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BuzzJack Music Forum _ BJSC Spin Off _ ♒ BJSC Country Name Rate ♒

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 27th August 2016, 10:36 PM

Hey! Welcome back to Taahino for yet another BJSC rate! In 2015 we had a rate of all the flags of the active nations of last year (check out the results for that if you'd like) so it's only right I bring you a rate of all y'all country names in 2016 angel.gif

Below should be is a list of all the nations that have participated in a contest this year so far (81-87). Your job, should you choose to participate - but lets be honest you're all going to if you're to avoid Taahino's blacklist next contest- is to rate them all. Rate them from 0 to 10, you can use an 11 and a -1 but you don't have to if you don't want to! Please no 10.5s though OR VOTING FOR YOURSELVES (LOTTI) . Remember you're voting on purely the country's name, not their entries or the person behind them. happy.gif

You have until 23:59 on September 10th to get your rates posted below.
Results should hopefully come the following evening magic.gif

So it's pretty straight forward but if you've got any questions don't hesitate to ask! I'd also encourage you to submit a voice note of how to pronounce your country name, especially if there's a chance of people muddling it up a little. If you reply to this thread with one I'll link it in your country name below! is a good site to use smile.gif

XX | #00274E
XX | Aelandor
XX | Aeroche
XX | Aeyundoré
XX | Ajanaeda
XX | Alteria
XX | Altyr Muunilinst
XX | Avalonia
XX | Beaverdonia
XX | Bhangra
XX | Bignia-Zaragovina
XX | Botanikka
XX | Brechtoria
XX | Bubblelands
XX | Cadelicia
XX | Cor Lupus
XX | Cumulonimbia
XX | D'yermak'er
XX | Daehun
XX | Dalisska
XX | Deandria
XX | Desbuanda
XX | Dobago
XX | Espen
XX | Ethanola
XX | F.D. Anēné
XX |
XX |
XX | Flynnonda
XX | Frandoot
XX | FSR Rontvia
XX | Greenfroze
XX | Harmonica
XX | Hendinia
XX | Hushkanukia
XX | Ingermanlandia
XX | Isconia
XX | Jadakissnia
XX | Jayrusalem
XX | Joedonia
XX | Jukianië
XX | Kluminican Republic
XX | Kylienips
XX | Land of DW
XX | Medhelnia
XX | Mulgracia
XX | N-Lazone
XX | New Lexico
XX | Ojnoj
XX | Oslol
XX | Pagasa
XX |
XX | Pupok
XX | Quintessa
XX | Ramrynia
XX | Republic of Adonia
XX | Sandebörg
XX | Singerpurear
XX | Skall
XX | South Danaelanda
XX | St. Burbia
XX | Suedeonia
XX |
XX |
XX | Taahino
XX | Tartford
XX | Terra Avium
XX | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
XX | Thelonia
XX | Tinnmark
XX | Trifoski
XX | Ultraviolenceland
XX | Unovia
XX | Usfland
XX | Utopia
XX | Vülkyria
XX | What
XX | Yehesi
XX | Zaminton

Posted by: Josh. 27th August 2016, 11:45 PM

Didn't make the cut , cry cry.gif

Posted by: princess_lotita 27th August 2016, 11:45 PM

JUSTICER FOR AJAANENADA (icr how to spell it)

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 27th August 2016, 11:47 PM

omg if you've entered this year you should be in that list, probably just my error though, I'll add you in I'm sorry!

Posted by: Josh. 27th August 2016, 11:49 PM

Entered last contest, flopped miserably, forgot to vote and got banned for a month! biggrin.gif

Almost, Lotti wink.gif

Posted by: Mattias 28th August 2016, 12:48 AM

omg my idea came to life!

10 | #00274E
10 | Aelandor
08 | Aeroche
07 | Aeyundoré
06 | Ajanaeda
06 | Alteria
06 | Altyr Muunilinst
07 | Avalonia
06 | Beaverdonia
05 | Bhangra
05 | Bignia-Zaragovina
06 | Botanikka
06 | Brechtoria
07 | Bubblelands
08 | Cadelicia
07 | Cor Lupus
04 | Cumulonimbia
08 | D'yermak'er
06 | Daehun
06 | Dalisska
XX | Deandria
07 | Desbuanda
07 | Dobago
09 | Espen
08 | Ethanola
07 | F.D. Anēné
08 | FARC
05 | Federal Republic of Ashton
08 | FKA FKA FKA π
10 | Fljótavík
03 | Flynnonda
04 | Frandoot
08 | FSR Rontvia
07 | Greenfroze
07 | Harmonica
06 | Hendinia
06 | Hushkanukia
03 | Ingermanlandia
08 | Isconia
07 | Jadakissnia
06 | Jayrusalem
04 | Joedonia
09 | Jukianië
08 | Kluminican Republic
06 | Kylienips
04 | Land of DW
07 | Medhelnia
07 | Mulgracia
05 | N-Lazone
09 | N DNTN
08 | New Lexico
06 | Ojnoj
04 | Oslol
08 | Pagasa
09 | Persephonia
03 | PRoJ
08 | Pupok
09 | Quintessa
05 | Ramrynia
08 | Republic of Adonia
07 | Sandebörg
04 | Singerpurear
06 | Skall
07 | South Danaelanda
09 | St. Burbia
08 | Suedeonia
10 | Syndare
10 | Séyetana
08 | Taahino
08 | Tartford
09 | Terra Avium
07 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
08 | Thelonia
06 | Tinnmark
08 | Trifoski
03 | Ultraviolenceland
07 | Unovia
04 | Usfland
10 | Utopia
07 | Vülkyria
08 | What
07 | Yehesi
06 | Zaminton

Posted by: Silas 28th August 2016, 01:21 AM

*Adds Deandria to BJSC's permaban list*

& fyi our official name is Fejderand Republique d'Áskorza

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 28th August 2016, 02:04 AM

This is an idea that I've had pretty much since my flag rate tho laugh.gif


06 | #00274E
08 | Aelandor
09 | Aeroche
04 | Aeyundoré
06 | Ajanaeda
05 | Alteria
08 | Altyr Muunilinst
10 | Avalonia
05 | Beaverdonia
07 | Bhangra
06 | Bignia-Zaragovina
08 | Botanikka
07 | Brechtoria
03 | Bubblelands
07 | Cadelicia
10 | Cor Lupus
06 | Cumulonimbia
05 | D'yermak'er
05 | Daehun
04 | Dalisska
05 | Deandria
06 | Desbuanda
08 | Dobago
10 | Espen
05 | Ethanola
06 | F.D. Anēné
05 | FARC
09 | Federal Republic of Ashton
05 | FKA FKA FKA π
08 | Fljótavík
07 | Flynnonda
04 | Frandoot
05 | FSR Rontvia
06 | Greenfroze
05 | Harmonica
07 | Hendinia
09 | Hushkanukia
04 | Ingermanlandia
06 | Isconia
07 | Jadakissnia
07 | Jayrusalem
05 | Joedonia
06 | Jukianië
07 | Kluminican Republic
05 | Kylienips
04 | Land of DW
08 | Medhelnia
04 | Mulgracia
05 | N-Lazone
05 | N DNTN
09 | New Lexico
05 | Ojnoj
06 | Oslol
08 | Pagasa
08 | Persephonia
05 | PRoJ
10 | Pupok
11 | Quintessa

07 | Ramrynia
06 | Republic of Adonia
05 | Sandebörg
06 | Singerpurear
07 | Skall
07 | South Danaelanda
10 | St. Burbia
07 | Suedeonia
07 | Syndare
10 | Séyetana
XX | Taahino
05 | Tartford
09 | Terra Avium
03 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
09 | Thelonia
08 | Tinnmark
06 | Trifoski
09 | Ultraviolenceland
10 | Unovia
07 | Usfland
05 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria
04 | What
08 | Yehesi
06 | Zaminton

Posted by: Iz~ 28th August 2016, 02:06 PM

what do you mean I overthink this. Quite the mix of names we have here.

07 | #00274E
07 | Aelandor - I think it's like 'islander' which endears to me it a bit.
09 | Aeroche - up airrock
05 | Aeyundoré - looks like there's a little too much going on in this one
04 | Ajanaeda
06 | Alteria
07 | Altyr Muunilinst
10 | Avalonia - this really looks quite pretty + 'avalon' is a word string I can never resist
00 | Beaverdonia - hey its me ur reeval (I'm just not that keen on country names that use common English nouns)
05 | Bhangra
06 | Bignia-Zaragovina - the bosnia pastiche is appreciated but the pun was never the greatest to begin with
07 | Botanikka
07 | Brechtoria
-1 | Bubblelands - double sin of common nouns and the dreaded -land suffix, nope
08 | Cadelicia
06 | Cor Lupus
08 | Cumulonimbia - use Latin-derived nouns instead, that's much better
08 | D'yermak'er
09 | Daehun - quite a neat and compact name that doesn't rely on a common suffix (also I remember getting huge mileage over teasing Yu about naming it after Daehyunnie)
06 | Dalisska
06 | Deandria
10 | Desbuanda - strange how you familiarise yourself with country names, when Noah debuted this stood out for having quite a 'African country' vibe to the name and I haven't thought about that for quite a few years.
07 | Dobago - I suppose it's much better than Dobboland or Dobinica
07 | Espen
05 | Ethanola - best thing about this is the alcohol pun
06 | F.D. Anēné - similar problem to Aeyundoré
08 | FARC - I'm glad you're finally at peace
06 | Federal Republic of Ashton - as lower down revelations will make clear, republics are not the best governmental type for the BJSC world but Federal stretches the believability of Republic just enough for me to like it
04.14159 | FKA FKA FKA π - concept of FKA adds +3, each extra loses 1*
10 | Fljótavík - like D'yermak'er good concept in stealing obscure album tracks that look like they could be names only this one is a great location name in its own right too.
06 | Flynnonda
02 | Frandoot - I'm overdosed on froot
07 | FSR Rontvia
09 | Greenfroze - while it does use common words it uses them well as it implies a unique geographical climate in the name, could be a great fantasy taiga nation
06 | Harmonica
06 | Hendinia
06 | Hushkanukia
06 | Ingermanlandia - I appreciate and like the corruption of Ingria but 'landia' is a bit on the nose
07 | Isconia
06 | Jadakissnia
10 | Jayrusalem - a lesson in how to do a country pun, I think part of the reason we forced Jay to enter originally was because we needed to see the Jayrusaleminians in action.
01 | Joedonia
07 | Jukianië
04 | Kluminican Republic - not a fan of republics, love from BJSC's premier empire
05 | Kylienips - mellow.gif
03 | Land of DW - too much land and I still have no clue what a DW is
06 | Medhelnia
05 | Mulgracia
05 | N-Lazone - decent pun but come on
06 | N DNTN
11 | New Lexico - I take credit for at least half of this
00 | Ojnoj
06 | Oslol
08 | Pagasa
09 | Persephonia
02 | PRoJ
06 | Pupok
06 | Quintessa
05 | Ramrynia
04 | Republic of Adonia - see Kluminica, also I'm really rekking the 'donias' aren't I
06 | Sandebörg
07 | Singerpurear
07 | Skall
04 | South Danaelanda - feeling like this south phase will be more of a Vietnam than a Korea
06 | St. Burbia - 2 more points than I was gonna as this could be a St Lucia pun
06 | Suedeonia
08 | Syndare
XX | Séyetana
08 | Taahino
02 | Tartford
06 | Terra Avium - latin is lovely and I like the concept but terra is just Land so... (Terra Di Campioni would have gotten a -1)
03 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia - 'republic', 'bellamia', BJSC needs a jamilistan
07 | Thelonia
09 | Tinnmark
09 | Trifoski
00 | Ultraviolenceland - land where masses of violence happens? Sorry Sam but it is just a poster name + land name
07 | Unovia
00 | Usfland - same as UVland really
03 | Utopia - imagine if RFC ever reentered as Dystopia
05 | Vülkyria
02 | What - appreciate the hipsterishness, the name is rubbish though
07 | Yehesi
03 | Zaminton - TON DENOTES A TOWN NOT A COUNTRY hitler.gif (is this a city-state?)

(honorary mentions to Umiiruka, Launica and Caerfyrddia as names I miss seeing)

*count this as 4

Posted by: Silas 28th August 2016, 02:45 PM

Both modern and ancient republics vary widely in their ideology and composition. In the classical and medieval period of Europe, many states were fashioned on the Roman Republic, which referred to the governance of the city of Rome, between it having kings and emperors. The Italian medieval and Renaissance political tradition, today referred to as "civic humanism", is sometimes considered to derive directly from Roman republicans such as Sallust and Tacitus. However, Greek-influenced Roman authors, such as Polybius[5]and Cicero, sometimes also used the term as a translation for the Greek politeia which could mean regime generally, but could also be applied to certain specific types of regime which did not exactly correspond to that of the Roman Republic. Republics were not equated with classical democracies such as Athens, but had a democratic aspect.

That's where our Republic comes from rather than the modern usage of Republic like Germany and the United States. We have an emperor and everything.

Posted by: BeaverGotTrumped 28th August 2016, 03:01 PM


Posted by: Iz~ 28th August 2016, 03:26 PM

QUOTE(Silas @ Aug 28 2016, 03:45 PM) *
That's where our Republic comes from rather than the modern usage of Republic like Germany and the United States. We have an emperor and everything.

I felt like yours was a different kind of republic to the rest of them (if only through actions). I haven't actually come across the idea of republic being used as a general term for a regime, my studies of the classics always transliterated the word to the modern form and I didn't do much etymology.

Posted by: Chez Wombat 28th August 2016, 03:51 PM

08 | #00274E (unique~ doesn't roll off the tongue very well though)
08 | Aelandor
09 | Aeroche
03 | Aeyundoré (Bring back Summericia sad.gif)
05 | Ajanaeda
07 | Alteria
08 | Altyr Muunilinst
07 | Avalonia
09 | Beaverdonia (support to fellow animal nations <3)
05 | Bhangra
04 | Bignia-Zaragovina
06 | Botanikka
07 | Brechtoria
04 | Bubblelands
08 | Cadelicia
08 | Cor Lupus
10 | Cumulonimbia
07 | D'yermak'er
08 | Daehun
06 | Dalisska
06 | Deandria
08 | Desbuanda
06 | Dobago
06 | Espen
08 | Ethanola
02 | F.D. Anēné (at least you've left me as the only Terra ;o)
04 | FARC
07 | Federal Republic of Ashton
08 | FKA FKA FKA π (bring back Eledan sad.gif(or just Pi, that's awesome))
10 | Fljótavík
07 | Flynnonda
04 | Frandoot
07 | FSR Rontvia
06 | Greenfroze
08 | Harmonica
04 | Hendinia
06 | Hushkanukia
07 | Ingermanlandia
07 | Isconia
06 | Jadakissnia
08 | Jayrusalem
02 | Joedonia (Using own username in
06 | Jukianië
08 | Kluminican Republic
00 | Kylienips
07 | Land of DW (I don't know what this is but it does remind me of Arthur and Doctor Who <3)
06 | Medhelnia
08 | Mulgracia
05 | N-Lazone
09 | N DNTN
08 | New Lexico
00 | Ojnoj
07 | Oslol
07 | Pagasa (Pegasus ;o)
09 | Persephonia
07 | PRoJ
07 | Pupok
08 | Quintessa
07 | Ramrynia
04 | Republic of Adonia
05 | Sandebörg
05 | Singerpurear (I never know how to pronounce this :'()
09 | Skall
03 | South Danaelanda (Danaelanda would've been like a 6/7, this SOUTH thing...)
09 | St. Burbia (Though I do prefer the Halloween name for you - St. Disturbia *.*)
06 | Suedeonia
09 | Syndare
10 | Séyetana
07 | Taahino
05 | Tartford (kinky place)
XX | Terra Avium (latin for 'land of birds' in case you're wondering, you can't expect a more creative name, their birds ;o)
04 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia (Bring back Bellamia sad.gif)
05 | Thelonia
10 | Tinnmark (Finnmark - Arctic territory inspiration <3)
09 | Trifoski
02 | Ultraviolenceland
07 | Unovia
02 | Usfland
11 | Utopia (Kinda love this, simple and the word always puts me in the mind of a wonderful place, which is exactly what a country name should do!)
10 | Vülkyria
09 | What
05 | Yehesi
05 | Zaminton (Badminton ;o)

Sorry if I shat on your intense thought process you took to get that name with a low score.

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 04:01 PM

08 | #00274E
07 | Aelandor
07 | Aeroche
04 | Aeyundoré
05 | Ajanaeda
06 | Alteria
08 | Altyr Muunilinst
07 | Avalonia
04 | Beaverdonia
06 | Bhangra
02 | Bignia-Zaragovina
06 | Botanikka
02 | Brechtoria
00 | Bubblelands
08 | Cadelicia
04 | Cor Lupus
-1 | Cumulonimbia
07 | D'yermak'er
06 | Daehun
00 | Dalisska
00 | Deandria
06 | Desbuanda
07 | Dobago
07 | Espen
08 | Ethanola
01 | F.D. Anēné
08 | FARC
07 | Federal Republic of Ashton
06 | FKA FKA FKA π
08 | Fljótavík
04 | Flynnonda
05 | Frandoot
07 | FSR Rontvia
07 | Greenfroze
06 | Harmonica
08 | Hendinia
07 | Hushkanukia
08 | Ingermanlandia
09 | Isconia
05 | Jadakissnia
10 | Jayrusalem
04 | Joedonia
08 | Jukianië
09 | Kluminican Republic
00 | Kylienips
00 | Land of DW
05 | Medhelnia
00 | Mulgracia
07 | N-Lazone
07 | N DNTN
08 | New Lexico
03 | Ojnoj
07 | Oslol
06 | Pagasa
07 | Persephonia
05 | PRoJ
08 | Pupok
09 | Quintessa
07 | Ramrynia
07 | Republic of Adonia
08 | Sandebörg
06 | Singerpurear
08 | Skall
09 | South Danaelanda
05 | St. Burbia
03 | Suedeonia
08 | Syndare
06 | Séyetana
10 | Taahino
05 | Tartford
02 | Terra Avium
00 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
06 | Thelonia
08 | Tinnmark
06 | Trifoski
00 | Ultraviolenceland
08 | Unovia
07 | Usfland
08 | Utopia
09 | Vülkyria
02 | What
11 | Yehesi
06 | Zaminton

Posted by: Cody's Glory 28th August 2016, 04:44 PM

But Chez I have a Latin animal name too

lol at Iz scoring with the value of pi

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 05:05 PM

Seyetana racist to republics ohmy.gif BANLIST (rise up fellow republics make them flop flop)

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 05:18 PM

10 | #00274E - Oddly charming
06 | Aelandor
11 | Aeroche - smoothsleeksexy
00 | Aeyundoré - sounds like the brother of Aelandor who got dropped on his head in birth
03 | Ajanaeda - why the vowels?
05 | Alteria
08 | Altyr Muunilinst - hated this at first, but it does have an empirical ring to it
07 | Avalonia
06 | Beaverdonia
04 | Bhangra - real words are bad.
06 | Bignia-Zaragovina - I don't get what this is supposed to be punning (other than the obvious Bosnia-Herzegovina)
06 | Botanikka
03 | Brechtoria
00 | Bubblelands
07 | Cadelicia
09 | Cor Lupus
10 | Cumulonimbia
07 | D'yermak'er
07 | Daehun
06 | Dalisska
05 | Deandria
08 | Desbuanda
07 | Dobago
08 | Espen
08 | Ethanola
04 | F.D. Anēné - more letters less punctuation please smile.gif
07 | FARC - i like how bold this is! can't remember what it was supposed to originally be?
04 | Federal Republic of Ashton - plain old Ashton would do
00 | FKA FKA FKA π - BRING BACK ELEDAN - plus this is a pain to type
10 | Fljótavík - AESTHETIC MMM.
03 | Flynnonda
02 | Frandoot
08 | FSR Rontvia
05 | Greenfroze
10 | Harmonica - I like this. It's odd that a real word would sonically sound like a country name. And the fact that a harmonica is a musical instrumental ties the musical + country themes together PERFECTLY.
08 | Hendinia
02 | Hushkanukia - clunky monkey
03 | Ingermanlandia
06 | Isconia
06 | Jadakissnia
05 | Jayrusalem
00 | Joedonia - vanille
06 | Jukianië
XX | Kluminican Republic
07 | Kylienips - it has it's charm and I often forget what the words actually mean laugh.gif
03 | Land of DW - vanille pt 2
00 | Medhelnia - v. clunky monkey puke.gif
06 | Mulgracia
04 | N-Lazone
10 | N DNTN
07 | New Lexico
05 | Ojnoj
03 | Oslol
03 | Pagasa
09 | Persephonia
00 | PRoJ
05 | Pupok
04 | Quintessa
-1 | Ramrynia - the extra R is an absolute PAIN.
08 | Republic of Adonia
08 | Sandebörg
07 | Singerpurear
04 | Skall
04 | South Danaelanda +3 for Danaelanda on it's own
07 | St. Burbia
06 | Suedeonia
10 | Syndare
09 | Séyetana
06 | Taahino
00 | Tartford
09 | Terra Avium
08 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
06 | Thelonia
07 | Tinnmark
06 | TRIANGLEDONIA - i feel there could be a triangular pun that should be taken advantage of!
09 | Trifoski
02 | Ultraviolenceland
10 | Unovia
00 | Usfland - miss chunky clunky mcmonkey
08 | Utopia
05 | Vülkyria
09 | What - horrific but the confusion surrounding the name is very amusing!
03 | Yehesi - erm no(hesi)
04 | Zaminton

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 05:27 PM

Rude c**t

(Adjusting my score 4 u right now)

Posted by: princess_lotita 28th August 2016, 05:31 PM

00 | #00274E
00 | Aelandor
00 | Aeroche
00 | Aeyundoré
00 | Ajanaeda
00 | Alteria
00 | Altyr Muunilinst
00 | Avalonia
00 | Beaverdonia
00 | Bhangra
00 | Bignia-Zaragovina
00 | Botanikka
00 | Brechtoria
00 | Bubblelands
00 | Cadelicia
00 | Cor Lupus
00 | Cumulonimbia
00 | D'yermak'er
00 | Daehun
00 | Dalisska
00 | Deandria
00 | Desbuanda
00 | Dobago
00 | Espen
00 | Ethanola
00 | F.D. Anēné
00 | FARC
00 | Federal Republic of Ashton
00 | FKA FKA FKA π
00 | Fljótavík
00 | Flynnonda
00 | Frandoot
00 | FSR Rontvia
00 | Greenfroze
00 | Harmonica
00 | Hendinia
00 | Hushkanukia
00 | Ingermanlandia
00 | Isconia
00 | Jadakissnia
00 | Jayrusalem
00 | Joedonia
00 | Jukianië
00 | Kluminican Republic
00 | Kylienips
00 | Land of DW
00 | Medhelnia
00 | Mulgracia
00 | N-Lazone
00 | N DNTN
00 | New Lexico
00 | Ojnoj
00 | Oslol
00 | Pagasa
00 | Persephonia
00 | PRoJ
11 | Pupok
00 | Quintessa
00 | Ramrynia
00 | Republic of Adonia
00 | Sandebörg
00 | Singerpurear
00 | Skall
00 | South Danaelanda
00 | St. Burbia
00 | Suedeonia
00 | Syndare
00 | Séyetana
-1 | Taahino
00 | Tartford
00 | Terra Avium
00 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
00 | Thelonia
00 | Tinnmark
00 | Trifoski
00 | Ultraviolenceland
00 | Unovia
00 | Usfland
00 | Utopia
00 | Vülkyria
00 | What
10 | Yehesi
00 | Zaminton

u didn't say we can't vote 4 ourselves

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 05:34 PM

QUOTE(*Tim @ Aug 28 2016, 06:27 PM) *
Rude c**t

(Adjusting my score 4 u right now)


i'm sorry you don't have creative word flair like me.

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 28th August 2016, 05:34 PM

I thought I did oops mellow.gif

I'm not counting that.

Posted by: Cameron 28th August 2016, 05:36 PM

Blacklisting as we speak.

Posted by: princess_lotita 28th August 2016, 05:37 PM

don't hate the player hate the game

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 05:44 PM

If you tit4tat you are getting blacklisted no exceptions. smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Posted by: Bré 28th August 2016, 05:44 PM

The pun in Bignia-Zaragovina is Jáhq's original username bigzarafan. x

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 05:49 PM

But who was THE Zara before Zara Larsson??

Posted by: Bré 28th August 2016, 05:52 PM

One of Jáhq's IRL friends I think. :')

Posted by: notfurlong 28th August 2016, 06:40 PM

07 | #00274E - I've always found this sort of troubling even though I know it's cool... but numbers for a country name is worryingly dystopian
04 | Aelandor - very Tolkein
09 | Aeroche
00 | Aeyundoré - makes me think of Eeyore
05 | Ajanaeda
04 | Alteria
08 | Altyr Muunilinst
05 | Avalonia
00 | Beaverdonia
04 | Bhangra
06 | Bignia-Zaragovina
04 | Botanikka
04 | Brechtoria
00 | Bubblelands - actually makes me shudder
07 | Cadelicia
08 | Cor Lupus
06 | Cumulonimbia
09 | D'yermak'er
09 | Daehun
06 | Dalisska
07 | Deandria
05 | Desbuanda
06 | Dobago
08 | Espen
05 | Ethanola
05 | F.D. Anēné - too many embellishments and not enough content
09 | FARC
07 | Federal Republic of Ashton
03 | FKA FKA FKA π - cool it
10 | Fljótavík - as flamboyant as the man behind it
06 | Flynnonda
05 | Frandoot - can't get over how crass it could sound
08 | FSR Rontvia - a classic
07 | Greenfroze
00 | Harmonica - this is already an English word, poor effort
08 | Hendinia
07 | Hushkanukia
04 | Ingermanlandia
09 | Isconia
06 | Jadakissnia - idk this sounds a bit MSN username somehow, I'm not sure how much I like it
07 | Jayrusalem
00 | Joedonia - soz but you can do better Joseph
06 | Jukianië
05 | Kluminican Republic
-1 | Kylienips - the best thing about this rate is that I can finally unleash my full disdain on the awfulness of this name
00 | Land of DW
04 | Medhelnia
07 | Mulgracia
04 | N-Lazone
09 | N DNTN
06 | New Lexico
07 | Ojnoj - simple but effective
04 | Oslol
07 | Pagasa
10 | Persephonia
06 | PRoJ
04 | Pupok
08 | Quintessa
08 | Ramrynia
06 | Republic of Adonia
07 | Sandebörg
05 | Singerpurear
10 | Skall - sounds like an old Nordic land wub.gif
04 | South Danaelanda - yeahhhhh drop the south
06 | St. Burbia
00 | Suedeonia
xx | Syndare
09 | Séyetana
08 | Taahino
05 | Tartford
07 | Terra Avium
04 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
05 | Thelonia
08 | Tinnmark
00 | TRIANGLEDONIA - illuminati
11 | Trifoski
00 | Ultraviolenceland
04 | Unovia
04 | Usfland
06 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria
02 | What
07 | Yehesi
05 | Zaminton

also my country is the easiest to say but I anyway 'cause it's fun ~

Posted by: Ultraviolence1989 28th August 2016, 07:11 PM

Coming for last here to add to last in the country flag rate *.*

Posted by: Cody's Glory 28th August 2016, 07:16 PM

Give me all your luvin heart.gif

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 07:55 PM

Interesting that you put the emphasis on the second part of the name David! I always say it as SYN-dare (like SYN-drome)

Posted by: Mattias 28th August 2016, 08:03 PM

Yeah I always put emphasis on the last part of Syndare, but with my Irish accent I always also emphasise the letter R in it heehee.gif synDERRRR

Posted by: Bré 28th August 2016, 08:21 PM

Quick reminder of how Persephonia is pronounced because everyone gets it wrong magic.gif

Posted by: dandy* 28th August 2016, 08:31 PM

Oh you pronounce that completely incorrectly.

Posted by: Bré 28th August 2016, 08:43 PM


Posted by: dandy* 28th August 2016, 08:44 PM

I don't actually know how to pronounce my own country name exactly, I always pronounce it FLEUR-TA-VEEK but I'm not 100% sure that is correct.

Posted by: Mattias 28th August 2016, 08:46 PM

QUOTE(dandy* @ Aug 28 2016, 09:44 PM) *
I don't actually know how to pronounce my own country name exactly, I always pronounce it FLEUR-TA-VEEK but I'm not 100% sure that is correct.

That's pretty much it.

Posted by: BeaverGotTrumped 28th August 2016, 08:48 PM

Yooouuuu RUUUUUUUDE hoooes!!!!

Poor brave Beaverdonia! I might add a # for extfa impakt and to modernise.

Posted by: Cameron 28th August 2016, 08:53 PM

QUOTE(dandy* @ Aug 28 2016, 09:44 PM) *
I don't actually know how to pronounce my own country name exactly, I always pronounce it FLEUR-TA-VEEK but I'm not 100% sure that is correct.

Posted by: Iz~ 28th August 2016, 08:58 PM

I've always said 'flee-oh-tav-ik', I should adjust that ever so slightly.

This is me:, which I think everyone already knew but it is fun doing recordings.

Posted by: dandy* 28th August 2016, 08:59 PM

According to the like Mattias posted, it turns out it's like a cross between FLEUR and

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 09:04 PM

Do y'all just comepletely disregard the J in ur language or? :')

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 28th August 2016, 09:10 PM

QUOTE(*Tim @ Aug 28 2016, 10:04 PM) *
Do y'all just comepletely disregard the J in ur language or? :')

I think it was Icelandic tho? unsure.gif

I want a Yehesi recording after you saying Yea-heh-say is wrong tbh

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 09:11 PM

QUOTE(Lindsey ♌ @ Aug 28 2016, 09:10 PM) *
I think it was Icelandic tho? unsure.gif

I want a Yehesi recording after you saying Yea-heh-say is wrong tbh

Ur not getting a recording, this voice is worth oprah dollahs

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 28th August 2016, 09:12 PM

QUOTE(*Tim @ Aug 28 2016, 10:11 PM) *
Ur not getting a recording, this voice is worth oprah dollahs

sing it

Posted by: Cucumberella 28th August 2016, 09:13 PM

is it Yeh-hay-see

Posted by: LexC 28th August 2016, 09:16 PM

QUOTE(*Tim @ Aug 28 2016, 10:04 PM) *
Do y'all just comepletely disregard the J in ur language or? :')

u can talk when ur people get over your hatred of the letter G

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 09:17 PM

Our G is fabulous and you shall deal

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 09:18 PM

I don't want to know how you pronounce your names anymore. YOU'RE ALL WRONG cry.gif

Posted by: Cucumberella 28th August 2016, 09:19 PM

i'm getting used to airrosh even tho it wasnt intended as that!

Posted by: Spundora's Boxx 28th August 2016, 09:19 PM

Will be rating based on how easy or hard each county name is to pronounce (in my eyes anyway angel.gif ) ((ears even)) xo

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 09:19 PM

Isnt it i-roh-chee

Posted by: Cucumberella 28th August 2016, 09:20 PM

QUOTE(*Tim @ Aug 28 2016, 10:19 PM) *
Isnt it i-roh-chee

LOL!!!!! NO

it's air-rock or air-rosh however u want it

ur a mess

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 09:21 PM

HAHAHAHAHA that is terrible, I will keep my way of pronouncing it aka the right way

Posted by: Cucumberella 28th August 2016, 09:23 PM

omg ur illiterate stop sending me snapchats and pick up a book

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 09:24 PM

i-roch-ee sounds like a disease :/ :/

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 09:26 PM

QUOTE(Cucumberella @ Aug 28 2016, 09:23 PM) *
omg ur illiterate stop sending me snapchats and pick up a book

Bitch how does Ae lead to Air?! Those are pronounced differently

QUOTE(Klumzee @ Aug 28 2016, 09:24 PM) *
i-roch-ee sounds like a disease :/ :/

So does klumzee. What kind of ebola teas

Posted by: Klumzee 28th August 2016, 09:28 PM

QUOTE(*Tim @ Aug 28 2016, 10:26 PM) *
Bitch how does Ae lead to Air?! Those are pronounced differently
So does klumzee. What kind of ebola teas


Posted by: mdh 28th August 2016, 09:28 PM

Oh my GOD Adam your signature is slaying me in millions of ways *'.* Is it a cry for help?

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 28th August 2016, 09:29 PM

mine is exactly how it reads, Ta- hee - no

in case this scores me extra brownie points, I got it from Tonight Alive's guitarist's surname, Taahi which is Maori I think, no idea if it's actually said the way it's read but Ż\_(ツ)_/Ż

also i've been saying aero-shay in my mind mellow.gif

Posted by: Cucumberella 28th August 2016, 09:29 PM


it's less cunni lingus and more aer lingus TIM,,,

Posted by: *Tim 28th August 2016, 09:29 PM

QUOTE(Klumzee @ Aug 28 2016, 09:28 PM) *

No Ae as in Bae Roche as in Rochelle

Posted by: Spundora's Boxx 28th August 2016, 09:38 PM

QUOTE(mdh @ Aug 28 2016, 10:28 PM) *
Oh my GOD Adam your signature is slaying me in millions of ways *'.* Is it a cry for help?
I'm doing my bit and letting her cry for help on a SECOND PAGE too funky.gif wub.gif #savemarina #joycenotdiamandis

Posted by: mdh 28th August 2016, 09:46 PM

QUOTE(Spundora @ Aug 28 2016, 10:38 PM) *
I'm doing my bit and letting her cry for help on a SECOND PAGE too funky.gif wub.gif #savemarina #joycenotdiamandis

One day I want to be like Marqueena wub.gif

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 28th August 2016, 09:54 PM

omg I thought the Marina Joyce stuff was just conspiracies and fans jumping to conclusions, basically she's going through shit but she's okay and getting help etc??? unsure.gif

Posted by: Spundora's Boxx 28th August 2016, 09:54 PM

QUOTE(mdh @ Aug 28 2016, 10:46 PM) *
One day I want to be like Marqueena wub.gif
yass Marqueena indeed wub.gif

She wasn't kidnapped, she was running away from her destiny to be ha queen wink.gif

Posted by: Cucumberella 28th August 2016, 09:56 PM

that hairstyle where girls pull from the back of their head forward to create a fringe rly is my worst thing

Posted by: notfurlong 28th August 2016, 09:56 PM

QUOTE(Klumzee @ Aug 28 2016, 08:55 PM) *
Interesting that you put the emphasis on the second part of the name David! I always say it as SYN-dare (like SYN-drome)

QUOTE(Mattias @ Aug 28 2016, 09:03 PM) *
Yeah I always put emphasis on the last part of Syndare, but with my Irish accent I always also emphasise the letter R in it heehee.gif synDERRRR

I think I'm trying a scandi emphasis on the A (because it's actually a Swedish word), though I've no idea if that's how they'd actually say it tbh

QUOTE(Bré @ Aug 28 2016, 09:21 PM) *
Quick reminder of how Persephonia is pronounced because everyone gets it wrong magic.gif

this is so much nicer than the way I've always said it!!

Posted by: Silas 28th August 2016, 10:10 PM

That's us in both Ashtonise/Áskorzajn and English happy.gif

Posted by: Bradders 29th August 2016, 12:16 AM

Some mass Brechtoria shade here. I will do this shortly - Brechtoria is after Brecht a drama practitioner who believes in shocking your audience by being diverse and confusing. Something I aim to do with my song choices as you should see this month with something completely different.

Posted by: HausofKubrick 29th August 2016, 06:23 AM

Mine is pronounced "Jamaica" in a Jamaican accent.

Posted by: Cody's Glory 29th August 2016, 06:33 AM

QUOTE(HausofKubrick @ Aug 28 2016, 11:23 PM) *
Mine is pronounced "Jamaica" in a Jamaican accent.
D'yermak'in me crazy Bal

Posted by: Qween 29th August 2016, 09:12 AM

Just BECAUSE I feel like insinuating myself into events to make me feel like I still belong round here, my country name is pronounced All-tear Mew-knee-linst.

Posted by: 🍑💦🍌 29th August 2016, 09:44 AM

QUOTE(Cucumberella @ Aug 29 2016, 12:13 AM) *
is it Yeh-hay-see

is it Yeh-'eh-sigh

QUOTE(HausofKubrick @ Aug 29 2016, 09:23 AM) *
Mine is pronounced "Jamaica" in a Jamaican accent.

oh my GOD. I literally only just got it. AMAZING.

Posted by: Spundora's Boxx 29th August 2016, 10:32 AM

I thought it'd be fun to make myself have to choose 4 0s (but no -1 lol) and limit myself on 10s and 9s tongue.gif

Also putting how I pronounce each one, not that I seem to adjust pronunciations based on what y'all are saying unsure.gif whistle.gif

Also I don't really have faves here so the high scores are basically 8s etc. unsure.gif I do like words though if they are the right syllables/letters next to each other, they just don't seem to be that prominent here kink.gif

08 | #00274E It's different
06 | Aelandor "Alan-door"/"Ay-land-or"
09 | Aeroche "Aero-shay"
07 | Aeyundoré sounds too much like Aelandor "Ay-un-door"
05 | Ajanaeda "Ajan-ay-dah"
05 | Alteria "Alt-eer-ear"
08 | Altyr Muunilinst I CAN NEVER PRONOUNCE THIS CORRECTLY but it's still a fave "Alt-yer-moon-ill-inst" (used to say "Alt-yer-moon-ist")
00 | Avalonia basic bitch "Ava-lone-ear"
04 | Beaverdonia NOT a beaver but it's a bit iconiqe tbf "Beaver-dough-near"
00 | Bhangra this annoys me for some reason "Bang-rah"
03 | Bignia-Zaragovina Same again "Big-near-zara-goh-veena"
04 | Botanikka "Bot-ann-ick-ah"
06 | Brechtoria "Breck-tor-ear"
06 | Bubblelands bubbles tho <3
05 | Cadelicia "Cad-el-lee-seer"
07 | Cor Lupus "Cor-loop-us"
06 | Cumulonimbia "Q-myoo-low-nim-beer"
09 | D'yermak'er "Jamaica"/"Du-ya make a"
08 | Daehun "Day-hun"
08 | Dalisska "Dah-lisk-ah"
05 | Deandria "Dee-ann-drear"
04 | Desbuanda "Des-byoo-and-ah"
05 | Dobago "Doh-bag-oh"
05 | Espen "Es-ben"
05 | Ethanola "Ee-than-oh-lah" (hard "than")
08 | F.D. Anēné "Eff-dee-ann-een"
05 | FARC "Fark"
04 | Federal Republic of Ashton
05 | FKA FKA FKA π
06 | Fljótavík "Flot-av-eek"
07 | Flynnonda "Flin-onn-dah"
06 | Frandoot "Fran-doot"
07 | FSR Rontvia "Eff-ess-arr-ront-veer"
05 | Greenfroze
04 | Harmonica
06 | Hendinia "Hen-dee-near"
08 | Hushkanukia "Hush-can-ook-ear"
07 | Ingermanlandia "Ing-er-man-land-ear"
07 | Isconia "Isk-own-ear"
07 | Jadakissnia "Jade-ah-kiss-near"
08 | Jayrusalem "Jay-roo-sal-em"
02 | Joedonia
11 | Jukianië "Joo-key-ann-ee"
06 | Kluminican Republic "Clue-min-ick-an Republic"
06 | Kylienips
06 | Land of DW
08 | Medhelnia "Med-hell-near"
09 | Mulgracia "Mull-grey-seer"
09 | N-Lazone "En-lay-zone"
08 | N DNTN "En-down-town"
09 | New Lexico
06 | Ojnoj
07 | Oslol
06 | Pagasa "Pag-ass-ah"
09 | Persephonia "Percy-phone-ear"
08 | PRoJ "Pro-jay"
08 | Pupok "Pyoo-pock"
07 | Quintessa "Quint-essa"
07 | Ramrynia "Ram-rain-ear"
05 | Republic of Adonia
07 | Sandebörg "Sandy-borg"
07 | Singerpurear "Singer-pure-ear"
05 | Skall "Skal"
06 | South Danaelanda
07 | St. Burbia
05 | Suedeonia "Sweed-oh-near"
08 | Syndare "Sin-dare"
10 | Séyetana "Say-et-arr-nah"
10 | Taahino "Tah-he-no"
06 | Tartford
07 | Terra Avium "Tear-ah-ayy-vee-um"
09 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
06 | Thelonia "The-lone-ear"
07 | Tinnmark
02 xx | TRIANGLEDONIA "Trin-gulldon-ear"
07 | Trifoski
00 | Ultraviolenceland
05 | Unovia
05 | Usfland "Us-fland"
00 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria "Vull-key-rear"
10 | What
08 | Yehesi "Yeah-hes-see"
07 | Zaminton

Posted by: Suedehead2 29th August 2016, 10:49 AM

QUOTE(Bré @ Aug 28 2016, 09:21 PM) *
Quick reminder of how Persephonia is pronounced because everyone gets it wrong magic.gif

I was going to record Suedeonia in a similar fashion (i.e. with the o pronounced as a schwa sound and the stress on the first and third syllables), but you've beaten me to it sad.gif

Posted by: Lindsey ♌ 1st September 2016, 11:45 PM

more pls

Posted by: HarryEzra 2nd September 2016, 12:20 AM

10 | #00274E Really Inventive idea
07 | Aelandor
06 | Aeroche
05 | Aeyundoré
04 | Ajanaeda
03 | Alteria Just a tad basic of a name imo
07 | Altyr Muunilinst
07 | Avalonia
08 | Beaverdonia
07| Bhangra
05 | Bignia-Zaragovina
09| Botanikka Great to pronounce!
07 | Brechtoria
06 | Bubblelands
06 | Cadelicia
08 | Cor Lupus
05 | Cumulonimbia
10 | D'yermak'er After hearing how to pronounce I understand and appreciate a lot more
07 | Daehun
04 | Dalisska
08 | Deandria
06 | Desbuanda
05 | Dobago
07 | Espen
06 | Ethanola
04 | F.D. Anēné
07 | Federal Republic of Ashton
09 | FKA FKA FKA π Very unique I will know full well who this poster is
08 | Fljótavík
XX | Flynnonda
07 | Frandoot
07 | FSR Rontvia
07 | Greenfroze
09 | Harmonica Simple but great
08 | Hendinia
10 | Hushkanukia Wordy without being too hard to say and like saying it
05 | Ingermanlandia
07| Isconia
06| Jadakissnia
05| Jayrusalem
07 | Joedonia
08 | Jukianië
10 | Kluminican Republic I love the play on Dominicam Republic
07 | Kylienips
06 | Land of DW
06 | Medhelnia
08 | Mulgracia WAYYY better than Jamvile or however it was pronounced
06 | N-Lazone
07 | N DNTN
09 | New Lexico Again love the play of New Mexico
11 | Ojnoj I like the backwords spelling, spelling out the posters name fab idea heart.gif
07 | Oslol
05 | Pagasa
07 | Persephonia
04 | PRoJ
07 | Pupok
08 | Quintessa
04 | Ramrynia
06 | Republic of Adonia
08 | Sandebörg
09 | Singerpurear Very indie to me which which kinda sum most of your entries
06 | Skall
-1 | South Danaelanda Would have been higher without south just with the south added in its quite pretentious imho
07 | St. Burbia
07 | Suedeonia
08 | Syndare
08 | Séyetana
10 | Taahino Quite like how this is spelt and how out there it is
06 | Tartford
07 | Terra Avium
07 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
06| Thelonia
05 | Tinnmark
07 | Trifoski
08 | Ultraviolenceland
06 | Unovia
07 | Usfland
06 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria
10 | What Sometimes simplicity is the Key
08 | Yehesi
06 | Zaminton

Posted by: Jade 2nd September 2016, 12:27 AM

Well... at least I've been consistently just above average in this so far with mostly 6s, and not mega shaded yet kink.gif but m8, this underratedness. Jadakiss *.*

Posted by: SevenSees 2nd September 2016, 12:38 AM

08 | #00274E
08 | Aelandor
08 | Aeroche
02 | Aeyundoré ehh, stick with Summericia
05 | Ajanaeda
04 | Alteria
11 | Altyr Muunilinst v complex and fancy, love it
07 | Avalonia
05 | Beaverdonia
05 | Bhangra
10 | Bignia-Zaragovina
08 | Botanikka
06 | Brechtoria
03 | Bubblelands
07 | Cadelicia
06 | Cor Lupus
07 | Cumulonimbia
09 | D'yermak'er
07 | Daehun
05 | Dalisska
07 | Deandria
08 | Desbuanda
07 | Dobago but where's Drinidad?
07 | Espen
05 | Ethanola
00 | F.D. Anēné i liked Terra Di Campioni more lol
07 | FARC
06 | Federal Republic of Ashton
07 | FKA FKA FKA π
10 | Fljótavík
07 | Flynnonda
03 | Frandoot
09 | FSR Rontvia
07 | Greenfroze
06 | Harmonica
08 | Hendinia
06 | Hushkanukia
07 | Ingermanlandia
07 | Isconia
06 | Jadakissnia
10 | Jayrusalem
01 | Joedonia
04 | Jukianië
08 | Kluminican Republic
07 | Kylienips
05 | Land of DW
05 | Medhelnia
07 | Mulgracia
05 | N-Lazone
08 | N DNTN
07 | New Lexico
05 | Ojnoj
06 | Oslol
07 | Pagasa
08 | Persephonia
05 | PRoJ
06 | Pupok
07 | Quintessa
08 | Ramrynia
07 | Republic of Adonia
07 | Sandebörg
08 | Singerpurear
08 | Skall
05 | South Danaelanda wait why are you southern now
07 | St. Burbia
05 | Suedeonia
07 | Syndare
08 | Séyetana
08 | Taahino
07 | Tartford
07 | Terra Avium
07 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
05 | Thelonia
07 | Tinnmark
XX | Trifoski
00 | Ultraviolenceland
06 | Unovia
00 | Usfland
06 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria
08 | What
07 | Yehesi
07 | Zaminton

Posted by: Leonardo 2nd September 2016, 02:46 AM

Mine is based on mellifluousness and sounding iconic, points deducted for having to triple-check names/spellings because it sucks balls.

01 | #00274E
04 | Aelandor
06 | Aeroche
01 | Aeyundoré
07 | Ajanaeda
09 | Alteria
05 | Altyr Muunilinst
07 | Avalonia
04 | Beaverdonia
04 | Bhangra
08 | Bignia-Zaragovina
06 | Botanikka
02 | Brechtoria
00 | Bubblelands
08 | Cadelicia
07 | Cor Lupus
04 | Cumulonimbia
06 | D'yermak'er
10 | Daehun
07 | Dalisska
06 | Deandria
10 | Desbuanda
07 | Dobago
07 | Espen
07 | Ethanola
01 | F.D. Anēné
00 | FARC
04 | Federal Republic of Ashton
00 | FKA FKA FKA π
04 | Fljótavík
03 | Flynnonda
05 | Frandoot
11 | FSR Rontvia
02 | Greenfroze
04 | Harmonica
06 | Hendinia
07 | Hushkanukia
05 | Ingermanlandia
04 | Isconia
02 | Jadakissnia
05 | Jayrusalem
00 | Joedonia
09 | Jukianië
05 | Kluminican Republic
06 | Kylienips
05 | Land of DW
04 | Medhelnia
06 | Mulgracia
02 | N-Lazone
02 | N DNTN
05 | New Lexico
04 | Ojnoj
08 | Oslol
06 | Pagasa
06 | Persephonia
03 | PRoJ
05 | Pupok
04 | Ramrynia
08 | Republic of Adonia
07 | Sandebörg
02 | Singerpurear
08 | Skall
03 | South Danaelanda
03 | St. Burbia
02 | Suedeonia
05 | Syndare
07| Séyetana
08 | Taahino
07| Tartford
04 | Terra Avium
08 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
07| Thelonia
09 | Tinnmark
08| Trifoski
01 | Ultraviolenceland
06 | Unovia
06 | Usfland
01| Utopia
04| Vülkyria
07| What
08 | Yehesi
09| Zaminton

Posted by: danG 2nd September 2016, 09:59 AM

10 | #00274E
03 | Aelandor sounds too much like our great nation soz
10 | Aeroche
04 | Aeyundoré Summericia was better
05 | Ajanaeda
04 | Alteria
08 | Altyr Muunilinst
06 | Avalonia
10 | Beaverdonia for the full name *.*
05 | Bhangra
07 | Bignia-Zaragovina
07 | Botanikka
05 | Brechtoria
03 | Bubblelands
05 | Cadelicia
06 | Cor Lupus
09 | Cumulonimbia
07 | D'yermak'er
04 | Daehun
04 | Dalisska
05 | Deandria
05 | Desbuanda
07 | Dobago
06 | Espen
08 | Ethanola for the ethan and ethanol pun
01 | F.D. Anēné
08 | FARC
06 | Federal Republic of Ashton
04 | FKA FKA FKA π less FKAs plz
06 | Fljótavík nice name but difficult to pronounce
05 | Flynnonda
02 | Frandoot
07 | FSR Rontvia
04 | Greenfroze
06 | Harmonica
06 | Hendinia
05 | Hushkanukia
04 | Ingermanlandia
03 | Isconia
06 | Jadakissnia
07 | Jayrusalem
06 | Joedonia
04 | Jukianië
09 | Kluminican Republic
09 | Kylienips
04 | Land of DW
06 | Medhelnia
05 | Mulgracia
07 | N-Lazone
07 | N DNTN
07 | New Lexico
01 | Ojnoj
06 | Oslol
03 | Pagasa
09 | Persephonia
06 | PRoJ
04 | Pupok
05 | Quintessa
05 | Ramrynia
06 | Republic of Adonia
04 | Sandebörg
07 | Singerpurear
07 | Skall
xx | South Danaelanda technically this is only half a country tho x. besides what is this South Danaelanda racism I keep seeing in this thread? mad.gif
03 | St. Burbia
04 | Suedeonia
06 | Syndare
08 | Séyetana
03 | Taahino
05 | Tartford
08 | Terra Avium
06 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
05 | Thelonia
05 | Tinnmark
09 | Trifoski
05 | Ultraviolenceland
04 | Unovia
02 | Usfland
05 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria
07 | What
05 | Yehesi great country, never loved the name tho
03 | Zaminton

Posted by: Lindsey⚙ 5th September 2016, 07:16 PM

5 more days guysssssss

Posted by: Lindsey⚙ 10th September 2016, 10:41 AM

Last chance unsure.gif

Posted by: Qween 10th September 2016, 01:18 PM

06 | #00274E
05 | Aelandor
07 | Aeroche
08 | Aeyundoré
07 | Ajanaeda
06 | Alteria
-- | Altyr Muunilinst
07 | Avalonia
03 | Beaverdonia
03 | Bhangra
06 | Bignia-Zaragovina
07 | Botanikka
06 | Brechtoria
02 | Bubblelands
07 | Cadelicia
08 | Cor Lupus
05 | Cumulonimbia
07 | D'yermak'er
07 | Daehun
07 | Dalisska
08 | Deandria
08 | Desbuanda
08 | Dobago
08 | Espen
08 | Ethanola
04 | F.D. Anēné
08 | FARC
07 | Federal Republic of Ashton
05 | FKA FKA FKA π
09 | Fljótavík
04 | Flynnonda
05 | Frandoot
07 | FSR Rontvia
05 | Greenfroze
06 | Harmonica
06 | Hendinia
05 | Hushkanukia
08 | Ingermanlandia
09 | Isconia
07 | Jadakissnia
07 | Jayrusalem
07 | Joedonia
07 | Jukianië
08 | Kluminican Republic
02 | Kylienips
05 | Land of DW
08 | Medhelnia
08 | Mulgracia
04 | N-Lazone
07 | N DNTN
08 | New Lexico
07 | Ojnoj
07 | Oslol
09 | Pagasa
09 | Persephonia
08 | PRoJ
07 | Pupok
09 | Quintessa
07 | Ramrynia
09 | Republic of Adonia
09 | Sandebörg
05 | Singerpurear
07 | Skall
07 | South Danaelanda
08 | St. Burbia
08 | Suedeonia
08 | Syndare
08 | Séyetana
08 | Taahino
06 | Tartford
06 | Terra Avium
07 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
08 | Thelonia
08 | Tinnmark
07 | Trifoski
04 | Ultraviolenceland
07 | Unovia
05 | Usfland
06 | Utopia
07 | Vülkyria
02 | What
06 | Yehesi
08 | Zaminton

based on whether I think it sounds like a potential real country (using this metric Altyr would only get about a 3)

Posted by: RabbitFurCoat 10th September 2016, 02:00 PM

0 | #00274E
1 | Aelandor
9 | Aeroche
5 | Aeyundoré
7 | Ajanaeda
5 | Alteria
10 | Altyr Muunilinst
0 | Avalonia
0 | Beaverdonia
0 | Bhangra
9 | Bignia-Zaragovina
4 | Botanikka
5 | Brechtoria
0 | Bubblelands
10 | Cadelicia
8 | Cor Lupus
7 | Cumulonimbia
9 | D'yermak'er
7 | Daehun
8 | Dalisska
5 | Deandria
7 | Desbuanda
1 | Dobago
9 | Espen
8 | Ethanola
8 | F.D. Anēné
5 | FARC
0 | Federal Republic of Ashton
9 | Fljótavík
3 | Flynnonda
0 | Frandoot
9 | FSR Rontvia
4 | Greenfroze
0 | Harmonica
4 | Hendinia
7 | Hushkanukia
3 | Ingermanlandia
7 | Isconia
6 | Jadakissnia
5 | Jayrusalem
0 | Joedonia
2 | Jukianië
0 | Kluminican Republic
0 | Kylienips
0 | Land of DW
7 | Medhelnia
7 | Mulgracia
5 | N-Lazone
7 | N DNTN
0 | New Lexico
2 | Ojnoj
1 | Oslol
3 | Pagasa
5 | Persephonia
0 | PRoJ
3 | Pupok
7 | Quintessa
7 | Ramrynia
0 | Republic of Adonia
5 | Sandebörg
9 | Singerpurear
7 | Skall
3 | South Danaelanda
4 | St. Burbia
4 | Suedeonia
9 | Syndare
8 | Séyetana
1 | Taahino
3 | Tartford
8 | Terra Avium
0 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
2 | Thelonia
6 | Tinnmark
8 | Trifoski
0 | Ultraviolenceland
4 | Unovia
0 | Usfland
- | Utopia
7 | Vülkyria
0 | What
8 | Yehesi
4 | Zaminton

Posted by: The Codemeister 10th September 2016, 02:20 PM

05 | #00274E
07 | Aelandor
09 | Aeroche
-1 | Aeyundoré Translate this back to English from that native Nicaraguan this name is from and tell me it doesn't mean an STD
07 | Ajanaeda
06 | Alteria
10 | Altyr Muunilinst The force is strong with this one
08 | Avalonia Beautiful name, part of it screams "Well, there's my good deed for the day"
06 | Beaverdonia Eccentric sense of everything, points for irony as everyone loves that
03 | Bhangra
08 | Bignia-Zaragovina
08 | Botanikka
06 | Brechtoria
00 | Bubblelands one giant f*cking mess
09 | Cadelicia
xx | Cor Lupus So lame the don't get a score. What happened to the philosophy that all animals were created equal, hmmm? tongue.gif
05 | Cumulonimbia
08 | D'yermak'er
10 | Daehun 사랑해
07 | Dalisska
07 | Deandria
07 | Desbuanda
07 | Dobago
06 | Espen
09 | Ethanola
04 | F.D. Anēné Those accents are all over the place
08 | FARC
07 | Federal Republic of Ashton
?? (04) | FKA FKA FKA π Maybe if you stuck with one name throughout an entire year again I'd know what score to give ya
07 | Fljótavík
09 | Flynnonda
04 | Frandoot
07 | FSR Rontvia
05 | Greenfroze
10 | Harmonica Bc it basically screams "Hi we're just some country a poster in a music forum made up" which means it breaks the fourth wall somewhat
06 | Hendinia
08 | Hushkanukia Gives me Finnish vibes
06 | Ingermanlandia
07 | Isconia
10 | Jadakissnia Amazing name but I don't think even a Major Lazer feature will bring Jadakiss the rapper back
10 | Jayrusalem
06 | Joedonia
09 | Jukianië
06 | Kluminican Republic
04 | Kylienips
05 | Land of DW
08 | Medhelnia
07 | Mulgracia
03 | N-Lazone
07 | N DNTN
09 | New Lexico Okay this pun didn't kill me in a bad way
07 | Ojnoj
07 | Oslol
11 | Pagasa Because it's Tagalog which means one giant flag that says Pinoy Pride
09 | Persephonia
07 | PRoJ
09 | Pupok "pour tequila in my pupok"
07 | Quintessa
05 | Ramrynia
06 | Republic of Adonia
07 | Sandebörg
05 | Singerpurear +8 for the name, -3 because I still hold a grudge for making me spell this wrong for my first five contests
07 | Skall
02 | South Danaelanda I don't know what the south is trying to prove, you ain't Korea
07 | St. Burbia
08 | Suedeonia
10 | Syndare
10 | Séyetana
09 | Taahino
06 | Tartford
06 | Terra Avium
06 | The Actual Republic of Bellamy-a tongue.gif tongue.gif Clexa stans triggered ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif #BellarkeIsOverrated Just so you know TARO Bellamia would get a full 10 bc it reminds me of boba
06 | Thelonia
06 | Tinnmark
08 | Trifoski
04 | Ultraviolenceland
07 | Unovia brb I'm gonna play Black 2 now
05 | Usfland
06 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria
05 | What It gets a plus for sheer irony... and that's about it.
07 | Yehesi
06 | Zaminton

And that's what makes my fanboy heart go clippity clop

Posted by: Mattias 10th September 2016, 03:04 PM

From what I have observed and remember from what I've observed, I'm predicting either a Fljótavik, Persephonia (consistently getting a lot of 9s, I'm talking nearly every score!) or Séyetana win here. I love all these three too, gave 10s to all except Persephonia who got a 9 (basil.gif) and if I would've given an 11, it would probably have gone to Séyetana actually, who received my 11 in the flag rate too!

Thanks for the 8 John, that's the highest score I've received I think. I'm not the biggest fan of my own country's name, but I can't get myself to change it.

(I'm not 100% sure if I used basil.gif correctly, I think I did unsure.gif)

Posted by: Bré 10th September 2016, 05:05 PM

I will try and remember to do this tonight ;o

Posted by: Riser 10th September 2016, 10:42 PM

09 | #00274E
03 | Aelandor
05 | Aeroche
01 | Aeyundoré (SORRY but Summericia is so much better sad.gif )
04 | Ajanaeda
08 | Alteria
07 | Altyr Muunilinst
08 | Avalonia
08 | Beaverdonia
07 | Bhangra
08 | Bignia-Zaragovina
08 | Botanikka
06 | Brechtoria
06 | Bubblelands
07 | Cadelicia
08 | Cor Lupus
09 | Cumulonimbia
08 | D'yermak'er
07 | Daehun
06 | Dalisska
07 | Deandria
07 | Desbuanda
08 | Dobago
08 | Espen
09 | Ethanola
05 | F.D. Anēné
06 | FARC
07 | Federal Republic of Ashton
06 | FKA FKA FKA π
06 | Fljótavík
06 | Flynnonda
02 | Frandoot
06 | FSR Rontvia
08 | Greenfroze
XX | Harmonica
08 | Hendinia
06 | Hushkanukia
06 | Ingermanlandia
07 | Isconia
09 | Jadakissnia (Jadakiss relevance)
10 | Jayrusalem
06 | Joedonia
08 | Jukianië
10 | Kluminican Republic
06 | Kylienips
06 | Land of DW
06 | Medhelnia
07 | Mulgracia
06 | N-Lazone
06 | N DNTN
10 | New Lexico
04 | Ojnoj (very uninspired but also kinda cute tongue.gif)
10 | Oslol
06 | Pagasa
08 | Persephonia
08 | PRoJ
07 | Pupok
08 | Quintessa
08 | Ramrynia
07 | Republic of Adonia
07 | Sandebörg
06 | Singerpurear
08 | Skall
09 | South Danaelanda
09 | St. Burbia
07 | Suedeonia
07 | Syndare
07 | Séyetana
07 | Taahino
08 | Tartford
08 | Terra Avium
09 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia (11 points for the "actual", -2 for the "Bellamia" kink.gif)
06 | Thelonia
08 | Tinnmark
07 | Trifoski
05 | Ultraviolenceland
08 | Unovia
04 | Usfland
09 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria
11 | What
06 | Yehesi
06 | Zaminton

Posted by: Ultraviolence1989 10th September 2016, 10:52 PM

05 | #00274E
07 | Aelandor
09 | Aeroche
00 | Aeyundoré Summericia>>>
10 | Ajanaeda
04 | Alteria
03 | Altyr Muunilinst
09 | Avalonia
10 | Beaverdonia
07 | Bhangra
05 | Bignia-Zaragovina
04 | Botanikka
04 | Brechtoria
07 | Bubblelands
08 | Cadelicia
05 | Cor Lupus
03 | Cumulonimbia
06 | D'yermak'er
06 | Daehun
06 | Dalisska
03 | Deandria
04 | Desbuanda
06 | Dobago
05 | Espen
03 | Ethanola
04 | F.D. Anēné
06 | FARC
05 | Federal Republic of Ashton
05 | FKA FKA FKA π
10 | Fljótavík
03 | Flynnonda
04 | Frandoot
07 | FSR Rontvia
08 | Greenfroze
10 | Harmonica
08 | Hendinia
10 | Hushkanukia
01 | Ingermanlandia
03 | Isconia
09 | Jadakissnia
08 | Jayrusalem
04 | Joedonia
07 | Jukianië
05 | Kluminican Republic
03 | Kylienips
05 | Land of DW
04 | Medhelnia
00 | Mulgracia Jamvale>>>
02 | N-Lazone
04 | N DNTN
06 | New Lexico
09 | Ojnoj
07 | Oslol
04 | Pagasa
08 | Persephonia
03 | PRoJ
08 | Pupok
10 | Quintessa
07 | Ramrynia
06 | Republic of Adonia
05 | Sandebörg
02 | Singerpurear
02 | Skall
01 | South Danaelanda No South>>>
08 | St. Burbia
04 | Suedeonia
07 | Syndare
07 | Séyetana
07 | Taahino
02 | Tartford
06 | Terra Avium
02 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia Bellamia by itself>>>
03 | Thelonia
01 | Tinnmark
06 | Trifoski
12 | Ultraviolenceland
07 | Unovia
01 | Usfland
02 | Utopia
07 | Vülkyria
04 | What
07 | Yehesi
04 | Zaminton

Posted by: Addy K!ng 11th September 2016, 03:58 AM

05 | #00274E
06 | Aelandor
09 | Aeroche
04 | Aeyundoré
02 | Ajanaeda
04 | Alteria
09 | Altyr Muunilinst
08 | Avalonia
06 | Beaverdonia
07 | Bhangra
05 | Bignia-Zaragovina
xx | Botanikka
04 | Brechtoria
03 | Bubblelands
07 | Cadelicia
08 | Cor Lupus
04 | Cumulonimbia
10 | D'yermak'er
07 | Daehun
06 | Dalisska
05 | Deandria
05 | Desbuanda
06 | Dobago
05 | Espen
03 | Ethanola
04 | F.D. Anēné
08 | FARC
06 | Federal Republic of Ashton
07 | FKA FKA FKA π
10 | Fljótavík
05 | Flynnonda
06 | Frandoot
07 | FSR Rontvia
07 | Greenfroze
07 | Harmonica
09 | Hendinia
08 | Hushkanukia
06 | Ingermanlandia
05 | Isconia
08 | Jadakissnia
07 | Jayrusalem
05 | Joedonia
06 | Jukianië
06 | Kluminican Republic
04 | Kylienips
06 | Land of DW
04 | Medhelnia
03 | Mulgracia
06 | N-Lazone
06 | N DNTN
05 | New Lexico
07 | Ojnoj
06 | Oslol
03 | Pagasa
08 | Persephonia
02 | PRoJ
07 | Pupok
08 | Quintessa
07 | Ramrynia
08 | Republic of Adonia
05 | Sandebörg
06 | Singerpurear
06 | Skall
05 | South Danaelanda
05 | St. Burbia
04 | Suedeonia
06 | Syndare
08 | Séyetana
07 | Taahino
02 | Tartford
07 | Terra Avium
04 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
06 | Thelonia
05 | Tinnmark
03 | Trifoski
02 | Ultraviolenceland
05 | Unovia
04 | Usfland
05 | Utopia
08 | Vülkyria
03 | What
06 | Yehesi
03 | Zaminton

Posted by: Lindsey⚙ 11th September 2016, 09:44 AM

I'm having to work today and I've lost my spreadsheet with all the rates I'd put in before (I think I must have it on my laptop at my mum and dads sad.gif) Which means I've pretty much still got all of the calculating to do, so results wont be up until Monday so if anyone still wants to do this go ahead laugh.gif

Posted by: Cameron 12th September 2016, 04:05 PM

QUOTE(The Codemeister @ Sep 10 2016, 03:20 PM) *
08 | Hushkanukia Gives me Finnish vibes

FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT! heart.gif wub.gif

*imagines a middle aged woman in the mountains milking a cow being like "I live in Hooshcanookia"*

Posted by: jakewild 12th September 2016, 04:07 PM

#00274E is legendary wot yas talkin bout

Posted by: *.* 12th September 2016, 04:22 PM

06 | #00274E
07 | Aelandor
09 | Aeroche
05 | Aeyundoré
01 | Ajanaeda
00 | Alteria
03 | Altyr Muunilinst
05 | Avalonia
09 | Beaverdonia
02 | Bhangra
07 | Bignia-Zaragovina
06 | Botanikka
09 | Brechtoria
00 | Bubblelands
06 | Cadelicia
03 | Cor Lupus
05 | Cumulonimbia
07 | D'yermak'er
00 | Daehun
01 | Dalisska
06 | Deandria
08 | Desbuanda
08 | Dobago
04 | Espen
05 | Ethanola
01 | F.D. Anēné
09 | FARC
01 | Federal Republic of Ashton
06 | FKA FKA FKA π
11 | Fljótavík
04 | Flynnonda
-1 | Frandoot
03 | FSR Rontvia
06 | Greenfroze
00 | Harmonica
01 | Hendinia
08 | Hushkanukia
02 | Ingermanlandia
00 | Isconia
05 | Jadakissnia
05 | Jayrusalem
01 | Joedonia
01 | Jukianië
08 | Kluminican Republic
00 | Kylienips
00 | Land of DW
xx | Medhelnia
06 | Mulgracia
00 | N-Lazone
03 | N DNTN
04 | New Lexico
00 | Ojnoj
08 | Oslol
03 | Pagasa
02 | Persephonia
00 | PRoJ
05 | Pupok
08 | Quintessa
07 | Ramrynia
10 | Republic of Adonia
08 | Sandebörg
07 | Singerpurear
02 | Skall
07 | South Danaelanda
07 | St. Burbia
08 | Suedeonia
03 | Syndare
04 | Séyetana
05 | Taahino
00 | Tartford
02 | Terra Avium
06 | The Actual Republic of Bellamia
03 | Thelonia
02 | Tinnmark
07 | Trifoski
03 | Ultraviolenceland
01 | Unovia
05 | Usfland
00 | Utopia
04 | Vülkyria
00 | What
05 | Yehesi
00 | Zaminton

Posted by: The Codemeister 12th September 2016, 04:41 PM

QUOTE(Cameron @ Sep 12 2016, 09:05 AM) *
FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT! heart.gif wub.gif

*imagines a middle aged woman in the mountains milking a cow being like "I live in Hooshcanookia"*
It actually reminded me of that Suite Life of Zack & Cody episode where Maddie was posing as a Finnish nun named Sister Huuskanünen

(One of the best episodes ever)

Posted by: Lindsey⚙ 12th September 2016, 04:48 PM

oooh you're lucky mdh I was literally about to start working out averages, that's the last set I'm including, results should start soon (hopefully done before the main contest ones, I'll fly through them kink.gif)

Posted by: Cameron 12th September 2016, 04:48 PM

QUOTE(The Codemeister @ Sep 12 2016, 05:41 PM) *
It actually reminded me of that Suite Life of Zack & Cody episode where Maddie was posing as a Finnish nun named Sister Huuskanünen

(One of the best episodes ever)


that was my inspiration omfg

Posted by: CharlesTap 19th March 2017, 11:55 PM

Hi guys,

as far as I see, there is no game dealing with native languages of each country, so why not start one :-

It is easy: name a country and the mother tongue related to it

Ill begin:


Posted by: Mattias 20th March 2017, 01:41 PM

Beaverdonia / Beaverspeak

Posted by: Вuzzjack 20th March 2017, 02:41 PM

We need a re-up soon, new nations have joined like Zanmatony, Azure, Niceland, Pi (minus Pi) and of course the humble nation of Buzzjack Mountain.

Hi guys,

as far as I see, there is no game dealing with native languages of each country, so why not start one :-

It is easy: name a country and the mother tongue related to it

Ill begin:


Welcome to Buzzjack hi.gif . Can you please start this as a lounge thread entitled 'Country names game', it is a good idea for a game but would be more suited for the Lounge than here. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Peenus Fly Trap 20th March 2017, 09:08 PM

I concur tbh �� Especially as people did not vote on Beaverdonia's FULL impakt nation name!!!! (except for Dan)

Posted by: Peenus Fly Trap 20th March 2017, 09:10 PM

QUOTE(Mattias @ Mar 20 2017, 01:41 PM) *
Beaverdonia / Beaverspeak

Omg Slayttias slaaaying!! wub.gif

Posted by: Mattias 20th March 2017, 09:15 PM

Posted by: Mattias 20th March 2017, 09:16 PM

nu sig tbh (keep Lindsey's artwork too tho)

Posted by: Peenus Fly Trap 21st March 2017, 07:33 PM

Oi LOVE IT!!! :greenheart:

So when are you makin it your new signature??

Posted by: jakewild 21st March 2017, 07:35 PM

if it wasn't for me colours wouldnt exist

Posted by: Mattias 21st March 2017, 08:31 PM

QUOTE(Peenus Fly Trap @ Mar 21 2017, 07:33 PM) *
Oi LOVE IT!!! :greenheart:

So when are you makin it your new signature??

I don't do sigs no moe, 'twas meant for you sleep.gif (it's not that great tbf)

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