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BuzzJack Music Forum _ Indie, Rock and Alternative _ Unknown Pleasures 21 - RESULTS!

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 08:08 PM

Hello and welcome to the results of the 21st Unknown Pleasures, to take place over the next two hours or so.

30 songs, 26 votes.

01 - Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
02 - Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
03 - The Acid 'Basic Instinct'
04 - Living Hour 'Seagull'
05 - Lafawndah 'Tan'
06 - Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
07 - Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
08 - We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
09 - Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
10 - Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
11 - Platium 'LMHY'
12 - Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
13 - Liss 'Try'
14 - Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
15 - Litany 'Work This Out'
16 - Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
17 - Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
18 - Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
19 - EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
20 - Tinush 'Epiphany'
21 - Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
22 - Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
23 - Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
24 - Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
25 - Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
26 - Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
27 - Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn'
28 - Childcare 'Omega Grey'
29 - Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
30 - Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 08:10 PM

woop woop!!

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 08:11 PM

Very interested in tracking where a couple of songs have ended up. Also feels like many songs could win so that will be exciting.

Posted by: princess_lotti 7th March 2016, 08:17 PM

ooh yay!

Posted by: harryflynn0908 7th March 2016, 08:17 PM

Hype I hope I do kinda well

Posted by: FrankLuck 7th March 2016, 08:18 PM

Hope I won't be dead last

Posted by: chart wizard 7th March 2016, 08:19 PM

Awaiting the Unicorn landslide *_*

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 08:20 PM

Vote 1/26 - RabbitFurCoat - EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)

20 - Psychemagik
15 - Marcin Ziolko
12 - Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones
10 - The Acid
08 - Shy Kids
07 - Orenda Fink
06 - Lafawndah
05 - Jessy Lanza
04 - Mao Ra Run
03 - Louis the Child
02 - Luna Aura
01 - Childcare

01 - 20 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
02 - 15 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
03 - 12 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
04 - 08 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
05 - 07 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
06 - 06 Lafawndah 'Tan'
07 - 05 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
08 - 04 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
09 - 03 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
10 - 02 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
11 - 01 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
12 - 00 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
13 - 00 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
14 - 00 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
15 - 00 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
16 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
17 - 00 Liss 'Try'
18 - 00 Living Hour 'Seagull'
19 - 00 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
20 - 00 Platium 'LMHY'
21 - 00 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
22 - 00 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
23 - 00 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
24 - 00 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
25 - 00 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn'
26 - 00 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
27 - -10 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
28 - -20 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)
29 - -20 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
30 - -20 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)

So, kicking off with my votes. A clear best three at the top, 3 excellent songs at the top and solid throughout my votes. Liss and We Are Temporary not far off too. Mikey, Noahspike, Pavel and Ethan all failed to vote for one reason of another so their songs start at the bottom, with The Acid already halving their lost points.

Next set of votes will be the sender of the song which offended these ears most (and many others by the looks of it!)

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 08:22 PM

BTW I have no idea what has won. The total column in my spreadsheet is handily just off the edge of everything else so will be a surprise to me at the end too.

Posted by: harryflynn0908 7th March 2016, 08:23 PM

Great 20 pointer biggrin.gif

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 08:24 PM

Wouldn't have called you for Embrz RFC ohmy.gif Great entry from you there, it's just not the sort of music I associate you with.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 08:27 PM

Vote 2/26 - FrankLuck - Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn'

20 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
15 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
12 Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
10 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
08 Platium 'LMHY'
07 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
06 Litany 'Work This Out'
05 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
04 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
02 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
01 Sara Hartman 'Monster Lead Me Home'

01 - 03 - 32 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
02 - 01 - 20 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
03 - 02 - 15 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
04 - 26 - 15 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
05 - 09 - 11 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
06 - 04 - 10 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
07 - 05 - 07 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
08 - 11 - 07 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
09 - 20 - 07 Platium 'LMHY'
10 - 06 - 06 Lafawndah 'Tan'
11 - 10 - 06 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
12 - 07 - 05 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
13 - 19 - 05 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
14 - 08 - 04 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
15 - 22 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
16 - 23 - 01 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
17 - 12 - 00 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
18 - 13 - 00 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
19 - 14 - 00 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
20 - 15 - 00 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
21 - 16 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
22 - 17 - 00 Liss 'Try'
23 - 18 - 00 Living Hour 'Seagull'
24 - 21 - 00 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
25 - 24 - 00 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
26 - 25 - 00 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
27 - 29 - -08 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
28 - 27 - -10 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
29 - 28 - -14 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)
30 - 30 - -20 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)

Hannah & Ross race into an early lead with a second top 3 score. 6 songs up to double figures.

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 08:29 PM

I was getting convinced that Unicorn was Leww, somewhat surprised it's FrankLuck. Well done Frank, you got the talked-about song of the round no matter how it does.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 08:30 PM

Ok received a further set of votes before I'd posted the first one so will accept them

Posted by: harryflynn0908 7th March 2016, 08:30 PM

Childcare should have 8 not 7 biggrin.gif

Not a lot there I like but not bad biggrin.gif

Posted by: FrankLuck 7th March 2016, 08:32 PM

Now, the uncensored version:


Yeah, 'Unicorn' is mine cheer.gif
And I don't regret sending it at all, because:
1) it's awesome
2) it's my most hyped entry ever (for all the wrong reasons, but I'll take it)
(ok, I regret a tiny bit that I sent it here instead of bjsc, it could have offended a bit more people there tongue.gif )

So, let's see the Unicorn-less votes:

20 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
15 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
12 Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
10 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
08 Platium 'LMHY'
07 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
06 Litany 'Work This Out'
05 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
04 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
02 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
01 Sara Hartman 'Monster Lead Me Home'

Good luck Everyone and then his dick fell off!!

Posted by: chart wizard 7th March 2016, 08:34 PM

Well, that was something of a brave entry Frank kink.gif But it had me in stitches when I first heard it, so thank you for bringing that into my life laugh.gif

Loved All You Leave Behind & Home wub.gif

Posted by: B-rye 7th March 2016, 08:35 PM

Pavelllll stop getting deductions with great songs ffs. Mikey and Noah deductions as well :'( (was it one of them who voted just now? EDIT: I see from the next post it was Ethan, ah well)

I for one really liked 'Unicorn'. At least it stood out, a quality very lacking in this lot of songs. Yess Frank.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 08:35 PM

Vote 3/27 - Dandy* - Lafawndah 'Tan'

20 - Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
15 - Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
12 - Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
10 - Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
08 - Platium 'LMHY'
07 - Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
06 - Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
05 - Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
04 - Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
03 - Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
02 - The Acid 'Basic Instinct'
01 - We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'

01 - 01 - 32 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
02 - 02 - 20 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
03 - 18 - 20 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
04 - 03 - 18 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
05 - 07 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
06 - 04 - 16 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
07 - 09 - 15 Platium 'LMHY'
08 - 20 - 12 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
09 - 05 - 11 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
10 - 13 - 11 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
11 - 06 - 10 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
12 - 12 - 10 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
13 - 08 - 07 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
14 - 27 - 07 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
15 - 17 - 07 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
16 - 10 - 06 Lafawndah 'Tan' - (sent by dandy*)
17 - 12 - 06 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
18 - 14 - 04 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
19 - 25 - 04 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
20 - 15 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
21 - 16 - 01 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
22 - 19 - 00 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
23 - 21 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
24 - 22 - 00 Liss 'Try'
25 - 23 - 00 Living Hour 'Seagull'
26 - 24 - 00 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
27 - 26 - 00 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
28 - 30 - 00 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
29 - 28 - -08 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 29 - -14 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 08:36 PM

UNICORN IS BEAUTIFUL. It reminds me of DallasK's earlier work.

Posted by: FrankLuck 7th March 2016, 08:39 PM

Thanks for all the love & hate Guys, it means a lot!
Bré, I thought the 2nd awful entry must be Unicorn, now I'm really interested which is the one you hated that much ohmy.gif

Posted by: B-rye 7th March 2016, 08:41 PM

QUOTE(FrankLuck @ Mar 7 2016, 08:39 PM) *
Bré, I thought the 2nd awful entry must be Unicorn, now I'm really interested which is the one you hated that much ohmy.gif

Not at all, the one I hated was 'Cool For Chaos' (soz to whoever sent that), horrific vocals from start to finish, especially the screams. I see that's a slightly more unpopular opinion so far laugh.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 08:49 PM

Vote 4/27 - Titty - Liss 'Try'

20 Psychemagik : Valley Of Paradise
15 Jessy Lanza : It Means I Love You
12 Sebastien Schuller : Black Light
10 Lafawndah : Tan
08 Mao Ra Run : Ready
07 Living Hour : Seagull
06 Georgia : Nothing Solutions
05 Tinush : Epiphany
04 Moth Equals : Cordiform
03 Nostalghia : Cool For Chaos
02 EMBRZ : Home
01 Litany : Work This Out

01 - 02 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
02 - 01 - 32 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
03 - 12 - 25 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
04 - 03 - 20 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
05 - 08 - 18 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
06 - 04 - 18 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
07 - 05 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
08 - 16 - 16 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
09 - 07 - 16 Platium 'LMHY'
10 - 19 - 16 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'

11 - 06 - 16 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
12 - 10 - 14 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
13 - 09 - 13 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
14 - 18 - 12 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
15 - 14 - 11 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
16 - 11 - 10 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
17 - 13 - 08 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
18 - 15 - 07 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
19 - 25 - 07 Living Hour 'Seagull'
20 - 17 - 06 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'

21 - 28 - 05 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
22 - 20 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
23 - 22 - 02 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
24 - 21 - 01 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
25 - 23 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
26 - 24 - 00 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
27 - 26 - 00 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
28 - 27 - 00 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
29 - 29 - -08 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -13 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Psychemagik get a second 20 to go back into the lead, Jessy Lanza is into the top 3. Just four songs now yet to receive a point.

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 08:49 PM


Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 08:56 PM

Vote 5/27 - Qween - Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'

20 - Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
15 - Liss 'Try'
12 - EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
10 - Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
08 - Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
07 - Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
06 - Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
05 - Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
04 - Tinush 'Epiphany'
03 - Litany 'Work This Out'
02 - Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
01 - Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'

01 - 02 - 42 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
02 - 01 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
03 - 03 - 32 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
04 - 20 - 26 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
05 - 10 - 21 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
06 - 04 - 20 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
07 - 12 - 20 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
08 - 05 - 18 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
09 - 06 - 18 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
10 - 07 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'

11 - 08 - 16 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
12 - 09 - 16 Platium 'LMHY'
13 - 11 - 16 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
14 - 26 - 15 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
15 - 23 - 14 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
16 - 14 - 14 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
17 - 13 - 13 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
18 - 15 - 11 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
19 - 16 - 11 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
20 - 24 - 09 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'

21 - 21 - 09 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
22 - 17 - 08 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
23 - 18 - 07 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
24 - 19 - 07 Living Hour 'Seagull'
25 - 22 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
26 - 25 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
27 - 27 - 00 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
28 - 28 - 00 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
29 - 29 - -08 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -10 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Posted by: harryflynn0908 7th March 2016, 08:58 PM

Not bad winner so far biggrin.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:04 PM

Vote 6/27 - Oliver - We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'


01 - 01 - 48 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
02 - 02 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
03 - 16 - 34 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
04 - 03 - 33 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
05 - 09 - 28 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
06 - 04 - 26 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
07 - 21 - 24 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
08 - 08 - 23 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
09 - 12 - 23 Platium 'LMHY'
10 - 05 - 21 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'

11 - 06 - 20 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
12 - 07 - 20 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
13 - 10 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
14 - 11 - 16 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
15 - 17 - 16 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
16 - 13 - 16 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
17 - 14 - 15 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
18 - 18 - 15 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
19 - 15 - 14 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
20 - 28 - 12 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)

21 - 20 - 11 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
22 - 19 - 11 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
23 - 22 - 08 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
24 - 27 - 08 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
25 - 23 - 07 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
26 - 24 - 07 Living Hour 'Seagull'
27 - 25 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
28 - 26 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
29 - 29 - -08 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -10 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 09:05 PM

i would've thought louis the child would've got more from oliver considering i THINK i remember him considering that song for bjsc???

Posted by: Oliver 7th March 2016, 09:08 PM

QUOTE(♦ ketalina ♦ @ Mar 7 2016, 09:05 PM) *
i would've thought louis the child would've got more from oliver considering i THINK i remember him considering that song for bjsc???

Nope, definitely not me! laugh.gif

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 09:11 PM

OH no i think i know who it was now

yeah it might still be them who sent it LOL

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:12 PM

Vote 7/27 - Ketalina - Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'

20 - Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn'
15 - Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
12 - We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
10 - Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
08 - Tinush 'Epiphany'
07 - The Acid 'Basic Instinct'
06 - Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
05 - Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
04 - Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
03 - Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
02 - Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
01 - Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)

01 - 01 - 48 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
02 - 02 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
03 - 04 - 39 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
04 - 06 - 36 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
05 - 03 - 34 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
06 - 05 - 32 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
07 - 20 - 32 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
08 - 07 - 32 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
09 - 08 - 28 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
10 - 16 - 28 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)

11 - 11 - 23 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
12 - 09 - 23 Platium 'LMHY'
13 - 25 - 22 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
14 - 12 - 22 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
15 - 10 - 21 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
16 - 15 - 17 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
17 - 13 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
18 - 14 - 16 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
19 - 17 - 15 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
20 - 18 - 15 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)

21 - 19 - 14 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
22 - 21 - 11 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
23 - 22 - 11 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
24 - 23 - 08 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
25 - 24 - 08 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
26 - 26 - 07 Living Hour 'Seagull'
27 - 27 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
28 - 28 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
29 - 29 - -01 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -10 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

No points to either of the top 2 sees the gap close. Unicorn follows up its first points with 20 more to climb to 7th.

Posted by: FrankLuck 7th March 2016, 09:12 PM

QUOTE(Oliver @ Mar 7 2016, 10:08 PM) *
Nope, definitely not me! laugh.gif

Yay at us finally swapping high points again! dance.gif

OMG a 20, my job is done laugh.gif

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 09:15 PM

Oh so I wasn't too far off then. It SEEMED like Leww's sort of song.

Hoping that scoreboard can be shook up a bit soon.

Posted by: harryflynn0908 7th March 2016, 09:17 PM

I didnt even think Lew had sent that ohmy.gif Well done on sending a great song biggrin.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:18 PM

Vote 8/27 - jsg2013 - Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)

20 Tinush 'Epiphany'
15 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
12 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
10 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
08 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
07 Platium 'LMHY'
06 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
05 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
04 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)'
03 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
02 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
01 Living Hour 'Seagull'

01 - 08 - 52 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
02 - 01 - 51 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
03 - 03 - 51 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
04 - 06 - 47 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
05 - 05 - 42 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
06 - 02 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
07 - 04 - 36 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
08 - 11 - 33 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
09 - 07 - 32 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
10 - 12 - 30 Platium 'LMHY'

11 - 10 - 30 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
12 - 09 - 28 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
13 - 13 - 22 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
14 - 14 - 22 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
15 - 15 - 21 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
16 - 21 - 18 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
17 - 16 - 17 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
18 - 17 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
19 - 18 - 16 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
20 - 22 - 16 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'

21 - 19 - 15 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
22 - 20 - 15 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
23 - 25 - 14 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
24 - 23 - 11 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
25 - 24 - 08 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
26 - 26 - 08 Living Hour 'Seagull'
27 - 27 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
28 - 28 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
29 - 29 - -01 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -10 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

A new leader as Tinush climbs to the top with consecutive big scores. 5 points separate the top 4 now. Platium and Chelsea Effect climb back into the top 10.

Posted by: harryflynn0908 7th March 2016, 09:22 PM

James ohmy.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:23 PM

Vote 9/27 - Cody Slayberry - Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'

+20: Tai & Le Shuuk - "Unicorn"
+15: Louis the Child f/K. Flay - "Can't Escape"
+12: Liss - "Try"
+10: Mao RA Run + RVRS - "Ready"
+08: Georgia - "Nothing Solutions"
+07: Marcin Ziółko - "Conscious Game"
+06: Blue King Brown - "All Nations"
+05: Sara Hartman - "Monster Leave Me Home"
+04: Nostalghia - "Cool For Chaos"
+03: Richard Caddock - "Alive To Explore"
+02: Chelsea Effect - "Good Enough"
+01: The Acid - "Basic Instinct"

01 - 04 - 54 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
02 - 05 - 52 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
03 - 09 - 52 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
04 - 01 - 52 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
05 - 02 - 51 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
06 - 03 - 51 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
07 - 06 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
08 - 12 - 36 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
09 - 07 - 36 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
10 - 08 - 35 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)

11 - 17 - 32 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
12 - 10 - 30 Platium 'LMHY'
13 - 11 - 30 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
14 - 13 - 28 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
15 - 21 - 27 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
16 - 14 - 26 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
17 - 20 - 21 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
18 - 15 - 21 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
19 - 16 - 18 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
20 - 18 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'

21 - 23 - 17 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
22 - 19 - 16 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
23 - 22 - 15 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
24 - 24 - 11 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
25 - 25 - 08 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
26 - 26 - 08 Living Hour 'Seagull'
27 - 27 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
28 - 28 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
29 - 29 - 00 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -10 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Another 20 for Unicorn sees it climb into the top 3, much to everyone's shock. Marcin leads for the first time but the top 6 are only separated by 3 points. The Acid have regained all of their lost points, Jimi Charles Moody still yet to receive a point.

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 09:24 PM


You didn't even list what song I sent lol

EDIT: Thanks biggrin.gif

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 09:24 PM

this closeness omg

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:28 PM

Vote 10/27 - notfurlong - Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'

20 | Georgia - Nothing Solutions
15 | Chelsea Effect - Good Enough
12 | Blue King Brown - All Nations
10 | Liss - Try
08 | Lafawndah - Tan
07 | Plaitum - LMHY
06 | Moth Equals - Cordiform
05 | Sebastien S - Black Light
04 | EMBRZ - Home (feat. Eleni Drake)
03 | Mao Ra Sun + RVRS - Ready
02 | Litany - Work This Out
01 | Marcin Ziółko - Conscious Game

01 - 08 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
02 - 02 - 55 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
03 - 01 - 55 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
04 - 03 - 52 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
05 - 04 - 52 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
06 - 05 - 51 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
07 - 06 - 51 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
08 - 10 - 50 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
09 - 14 - 40 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
10 - 07 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'

11 - 15 - 37 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
12 - 12 - 37 Platium 'LMHY'
13 - 9 - 36 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
14 - 11 - 32 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
15 - 13 - 30 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
16 - 16 - 26 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
17 - 18 - 26 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
18 - 22 - 24 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
19 - 19 - 22 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
20 - 23 - 21 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)

21 - 17 - 21 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
22 - 20 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
23 - 21 - 17 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
24 - 24 - 11 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
25 - 25 - 08 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
26 - 26 - 08 Living Hour 'Seagull'
27 - 27 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
28 - 28 - 00 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
29 - 29 - 00 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -8 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

A combined total of 4 points to that top 6 sees another new leader and it tighten even further, Georgia climbing from 7th top the top and Chelsea Effect moving to 8th, just 6 points shy. Blue King Brown into the top 10 for the first time.

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 09:30 PM

great entry david <3

Posted by: FrankLuck 7th March 2016, 09:32 PM

QUOTE(#CodySlayberry @ Mar 7 2016, 10:24 PM) *

You didn't even list what song I sent lol

EDIT: Thanks biggrin.gif

Oooh, and we swapped 20s, great stuff cool.gif

Time for me to leave, I'll check the rest tomorrow smile.gif

Posted by: B-rye 7th March 2016, 09:32 PM

Ooh James my votes might make up for me always snubbing you in BJSC! biggrin.gif

Great entries from Cody and Randy as well.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:33 PM

Vote 11 - Lindsey - Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'

20 | Platium ‘LMHY’
15 | Luna Aura ‘Dancing With Your Ghost’
12 | Blue King Brown ‘All Nations’
10 | Jimi Charles Moody ‘House of Moody’
08 | Shy Kids ‘® o c k e t s'
07 | EMBRZ ‘Home’ (ft. Eleni Drake)
06 | Sara Hartman ‘Monster Leave Me Home’
05 | Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones ‘ All You Leave Behind’
04 | We Are Temporary ‘You Can Now Let Go’
03 | Chelsea Effect ‘Good Enough’
02 | Living Hour ‘Seagull’
01 | Litany ‘Work This Out’

01 - 12 - 57 Platium 'LMHY'
02 - 01 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
03 - 06 - 56 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
04 - 02 - 55 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
05 - 03 - 55 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
06 - 08 - 53 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
07 - 09 - 52 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
08 - 04 - 52 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
09 - 05 - 52 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
10 - 07 - 51 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)

11 - 13 - 51 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
12 - 10 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
13 - 11 - 37 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
14 - 15 - 34 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
15 - 14 - 32 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
16 - 19 - 29 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
17 - 21 - 27 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
18 - 16 - 26 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
19 - 17 - 26 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
20 - 18 - 24 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)

21 - 20 - 21 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
22 - 24 - 19 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
23 - 22 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
24 - 23 - 17 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
25 - 28 - 10 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
26 - 26 - 10 Living Hour 'Seagull'
27 - 25 - 08 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
28 - 27 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
29 - 29 - 00 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -7 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

And once again virtually nothing to the songs at the top sees Platium take the top spot from 12th, Lindsey's votes barely hampering own entry, previous leader Georgia, at all. 6 points now separate the top ELEVEN! Jimi Charles Moody finally scores some points!

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 09:34 PM

didn't expect lindsey to have sent that song but it's fab! ohmy.gif

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 09:35 PM

Amazing that it's still that open, no one's united behind any one song at all!

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:37 PM

Vote 12/27 - Cameron - Blue King Brown 'All Nations'

20 Liss
15 Tai and Le Shuuk
12 Tinush
08 Chelsea Effect
07 Nostalghia
06 Louis The Child
05 Shy Kids
04 Mao Ra Run
03 Platium
02 Luna Aura
01 Childcare

01 - 08 - 67 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
02 - 09 - 64 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
03 - 06 - 61 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
04 - 01 - 60 Platium 'LMHY'
05 - 04 - 59 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
06 - 13 - 57 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
07 - 02 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
08 - 03 - 56 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
09 - 05 - 55 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
10 - 11 - 53 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'

11 - 07 - 52 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
12 - 10 - 51 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
13 - 12 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
14 - 16 - 39 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
15 - 15 - 38 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
16 - 14 - 34 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
17 - 18 - 33 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
18 - 17 - 27 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
19 - 19 - 26 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
20 - 20 - 24 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)

21 - 22 - 24 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
22 - 21 - 21 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
23 - 23 - 17 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
24 - 24 - 17 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
25 - 25 - 10 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
26 - 26 - 10 Living Hour 'Seagull'
27 - 27 - 09 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
28 - 28 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
29 - 29 - 00 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -07 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

The top couldn't stay that close for much longer, as it spreads out a bit with Tai & Le Shuuk, Tinush, Chelsea Effect and Platium all reaching 60. 20 for Liss sees it into the top 10 for the first time.

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 09:37 PM

I'm surprised to see my song in the top tier tbh, not bad for a song I found through Dance Moms lol

I didn't even know Cameron entered this but yay at seeing one of his potentials biggrin.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:41 PM

Vote 13/27 - Seven Seize - Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'

20 Jessy Lanza - It Means I Love You
15 Nostalghia - Cool for Chaos
12 Childcare - Omega Grey
10 Lafawndah - Tan
08 Plaitum - LMHY
07 EMBRZ feat. Eleni Drake - Home
06 Marcin Ziółko - Conscious Game
05 Orenda Fink - Holy Holy
04 Louis The Child feat. K.Flay - It's Strange
03 The Acid - Basic Instinct
02 We Are Temporary - You Can Now Let Go
01 Litany - Work This Out

01 - 12 - 71 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
02 - 04 - 68 Platium 'LMHY'
03 - 01 - 67 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
04 - 02 - 64 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
05 - 03 - 61 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
06 - 09 - 61 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
07 - 05 - 59 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
08 - 06 - 57 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
09 - 07 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
10 - 08 - 56 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)

11 - 10 - 53 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
12 - 11 - 52 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
13 - 17 - 48 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
14 - 14 - 46 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
15 - 15 - 42 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
16 - 13 - 40 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
17 - 16 - 36 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
18 - 20 - 34 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
19 - 18 - 27 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
20 - 19 - 26 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'

21 - 21 - 24 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
22 - 23 - 22 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
23 - 27 - 21 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
24 - 22 - 21 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
25 - 24 - 17 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
26 - 25 - 10 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
27 - 26 - 10 Living Hour 'Seagull'
28 - 28 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
29 - 29 - 03 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - -6 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Just because it's not as close at the top doesn't mean there can't be big moves, a 20 to Jessy Lanza sees her move from 12th to the top, the second time in three votes that's where the leader has moved from! Relatively static otherwise, Nostalghia closing in on the top 10.

Posted by: B-rye 7th March 2016, 09:42 PM

Unicorn leading *_*

(nice to see Plaitum leading for a moment there as well <3 EDIT: and Jessy Lanza now as well!)

Posted by: SevenSeize 7th March 2016, 09:43 PM

GO JESSY! been loving that song for a few weeks now

Posted by: harryflynn0908 7th March 2016, 09:44 PM

Didnt expect Lindsey to send that ohmy.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:45 PM

Vote 14/27 - popchartfreak - Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'

1 point: Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
2 points: EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
3 points: Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
4 points: Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
5 points: Liss 'Try'
6 points: Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
7 points: Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
8 points: Litany 'Work This Out'
10 points: Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
12 points: Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn'
15 points: We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
20 points: Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'

01 - 03 - 79 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
02 - 01 - 71 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
03 - 02 - 68 Platium 'LMHY'
04 - 04 - 64 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
05 - 05 - 62 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
06 - 08 - 62 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
07 - 07 - 62 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
08 - 06 - 61 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
09 - 16 - 60 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
10 - 12 - 59 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)

11 - 09 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
12 - 10 - 56 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
13 - 11 - 53 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
14 - 13 - 52 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
15 - 17 - 51 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
16 - 14 - 48 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
17 - 15 - 42 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
18 - 19 - 37 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
19 - 18 - 34 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
20 - 21 - 30 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'

21 - 20 - 26 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
22 - 22 - 22 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
23 - 23 - 21 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
24 - 24 - 21 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
25 - 25 - 17 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
26 - 26 - 10 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
27 - 27 - 10 Living Hour 'Seagull'
28 - 28 - 03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
29 - 29 - 03 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
30 - 30 - 02 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

It looked like Tai & Le Shuuk would be the ultimate love/hate track but Psychemagik scores only its third set of points from 14 votes, all of them 20 points. Speaking of 'Unicorn', it's back to the top as we move into the second half. All songs now have a positive score.

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 09:46 PM


Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 09:49 PM

yasss unicorn do it

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:49 PM

Vote 15/27 - Jacob Alan - Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'

20 Basic Instinct - The Acid
15 House Of Moody - Jimi Charles Moody
12 Holy Holy - Orenda Fink
10 Home (Feat. Eleni Drake) - EMBRZ
08 The Pain - Robbie Miller
07 Try - Liss
06 Monster Lead Me Home - Sara Hartman
05 Seagull - Living Hour
04 Valley Of Paradise - Psychemagik
03 Omega Grey - Childcare
02 Epiphany - Tinush
01 Dancing With Your Ghost - Luna Aura

Honourable mentions:
Ready - Mao Ra Run + RVRS (Killed me not to give this one points, so very close)
Black Light - Sebastien Schuller (and this one)
All Nations - Blue King Brown
All You Leave Behind - Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones
It's Strange (Feat. K.Flay) - Louis The Child
Cordiform - Moth Equals

01 - 01 - 79 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
02 - 02 - 71 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
03 - 06 - 69 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
04 - 03 - 68 Platium 'LMHY'
05 - 04 - 66 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
06 - 09 - 64 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
07 - 05 - 62 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
08 - 07 - 62 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
09 - 08 - 61 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
10 - 10 - 59 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)

11 - 16 - 58 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
12 - 11 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
13 - 12 - 56 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
14 - 13 - 54 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
15 - 14 - 52 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
16 - 15 - 51 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
17 - 17 - 42 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
18 - 18 - 37 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
19 - 19 - 34 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
20 - 22 - 34 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)

21 - 21 - 32 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
22 - 20 - 30 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
23 - 26 - 25 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
24 - 23 - 24 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
25 - 29 - 23 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
26 - 24 - 21 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
27 - 25 - 17 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
28 - 27 - 15 Living Hour 'Seagull'
29 - 28 - 11 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 02 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Plenty of points to the songs near the bottom means there's a bigger shake up there than towards the top with Unicorn still leading by 8. Liss moves into third, slowly becoming a contender.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:54 PM

Vote 16/27 - Chart Wizard - Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'

20; Moth Equals - Cordiform
15; Shy Kids – Rockets
12; Orenda Fink – Holy Holy
10; Nostalghia – Cool with Chaos
08; Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones – All You Leave Behind
07; TAI & Le Shuuk - Unicorn
06; Blue King Brown – All Nations
05; EMBRZ feat. Eleni Drake – Home
04; Living Hour – Seagull
03; Louis the Child feat. K Flay – It’s Strange
02; Plaitum – LMHY
01; Richard Caddock – Alive to Explore

xx Sara Hartman – Monster Lead Me Home
xx The Acid – Basic Instinct

01 - 01 - 86 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
02 - 02 - 71 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
03 - 04 - 70 Platium 'LMHY'
04 - 03 - 69 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
05 - 05 - 66 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
06 - 10 - 65 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
07 - 13 - 64 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
08 - 06 - 64 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
09 - 11 - 63 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
10 - 07 - 62 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)

11 - 08 - 62 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
12 - 15 - 62 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
13 - 09 - 61 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
14 - 12 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
15 - 14 - 54 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
16 - 16 - 51 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
17 - 20 - 46 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
18 - 17 - 45 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
19 - 22 - 45 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
20 - 26 - 41 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)

21 - 18 - 37 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
22 - 19 - 34 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
23 - 21 - 32 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
24 - 23 - 25 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
25 - 24 - 24 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
26 - 25 - 23 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
27 - 28 - 19 Living Hour 'Seagull'
28 - 27 - 18 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
29 - 29 - 11 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 02 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

With only 2 points to the rest of the top 9 Unicorn extends its lead at the top to 15. Blue King Brown and Hannah Cartwright make moves towards the top of the leaderboard again.

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 09:56 PM

hopefully i manage to sneak back into the top 10!

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 09:59 PM

Vote 17/27 - Jake - Living Hour 'Seagull'

20 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
15 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
12 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
10 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
08 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
07 Platium 'LMHY'
06 The Acid 'Basic Instinct'
05 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
04 Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
03 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
02 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
01 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'

01 - 01 - 86 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
02 - 09 - 83 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
03 - 03 - 77 Platium 'LMHY'
04 - 12 - 72 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
05 - 02 - 71 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
06 - 11 - 70 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
07 - 04 - 69 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
08 - 13 - 66 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
09 - 05 - 66 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
10 - 06 - 65 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)

11 - 07 - 64 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
12 - 08 - 64 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
13 - 10 - 62 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
14 - 19 - 60 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
15 - 14 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
16 - 15 - 56 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
17 - 16 - 51 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
18 - 17 - 46 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
19 - 18 - 45 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
20 - 20 - 45 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)

21 - 23 - 44 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
22 - 21 - 37 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
23 - 22 - 34 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
24 - 26 - 29 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
25 - 24 - 26 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
26 - 25 - 24 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
27 - 28 - 21 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
28 - 27 - 19 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
29 - 29 - 11 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 02 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

No points to the leader gives others the chance to catch up a bit. EMBRZ and Nostalghia both make the top 5 for the first time and Marcin and Ma Ra Run are both back in the top 10.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:03 PM

Vote 18/27 - harryflynn0908 - Childcare 'Omega Grey'

20 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
15 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
12 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
10 Liss 'Try'
08 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
07 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
06 Lafawndah 'Tan'
05 Tinush 'Epiphany'
04 Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
03 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
02 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
01 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'

01 - 06 - 90 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
02 - 01 - 86 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
03 - 02 - 83 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
04 - 08 - 81 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
05 - 05 - 79 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
06 - 07 - 79 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
07 - 04 - 79 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
08 - 03 - 77 Platium 'LMHY'
09 - 12 - 76 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
10 - 09 - 71 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)

11 - 10 - 65 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
12 - 11 - 64 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
13 - 13 - 62 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
14 - 14 - 60 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
15 - 15 - 56 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
16 - 16 - 56 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
17 - 17 - 51 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
18 - 20 - 49 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
19 - 18 - 47 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
20 - 21 - 46 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'

21 - 19 - 45 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
22 - 23 - 40 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
23 - 22 - 37 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
24 - 24 - 29 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
25 - 25 - 26 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
26 - 26 - 24 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
27 - 27 - 21 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
28 - 28 - 19 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
29 - 29 - 14 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 2 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Lots of points to songs towards the bottom of the top 10 sees another tightening at the top with Moa Ra Run + RVRS moving to the top. Psychemagik in 9th only a 2nd place off the lead with only 9 votes to go. Still plenty of potential winners.

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 10:03 PM

thank you harry! <3

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 10:04 PM

I thought Monster Lead Me Home would be doing far better! Though I guess it sounds more like a BJSC hit than necessarily a song to do well here.

Posted by: notfurlong 7th March 2016, 10:05 PM

ooooh not doing too badly at all! thanks for the votes, especially Seven <3

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:07 PM

Vote 19/27 - Princess Lotti - Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'

20 - Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
15 - Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
12 - Lafawndah 'Tan'
10 - Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
08 - Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
07 - Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'
06 - Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind'
05 - Tinush 'Epiphany'
04 - Litany 'Work This Out'
03 - The Acid 'Basic Instinct'
02 - We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
01 - Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'

01 - 01 - 90 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
02 - 02 - 86 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
03 - 03 - 83 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
04 - 04 - 81 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
05 - 05 - 79 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
06 - 06 - 79 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
07 - 07 - 79 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
08 - 13 - 77 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
09 - 08 - 77 Platium 'LMHY'
10 - 15 - 76 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)

11 - 09 - 76 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
12 - 10 - 76 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
13 - 11 - 75 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
14 - 12 - 70 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
15 - 14 - 60 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
16 - 16 - 56 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
17 - 19 - 54 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
18 - 20 - 54 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
19 - 17 - 53 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
20 - 22 - 52 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)

21 - 18 - 49 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
22 - 21 - 45 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
23 - 23 - 38 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
24 - 24 - 32 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
25 - 25 - 26 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
26 - 26 - 24 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
27 - 27 - 21 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
28 - 28 - 19 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
29 - 29 - 14 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 06 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

No points awarded to any songs in the top NINE! It's therefore another tightening towards the top, 15 points separate 13 as Chelsea Effect and Georgia both join in the crowd.

Posted by: Oliver 7th March 2016, 10:08 PM

I've had a lot of 2s this time.

Posted by: ℒ𝓲𝓷⻤ 7th March 2016, 10:09 PM

oooh doing better than I thought here! Not quite sure why my entry is so surprising tbh laugh.gif

Posted by: princess_lotti 7th March 2016, 10:11 PM

omg can't believe my 20 went to Lindsey ohmy.gif #lottsey isn't even intentional anymore :')

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:13 PM

Vote 20/27 - Leonardo - Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'

20 Points - Chelsea Effect - Good Enough
15 Points - Platium - LMHY
12 Points - Richard Caddocl - Alive To Explore
10 Points - Louis The Child - It's Strange
8 Points - Jimi Charles Moody - House Of Moody
7 Points - Nostalghia - Cool For Chaos
6 Points - Living Hour - Seagull
5 Points - Marcin Ziólko - Conscious Game
4 Points - We Are Temporary - You Can Now Let Go
3 Points - Robbie Miller- The Pain
2 Points- Litany - Work This Out
1 Point - The Acid - Basic Instinct

01 - 08 - 97 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
02 - 09 - 92 Platium 'LMHY'
03 - 01 - 90 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
04 - 04 - 86 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
05 - 07 - 86 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
06 - 02 - 86 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
07 - 03 - 83 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
08 - 05 - 79 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
09 - 06 - 79 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
10 - 10 - 76 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)

11 - 11 - 76 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
12 - 12 - 76 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
13 - 13 - 75 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
14 - 14 - 70 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
15 - 15 - 60 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
16 - 19 - 57 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
17 - 16 - 56 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
18 - 22 - 55 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
19 - 17 - 54 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
20 - 18 - 54 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'

21 - 20 - 52 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
22 - 21 - 49 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
23 - 23 - 38 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home' (sent by Leonardo)
24 - 25 - 34 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
25 - 27 - 33 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
26 - 24 - 33 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
27 - 28 - 25 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
28 - 26 - 24 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
29 - 29 - 17 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 08 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

And the top 2 from Leonardo's votes now mirror the overall top 2 as Chelsea Effect and Platium climb 7 places each taking advantage of few points awarded to those above them. Each of the top 9 only a vote away from the top though still.

Posted by: chart wizard 7th March 2016, 10:15 PM

ooh still so close ohmy.gif Unicorn actually close to winning *_* Cool with Chaos & LMHY were both great.

The marmeetness is real with my entry clearly! Thanks RFC, Jacob, Harry, titty & popchartfreak, three twentys is amazing <3

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 10:16 PM

This might be the first time I'll flop in these types of contests manson.gif

Can Unicorn get more points plz

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:18 PM

Vote 21/27 - 152Chris - Platium 'LMHY'

20 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You’
15 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
12 Lafawndah 'Tan'
10 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
08 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go’
07 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
06 Litany 'Work This Out'
05 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions
04 Blue King Brown 'All Nations’
03 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
02 Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
01 Tinush ‘Epiphany'

The Acid 'Basic Instinct’
Childcare 'Omega Grey'
Liss ‘Try'

01 - 03 - 105 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
02 - 08 - 99 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
03 - 01 - 97 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
04 - 04 - 96 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
05 - 02 - 92 Platium 'LMHY' (sent by 152chris)
06 - 07 - 90 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
07 - 05 - 86 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
08 - 06 - 86 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
09 - 10 - 81 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
10 - 13 - 79 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)

11 - 09 - 79 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
12 - 12 - 77 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
13 - 11 - 76 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
14 - 14 - 70 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
15 - 16 - 65 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
16 - 21 - 64 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
17 - 15 - 60 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
18 - 20 - 57 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
19 - 17 - 56 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
20 - 18 - 55 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)

21 - 19 - 54 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
22 - 22 - 51 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
23 - 23 - 38 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home' (sent by Leonardo)
24 - 24 - 34 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
25 - 25 - 33 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
26 - 26 - 33 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
27 - 27 - 25 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
28 - 28 - 24 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
29 - 29 - 17 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 14 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Chris voting when his own song has a good chance of winning. Not too much damage done to its chances but it does fall three to 5th as Mao Ra Run becomes the first song to break 100 points. Jessy Lanza up to second, 10 for Marcin keeps it 4th.

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 10:19 PM

haha i didn't think chris would like my song but we can't be stopped *.

Posted by: B-rye 7th March 2016, 10:20 PM

Yesss Chris <3 Loved Plaitum.

Leww possibly coming for another win looool

Posted by: Ethan 7th March 2016, 10:21 PM

'ready' or 'unicorn' ftw plz cheer.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:22 PM

Vote 22/27 - Eyes - Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'

20 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
15 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
12 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
10 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore'
08 Platium 'LMHY'
07 Childcare 'Omega Grey'
06 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
05 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
04 Lafawndah 'Tan'
03 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
02 The Acid 'Basic Instinct'
01 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'

01 - 06 - 110 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
02 - 01 - 105 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
03 - 03 - 103 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
04 - 07 - 101 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
05 - 05 - 100 Platium 'LMHY' (sent by 152chris)
06 - 02 - 99 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
07 - 04 - 96 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
08 - 08 - 86 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
09 - 10 - 84 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
10 - 09 - 82 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)

11 - 11 - 79 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
12 - 12 - 77 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
13 - 13 - 76 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
14 - 14 - 70 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
15 - 16 - 68 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
16 - 15 - 65 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
17 - 17 - 60 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s' (sent by Eyes)
18 - 19 - 59 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
19 - 18 - 57 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'
20 - 20 - 55 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)

21 - 21 - 54 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
22 - 22 - 51 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
23 - 23 - 50 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home' (sent by Leonardo)
24 - 25 - 43 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
25 - 26 - 35 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
26 - 24 - 34 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
27 - 28 - 31 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
28 - 27 - 25 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
29 - 29 - 17 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 14 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Four more songs break the 100 point barrier, as EMBRZ takes the lead for the first time, can I win consecutive UP contests?! Chelsea Effect, Nostalghia and Platium also join it in three figures.

Posted by: Jacob Alan 7th March 2016, 10:24 PM

QUOTE(chart wizard @ Mar 7 2016, 10:15 PM) *
The marmeetness is real with my entry clearly! Thanks RFC, Jacob, Harry, titty & popchartfreak, three twentys is amazing <3
Easy high pointer for my vote, though it was pretty inevitable, I love that kind of sound wub.gif .

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 10:26 PM

I need to find out who sent Cool For Chaos as it was absolutely wonderful.

Fairly decent, thank you to the two 15s, they've been of a tremendous help.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:27 PM

Vote 23/27 - Mattias - Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'

20 – We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
15 – Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
12 – Platium 'LMHY'
10 – Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
8 – Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
7 – Living Hour 'Seagull'
6 – Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
5 – Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
4 – Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
3 - Lafawndah 'Tan'
2 - Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn'
1 - EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)

01 - 05 - 112 Platium 'LMHY' (sent by 152chris)
02 - 01 - 111 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
03 - 07 - 111 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
04 - 02 - 109 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
05 - 04 - 109 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'
06 - 03 - 103 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
07 - 06 - 99 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
08 - 10 - 92 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
09 - 09 - 90 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
10 - 08 - 88 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)

11 - 16 - 85 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
12 - 11 - 79 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
13 - 12 - 77 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
14 - 13 - 76 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
15 - 15 - 71 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
16 - 14 - 70 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
17 - 17 - 60 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s' (sent by Eyes)
18 - 18 - 59 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
19 - 19 - 57 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light' (sent by Mattias)
20 - 22 - 56 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)

21 - 20 - 55 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
22 - 21 - 54 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
23 - 23 - 50 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home' (sent by Leonardo)
24 - 24 - 43 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
25 - 25 - 35 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
26 - 26 - 34 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
27 - 28 - 32 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
28 - 27 - 31 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
29 - 29 - 17 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 14 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Marcin Ziółko becomes song #6 to reach 100 points. Platium retake the lead but there's just three points between 1st and 5th, though Marcin and Nostalghia have one potential vote less so stand a bit less of a chance. 20 for We Are Temporary puts it back within touching distance of the top 10.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:28 PM

The four votes to come are from BRE, CAL, RISER and ETHAN

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 10:29 PM


Thought it would because it sounded v. Bjork

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 10:30 PM

nostalghia reminded me of cocorosie so much!

Posted by: Ethan 7th March 2016, 10:33 PM

omg what a tight finish~ ohmy.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:34 PM

Vote 24/27 - Cal - Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos'

20 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
15 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
12 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
10 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
08 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
07 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions'
06 Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
05 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
04 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s'
03 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go'
02 Lafawndah 'Tan'
01 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light'

01 - 03 - 126 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
02 - 02 - 119 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
03 - 06 - 115 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
04 - 04 - 114 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
05 - 01 - 112 Platium 'LMHY' (sent by 152chris)
06 - 09 - 110 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
07 - 05 - 109 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos' (sent by Cal)
08 - 08 - 99 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
09 - 07 - 99 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
10 - 10 - 88 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)

11 - 11 - 88 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
12 - 14 - 86 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
13 - 12 - 79 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
14 - 13 - 77 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
15 - 15 - 73 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
16 - 16 - 70 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
17 - 17 - 64 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s' (sent by Eyes)
18 - 20 - 62 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
19 - 18 - 59 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
20 - 19 - 58 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light' (sent by Mattias)

21 - 21 - 55 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
22 - 22 - 54 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
23 - 23 - 50 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home' (sent by Leonardo)
24 - 24 - 43 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
25 - 25 - 35 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
26 - 26 - 34 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
27 - 27 - 32 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
28 - 28 - 31 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
29 - 29 - 17 Robbie Miller 'The Pain'
30 - 30 - 14 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)

Despite not giving the leader anything Cal does his own song no favours giving the rest of the top 6 a combined 40 points. Marcin Ziółko takes the lead for the first time. No points to Platium sees it drop to 5th. With 3 votes 7th place is still within one vote from the top. Blue King Brown becomes the 7th song to reach 100, with 2 on 99 and vocal supporters of Unicorn still to vote 10 reaching it seems a matter of time.

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 10:36 PM

this is gonna be a nailbiter !

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 10:38 PM

Cal! <3 Perfect coming from you.

Still can't call it, just let it be one of the songs I voted for please.

Posted by: Mattias 7th March 2016, 10:39 PM

I had a feeling Nostalghia was Cal cos I vaguely remembered him playing the song on plug many moons ago happy.gif

Posted by: B-rye 7th March 2016, 10:39 PM

Oh Cal :'( Oops. (Clearly in a very small minority hating that song though ph34r.gif)

So close. Gah.

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:40 PM

Vote 25/27 - RiseR - Robbie Miller 'The Pain'

20 Blue King Brown 'All Nations'
15 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
12 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough'
10 Platium 'LMHY'
08 Litany 'Work This Out'
07 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody'
06 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
05 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
04 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
03 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise'
02 Liss 'Try'
01 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy'

01 - 06 - 130 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
02 - 03 - 127 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
03 - 01 - 126 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'
04 - 02 - 123 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
05 - 05 - 122 Platium 'LMHY' (sent by 152chris)
06 - 04 - 120 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
07 - 07 - 109 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos' (sent by Cal)
08 - 08 - 99 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
09 - 09 - 99 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
10 - 12 - 89 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)

11 - 10 - 88 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
12 - 11 - 88 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
13 - 13 - 81 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
14 - 14 - 77 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
15 - 19 - 74 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
16 - 15 - 73 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
17 - 16 - 70 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
18 - 17 - 64 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s' (sent by Eyes)
19 - 18 - 62 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
20 - 21 - 60 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)

21 - 20 - 58 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light' (sent by Mattias)
22 - 22 - 55 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
23 - 23 - 50 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home' (sent by Leonardo)
24 - 24 - 43 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
25 - 26 - 41 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
26 - 25 - 35 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
27 - 27 - 32 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
28 - 28 - 31 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
29 - 30 - 22 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)
30 - 29 - 17 Robbie Miller 'The Pain' (sent by RiseR)

20 for Blue King Brown moves it into first place, with Chelsea Effect moving up to second. Marcin Ziółko is 3rd but with Bre still to vote its chances of winning are slimmer than the rest of the top 6. It's anyone's from the top 6 with Nostalghia having an outside chance of winning. Georgia and Jessy probably both too far off with only 2 to go. Sad times for RiseR, 8 points for Litany sees his own entry move to the bottom.

Posted by: Jacob Alan 7th March 2016, 10:40 PM

QUOTE(B-rye @ Mar 7 2016, 10:39 PM) *
Oh Cal :'( Oops. (Clearly in a very small minority hating that song though ph34r.gif)

So close. Gah.
^I thought it was a bit.. harrowing? If that's the right word, I almost liked it but it was so weird, especially with the video.

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 10:41 PM

Oh looks like I'll be taking the flop then sad.gif

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:41 PM

QUOTE(RabbitFurCoat @ Mar 7 2016, 10:40 PM) *
It's anyone's from the top 6 with Nostalghia having an outside chance of winning.

QUOTE(B-rye @ Mar 7 2016, 10:39 PM) *
Oh Cal :'( Oops. (Clearly in a very small minority hating that song though ph34r.gif)

So close. Gah.

For outside chance, read no chance.

(unless he's bluffing)

(I thought it was terrible too)

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:48 PM

Vote 26/27 - Bre - Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'

20 Moth Equals - Cordiform
15 Plaitum - LMHY
12 Louis The Child - It's Strange (feat. K.Flay)
10 Jessy Lanza - It Means I Love You
8 The Acid - Basic Instinct
7 TAI and Le Shuuk - Unicorn
6 Hannah Cartwright and Ross Tones - All You Leave Behind
5 Living Hour - Seagull
4 Litany - Work This Out
3 Lafawndah - Tan
2 Jimi Charles Moody - House Of Moody
1 Blue King Brown - All Nations

01 - 05 - 137 Platium 'LMHY' (sent by 152chris)
02 - 01 - 131 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
03 - 02 - 127 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
04 - 03 - 126 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game' (sent by Bre)
05 - 04 - 123 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
06 - 06 - 120 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
07 - 09 - 109 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
08 - 07 - 109 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos' (sent by Cal)
09 - 08 - 99 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)
10 - 11 - 95 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)

11 - 10 - 89 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
12 - 12 - 88 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
13 - 19 - 82 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
14 - 13 - 81 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
15 - 14 - 77 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
16 - 17 - 76 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
17 - 16 - 76 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
18 - 15 - 74 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
19 - 20 - 72 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
20 - 18 - 64 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s' (sent by Eyes)

21 - 21 - 58 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light' (sent by Mattias)
22 - 22 - 55 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
23 - 23 - 50 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home' (sent by Leonardo)
24 - 25 - 43 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
25 - 24 - 43 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
26 - 26 - 43 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
27 - 27 - 37 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
28 - 28 - 31 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
29 - 29 - 26 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)
30 - 30 - 17 Robbie Miller 'The Pain' (sent by RiseR)

Bre's votes don't hinder his chances of victory too much with no points awarded to any of its nearest competitors, however a 15 to Platium sees it move to the top. With one vote left it's still one of 6 for the win though.

Posted by: 152chris 7th March 2016, 10:50 PM

omg !!!!!

Posted by: 152chris 7th March 2016, 10:50 PM

don't do this to me againnnnnnn

Posted by: 152chris 7th March 2016, 10:50 PM

also lol at lew sending the least lew entry ever and still getting 15 (yet giving me NONE)

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 10:51 PM

I think that's all my supporters done now

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:52 PM

Ethan's top 3:

20 - Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn'
15 - Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready'
12 - Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game'

138 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game' (sent by Bre)
137 Platium 'LMHY' (sent by 152chris)
135 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
131 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
127 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
123 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)

EMBRZ and Chelsea Effect therefore out of the running with Mao Ra Run falling just short. Marcin will win if Ethan hasn't voted for Platium and Blue King Brown scores less than 7.

Posted by: 152chris 7th March 2016, 10:52 PM

thinking maybe bre has won??? if it's ethan left

Posted by: princess_lotti 7th March 2016, 10:52 PM

omg this is so close *.*

Posted by: B-rye 7th March 2016, 10:53 PM


(I'd be surprised if Ethan hasn't voted for Plaitum though - not gonna complain at that winning obvz cos it's one of the FEW great songs here)

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 10:56 PM

The rest of Ethan's votes:

10 - Moth Equals 'Cordiform'
08 - Plaitum 'LMHY'
07 - Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay)
06 - Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You'
05 - EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake)
04 - Litany 'Work This Out'
03 - Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home'
02 - Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost'
01 - Living Hour 'Seagull'

01 - 01 - 146 Plaitum 'LMHY' (sent by 152chris)
02 - 04 - 138 Marcin Ziółko 'Conscious Game' (sent by Bre)
03 - 06 - 135 Mao Ra Run + RVRS 'Ready' (sent by Ketalina)
04 - 02 - 131 Blue King Brown 'All Nations' (sent by Cameron)
05 - 05 - 128 EMBRZ 'Home' (feat. Eleni Drake) (sent by RabbitFurCoat)
06 - 03 - 127 Chelsea Effect 'Good Enough' (sent by Qween)
07 - 07 - 115 Jessy Lanza 'It Means I Love You' (sent by notfurlong)
08 - 10 - 115 Tai & Le Shuuk 'Unicorn' (sent by FrankLuck)
09 - 08 - 109 Nostalghia 'Cool For Chaos' (sent by Cal)
10 - 09 - 99 Georgia 'Nothing Solutions' (sent by Lindsey)

11 - 13 - 92 Moth Equals 'Cordiform' (sent by Pavel)
12 - 11 - 89 Psychemagik 'Valley of Paradise' (sent by Chart Wizard)
13 - 12 - 88 We Are Temporary 'You Can Now Let Go' (sent by Oliver)
14 - 14 - 81 Liss 'Try' (sent by Titty)
15 - 19 - 79 Louis the Child 'It's Strange' (feat. K.Flay) (sent by jsg2013)
16 - 15 - 77 Tinush 'Epiphany' (sent by Ethan)
17 - 16 - 76 Hannah Cartwright & Ross Tones 'All You Leave Behind' (sent by Cody Slayberry)
18 - 17 - 76 Lafawndah 'Tan' (sent by dandy*)
19 - 18 - 76 Luna Aura 'Dancing With Your Ghost' (sent by Princess Lotti)
20 - 20 - 64 Shy Kids '® o c k e t s' (sent by Eyes)

21 - 21 - 58 Sébastien Schuller 'Black Light' (sent by Mattias)
22 - 22 - 55 Orenda Fink 'Holy Holy' (sent by Popchartfreak)
23 - 23 - 53 Sara Hartman 'Monster Leave Me Home' (sent by Leonardo)
24 - 24 - 43 Jimi Charles Moody 'House of Moody' (sent by SevenSeize)
25 - 25 - 43 Richard Caddock 'Alive to Explore' (sent by Jacob Alan)
26 - 26 - 43 The Acid 'Basic Instinct' (sent by Mikey)
27 - 27 - 38 Living Hour 'Seagull' (sent by Jake)
28 - 28 - 31 Childcare 'Omega Grey' (sent by harryflynn0908)
29 - 29 - 30 Litany 'Work This Out' (sent by Noahspike)
30 - 30 - 17 Robbie Miller 'The Pain' (sent by RiseR)

Congratulations 152Chris! biggrin.gif

Posted by: #CodySlayberry 7th March 2016, 10:57 PM

Congrats Chris!

Posted by: 152chris 7th March 2016, 10:57 PM

oh my GOD i can finally quit buzzjack now

see yALL !!

Posted by: ♦ ketalina ♦ 7th March 2016, 10:58 PM

well done chris!!! another top 3 for me was unexpected, thank u <3

Posted by: SevenSeize 7th March 2016, 10:58 PM

WD Chris biggrin.gif

Posted by: harryflynn0908 7th March 2016, 10:58 PM

Great top threee cheer.gif

Posted by: notfurlong 7th March 2016, 10:59 PM

congrats Chris!! great winner

thanks for hosting RFC, smooth as ever! and not a bad result for Jessy!

Posted by: princess_lotti 7th March 2016, 10:59 PM

well done chris!! cheer.gif

thank u rabbit for hosting heart.gif

Posted by: Eyes 7th March 2016, 11:00 PM

Congratulations Chris, a wonderful winner and one that if it had just fell short I'd have been kicking myself for not putting slightly higher so I'm very glad you won.

Glad I managed to stay in the top 20, I wasn't sure what to expect with this one, I kind of got obsessed with the video and it stayed in my potential list because of that (not to say I don't love the song, it is a wonderful psych-pop song), I'm happy enough with that.

And thank you RFC, lovely hosting.

Posted by: Mattias 7th March 2016, 11:00 PM

Congrats Chris happy.gif Really interesting song. I voted for the entire top 5 *.*

Posted by: Ethan 7th March 2016, 11:01 PM

congrats chris winner.gif

wd to bré and leww too~ cheer.gif

Posted by: 152chris 7th March 2016, 11:02 PM

QUOTE(♦ ketalina ♦ @ Mar 7 2016, 10:58 PM) *
well done chris!!! another top 3 for me was unexpected, thank u <3

would literally never have guessed your song was you but i LOVED. the chorus reminds me massively of something and it's been bugging me this whole time tho??

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 7th March 2016, 11:04 PM

Thanks for all the thanks.

An enjoyable contest to host, was good not knowing what won. Obviously I had an idea from inputting the votes but knew there was no front runner. Pleased the last set of votes didn't change the winner as it came slightly after the deadline, but before I'd done anything.

Another top 5 for me with EMBRZ scoring points from more voters than any other song - delighted with that! biggrin.gif

Posted by: chart wizard 7th March 2016, 11:05 PM

Ooh yay I really liked that winner, congrats Chris, surprised this is your first win in this actually!

Would've been nice to stay top 10 but 12th from just seven votes is quite amazing, and especially from a nine minute long chillout song, thanks for all who pointed (those already said + the two others that voted since heehee.gif), pretty good top 10 in all, shame to not see Condiform (PAV :'( I actually had that down as a winner) and Shy Kids higher though.

Thanks for hosting RFC!

Posted by: B-rye 7th March 2016, 11:11 PM

As I thought! What a tease RFC. WD Chris though, long overdue after like 84 2nd places. And I actually thought my song sounded very much like something you'd send (specificially the more leftfield N DNTN songs like backt mariah / Theodora) so appropriate for it to come 2nd instead lol ~

New peak!! + 4th top 10 in a row. Thank god I actually managed to vote in the end haha. Really surprised at Marcin doing so well but yaaay. (I was torn between sending this and 'Soul Of Glass' by the same guy (which was also a BJSC potential but won't be now ~), will now forever wonder if that might have done the little bit better hmm)

Thank you for the smooth hosting job RFC ~

Posted by: Cameron 7th March 2016, 11:36 PM

Fantastic to see All Nations 4th! Thank you to everyone who voted for it biggrin.gif

Well done Chris biggrin.gif

Posted by: Qween 7th March 2016, 11:37 PM

Really pleased with 6th, anything in the top half in this is a win for me really.

Posted by: RiseR 8th March 2016, 01:22 AM

"All Nations" is my 2nd-favorite discovery in the 8 UP contests I've been part of, so thanks Cameron for sending it and I'm glad it did so well! "LMHY" is one of my favorite winners in that time too, congrats Chris! As for myself lol, I'll gladly take last, had nothing else decent to send but thanks to the few others who liked it biggrin.gif

Posted by: FrankLuck 8th March 2016, 06:13 AM

Congrats Chris, great winner!
I'd take 8th place any day, I'm really happy that some of you seem to like 'Unicorn' as much as I do! dance.gif
Reading the comments during the voting period was extra enjoyable, being 'hyped' is awesome.
Sorry for offending around half of the members, though... unsure.gif

Posted by: noahspike 8th March 2016, 07:48 AM

Well done, Chris! 'LMHY' would've scraped my votes had I got them in so I'm pleased with the winner. Was ordering them a few minutes before the deadline last night when my friend called at the door and I decided not to leave her waiting outside in the cold for the sake of an online song contest laugh.gif. 'Holy Holy' lost out the most from her arrival/my lack of timekeeping so sorry to popchartfreak in particular! :/

Thought Litany would finish a bit higher without the deduction but I did notice it get a good lot of low points so I'm glad that a range of people seemed to like the song. Thanks Jordan especially for the high ones and RFC for all the work that went into this. biggrin.gif

Posted by: popchartfreak 8th March 2016, 12:41 PM

sorry I mssed the finals, well done Chris, thnks RFC and thanks to all Orenda voters. cheer.gif

Posted by: Cal 8th March 2016, 05:19 PM

Oh fab! Never thought I'd get 9th with Nostalghia so that's a nice surprise! Thanks to all of you who voted for it. Chuffed. happy.gif

And thanks RFC for this. I made some nice discoveries. And congrats Chris! Well deserved!

Posted by: 💯 8th March 2016, 08:54 PM

soz for not voting. i really planned to but life had other plans for me that evening~

11th having not voted. and if i voted i'd still be 9th (at best, if i didn't vote for my nearest competition below oops) so it's okay~

Posted by: jsg2013 9th March 2016, 07:28 PM


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