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BuzzJack Music Forum _ RuPaul's Drag Race _ RPDR | US | Season 16 | Episode 12

Posted by: Calum 23rd March 2024, 01:25 PM

The drama is inevitable in the workroom after Q was denied!!!1! another win last week, and it's a bathroom challenge for the remaining queens this week ~

Posted by: DanielSwift 23rd March 2024, 02:30 PM

Poor Dawn did not stand a chance in that lip sync LMAOOOOO

Posted by: J00prstar 23rd March 2024, 05:44 PM

The fact that mother toilet and drag kings both came up in this ep is unintentionally hilarious given recent fandom moves

Posted by: Liаm 23rd March 2024, 11:44 PM

Q is so rotted, there is something so gross to me to vilify a black queen over something the judges decided just because you are that delulu that you really thought the most stiff, cold and calculated standup routine deserved a win. I’d have had Plane or Nymphia win before her if it wasn’t Sapphira. She has a lot to say for probably the most favoured queen of the season who arguably should have gone week 4 when she was by far the worst in the girl groups and was horrific in the lipsync….

I find it so funny Morphine could have won that lipsync even giving 10% but she went all out and wanted the elf twink GONE laugh.gif

Posted by: 152chris 24th March 2024, 12:18 AM

nymphia has kinda been robbed 2 weeks in a row now sad.gif she’s rly no longer the front runner we thought she would be.
i would have loved to have seen morphine vs Q to that song 🥲

Posted by: Liаm 24th March 2024, 10:23 AM

Robbed of bottom 2 laugh.gif I thought it should have been her and Dawn and she still would have handily beat Dawn in the lipsync. But honestly should have had Q’s goth design win, and the talent show top (I had her and Mhi’ya and Mhi’ya would have won that lipsync) so she should be on 3 wins and a top by now, but I would also have her bottom 2 for Snatch Game and this. 3 wins 2 bottoms is kind of a c**t track record though

I also currently have Sapphira at 5 wins and Q went at girl groups laugh.gif

Posted by: DanielSwift 24th March 2024, 12:42 PM

QUOTE(152chris @ Mar 24 2024, 12:18 AM) *
nymphia has kinda been robbed 2 weeks in a row now sad.gif she’s rly no longer the front runner we thought she would be.
i would have loved to have seen morphine vs Q to that song 🥲

Nymphia definitely was NOT robbed in this challenge. Plane and Sapphira were the only standouts, and both of them deserved their wins.

Posted by: 152chris 24th March 2024, 01:19 PM

haha ooops. maybe it was the wine but i thought nymphia was the funniest 🥲
storyline wise i think the producers rly needed dawn & nymphia to win this week and to shock elim Q against morphine. now there’s truly nobody standing up to sapphira (plane is doing well but she won’t win)

Posted by: Calum 24th March 2024, 02:24 PM

Poor Dawn sad.gif she was just kinda sailing along though without ever doing AMAZINGLY well so I don't think she was ever in contention for the win/top 4 really.

Q is just totally unbearable at this point. I get what the judges were saying about Morphine not exactly having a POV in the challenge, but Q didn't really either? I feel like in every challenge of this nature it's always just been about how loud she can shout to try and be the best among the group, as opposed to actually showing any real talent. Plane and Sapphira did so effortlessly in the challenge. Praying Q ends up eliminated next week but have a feeling Morphine's time is almost up.

Posted by: Envoirment 28th May 2024, 09:11 PM

Plane and Sapphira winning was right. They were the only 2 that actually worked together properly. Even though I kinda wish Q was in the bottom 2, she at least tried and was partially successful compared to Morphine & Dawn.

Morphine ate Dawn. As soon as I heard the song I already knew Dawn was gone. laugh.gif Surprised Dawn made it as far as she did though as whilst she had good moments, she never had a real standout moment. She'll likely grow a bunch outside the competition and do really well on an All Stars/Vs the world season in a few year.

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