000. I’m sure the album had sold 22m by the end of the 90s. Maybe another 9m is a stretch but they’ve picked up casual cd sales, downloads, vinyls and streams

Yeah this is what I think too. The sales have been ticking, and perhaps they do include the very odd calculations from streams that the UK charts do (that a song's stream counts both towards an album and the single itself) so Wannabe is waaaaaaaay into that equasion lol

Posted by: Babyboy 23rd September 2021, 08:33 AM

I am updating the firt page with the complete charts runs, country by country. I posted Germany atm.

Posted by: Mr.X 23rd September 2021, 08:52 AM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Sep 23 2021, 09:33 AM) *
I am updating the firt page with the complete charts runs, country by country. I posted Germany atm.

cheer.gif thank you!!

Posted by: Mr.X 23rd September 2021, 08:53 AM

Also, the *new* figure of 100million record sales seems to be thrown around at the moment. Any indication, other than a couple of articles and Melanie C herself, that this is true??!?!

Surely 15million sales since 2019 is a bit steep?? Like, I will take it but come on... tongue.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd September 2021, 11:00 AM

The new figure as of 2021 is 90m which seems more realistic but seeing as every country counts streaming units in a different way the 100m figure could be streams included. We don’t know their streaming totals put together.

Posted by: gabry 23rd September 2021, 12:17 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Sep 23 2021, 08:33 AM) *
I am updating the firt page with the complete charts runs, country by country. I posted Germany atm.

thanks, finally with the chart-runs of the various countries it is much more useful and interesting wink.gif

Posted by: sammy01 23rd September 2021, 03:42 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Sep 23 2021, 09:53 AM) *
Also, the *new* figure of 100million record sales seems to be thrown around at the moment. Any indication, other than a couple of articles and Melanie C herself, that this is true??!?!

Surely 15million sales since 2019 is a bit steep?? Like, I will take it but come on... tongue.gif

I wouldn't be surprised if the 100m figure is one that Universal/the girls and their team have for upcoming press related stuff when Spice 25 and other things come out.

Posted by: Mr.X 24th September 2021, 01:08 AM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 23 2021, 04:42 PM) *
I wouldn't be surprised if the 100m figure is one that Universal/the girls and their team have for upcoming press related stuff when Spice 25 and other things come out.

Oh it totally is. The fact that it was on some press releases and Mel C also said it says they are very much going for that cheer.gif

Posted by: Babyboy 28th September 2021, 03:20 PM

So, the last update is about italian charts. Fimi archive is back online.
The singles started from 1997 and the album from 1995. In 2007 back then fimi published the physical singles chart now it's corrected with digital+physical or just digital, it's not clear.
So that's was I Want Candy and Carolyna disappeard and Headlines charted lower then the #2 position.

Posted by: spiceboy 15th November 2021, 10:30 AM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Sep 28 2021, 03:20 PM) *
So, the last update is about italian charts. Fimi archive is back online.
The singles started from 1997 and the album from 1995. In 2007 back then fimi published the physical singles chart now it's corrected with digital+physical or just digital, it's not clear.
So that's was I Want Candy and Carolyna disappeard and Headlines charted lower then the #2 position.

Can we not have the physical chart positions also?

Posted by: Babyboy 20th November 2021, 01:31 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Nov 15 2021, 11:30 AM) *
Can we not have the physical chart positions also?

Yep. I'll find the file.

Posted by: spiceboy 20th November 2021, 01:43 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Nov 20 2021, 01:31 PM) *
Yep. I'll find the file.


Posted by: Babyboy 22nd November 2021, 11:15 AM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Nov 20 2021, 02:43 PM) *

15/11/2007: 2-12-20-11-8-14-15-14-x

I Want Candy
12/04/2007 9-13-28-24-22-27-40-x

21/06/2007: 34-38-46-x
23/08/2007: 49-x

Posted by: Babyboy 22nd November 2021, 06:26 PM

Added Austria

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 22nd November 2021, 09:42 PM

Found some updates on SG album sales in New Zealand cheer.gif

Spice - 135,000 (9x Platinum)
Spiceworld - 90,000 (6x Platinum)

Spice reached 7x Plat in 1997 (105k) and Spiceworld was certified 3x Plat (45k) back in early 1999

Posted by: Mr.X 22nd November 2021, 10:35 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Nov 22 2021, 10:42 PM) *
Found some updates on SG album sales in New Zealand cheer.gif

Spice - 135,000 (9x Platinum)
Spiceworld - 90,000 (6x Platinum)

Spice reached 7x Plat in 1997 (105k) and Spiceworld was certified 3x Plat (45k) back in early 1999

Nice stats! They should totally tour there too in 2023 teresa.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 20th May 2022, 12:47 PM

some Spice Girls Greatest Hits runs, from

Australia ARIA Top50 Albums
1-3-7-12-19-18-19-28-39-46-OU-48 (2012)

Sweden Top60 Albums

New Zealand Top40 Albums

World Album Top40

Spain Albums Top100

Mexico Albums Top100

Gosh, some of these are CRIMINAL!!

Like, MEXICO HELLOOO!!!! Sweden, were you too drunk at the time???

Totally thought it would have done better in places like Sweden and New Zealand to be honest... Even Spain, where they hit a show around Christmas did NOTHING... In fact the album was out of the charts there by the time the tour hit Madrid... Sad times.

Posted by: Mr.X 20th May 2022, 01:00 PM

ALSO, someone please look over the Irish charts for the GH... I want to but it is 23 weeks out of like 13 years and the website isnt necessarily that easy to navigate LOL

I found this:

Greatest Hits
Irish Charts Top75 run:

2007: 9-10-15-24-31-29-33-32-47-59-OUT

And I know that it got back at least to Top10 during the 2019 tour, but for whatever reason I cant find the info.

There might have been some other peaks as well during 2012 (Olympics) and 2018 (5-piece photo, tour announcement) as well...

Posted by: schizo_spice 20th May 2022, 04:33 PM

I always feel for the Australian Spice fanbase, they've always been so supportive yet the girls have never once played there.

Posted by: Mr.X 20th May 2022, 04:35 PM

QUOTE(schizo_spice @ May 20 2022, 04:33 PM) *
I always feel for the Australian Spice fanbase, they've always been so supportive yet the girls have never once played there.

Incredibly, the girls only had the Greatest Hits hit #1 in Australia. From what I gather, none of the other albums nor singles did it? Or maybe Wannabe did??

I just cant find charts info for Australia or any of the other places for before 2007, sadly!!

Posted by: tommie 20th May 2022, 05:50 PM

I don't even own the greatest hits so I should get around to do that laugh.gif

Posted by: Irishmikee 20th May 2022, 10:40 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ May 20 2022, 02:00 PM) *
ALSO, someone please look over the Irish charts for the GH... I want to but it is 23 weeks out of like 13 years and the website isnt necessarily that easy to navigate LOL

I found this:

Greatest Hits
Irish Charts Top75 run:

2007: 9-10-15-24-31-29-33-32-47-59-OUT

And I know that it got back at least to Top10 during the 2019 tour, but for whatever reason I cant find the info.

There might have been some other peaks as well during 2012 (Olympics) and 2018 (5-piece photo, tour announcement) as well...

Peaked at number 3 during the 2019 tour.

Posted by: -Jay- 21st May 2022, 10:09 AM

I had completely forgotten that it reached a new peak of #3 in Ireland! ohmy.gif It only managed to return to the Top 20 in the UK.

I looked back on this thread & I have this chart run for it, up to the week it went to #3:

(15/11/2007) 9-10-15-24-31-29-33-32-47-59-out
(15/11/2018) 78-41-38-64-79-67-76-out
(17/05/2019) 79-24-3...

Posted by: Mr.X 21st May 2022, 11:36 AM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ May 21 2022, 10:09 AM) *
I had completely forgotten that it reached a new peak of #3 in Ireland! ohmy.gif It only managed to return to the Top 20 in the UK.

I looked back on this thread & I have this chart run for it, up to the week it went to #3:

(15/11/2007) 9-10-15-24-31-29-33-32-47-59-out
(15/11/2018) 78-41-38-64-79-67-76-out
(17/05/2019) 79-24-3...

OK great thank you!
So it seems like it went 9-10-15-24-31-29-33-32-47-59-OUT- (2018) 78-41-38-64-79-67-76-OUT- (2019) 79-24-3-44-66-72-OUT

Amazing that it got to such a high a new peak in 2019!

Posted by: sammy01 21st May 2022, 07:48 PM

I'm sure it must be multi plat in Ireland now.

Posted by: Mr.X 21st May 2022, 08:23 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ May 21 2022, 07:48 PM) *
I'm sure it must be multi plat in Ireland now.

I am sure some updates will be known as soon as they tour to specific countries teresa.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 29th June 2022, 01:44 PM

So this website, which is led and writen by pop-music fans and critics, has some Billboard runs of some Spice singles. Do we know if these are true? 11-11-11-37-65-58-61-79-87-95-99 11-6-4-2-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-3-5-6-10-13-20-25-28-31-38-45 32-27-19-18-20-19-20-18-19-19-24-33-28-25-37-43-51-57-65-79

Posted by: spiceboy 2nd July 2022, 05:20 PM

They are certainly their peak chart positions.

I have to say I love the reviews on that site very well written and great reflections of society etc at the time too.

Posted by: Mr.X 2nd July 2022, 06:02 PM

Coool could we add them to the original post?

And yeah I do like that site as well! I wish they would state their sources on the Billboard runs though

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 29th August 2022, 10:37 AM

A lot of Music Week issues have been added to a website with older issues of music magazines. I have been looking through a lot of issues from 1996-1998 and came across an article from Aug 1998.

'Stop' was released in the U.S. in June 1998 and by August had sold 400,000 copies. wub.gif

Finally a figure. I would love to know its total by the end of 1998 and its complete total now.

Other updates from August 1998

Viva Forever - 350,000 sales in Germany (Cert Gold for 250k that year)
One Hour of Girl Power - 800,000 sales in the UK

Posted by: -Jay- 30th August 2022, 01:54 AM

Impressive for Stop! I guess it was airplay that let it down?

Posted by: spiceboy 30th August 2022, 08:56 AM

It is amazing how sales in the USA have changed so much, the 90's sales were ridiculously low compared to the likes of the late 2000s early 2010s sales where Gaga and Rihanna were hitting 10 million sales for a single, yet I'd say Wannabe was just as big of a hit (and continues to be) as both of those yet it was a 1 million seller at the time (think it is over 3 million now).

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 30th August 2022, 09:21 AM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Aug 30 2022, 02:54 AM) *
Impressive for Stop! I guess it was airplay that let it down?

Yes me too. I think considering they didn’t get much radio support in 1998 400k in 2 months is great. I hope that with sales for the rest of 98, downloads and streams it would definitely be over 500k

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 30th August 2022, 09:22 AM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Aug 30 2022, 09:56 AM) *
It is amazing how sales in the USA have changed so much, the 90's sales were ridiculously low compared to the likes of the late 2000s early 2010s sales where Gaga and Rihanna were hitting 10 million sales for a single, yet I'd say Wannabe was just as big of a hit (and continues to be) as both of those yet it was a 1 million seller at the time (think it is over 3 million now).

I think the download/digital era would have been amazing for the group but I still think they shifted an incredible amount of copies between 97-99 (approx 17m including albums)

Posted by: Mr.X 15th September 2022, 04:19 PM

Melanie C's book: Wannabe has sold 15million copies

Posted by: spiceboy 18th September 2022, 10:25 PM

I've had a little play about with sales based on what Melanie has provided us with and certifications for the songs and singles (plus Jays excellent UK sales) and these are the sales I have come up with (based on some approximations obs all of these will have extra sales in countries where they didn't certify too be it a few hundred or a few thousands)

- Spice (19 million)
- Spiceworld (14 million)
- Forever (1.3 million)
- The Greatest Hits (1.5 million)

36 million albums

- Wannabe (15 million)
- Say you'll be there (3 million)
- 2 become 1 (2.4 million)
- Mama / Who do you think you are (1.6 million)
- Spice up your life (2.1 million)
- Too much (1.6 million)
- Stop (1.4 million)
- Viva forever (1.6 million)
- Goodbye (1.9 million)
- Holler / Let love lead the way (400,000)
- Headlines (100,000) - rounded up

31.1 million singles

That works out at 67 million records so lets round that up to 70 million. I think the 80-100 million they are claiming is a bit of a stretch.

Then again Virgin definitely claimed Spice had sold 23 million in the 90s and of course they have been claiming 31 million sales recently so who knows. I am sure Mel B and Geri both claimed 25 million sales in their first books (I want to say Mel B said 30 million in Brutally Honest but I could be making that up). Perhaps Melanie's 19 million is pure sales and the Virgin one includes shipments and then later on downloads / streaming?

Posted by: spiceboy 18th September 2022, 10:42 PM

Meanwhile Melanie C has stated in her book that she has (including collaborations) sold 23 million records as a solo artist... So I had a little investigate again bearing in mind in her book she shaved a million sales off Northern Star after Virgin claimed 3.5 million (and in Blood Brothers claimed 4 million)...

- Northern Star (2.5 million)
- Reason (500,000) - confirmed in her book
- Beautiful Intentions (600,000) - based on her saying it outsold Reason
- This Time to Melanie C (100,000) - based on 60,000 UK sales and 20,000 Swiss sales for TT then rounded up to account for other European sales, likely to be higher.

3.7 million albums

- When you're gone (1,020,000)
- Northern star (240,000)
- Never be the same again (1,150,000)
- I turn to you (870,000)

The above were based on Jays Uk sales thread and then certifications from other places. The ones below are based on UK sales and rounded up to nearest 10,000 assuming they have sold / streamed enough across the world to manage that.

- Going down (100,000)
- If that were me (60,000)
- Here it comes again (50,000)
- On the horizon (30,000)
- Melt / Yeh, yeh, yeh (10,000)
- Next best superstar (30,000)
- Better alone (10,000)
- First day of my life (500,000)
- I want candy (20,000)
- Carolyna (10,000)
- This time / Understand (10,000)
- Rock me (10,000)
- Think about it (10,000)
- Weak / Let there be love / The night (10,000)
- I don’t know how to love him (10,000)
- I know him so well (10,000)
- Loving you (70,000)
- Anymore (10,000)
- Numb / Room for love / Hold on / Room for love (10,000)
- High heels (10,000)
- Who I am (10,000)
- Blame (10,000)
- In and out of love / Fearless / Overload / Into you (10,000)

4.3 million singles

This gives her approximately 8 million records I really struggle to see where the other 15 million records were sold! I get that songs like FDOML and ITTY are probs a fair bit higher, also probably When you're gone. Plus she has sales from songs like The moment you believe which was a small hit in a few countries and of course some of her singles were small hits in Europe so lets say about 10 million records still about 13 million out!

Posted by: spiceboy 18th September 2022, 10:57 PM

Now having a little play with Geri's... again EMI claimed over 2 million of Schizo and 1.5 million of Scream but lets do it based on certs and Jay's wonderful Uk sales thread (can't remember if Geri said sales for her solo albums in her books?).

She claimed 12 million records on X Factor and this Heart Article says 15 million (while giving Look at me 1.5 million)

- Schizophonic (1.4 million)
- Scream (250,000)
- Passion (11,000)

1.7 million albums (rounded up)

- Look at me (400,000)
- Mi chico latino (400,000)
- Lift me up (400,000)
- Bag it up (300,000)
- Its raining men (1.7 million)
- Scream (100,000)
- Calling (100,000)
- Ride it (60,000)
- Desire (20,000)
- Angels (10,000)

3.5 million singles

Approx 5 million records. Again there is bound to be more sales these are the minimum sales but I struggle to see where the other 10 million records are?

Posted by: sammy01 19th September 2022, 06:44 AM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Sep 18 2022, 11:25 PM) *
I've had a little play about with sales based on what Melanie has provided us with and certifications for the songs and singles (plus Jays excellent UK sales) and these are the sales I have come up with (based on some approximations obs all of these will have extra sales in countries where they didn't certify too be it a few hundred or a few thousands)

- Spice (19 million)
- Spiceworld (14 million)
- Forever (1.3 million)
- The Greatest Hits (1.5 million)

36 million albums

- Wannabe (15 million)
- Say you'll be there (3 million)
- 2 become 1 (2.4 million)
- Mama / Who do you think you are (1.6 million)
- Spice up your life (2.1 million)
- Too much (1.6 million)
- Stop (1.4 million)
- Viva forever (1.6 million)
- Goodbye (1.9 million)
- Holler / Let love lead the way (400,000)
- Headlines (100,000) - rounded up

31.1 million singles

That works out at 67 million records so lets round that up to 70 million. I think the 80-100 million they are claiming is a bit of a stretch.

Then again Virgin definitely claimed Spice had sold 23 million in the 90s and of course they have been claiming 31 million sales recently so who knows. I am sure Mel B and Geri both claimed 25 million sales in their first books (I want to say Mel B said 30 million in Brutally Honest but I could be making that up). Perhaps Melanie's 19 million is pure sales and the Virgin one includes shipments and then later on downloads / streaming?

The GH is minimum 3.5m these days. I'm sure it was posted in here but now including streaming it was well over 700k in the US now (the figures leaked a while ago) plus the 600k sold to VS and it now 700k+ UK sales and you have well over 2m from just 2 countries.

Posted by: schizo_spice 19th September 2022, 07:37 AM

I was always fascinated at how much of those Victoria's Secret copies of the Greatest Hits actually sold at the time of release.

Posted by: spiceboy 19th September 2022, 09:04 AM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 19 2022, 07:44 AM) *
The GH is minimum 3.5m these days. I'm sure it was posted in here but now including streaming it was well over 700k in the US now (the figures leaked a while ago) plus the 600k sold to VS and it now 700k+ UK sales and you have well over 2m from just 2 countries.

Wasn’t the 700k including the Victoria’s Secret sales? Which is why it doesn’t have a cert in the US as they won’t have include those ones?

Posted by: Mr.X 19th September 2022, 09:22 AM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Sep 19 2022, 09:04 AM) *
Wasn’t the 700k including the Victoria’s Secret sales? Which is why it doesn’t have a cert in the US as they won’t have include those ones?

No, it was separate from the VS sales cheer.gif

Posted by: sammy01 19th September 2022, 09:23 AM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Sep 19 2022, 10:04 AM) *
Wasn’t the 700k including the Victoria’s Secret sales? Which is why it doesn’t have a cert in the US as they won’t have include those ones?

No. Its sales in the US will never include the VS sales as they sold them directly to VS and VS wasn't registered with Soundscan so the sales of which of those were sold over the counter were never registered. So the 700k+ doesn't include them.

They could have a US cert because the RIAA do certs off shipping not just sales so the label can report those shipped 600k sales and the 700k+ and it have a platinum cert but in the US you have to pay for a cert and the label obviously feel why bother.

Spice is well over 8m including streaming in the US now and still 7 times plat.

A heck of a lot of their singles are I would aasume heavily under certified in the US now too.

Posted by: sammy01 19th September 2022, 09:36 AM

Also Spiceboy your single sales are hugely under estimated, Holler has over 300k sales in the UK (plus the extra 12k for LLLTW streaming sales separate) so you are estimating about 80k sales for the rest of the world for it since 2000.

Goodbye I believe is over 950k in the UK and diamond iirc in Canada (1m copies it was huge there) which gives you 1.95m sales from 2 countries and that plat status in Canada is from the time of release not including its download and streaming sales since.

Since 2005 when downloads were pretty much included everywhere we have had 17 years of downloads and now streaming sales adding up. Depending on a countries rules it can make a huge difference, like the UK the GH will outsell NS in a few years the way it is going or Wannabe which early 2024 will be 4 times plat and have doubled its sales from the 90s.

Posted by: spiceboy 19th September 2022, 11:16 AM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 19 2022, 10:36 AM) *
Also Spiceboy your single sales are hugely under estimated, Holler has over 300k sales in the UK (plus the extra 12k for LLLTW streaming sales separate) so you are estimating about 80k sales for the rest of the world for it since 2000.

Goodbye I believe is over 950k in the UK and diamond iirc in Canada (1m copies it was huge there) which gives you 1.95m sales from 2 countries and that plat status in Canada is from the time of release not including its download and streaming sales since.

Since 2005 when downloads were pretty much included everywhere we have had 17 years of downloads and now streaming sales adding up. Depending on a countries rules it can make a huge difference, like the UK the GH will outsell NS in a few years the way it is going or Wannabe which early 2024 will be 4 times plat and have doubled its sales from the 90s.

I went based on certifications and UK sales only.

Holler only had 3 worldwide certifications silver for UK with 305k, Platinum in Australia for 70k and Gold in New Zealand for 5k.

Goodbye has a 2x platinum cert in Canada for 200k so far away from 1 million.

Obviously there are lots of hidden sales for the group and the girls solo efforts across the world that we simply do not know due to not being certified which will bump up sales too but by 30 million seems extreme.

Posted by: sammy01 19th September 2022, 11:59 AM

I'm absolutely sure Goodbye was Diamond in Canada it was number 1 forever and one of the biggest selling songs there ever.

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Sep 19 2022, 12:16 PM) *
I went based on certifications and UK sales only.

Holler only had 3 worldwide certifications silver for UK with 305k, Platinum in Australia for 70k and Gold in New Zealand for 5k.

Goodbye has a 2x platinum cert in Canada for 200k so far away from 1 million.

Obviously there are lots of hidden sales for the group and the girls solo efforts across the world that we simply do not know due to not being certified which will bump up sales too but by 30 million seems extreme.

You are also going on sales not shipments as well which is all a record label cares about as total sales. As has been said before too there was this thing called 'video club' or 'music club' back in the day where you signed up and got VHS or CDs cheaper directly from the record label but had to buy so many a month or get sent what they picked and charged for them. Artists sold millions through this and labels loved it too as they cut out the middle man of having say Asda taking a cut of the profits. Though the sales were never reported to the OCC or RIAA (US) as they were not sold through a distributor that tracked sales.

Then there were the countries that didn't have charts or tracked sales at all.

The label will ultimately know how many physicals they shipped out or sold directly in total, plus now tracking downloads and streaming sales. There will always be sales that fall through the net and aren't counted anywhere, which was a much vaster amount in the late 90s than today.

Posted by: spiceboy 19th September 2022, 12:20 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 19 2022, 01:05 PM) *
You are also going on sales not shipments as well which is all a record label cares about as total sales. As has been said before too there was this thing called 'video club' or 'music club' back in the day where you signed up and got VHS or CDs cheaper directly from the record label but had to buy so many a month or get sent what they picked and charged for them. Artists sold millions through this and labels loved it too as they cut out the middle man of having say Asda taking a cut of the profits. Though the sales were never reported to the OCC or RIAA (US) as they were not sold through a distributor that tracked sales.

Then there were the countries that didn't have charts or tracked sales at all.

The label will ultimately know how many physicals they shipped out or sold directly in total, plus now tracking downloads and streaming sales. There will always be sales that fall through the net and aren't counted anywhere, which was a much vaster amount in the late 90s than today.

So do we believe Melanie's claim she has sold 23 million solo records too then?

Posted by: Mr.X 19th September 2022, 12:54 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Sep 19 2022, 12:20 PM) *
So do we believe Melanie's claim she has sold 23 million solo records too then?

No, mainly because the stats don't match at all around her claims both on her solo sales and the group... She seems to have inflated her own and then downplayed the group's sales, sadly, apart from Wannabe...

I wouldnt really go with what they write in the books in terms of accuracy of sales, as they always deviate so much. Also we shouldn't really just count on certifications and shipments as we know well that their certifications are well behind of actual sales across the world (see USA).

One thing that Mel C stats in a her book is how the legacy of the group was not taken care of since their break in 2000, at all. It is very clear how if they did take care of their business back in the day, these things would be more clear... Sadly, they absolutely and resolutely did not do anything to preserve that legacy until recently, so there is about 20 years worth of loss information and accuracy...

Posted by: sammy01 19th September 2022, 01:03 PM

They or the label really should invest in updating their certs in countries like the US and Australia. It is silly to have a platinum selling GH in the US that isn't listed as so because someone doesn't want to pay for the cert.

Posted by: spiceboy 19th September 2022, 01:19 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 19 2022, 02:03 PM) *
They or the label really should invest in updating their certs in countries like the US and Australia. It is silly to have a platinum selling GH in the US that isn't listed as so because someone doesn't want to pay for the cert.

I find it weird that they haven't, especially since they are adamant that the group are now a heritage act and celebrate that... you think they would be keen to update certs etc.

Also Melanie actually downgraded Northern Stars sales which were announced as 3.5 million in the 00's

Posted by: sammy01 19th September 2022, 01:45 PM

Sadly it seems every decision that is made by the Spice Girls or from their team or label these days is based solely on money. They as a band never do anything now based on it being good for their status or for fans.

Posted by: spiceboy 19th September 2022, 02:36 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 19 2022, 02:45 PM) *
Sadly it seems every decision that is made by the Spice Girls or from their team or label these days is based solely on money. They as a band never do anything now based on it being good for their status or for fans.

Which is just stupid because the better the status of the band the more money they can make from it! Look at bands like Abba, Queen, The Beatles etc, they are constantly promoting the interests of the group in numerous ways and they give dividends back big time.

Posted by: sammy01 19th September 2022, 03:40 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Sep 19 2022, 03:36 PM) *
Which is just stupid because the better the status of the band the more money they can make from it! Look at bands like Abba, Queen, The Beatles etc, they are constantly promoting the interests of the group in numerous ways and they give dividends back big time.

There in lies the problem, I just don't think the Girls or the label see themselves in the league of those artists, which they absolutely should. They just see 'The Spice Girls' as something that can still make money.

Posted by: spiceboy 19th September 2022, 03:53 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 19 2022, 04:40 PM) *
There in lies the problem, I just don't think the Girls or the label see themselves in the league of those artists, which they absolutely should. They just see 'The Spice Girls' as something that can still make money.

I don't either tbh, mainly due to their lack of commitment to the band and the lack of output. However I do see them as a level just below and certainly above pretty much all of their contemporaries of the era.

Posted by: tommie 23rd September 2022, 10:26 AM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 19 2022, 01:03 PM) *
They or the label really should invest in updating their certs in countries like the US and Australia. It is silly to have a platinum selling GH in the US that isn't listed as so because someone doesn't want to pay for the cert.

I don't think the GH is eligible for Platinum in the US (yet) because 600k of those sales were to Victoria's Secret, so I'd imagine it might be at 700-800k SoundScan sales still. If they were going to bother with it, I imagine they might as well wait until it's properly Platinum (though SG haven't had anything certified since 1999 so I doubt they'd bother - Wannabe should be certified at least 3xPlatinum from downloads alone - streaming might put that number way way higher).

Posted by: sammy01 23rd September 2022, 10:41 AM

QUOTE(tommie @ Sep 23 2022, 11:26 AM) *
I don't think the GH is eligible for Platinum in the US (yet) because 600k of those sales were to Victoria's Secret, so I'd imagine it might be at 700-800k SoundScan sales still. If they were going to bother with it, I imagine they might as well wait until it's properly Platinum (though SG haven't had anything certified since 1999 so I doubt they'd bother - Wannabe should be certified at least 3xPlatinum from downloads alone - streaming might put that number way way higher).

Certs in the US are not done through soundscan, but through RIAA directly from labels so an album can be certified on shipments. Rihanna's Anti was platinum in the states before being releaded as Samsung purchased 1m copies of it digitally to give away upon release.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd September 2022, 11:31 AM

Wannabe has sold 3 million copies (2.91m) was the figure given in 2014 but including streams it will obviously be much higher.

As for the GH album the most recent update was Nov 2020 which had its total at around 800k excluding the VS 600k shipment.

Posted by: schizo_spice 23rd September 2022, 04:51 PM

I love how the Greatest Hits has continued to grow and thrive in the last 15 years.

Posted by: spiceboy 23rd September 2022, 05:03 PM

QUOTE(sammy01 @ Sep 23 2022, 11:41 AM) *
Certs in the US are not done through soundscan, but through RIAA directly from labels so an album can be certified on shipments. Rihanna's Anti was platinum in the states before being releaded as Samsung purchased 1m copies of it digitally to give away upon release.

Weird they didn’t get the gold certification for the Gh in 2007 if it automatically qualified for it!

Posted by: sammy01 23rd September 2022, 08:05 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Sep 23 2022, 06:03 PM) *
Weird they didn’t get the gold certification for the Gh in 2007 if it automatically qualified for it!

They don't automatically get them the label has to request the cert and show evidence of it and pay for it. Rihanna's label did of course because it looked good for the album. It of course would have looked good for the GH too but again it costs money so why bother.

Posted by: Rebel 27th September 2022, 01:51 PM

I guess this is the latest total sales from Universal?

After their iconic 1996 debut single “Wannabe” topped the charts in 37 countries, Spice Girls’ debut album Spice went on to sell more than 31 million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling album of all time by a female group. The girls have gone on to sell more than 90 million records around the globe, releasing three studio albums and 11 singles and winning a host of awards including a BRIT Award for Outstanding Contribution to British Music.

Posted by: spiceboy 27th September 2022, 08:43 PM

Interesting they are back at 90 million now rather then 100 million (albeit over 90 it says)

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 27th September 2022, 08:47 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Sep 27 2022, 09:43 PM) *
Interesting they are back at 90 million now rather then 100 million (albeit over 90 it says)

I just wish we'd get updates for singles and albums for places like the U.S., Australia and Germany

Posted by: colinn 30th September 2022, 11:59 AM

Does anyone have a list of the Spice25 WW Chart positions? There's a few listed here but not all. Did they go Top 10 anywhere than the UK?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 30th September 2022, 04:20 PM

View this post on Instagram

I put this together last year. Don’t know if it’s what you’re looking for but there are some cd and vinyl chart positions for some countries smile.gif

Posted by: colinn 30th September 2022, 08:35 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Sep 30 2022, 05:20 PM) *
View this post on Instagram

I put this together last year. Don’t know if it’s what you’re looking for but there are some cd and vinyl chart positions for some countries smile.gif

Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you.

Posted by: colinn 16th October 2022, 11:18 PM

I've been reading some old Billboard Magazines, some interesting worldwide facts here:

- Spice Girls sold more than 500,000 copies of "Spice" in Spain just five weeks over Christmas, according to Virgin España. It was their third biggest market behind the UK & US.
- Tied for highest ever debut at #11 (with Alanis Morissette 'Ironic')
- 'Wannabe' almost certified Gold (500,000) in 2 weeks
- The difference between the 'Unbreak My Heart' (No.1) and 'Wannabe' (No.2) was less than 1,500 chart points. "Wannabe" posted a 39% gain (an
increase of 35,000 units), which jumped the single to No. 1 on Hot 100 Singles Sales. It was the only song scanning more than 100,000 units (so was selling more than 'Unbreak My Heart' but did not have enough airplay points to go #1)
- 'Spice' had sold 3.5 million worldwide by January 1997
- 'Spice' debuted at #6 in the US with 82,000 sales
- At its second week at #1, "Wannabe" moved more than 180,000 units, making it the first single in 1997 to scan more than 150,000 units.
- 'Spice' had sold 7 million worldwide by March 1997
- Spice Girls were awarded the top new foreign act at Japan Gold Discs Ceremony in March 1997, with album sales totalling 718,432 and singles sales of 102,278.
- They were the first act to be simultaneously #1 in the UK & US singles charts since 1988
- Say You'll Be There sold 60,000 units in its first week on the Hot 100
- US Sales (December 1997) Wannabe: 1.8 million, Say You'll Be There: 873,000, 2 Become 1: 559,000
- Spiceworld sold 1.74 million in it's first 12 weeks vs Spice 1.46 million
- Too Much debuted at #32 with 30,000 units
- Spice World The Movie VHS sold just under 270,000 copies in its first week with the Emma tin making up 38.7% of sales, Melanie C at 20.3%, Geri at 17.3%, Victoria 12.2 & Mel B 11.5%
- They recorded the (scrapped) 'Boyfriend/Girlfriend' Blackstreet duet in Studio X in Seattle during a tour stop in Tacoma. So we now know a studio recording does exist!
- Goodbye had an original release date of November 17 and was marked as an EP

Posted by: Scary Spiceboy 17th October 2022, 10:31 AM

Fab info! Thanks for sharing Colinn.

Posted by: Mr.X 17th October 2022, 10:45 AM

QUOTE(colinn @ Oct 16 2022, 11:18 PM) *
I've been reading some old Billboard Magazines, some interesting worldwide facts here:

- Spice Girls sold more than 500,000 copies of "Spice" in Spain just five weeks over Christmas, according to Virgin España. It was their third biggest market behind the UK & US.
- Tied for highest ever debut at #11 (with Alanis Morissette 'Ironic')
- 'Wannabe' almost certified Gold (500,000) in 2 weeks
- The difference between the 'Unbreak My Heart' (No.1) and 'Wannabe' (No.2) was less than 1,500 chart points. "Wannabe" posted a 39% gain (an
increase of 35,000 units), which jumped the single to No. 1 on Hot 100 Singles Sales. It was the only song scanning more than 100,000 units (so was selling more than 'Unbreak My Heart' but did not have enough airplay points to go #1)
- 'Spice' had sold 3.5 million worldwide by January 1997
- 'Spice' debuted at #6 in the US with 82,000 sales
- At its second week at #1, "Wannabe" moved more than 180,000 units, making it the first single in 1997 to scan more than 150,000 units.
- 'Spice' had sold 7 million worldwide by March 1997
- Spice Girls were awarded the top new foreign act at Japan Gold Discs Ceremony in March 1997, with album sales totalling 718,432 and singles sales of 102,278.
- They were the first act to be simultaneously #1 in the UK & US singles charts since 1988
- Say You'll Be There sold 60,000 units in its first week on the Hot 100
- US Sales (December 1997) Wannabe: 1.8 million, Say You'll Be There: 873,000, 2 Become 1: 559,000
- Spiceworld sold 1.74 million in it's first 12 weeks vs Spice 1.46 million
- Too Much debuted at #32 with 30,000 units
- Spice World The Movie VHS sold just under 270,000 copies in its first week with the Emma tin making up 38.7% of sales, Melanie C at 20.3%, Geri at 17.3%, Victoria 12.2 & Mel B 11.5%
- They recorded the (scrapped) 'Boyfriend/Girlfriend' Blackstreet duet in Studio X in Seattle during a tour stop in Tacoma. So we now know a studio recording does exist!
- Goodbye had an original release date of November 17 and was marked as an EP

Interesting info, thank you!

Had Goodbye been an EP, I think it would have been more like a collection of live and studio tracks, right? Like they included We Are Family and Sisters as bsides for the single, so it would have made sense. Personally, I am glad they went in with a single for Christmas, which should have been followed by an album in 1999 teresa.gif

It is interesting too that Spiceworld the album had sold so well and faster than Spice originally. The fact they did slow down on promo after Simon had left did cost them a bit with that album. The singles from SW deserved better in the US, personally speaking!

Great that we have a confirmation of that song being recorded. I definitely want to hear it! I think it would have been an interesting move, to bridge the Spiceworld and the Forever eras and kept them out there as a recording group.

Emma always the top seller on individual releases wub.gif Similarly she was outselling the rest of the individual Spice25 covers last year pirate.gif

Posted by: -Jay- 17th October 2022, 02:20 PM

Lots of interesting facts there, thank you so much for sharing!

For some reason I wouldn't have guessed that Melanie C's VHS tin would be a better seller than Geri's. I wonder if that order is the same for the UK?

Remember when Melanie C had a storage unit that was essentially abandoned, and her stuff was going to be sold before she was notified and she intervened? I'm fairly sure she had a CD-R of Boyfriend/Girlfriend amongst her stuff. No doubt we'll never hear it dry.gif

Posted by: Rebel 17th October 2022, 03:30 PM

Interesting. Goodbye was released as an EP in Southeast Asia (they combined both CD track lists into one CD).

Posted by: Mr.X 17th October 2022, 03:33 PM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Oct 17 2022, 02:20 PM) *
Lots of interesting facts there, thank you so much for sharing!

For some reason I wouldn't have guessed that Melanie C's VHS tin would be a better seller than Geri's. I wonder if that order is the same for the UK?

Remember when Melanie C had a storage unit that was essentially abandoned, and her stuff was going to be sold before she was notified and she intervened? I'm fairly sure she had a CD-R of Boyfriend/Girlfriend amongst her stuff. No doubt we'll never hear it dry.gif

I remember this! It was the first confirmation that the group were somehow involved with that song. I know it is her private stuff but I do wish that tape had somehow fallen on a fan's lap teresa.gif

Posted by: colinn 17th October 2022, 07:45 PM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Oct 17 2022, 03:20 PM) *
Lots of interesting facts there, thank you so much for sharing!

For some reason I wouldn't have guessed that Melanie C's VHS tin would be a better seller than Geri's. I wonder if that order is the same for the UK?

This was the UK figures for the tins, apologies I should've made that clear!

There was also some great articles on why their radio support dropped significantly during the second era. It was mostly down to the industry feeling they were targeting pre-teens and the US Top 40 radio demographic at that time was for an older audience.

Billboard were also incredibly balanced and fair in their reporting of the girls, who we know were receiving massive backlash, even going as far to correct Entertainment Weekly who proclaimed that Spice World only sold "a less than sizzling 100,000 copies in its second week" Billboard were quite right to say this was far from mundane sales that was being claimed and actually a great achievement!

They also questioned why the girls didn't attend the 1998 American Music Awards as they had only been in the Los Angeles area a couple of days before. Accepting 3 awards in person would've fared far better and almost definitely increased album sales, potentially even a new peak.

And they're still making questionable decisions stunting their potential almost 25 years later tongue.gif

Posted by: -Jay- 17th October 2022, 09:39 PM

I wonder if they were already in Dublin on 26th Jan (which is when the AMAs took place), because on 27th January they were shooting the Stop music video! Not very good scheduling there.

I should have remembered that the US wouldn’t have had those VHS tins because they had totally different artwork for the movie! Interesting to know the split between them, though it doesn’t factor in the stand alone copy of the VHS or the group tin! thinking.gif

At the time of release I only got the Emma tin, so I contributed to hers being the most successful! And I remember that my cousins went for Melanie C’s.

I wonder if they would have anticipated Emma being the more popular seller and pressed more copies of her tin than say Mel B’s? sad.gif

Posted by: sammy01 18th October 2022, 05:47 PM

I remember reading an article where it mentioned the tins and that the Spice Girls (or management/distributors) insisted that retailers had to take even numbers of each tins. It was a stroke of genius as it meant retailers had to buy a lot of tins to match the demand of the Baby tin or be the retailer who sells out of the Baby tin straight away. It did lead to a lot of unsold Scray tins going cheap though.

Posted by: -Jay- 18th October 2022, 06:37 PM

From a business point of view that probably makes sense (as well as not cause any tensions with the girls themselves). I guess it would have been the same with the dolls too. Maybe Mel B's were the lowest selling of those too? cry.gif

Posted by: gabry 18th October 2022, 07:10 PM

Great news, thanks
it would be nice to know the weekly sales in the top 10 in America of singles, Wannabe then in the second week at number 1 in America sold 180,000 copies wow

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 13th November 2022, 01:37 PM

According to Billboard magazine, Spiceworld sold 15.4 million copies by 2009. So including trickle sales in the early 2010s, downloads, streaming units and vinyls, can we say that Spiceworld has sold 16m copies?

The original billboard article has been referenced on various music forums, but here is the list of albums and sales which was posted to an online fan page.

Posted by: Mr.X 13th November 2022, 01:59 PM

Thanks for the info Spice Girls Net, you the bestest!

So... if Spiceworld was at 15.4million by 2009, for sure we can say it is over 16million, perhaps even more now?... I think it was still in print as a CD for a while after that, no?...

Also, I think it is a shame that the official press release mentioned 14million when we know it was more... Some articles used to mention 17million, others around 20million...

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 13th November 2022, 04:37 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Nov 13 2022, 01:59 PM) *
Thanks for the info Spice Girls Net, you the bestest!

So... if Spiceworld was at 15.4million by 2009, for sure we can say it is over 16million, perhaps even more now?... I think it was still in print as a CD for a while after that, no?...

Also, I think it is a shame that the official press release mentioned 14million when we know it was more... Some articles used to mention 17million, others around 20million...

Yes I saw it the CD in HMV in the late 2000s/early 2010s.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 16th November 2022, 08:41 PM


#6 - Vinyl Albums Chart
#58 - Top 100 Albums Chart

#19 - Vinyl Albums Chart

Posted by: Babyboy 16th December 2022, 08:11 PM

I added irish charts except Northern album and Schizo. because the chart runs are not complete.

I past here:

10/06/1999: 26-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?
23/03/2000: 63-66-x

16/03/2000: 62-47-33-23-18-23-23-27-27-38-46-75-x
27/07/2000: 52-53-60-x
24/08/2000: 17-16-13-9-9-12-17-21-25-36-47-50-54-46-35-29-31-34-34-34-35-37-39-31-50-39-56-x
15/03/2001: 73-x

Posted by: Voodoo 19th December 2022, 08:24 PM

When You're Gone was certified Gold in Denmark last month.

Posted by: Babyboy 27th December 2022, 03:57 PM

Added Sweden and New Zealand.

Posted by: Babyboy 28th December 2022, 03:55 PM

Belgium Wallonia added

Posted by: Babyboy 2nd January 2023, 07:43 PM

Scottish albums chart added.

Posted by: Babyboy 6th January 2023, 02:29 PM

France added

Posted by: Babyboy 7th January 2023, 04:38 PM

Added Norway and Finland.

Posted by: Mr.X 8th January 2023, 01:24 AM

Thank you!!

Posted by: Babyboy 10th January 2023, 12:29 PM

USA added.

Posted by: Babyboy 10th January 2023, 12:30 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 8 2023, 02:24 AM) *
Thank you!!

It's a pleasure.

Posted by: Mr.X 10th January 2023, 03:05 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Jan 10 2023, 12:29 PM) *
USA added.

SUPER INTERESTING!! They were much bigger than I remembered actually. WILD that people would write them off just cos they didnt get to #1 with Spice Up Your Life when in fact so many acts fail to get to even Top20 with their music and are considered massive success!

Another thing to note, as I look through the stats, is that clearly made-up stat of 'Say You'll Be There and 2 Become 1 got to #1 in over 30 countries together' or something.... Like, WHERE? Which countries are you talking about? Cos the stats certainly don't seem to indicate that...

Say You'll Be There got to #1 in Finland and 2 Become 1 got to #1 in Ireland (and Spain according to Wikipedia) but do we know of any others at all?

Posted by: Babyboy 10th January 2023, 05:58 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 10 2023, 04:05 PM) *
SUPER INTERESTING!! They were much bigger than I remembered actually. WILD that people would write them off just cos they didnt get to #1 with Spice Up Your Life when in fact so many acts fail to get to even Top20 with their music and are considered massive success!

Another thing to note, as I look through the stats, is that clearly made-up stat of 'Say You'll Be There and 2 Become 1 got to #1 in over 30 countries together' or something.... Like, WHERE? Which countries are you talking about? Cos the stats certainly don't seem to indicate that...

Say You'll Be There got to #1 in Finland and 2 Become 1 got to #1 in Ireland (and Spain according to Wikipedia) but do we know of any others at all?

It's the same thing for Wannabe. I think Virgin counted probably also radio and TV charts. A lot of countries did not have an official sales chart.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 10th January 2023, 07:20 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jan 10 2023, 03:05 PM) *
SUPER INTERESTING!! They were much bigger than I remembered actually. WILD that people would write them off just cos they didnt get to #1 with Spice Up Your Life when in fact so many acts fail to get to even Top20 with their music and are considered massive success!

Another thing to note, as I look through the stats, is that clearly made-up stat of 'Say You'll Be There and 2 Become 1 got to #1 in over 30 countries together' or something.... Like, WHERE? Which countries are you talking about? Cos the stats certainly don't seem to indicate that...

Say You'll Be There got to #1 in Finland and 2 Become 1 got to #1 in Ireland (and Spain according to Wikipedia) but do we know of any others at all?

According to the official spice girls site circa 2007 plus other archive chart websites this is what I’ve found over the years

Say You’ll Be There - No.1 in the UK, Chile, Finland, Israel, Mexico, Philippines and Poland

2 Become 1 - No.1 in the UK, Brazil, Colombia, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Philippines, Poland and Spain

I’ve always wondered about the 53 countries combined for both singles unless that also means singles AND radio charts too?

I mean Wannabe was No.1 in 37 territories and A top 5/10 hit in over 50 countries

Posted by: Babyboy 10th January 2023, 09:01 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jan 10 2023, 08:20 PM) *
According to the official spice girls site circa 2007 plus other archive chart websites this is what I’ve found over the years

Say You’ll Be There - No.1 in the UK, Chile, Finland, Israel, Mexico, Philippines and Poland

2 Become 1 - No.1 in the UK, Brazil, Colombia, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Philippines, Poland and Spain

I’ve always wondered about the 53 countries combined for both singles unless that also means singles AND radio charts too?

I mean Wannabe was No.1 in 37 territories and A top 5/10 hit in over 50 countries

Most of the countries you listed above do not have singles charts....Mexico, Chile, etc. etc.
So Virgin made up the statistics.

Posted by: spiceboy 10th January 2023, 09:38 PM

What I find really interesting is how they debuted at #8 in the USA with Spiceworld despite Spice being a huge album. Obviously Spiceworld went on to be massive in its own right but was it common for such big acts to debut that low then climb in the album charts there?

Also really interesting to see how long their single stayed around the peak position areas for a few weeks too.

Posted by: Babyboy 10th January 2023, 09:51 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 10 2023, 10:38 PM) *
What I find really interesting is how they debuted at #8 in the USA with Spiceworld despite Spice being a huge album. Obviously Spiceworld went on to be massive in its own right but was it common for such big acts to debut that low then climb in the album charts there?

Also really interesting to see how long their single stayed around the peak position areas for a few weeks too.

Both album went out during 1997, nine months between them.
Spice probably was still charting well.

Posted by: Mr.X 10th January 2023, 10:33 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jan 10 2023, 09:38 PM) *
What I find really interesting is how they debuted at #8 in the USA with Spiceworld despite Spice being a huge album. Obviously Spiceworld went on to be massive in its own right but was it common for such big acts to debut that low then climb in the album charts there?

Also really interesting to see how long their single stayed around the peak position areas for a few weeks too.

Spiceworld being released merely 9months after Spice, with FOUR singles in between them, it was quite mad that it even went Top10 in the first place!! I think it was part of the whole saturation thing around that time....

It is a 4x Platinum selling album in the US, it's greatly successful! Plus all its singles went Top20, which is very rare! They had back to back Top20s, which is amazing!

Posted by: Rebel 15th January 2023, 12:57 AM

I remember it was actually referred as a disappointment since Spice was doing so well at the point. But Spice up your life was doing poorly on the radios (they were started to be snubbed because of over-saturation thing by then) since it debuted so low at 32 before climbing to top 20 solely on single sale. The album started doing better when they started to go to the US to promote it. I don’t know why they felt to release the album at the same time around the world since they could have added Mama or WDYTA as the final single for Spice and kept Spiceworld to be released around the movie was dropping in the US (late January 1998 I think?). I feel that was a mistake on them and the US Virgin team.

Posted by: Rebel 15th January 2023, 01:01 AM

And Spiceworld probably could have sold more (like maybe a million more) had they released Viva Forever as the final single like the rest of the world. But they didn’t. I think the US Virgin team f***ed their reputation up a lot in America. They could have been known as this incredible band with a classic like Viva Forever (that even the people who hate them have to admit that it’s an amazing song).

Posted by: Babyboy 17th March 2023, 09:12 PM

I added a few countries on the first page. Not fully completed.

Posted by: tommie 30th March 2023, 08:59 AM

Random, but (supposedly?) total sales for Spice and Spice World Finland are actually available here:

Spice: 76 375
Spice World: 92 178

Posted by: Yobnedor 30th March 2023, 09:45 AM

Spiceworld did better than Spice? Crikey!

Posted by: Mr.X 30th March 2023, 09:51 AM

QUOTE(Rebel @ Jan 15 2023, 01:01 AM) *
And Spiceworld probably could have sold more (like maybe a million more) had they released Viva Forever as the final single like the rest of the world. But they didn’t. I think the US Virgin team f***ed their reputation up a lot in America. They could have been known as this incredible band with a classic like Viva Forever (that even the people who hate them have to admit that it’s an amazing song).

I could understand the (wrong) decision to not release Who Do You Think You Are at least in the US in Summer 1997 as 2 Become 1 was still going strong in the charts/radios and they wanted to move on to Spice Up Your Life and Spiceworld before Christmas 1997 (to cash in on the Christmas market which was always a huge market for them back then).

But yeah I never understood why they didn't release Viva Forever in Summer 1998 during the tour there... made no sense to me...

And radios stopped supporting them after Simon was fired, it kind of happened everywhere, not just the US. Simon had a lot of deals with radios, press and promoters, which then sided with him when they fired him, and ultimately meant they had way less support and much more animosity towards then from those sectors.

Posted by: Voodoo 30th March 2023, 11:33 AM

QUOTE(Yobnedor @ Mar 30 2023, 12:45 PM) *
Spiceworld did better than Spice? Crikey!

Are there any more countries where Spiceworld did better than Spice?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 30th March 2023, 11:33 PM

Yes those sales have been on that website for many years. ‘Spiceworld’ did out peak the ‘Spice’ album in terms of chart positions. Sales wise the second album only sold more in Finland I believe.

Posted by: Babyboy 31st March 2023, 05:48 PM

Spice sold more.

Posted by: Voodoo 31st March 2023, 07:50 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Mar 31 2023, 08:48 PM) *
Spice sold more.

In Finland?

Posted by: Mr.X 31st March 2023, 09:06 PM

Found some new old chart positions for GH and Headlines and actually found surprising the chart run for Headlines in Italy, it did quite well actually... They should have toured there in 2007 for sure! Quite a few EU cities missed out on them. Places like Denmark, Norway and Netherlands, Finland, etc, were good touring places for them and I find it quite wild they didn't tour there in 2007/2008.


Australian charts: 1 - 3 - 7 - 12 - 19 - 18 - 19 - 28 - 39 - 46 - OUT


Spain: Week of 16th Nov #3 - 2 - 3 - 12 - 16 - OUT - 17 (week of Jan 6)

Italy (week 16th Nov #11 - 7 - 9 - 8 - 22 - 15 - 10 - 17 - 14 - 11 - 16 - 36 - 42 (week of Feb 8th 08)

Bulgaria week of 16th Nov #39

Canada week of Nov 25th #42

WORLD SINGLES CHARTS Week of December 8th #38


Spain week of 13th Nov 2022 #58

Posted by: Babyboy 31st March 2023, 09:46 PM

QUOTE(Voodoo @ Mar 31 2023, 08:50 PM) *
In Finland?

In general.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 1st April 2023, 11:06 AM

QUOTE(Voodoo @ Mar 31 2023, 08:50 PM) *
In Finland?

Yes in Finland

Spice #4 - 77,000
Spiceworld #1 - 93,000

As for general chart positions, here is a comparison where Spiceworld charted higher than Spice

Australia (Spice #3, Spiceworld #2)
Germany (Spice #6, Spiceworld #4)
Greece (Spice #3, Spiceworld #1)
Hungary (Spice #10, Spiceworld #5)
Japan (Spice #7, Spiceworld #6)
Malaysia (Spice #7, Spiceworld #1)
Switzerland (Spice #5, Spiceworld #2)

Posted by: Mr.X 1st April 2023, 12:38 PM

Ive also found some extra Spain charts, although some are not full charts runs as it seems quite hard to find a lot of the info unless the songs/albuns where at #1 or within the Top10 and some of their singles (in 1996-1997) were labelled as Maxi Singles and didnt chart in the main chart at all:


Spice - Full chart run below

Week of 9th November: #27 - 17 - 14 - 6 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 (week 24th February 1997) - 2 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 -
1 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 6 - 5 - 7 - 10 - 17 - 15 - 16 - 18 - 17 - 21 - 22 - 28 - 26 - 37 - 44

Spiceworld - Full chart run
Week of 9th Nov: #2 - 5 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 10 (1998) - 37 - 37 - 28 - 36 ohmy.gif

Forever - Full chart run
Week of 11th November: #26 - OUT

Greatest Hits - Full chart run
Week of 12th November: 23 - 23 - 60 - 83 - 95 - OUT

Their singles in Spain were classified as a maxi single, which means it wasnt classified as a normal single, so not in the Singles charts?? In the maxi singles charts, it got to:

Wannabe - not full chart run
Week of 15th September #14 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - N/A

Say You'll Be There - not full chart run

Week of 14th December #2 - 2 - N/A - 15

2 Become 1 - not full chart
Week of 15th March #2 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 6 - N/A

Spice Up Your Life - full chart run unknown
Week of 18th Oct #1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 5 - 5 - 8 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 2 - x

Too Much (in the main single chart, full chart run not known)
Week of 24th December #9

Goodbye (in the main single chart! Full chart run)
Week of 24th December: #9 - 8 - x

Holler/Let Love Lead The Way (Maxi single charts, full chart run)
Week of 29th Oct: #5 - 7 - 9 - 13 - x

Headlines (Friendship Never Ends) (Main singles charts, full chart run)
Week of 27th December: #3 - 2 - 3 - 12 - 16 - OUT

A couple of things:

It seems like Spice Up Your Life was a big hit in Spain, whereas Spiceworld the album, which was launched in Spain, wasn't... Specially after Spice had sold over 1million in Spain alone, thats f***ing mad!

Their singles charted much later in Spain than elsewhere... why were they released later? And no charting for singles in 1998 at all after Spice Up Your Life left the charts in January?

I don't know, but it is a very random chart history there lol

MaxiSingles Charts:

Posted by: spiceboy 4th April 2023, 01:23 PM

Interesting stats, thanks for this Mr X.

I am a little confused as to why all the previous data was taken down?

Posted by: spiceboy 4th April 2023, 01:33 PM

I find it quite strange Think about it did not appear anywhere on the Scottish charts after This Time's singles did decently there with her achieving 3 top 40s. Most of her singles at that point, and after were performing better on the Scottish charts.

Posted by: Mr.X 4th April 2023, 02:18 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Apr 4 2023, 01:23 PM) *
Interesting stats, thanks for this Mr X.

I am a little confused as to why all the previous data was taken down?

what data are you talking about? blink.gif

I do think the Spanish charts thing is quite wild. I know that Spanish radio/TV has strong imposed national-music quotas, which means that only a few international acts actually have major success in the country (this isn't a bad thing tbh, I wish more countries would do that... certainly here in Portugal is bad how little local music actually plays on the radio for instance...). Maybe this affected how much stations played them?

The later success for Wannabe and Say You'll Be There certainly seems to hint at the fact that maybe they were released later when the Spanish industry caught wind that Spice Girls were a phenomenon and not just a one-hit wonder, so they started playing them?

It does seem odd how the Spice album sold over 1million but the singles barely touched the charts (even if Wannabe was #1 for weeks, Say You'll Be There was only on the charts for a couple of weeks!) and then Spiceworld sold a FIFTH of Spice, whereas Spice Up Your Life went to #1 but no other singles from the era actually did anything in the country!)... Maybe the record company was surprised with Spice success and didn't know how to tackle it?...

Posted by: Mr.X 4th April 2023, 02:18 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Apr 4 2023, 01:33 PM) *
I find it quite strange Think about it did not appear anywhere on the Scottish charts after This Time's singles did decently there with her achieving 3 top 40s. Most of her singles at that point, and after were performing better on the Scottish charts.

Maybe cos the Scots probably have taste and saw that Think About It is trash? teresa.gif tongue.gif

Posted by: Mr.X 4th April 2023, 02:20 PM

BY THE WAY @Babyboy I have updated the SPAIN charts post to say which ones are not fully available and those that are x

Posted by: spiceboy 4th April 2023, 04:54 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Apr 4 2023, 03:18 PM) *
Maybe cos the Scots probably have taste and saw that Think About It is trash? teresa.gif tongue.gif

But yet they got I want candy to #9? Don’t talk about things you don’t understand X! pirate.gif cool.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Voodoo 4th April 2023, 04:58 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Apr 4 2023, 04:33 PM) *
I find it quite strange Think about it did not appear anywhere on the Scottish charts after This Time's singles did decently there with her achieving 3 top 40s. Most of her singles at that point, and after were performing better on the Scottish charts.

As far as I recall, the This Time singles were available to buy in the high-street shops, whereas The Sea ones were online exclusive. Maybe this fact played a part.

What do you think, Jay?

Posted by: spiceboy 4th April 2023, 06:12 PM

QUOTE(Voodoo @ Apr 4 2023, 05:58 PM) *
As far as I recall, the This Time singles were available to buy in the high-street shops, whereas The Sea ones were online exclusive. Maybe this fact played a part.

What do you think, Jay?

Ah possibly!

Posted by: -Jay- 4th April 2023, 08:36 PM

Perhaps so! Or the orange one didn't buy enough copies... tut tut, what a bad fan x

Posted by: spiceboy 4th April 2023, 08:39 PM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Apr 4 2023, 09:36 PM) *
Perhaps so! Or the orange one didn't buy enough copies... tut tut, what a bad fan x


Posted by: Mr.X 4th April 2023, 11:14 PM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Apr 4 2023, 08:36 PM) *
Perhaps so! Or the orange one didn't buy enough copies... tut tut, what a bad fan x

savage teresa.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 7th July 2023, 08:40 PM

Big U.S. sales update for 5 of the SG singles cheer.gif

Wannabe - 6,800,000
Say You’ll Be There - 1,722,000
Spice Up Your Life - 1,400,000
2 Become 1 - 1,136,000
Stop - 910,000
Too Much - 828,000
Who Do You Think You Are - 222,000 (not released as a single)

Also shared on my reel

View this post on Instagram

Posted by: colinn 7th July 2023, 08:59 PM

Thanks so much for sharing, incredible to finally have a US sales update. Who's the source?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 7th July 2023, 09:03 PM

QUOTE(colinn @ Jul 7 2023, 09:59 PM) *
Thanks so much for sharing, incredible to finally have a US sales update. Who's the source?

You’re welcome

A generous fan who has a contact with access to the Nielsen SoundScan which tracks sales.

Posted by: sammy01 7th July 2023, 09:08 PM

Thanks for sharing. Did they give the other singles sales too? Like Goodbye and Headlines.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 7th July 2023, 09:11 PM

I’m still waiting for Too Much and Goodbye. If they both get updated with Headlines I will post another reel

Posted by: -Jay- 7th July 2023, 09:25 PM

Thank you! wub.gif and this includes streaming or is it just pure?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 7th July 2023, 09:31 PM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Jul 7 2023, 10:25 PM) *
Thank you! wub.gif and this includes streaming or is it just pure?

Physical sales, downloads and streaming units.

I’m not sure how much ‘Wannabe’ does per month or year but it won’t be long until it goes 7x platinum in the USA

Posted by: -Jay- 7th July 2023, 09:40 PM


Let's hope the label applies for updated certifications someday!

I'm curious about how much the non-US release singles (Mama, Who Do You Think You Are, Viva Forever, Let Love Lead the Way) might have done there. I wonder if any of the first 3 listed have managed to exceed Holler, even though that was a US single? thinking.gif

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 7th July 2023, 09:45 PM

I always wonder why they didn’t release Viva Forever maybe in the Aug/Sept of 1998 while they were on the U.S. tour

Posted by: Mr.X 7th July 2023, 10:37 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jul 7 2023, 10:45 PM) *
I always wonder why they didn’t release Viva Forever maybe in the Aug/Sept of 1998 while they were on the U.S. tour

Think Stop was still 'the single' at that time. They really should have just released it though, for sure but maybe it would have added to the saturation they were already suffering from by then?

And also, they had Goodbye right at the end of the year so maybe releasing 3 ballads in the space of a year would have been a bit much for such a slow moving chart back then? teresa.gif

Posted by: colinn 8th July 2023, 06:45 AM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jul 7 2023, 10:45 PM) *
I always wonder why they didn’t release Viva Forever maybe in the Aug/Sept of 1998 while they were on the U.S. tour

Billboard wrote an article that Virgin had sent Viva Forever to US radio but it didn't gain much traction as they were deemed a 'tween' act (and proved true by the audiences on tour being largely made up of them)

Posted by: gabry 8th July 2023, 02:26 PM

Thank you 💥🥰

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 8th July 2023, 04:23 PM

Too Much - 828,000 total U.S sales including streams

Posted by: gabry 8th July 2023, 04:36 PM

[quote name='Spice Girls Net' date='Jul 8 2023, 04:23 PM' post='7384537']
Too Much - 828,000 total U.S sales including streams
Great, thanks for sharing this information 💥🙏

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 8th July 2023, 05:14 PM

If I get anymore I will share 😊

Posted by: spiceboy 8th July 2023, 05:16 PM

Would love for all their official releases to be over 1 million! I mean Headlines is NEVER going to do it, but the other releases should all be close enough.

Posted by: -Jay- 8th July 2023, 05:38 PM

Thank you! wub.gif

I guess Too Much sold more CDs/cassettes than Stop? But Stop’s gone ahead thanks to downloads and streaming!

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 9th July 2023, 12:57 PM

Yes I thought seeing as ‘Too Much’ came out a few weeks after the movie in the U.S. and was a top 10 I was hoping for closer to 1 million. Similar to the UK, ‘Stop’ has done well in the digital and streaming era.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 10th July 2023, 05:23 PM

'Who Do You Think You Are' - 222,000 SPS in the United States.

Not released as a single so it's a good amount. I'm interested to see what the total for 'Viva Forever' will be if we get it and also 'Goodbye'.

Posted by: gabry 10th July 2023, 06:08 PM

wow amazing, great sales for a non-single,curious to know goodbye

Posted by: -Jay- 10th July 2023, 06:32 PM

I’ve only just noticed how Spice Up Your Life is quite a bit higher than 2 Become 1, even though 2B1 was the bigger hit in the 90s. Although maybe that was a case of better Airplay going in 2 Become 1’s favour?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 10th July 2023, 07:13 PM

I suppose songs like SUYL and Stop have fared better in the streaming era.

2B1 sold 700k by the end of 1997, I wonder how much it’s sold from the 1.1M without streams

Posted by: sammy01 10th July 2023, 07:21 PM

The Olympics no doubt helped SUYL and put it as the Spice Girls 2nd most known song for most after that.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 10th July 2023, 07:24 PM

I wonder if SUYL will overtake SYBT in the U.S. there’s roughly a 300k difference

Posted by: Mr.X 10th July 2023, 10:43 PM

So curious about Goodbye and Holler cheer.gif

Posted by: Voodoo 11th July 2023, 09:00 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jul 8 2023, 12:03 AM) *
You’re welcome

A generous fan who has a contact with access to the Nielsen SoundScan which tracks sales.

Is there any chance he could provide sales info of some of the solo singles, such as I Turn to You and Never Be the Same Again?

Posted by: -Jay- 11th July 2023, 11:55 PM

That would be very interesting to know!

Probably pushing it but does your source have access to album sales too? thinking.gif

Posted by: sammy01 12th July 2023, 04:04 PM

Spice girls album sales in the US would be much more interesting than the 5 copies they sold solo wise in the states.

Posted by: StephenN18 14th July 2023, 05:22 PM

Viva Forever Sales Plus Streaming (SPS): 128,000

Posted by: -Jay- 15th July 2023, 01:01 AM

Pretty decent considering it wasn't a single there! Deserves way more of course. Thank you for sharing!

Posted by: sammy01 16th July 2023, 08:18 PM

I wish the US did automatic cert updates. Seeing how out of date their certs are is painful.

Spice will eventually go diamond as will Wannabe and it is just ridiculous if they don't get certs for that.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 23rd July 2023, 04:59 PM

U.S. sales for Holler - SPS (86,000)

Posted by: spiceboy 23rd July 2023, 06:40 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jul 23 2023, 05:59 PM) *
U.S. sales for Holler - SPS (86,000)

Ouch that is very low!

Posted by: StephenN18 23rd July 2023, 07:12 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jul 23 2023, 07:40 PM) *
Ouch that is very low!

Not really, it didn't chart in the US, so it's sales are good. Remember Viva Forever is on 128,000 so 86,000 for Holler is good.

Posted by: sammy01 23rd July 2023, 07:15 PM

Yeah pleasently surprised Holler is that high tbh.

Posted by: -Jay- 23rd July 2023, 08:13 PM

I wasn't sure what to expect for Holler but I'm okay with those sales! Remembering that it only reached the Bubbling Under chart thanks to airplay, and wasn't actually released commercially there to get any pure sales in 2000.

Thanks for sharing btw SpiceGirlsNet wub.gif

Posted by: spiceboy 24th July 2023, 12:42 AM

QUOTE(StephenN18 @ Jul 23 2023, 08:12 PM) *
Not really, it didn't chart in the US, so it's sales are good. Remember Viva Forever is on 128,000 so 86,000 for Holler is good.

Viva forever wasn't even released as a single out there and yet it outsold Holler an actual lead single release... blink.gif

Posted by: -Jay- 24th July 2023, 09:13 AM

That makes sense too though. The sales of Viva Forever and Holler are made up of downloads and streaming which occurred way after 1998 and 2000. Spiceworld did extremely well in the US & Viva Forever has better playlisting on streaming platforms than Holler, so as we can see from the revealed total sales, Viva Forever has ended up doing better. The fact that Holler was marketed as a single in the US almost feels like a moot point, because it wasn’t given the opportunity to sell pure copies in 2000, its airplay exposure was limited, so it wasn’t like it made such an impression that years after the fact it should be getting better downloads and streams in the US than Viva Forever.

Posted by: sammy01 24th July 2023, 10:27 AM

As Jay said those totals are purely from downloads and streams which didn't come into play till long after they had disbanded. So those sales are basically on what gets pushed and is more remembered in the digital age and I think we can all agree Holler is basically a forgotten single compared to Viva Forever especially when it comes to the girls and their social media.

Posted by: spiceboy 24th July 2023, 10:33 AM

That’s fair I didn’t realise it was streams and downloads only I thought this included a physical realise from 2000 too. I wonder why they didn’t release a physical? No wonder it bombed at #107!

Posted by: tommie 24th July 2023, 11:04 AM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jul 24 2023, 10:33 AM) *
That’s fair I didn’t realise it was streams and downloads only I thought this included a physical realise from 2000 too. I wonder why they didn’t release a physical? No wonder it bombed at #107!

Because the physical market in the US was essentially dying at that point, so it likely wouldn't have made much of a difference.

Posted by: spiceboy 24th July 2023, 01:46 PM

I guess the girls never really had a chance with Forever in the US then. They were not very well played on US radio were they? Their main bulk of chart positions came from their physicals didn't they?

Lack of airplay for Holler combined with zero group promotion over there for the album... They might as well have not even bothered.

Posted by: -Jay- 24th July 2023, 02:51 PM

By the way #107 isn’t really its chart position! It peaked at #12 in the Bubbling Under chart and technically speaking that doesn’t equate to being #112 overall.

Posted by: spiceboy 24th July 2023, 05:35 PM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Jul 24 2023, 03:51 PM) *
By the way #107 isn’t really its chart position! It peaked at #12 in the Bubbling Under chart and technically speaking that doesn’t equate to being #112 overall.

Oh I thought it peaked at #7 in the bubbling under chart? The David Sinclair book said it as #107 (or #112 whichever it was) so I've always just assumed bubbling under meant not charted on top 100 so in a chart position below that.

Posted by: -Jay- 24th July 2023, 09:41 PM

The reported #107 position (but really #7 on Bubbling) was indeed said back then, but it seems like it was misinformation and it was really #12? thinking.gif At least it says #12 on Wikipedia.

Bubbling Under is 25 songs that haven't charted in the Hot 100 yet, but it's not a 101-125 extension of the Billboard Hot 100, because in theory there'd be songs that had already charted in the Billboard Hot 100 but had dropped out, that would be doing better than some or all of those 25 uncharted songs. That's my understanding of it anyway.

Posted by: Babyboy 24th July 2023, 10:05 PM

It's #112. I have the run somewhere. I'll find It.

Posted by: -Jay- 24th July 2023, 10:10 PM

QUOTE(Babyboy @ Jul 24 2023, 11:05 PM) *
It's #112. I have the run somewhere. I'll find It.

But not really #112, for the reason explained above kink.gif #12 in the Billboard Bubbling Under chart ≠ #112.

Posted by: tommie 25th July 2023, 04:00 AM

QUOTE(-Jay- @ Jul 24 2023, 09:41 PM) *
Bubbling Under is 25 songs that haven't charted in the Hot 100 yet, but it's not a 101-125 extension of the Billboard Hot 100, because in theory there'd be songs that had already charted in the Billboard Hot 100 but had dropped out, that would be doing better than some or all of those 25 uncharted songs. That's my understanding of it anyway.

Yeah, pretty much. Bubbling Under are essentially songs that have yet to make an impact on the Hot 100, but are close to doing so. Like you said, technically there'd be songs above them that had already charted on the Hot 100, so they wouldn't qualify for the Bubbling Under chart.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 26th July 2023, 07:58 AM

Goodbye U.S. total - 683,000

Posted by: Voodoo 26th July 2023, 09:17 AM

QUOTE(StephenN18 @ Jul 23 2023, 10:12 PM) *
Not really, it didn't chart in the US, so it's sales are good. Remember Viva Forever is on 128,000 so 86,000 for Holler is good.

Viva Forever wasn't promoted in the USA, whereas Holler was. sleep.gif

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jul 24 2023, 01:33 PM) *
I wonder why they didn’t release a physical? No wonder it bombed at #107!

At the time, singles could reach #1 on Billboard Hot 100 based on radio airplay alone.

Posted by: Mr.X 26th July 2023, 10:32 AM

So stupid to not release Holler as a physical CD, when their main bulk of sales/performance in the USA came from physical sales back then...

But really the main culprit is them (aka Mel C at the time) not caring to promote the record at all. I know it was a hard time for some of them, but damn... what a squandered opportunity.

Posted by: Voodoo 26th July 2023, 10:47 AM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jul 26 2023, 01:32 PM) *
So stupid to not release Holler as a physical CD, when their main bulk of sales/performance in the USA came from physical sales back then...

It wouldn't have made much of a difference anyway. It's not like Forever was a big physical seller.

Posted by: StephenN18 26th July 2023, 05:55 PM

QUOTE(Voodoo @ Jul 26 2023, 10:17 AM) *
Viva Forever wasn't promoted in the USA, whereas Holler was. sleep.gif

Did they perform Holler on any American show? I'm sure they performed on the MTV Europe Awards but didn't think they ever went to America as a four piece to promote Holler/Forever. It's not the most memorable Spice song so makes sense why it sold less than 100k.

Posted by: Mr.X 26th July 2023, 06:20 PM

QUOTE(StephenN18 @ Jul 26 2023, 06:55 PM) *
Did they perform Holler on any American show? I'm sure they performed on the MTV Europe Awards but didn't think they ever went to America as a four piece to promote Holler/Forever. It's not the most memorable Spice song so makes sense why it sold less than 100k.


They only did ONE WEEK of promo, ahead of the release of the album in the UK, 1 performance in Germany Top of the Pops and then the European Music Awards. Only Victoria and Emma went to USA to promote the record with a couple of TV interviews and an appereance at the VH1 Awards.

That was it.

Posted by: spiceboy 26th July 2023, 06:35 PM

QUOTE(Spice Girls Net @ Jul 26 2023, 08:58 AM) *
Goodbye U.S. total - 683,000

Has this song been certified gold in the USA?

I was kind of hoping it would be closer to 1 million over there.

Posted by: colinn 26th July 2023, 06:51 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jul 26 2023, 07:20 PM) *

They only did ONE WEEK of promo, ahead of the release of the album in the UK, 1 performance in Germany Top of the Pops and then the European Music Awards. Only Victoria and Emma went to USA to promote the record with a couple of TV interviews and an appereance at the VH1 Awards.

That was it.

It was even less than that. From July to November they did around 15 bits of promotion as a four piece. Truly shocking. It just shows they were calling the shots and not manufactured puppets because what record label/management would allow that to happen?

Posted by: spiceboy 26th July 2023, 06:51 PM

So the girls single sales are about 14 million in the USA. We also know that they sold at least 12 million albums there too

So total stands at 26 million records in the USA minimum so far. I would love to know their updated album sales, I wonder why the record company doesn't apply for the new certs?

Posted by: StephenN18 26th July 2023, 07:22 PM

Pretty sure the last update for the Greatest Hits album in the US was just over 1 million sales and that doesn't include the 600k sales from Victoria's Secret. So their album sales could be close to 14 million now.

Posted by: StephenN18 26th July 2023, 07:23 PM

QUOTE(Mr.X @ Jul 26 2023, 07:20 PM) *

They only did ONE WEEK of promo, ahead of the release of the album in the UK, 1 performance in Germany Top of the Pops and then the European Music Awards. Only Victoria and Emma went to USA to promote the record with a couple of TV interviews and an appereance at the VH1 Awards.

That was it.

Oh dear, didn't realise it was that bad!

Posted by: spiceboy 26th July 2023, 07:47 PM

QUOTE(StephenN18 @ Jul 26 2023, 08:22 PM) *
Pretty sure the last update for the Greatest Hits album in the US was just over 1 million sales and that doesn't include the 600k sales from Victoria's Secret. So their album sales could be close to 14 million now.

That is amazing if so, not sure how though when it had 1 week on the US chart at #93 and then has never been seen on there again since? There are #1 albums from that same year like Britney's Blackout which have only just sold 1 million over there, and that certainly enjoyed more recognition over there than the GH.

I didn't include the 600k Victoria Secret sales tbf if you include them that would push their album sales towards 13 million.

Posted by: StephenN18 26th July 2023, 07:56 PM

Pretty sure the same user who has been posting the US sales for the singles on another forum posted the sales last year for the Greatest Hits. A large chunk of the sales are from streaming, as yeah it only entered low on the album chart. I was surprised too at how high it was.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 26th July 2023, 07:58 PM

Last update we got

Spice - 8 million
Spiceworld - 4.3 million
Forever - 233,000
Greatest Hits - 1.4 million (800k) the remaining 600k is the VS shipment

Posted by: StephenN18 26th July 2023, 08:03 PM

US (Albums w/TEA w/SEA) - 12/11/2020 :

- Spice = 7,998,797 (7,493,124 physical)

- Spice World = 4,332,166 (4,186,046 physical)

- Forever = 233'104 (214,696 physical)

- Greatest Hits = 791',344 (148,109 physical)

Greatest Hits doesn't include Victoria's Secret Sales so would be at 1.4 million up to 2020.

Posted by: tommie 26th July 2023, 08:13 PM

QUOTE(spiceboy @ Jul 26 2023, 07:47 PM) *
That is amazing if so, not sure how though when it had 1 week on the US chart at #93 and then has never been seen on there again since? There are #1 albums from that same year like Britney's Blackout which have only just sold 1 million over there, and that certainly enjoyed more recognition over there than the GH.

I think its down to the streams Wannabe has amassed. Their calculation of streaming seems a bit different from the UK, so it's not like they'd have sold physical/downloads of the GH...

Posted by: sammy01 26th July 2023, 08:25 PM

Yep US album sales have a formula that basically includes everything down to even individual track downloads. So Wannabe will help the GH much more over in the US than the UK where they are much more tight on these things and even Wannabe's streams are downweighted.

The GH could easily be over 2m in the US now given how much streaming has grown in the 3 years since the last update.

Posted by: StephenN18 30th July 2023, 04:49 PM

Headlines - 41,000 sales in the US

Posted by: -Jay- 30th July 2023, 06:23 PM

Thank you! What a smash kink.gif

So in summary...

6,800,000 - Wannabe
1,722,000 - Say You'll Be There
1,400,000 - Spice Up Your Life
1,136,000 - 2 Become 1
910,000 - Stop
828,000 - Too Much
683,000 - Goodbye
222,000 - Who Do You Think You Are
128,000 - Viva Forever
86,000 - Holler
41,000 - Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)

The non-Wannabe songs listed above have barely outsold Wannabe combined cry.gif (they add up to 7,156,000).

It's interesting to see which singles have sold more in the US than UK, and which have sold less. Less in the US: 2 Become 1, Goodbye, Holler, Headlines and of course WDYTYA and Viva Forever.

Posted by: spiceboy 30th July 2023, 07:10 PM

Just short of 14 million singles over there then and 14 million albums so about 28 million records, not bad really.

Posted by: sammy01 30th July 2023, 09:58 PM

What about poor Mama?

Posted by: colinn 6th August 2023, 08:01 PM

I always wonder why they didn't tack on 'Mama' to the US single of 'Say You'll Be There' as it dropped on the same week as US Mother's Day.

Posted by: spiceboy 7th August 2023, 10:59 AM

QUOTE(colinn @ Aug 6 2023, 09:01 PM) *
I always wonder why they didn't tack on 'Mama' to the US single of 'Say You'll Be There' as it dropped on the same week as US Mother's Day.

I don't think double a-sides were a thing in the USA.

Posted by: Mr.X 7th August 2023, 01:40 PM

Frankly, the US market was already labelling them as a 'kids act' so releasing Mama would have been even worse for that at the time.

What they should have done was release Who Do you Think You Are as well, for sure!!

Posted by: StephenN18 7th August 2023, 06:17 PM

US sales

Let Love Lead The Way: 13,000

Tell Me Why: 11,000

Voodoo: 10,000

Posted by: sammy01 7th August 2023, 08:19 PM

Interesting, wonder what some of their popular album tracks like Love Thing, Move Over and NGUOTGT have sold in the US if Voodoo and Tell me why have done 10k.

Posted by: Babyboy 16th August 2023, 10:09 AM

Added a few countries!

Posted by: Babyboy 7th December 2023, 10:24 AM

I am doing a restyling. All the charts are coming soon.

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 2nd January 2024, 06:28 PM

I have a sales update for the studio albums in the U.S.

Spice - 8,422,176 cheer.gif
Spiceworld - 4,432,721
Forever - 245,880

Sales breakdown

7,461,690 - physicals
56,387 - downloads
904,099 - streaming units
Total - 8,422,176 SPS (7,518,077 pure sales)

4,170,432 - physicals
35,547 - downloads
226,742 - streaming units
Total - 4,432,721 SPS (4,205,979 pure sales)

212,193 - physicals
6,194 - downloads
27,493 - streaming units
Total - 245,880 SPS (218,387 pure sales)

Posted by: spiceboy 2nd January 2024, 07:25 PM

I think it’s pretty impressive that streaming has increased Spice’s sales in the USA by nearly a million copies. You can start to believe the 30million worldwide sales they were claiming!

Posted by: sammy01 2nd January 2024, 07:31 PM

Thanks for the update. They would be mad not to at least update Spice cert in the US when it hits 10m copies as that is Diamond and a huge thing in the US. Especially if the Documentary and possible tour makes it happen sooner than expected.

Do we have a GH update too?

Posted by: Spice Girls Net 2nd January 2024, 07:38 PM

Nothing on the GH yet

Posted by: spiceboy 2nd January 2024, 07:42 PM

How many years streaming is that 900k? If streaming continues at that rate we should be able to work out when it will pass 10 million and go Diamond, not that I expect the label to do anything, they never do afterall.

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