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> Rabbit Fur Coat - End Of Year 2008!
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post 13th December 2008, 06:06 PM
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The act that produced my number one album of 2006 and one of my favourite albums of all time returned his year. I couldn't be more excited. Such a shame that although good, this album was another that isn't anywhere near as good as I'd expected it would be. Apart from a couple of stinkers, most of the songs individually are atleast very good, if not excellent. It's just as an album, it seems far too different. They've taken their wide ranging influences and styles almost too far. So far that instead of an album by one band, it sounds like a compilation of ten tracks, each one by a different band with Fyfe providing vocals. Oh, and one where Aristazabal takes lead as well. Not that it should be something I complain about as 'Last Kiss' is my favourite track on here! The main positives of this album are that they have progressed from 'Through The Windowpane', only the few ballads sound like they could be on it, and even they're generally quite different. If this album were a starting point of a band's career, I reckon I might like it more than I do.

'Last Kiss'

'Kriss Kross'
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post 13th December 2008, 06:07 PM
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Although this album is good I found it less instant than their debut and although I've given it a lot of spins, it's not grown on me to the same extent either. It does have some really great songs on it though, and if this supposed cast-offs album can be so good, then there's huge hope for them in the future!

'Ways To Make It Through The Wall'

'You'll Need Those Fingers For Crossing'
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post 13th December 2008, 06:07 PM
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Another album I bought on a bit of a whim as although they've had entries in both my top 10 of 2006 and 2007 with 'Repeat To Fade' and then 'Casual Use' I'd never heard enough to persuade me to buy a whole album, which made this purchase possibly even more odd considering the lead single 'No Social' is probably the weakest song I've heard from them. The further singles are the main highlights, though on the whole this album is incredibly good, varied and consistant throughout!

'Now Til '69'

'Glitches N Bugs'
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post 13th December 2008, 06:08 PM
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I wasn't entirely what to expect from Ladyhawke's debut, I really enjoyed the first two singles but not for particularly long, I found they wore thin fairly quickly. However I was pleasantly surprised and there's a lot more substance on the album than I perhaps expected. Current single 'My Delirium' is a huge improvement on the first two singles and whilst parts of the album are in the same vein, there's absolutely nothing bad on this album.

'My Delirium'

'Back Of The Van'
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post 13th December 2008, 06:08 PM
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Late Of The Pier's debut was an album was one which I was very much looking forwards to, and the first few times I heard it I thought it was a genuine contender for a place in the top 5, maybe top 3 at the end of the year. It hasn't quite held up as well as I'd hoped it would though. When it's good it's fantastic but there are a couple of songs on here that are a bit filler-y and I could quite happily do without though. It's certainly a very good album though, if the Klaxons were any good they'd sound a bit more like this!


'Bathroom Gurgle'
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post 13th December 2008, 06:08 PM
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This isn't anywhere near as high as I'd hoped it would be pre-release. They're a band I've only really got into properly this year when I bought 'Because of the Times' in the January sales and soon purchased their older stuff. They're a great band, and one I've really grown to love who I thought had progressed throughout their career getting better with each album. And whilst this does have some stunning stuff on it, singles 'Sex on Fire' and 'Use Somebody' really do deserve the sales and acclaim they receive, not all of the album quite lives up to previous work, songs like 'I Want You' and 'Cold Desert' in particular.

'Sex on Fire'

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post 13th December 2008, 06:09 PM
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A rare album which seems to get better throughout. As much as I like the first four tracks for the album only turns from 'good' to 'excellent' with 'Strobe' and then continues for the rest of the album. This is one of the more recent albums to my collection although I did buy it a couple of months ago now. They do remind me of someone but I've never been able to put my finger on it.

'On Board'

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post 13th December 2008, 06:33 PM
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Can't stand the Guillemots, sorry sick2.gif

Aside from that again very good biggrin.gif
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post 15th December 2008, 05:48 PM
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I wasn't ever really sure whether I should buy this. Even though what I'd heard I liked I still didn't know if she'd be able to keep the quality consistant for a whole album. She certainly can though, there's only really 'Anne' that I don't rate higher than 6/10. Although there's only really 'You'll Find A Way' and 'L.E.S. Artistes' that I'd call spectacular everything else is still pretty great. It reminds me a bit of 'Kala', my album of '07, young, edgy female with lots of different sounds... Great debut, but only my 5th favourite of the year!

'L.E.S. Artistes'

'You'll Find A Way'
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post 15th December 2008, 05:49 PM
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This is where the albums get really good. I can't believe this is only #9! sad.gif 'Rabbit Fur Coat', her solo debut, was in my top 3 of 2006 and has since become one of my favourite albums I own. It was always going to be a hard act to follow, but she's done it well. It sounds very different to the last album too, slightly more acoustic and country and it's only after listening to this I realised just how much the Watson Twins offered to the debut. There's nothing on here which isn't excellent, which I couldn't actually say about the debut, it's just slightly less excellent. The 9 minute epic 'Next Messiah' is superb and the closer 'Sing A Song For Them' is one of the most gorgeous songs I've heard all year!

'See Fernando'

'The Next Messiah'
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post 15th December 2008, 05:49 PM
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It took me rather a long time to properly get into this album but I'm glad I gave it the time needed as it's excellent. The male/female vocal works so well throughout the album, something which I tend to find quite rare, especially to be so consistant. The album is pretty much half brilliant and half solid with most of the brilliance coming towards the beginning, although 'Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks' and 'This Is How You Spell...' are definitely amongst the albums strongest songs. The addition of 'International Tweexcore Underground' and not messing with 'You! Me! Dancing!' (seriously, WHAT did they do to it?! manson.gif) would probably have pushed this album into the top 5!

'Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats'

'My Year In Lists'
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post 15th December 2008, 05:50 PM
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Only number 7! ohmy.gif For a long time this was my album of the year but it's been pushed down in the end... I had real trouble seperating the top 9 (well positions 3-9 anyway) and as this is that one that features the most songs I rate under 8/10 on it I decided this shouldn't be as high as I first imagined it would be. It's probably worn thin from me overplaying it too, it was probably the first of the 30 albums which I bought and definitely the one I've played most throughout the year. As a result some songs ('Bryn', 'Stand Corrected', 'Cape Cod') aren't quite as appreciated as they were, the rest of the album (bar 'One' which I've always thought let the album down) is still excellent though. Shame it's only bought them one top 40 hit, although you could easily argue the singles have been mis-managed, ineligible formats, download only, pointless re-release, the missing the opportunity of young Theo giving 'Walcott' some free promo....


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post 15th December 2008, 05:50 PM
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I try not to get caught up in hype. And these do seem to be a tad overrated by some, but I listen to this and never fail to enjoy every track on it. The early singles are a bit more produced giving them a slightly more polished edge and although they're possibly inferior to their originals they work so much better in the context of the album. I do find the album is well split into two parts, though not equal. The first slightly more accessible part with a bit more upbeat-ness to it (although not much, it is Glasvegas!) before going rather a lot more dark towards the end with 'Daddy's Gone' perfectly joining the two, it's both wonderfully accessible but incredibly dark and haunting at the same time, I can imagine many people relating to it... Even 'Go Square Go' is a song which I think it's wonderful, I'm far from being a fan of what I'd call 'unnecessary swearing' but it just seems to work! It's also great to hear a thick Scottish accent being transferred to song and it not sounding awful. For the purposes of this list I haven't taken into account the extra material released a fortnight ago.

'Daddy's Gone'

'Flowers and Football Tops'
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post 15th December 2008, 05:50 PM
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Santogold wub.gif Definitely one of my favourite debuts this year...
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post 15th December 2008, 05:50 PM
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Although I own all of Coldplay's previous efforts they all come under the category of 'a decent enough listen'. I never for one minute thought they'd make an album which I loved from start to finish, but they have. With Brian Eno on production duties it gives them a much better sound, and a sound which makes them warrant their dominance throughout the world. It's less obviously commercial than they've ever done before yet there's still plenty to draw in your average Coldplay listener, the first two singles and 'Lovers in Japan' being perfect examples. One thing I do love about this album is how it starts, it would've been so easy to play it safe with a typical Coldplay song but a two and half minute insrumental (which is very good, btw) shows they're not here to just tumble along forever (hello Oasis). Although I rate 'Violet Hill' and moreso 'Viva La Vida' as amongst their finest singles I find them far from the best tracks on the album, they would be the marvellous '42' ("you thought you might meet a ghost"!) and the closer 'Death And All His Friends'. On previous albums if half the tracks were good it was a pretty good album. With this, there's only 'Strawberry Swing' I've not grown to love. I've loved the artwork for this era too.


'Death And All His Friends'
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post 15th December 2008, 05:51 PM
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When hearing Alex Turner was involved in a side project my interest was always going to be grabbed. However I never thought it would turn out to be quite this good. I'd consider myself a fan of the Arctic Monkeys although I find both albums fairly patchy. This, on the other hand, is constantly superb. I wasn't expecting the whole album to have the country-ish and retro feel that lead single and title track 'The Age of the Understatement' had but the album is much better for it. I do find that listening to tracks seperately makes me love them more individually, whereas when I listen as an album it's all fairly excellent and it doesn't give anything much chance to stand out as an individual song.

'The Age Of The Understatement'

'Seperate And Ever Deadly'
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post 15th December 2008, 05:51 PM
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R.I.P. sad.gif

Although I thought their debut was a good album I do feel it was let down by a few tracks. This one isn't let down anywhere though. It took me a while to get into it at first, I thought most of the tracks seemed to merge into one, but the album's such a grower and I've listened to it a lot, especially since they split up. Along with the Coldplay album, this is one of the greatest progressions I've witnessed this year. They went from being a very good (if at times slightly generic) indie band to one which showed far more diversity, adventure and consistancy.

'Erin O'Connor'

'I'm Going To Hell'
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post 15th December 2008, 05:51 PM
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30 MGMT 'Oracular Spectacular'
29 Lightspeed Champion 'Falling Off The Lavender Bridge'
28 Jim Noir 'Jim Noir'
27 Monkey 'Joruney To The West'
26 Goldfrapp 'Seventh Tree'
25 Natalie Portman's Shaved Head 'Glistening Pleasure'
24 The Fratellis 'Here We Stand'
23 Laura Marling 'Alas, I Cannot Swim'
22 Rubies 'Explode From The Center'
21 The Duke Spirit 'Neptune'

20 Girls Aloud 'Out of Control'
19 The Hold Steady 'Stay Positive'
18 Those Dancing Days 'In Our Space Hero Suits'
17 Guillemots 'Red'
16 Los Campesinos! 'We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed'
15 The Shortwave Set 'Replica Sun Machine'
14 Ladyhawke 'Ladyhawke'
13 Late of the Pier 'Fantasy Black Channel'
12 Kings of Leon 'Only By The Night'
11 Friendly Fires 'Friendly Fires'

10 Santogold 'Santogold'
09 Jenny Lewis 'Acid Tongue'
08 Los Campesinos! 'Hold On Now, Youngster'
07 Vampire Weekend 'Vampire Weekend'
06 Glasvegas 'Glasvegas'
05 Coldplay 'Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends'
04 The Last Shadow Puppets 'The Age Of The Understatement'
03 The Long Blondes 'Couples'

So just WHAT could be the top 2?! heehee.gif
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post 15th December 2008, 05:58 PM
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Great chart so far! No idea but you're top 2 could be sad.gif but here are my favourites:

30 MGMT 'Oracular Spectacular'
29 Lightspeed Champion 'Falling Off The Lavender Bridge' wub.gif
26 Goldfrapp 'Seventh Tree'
23 Laura Marling 'Alas, I Cannot Swim'
19 The Hold Steady 'Stay Positive'
17 Guillemots 'Red'
14 Ladyhawke 'Ladyhawke'
13 Late of the Pier 'Fantasy Black Channel'
12 Kings of Leon 'Only By The Night'
11 Friendly Fires 'Friendly Fires'
10 Santogold 'Santogold' wub.gif
07 Vampire Weekend 'Vampire Weekend' wub.gif
06 Glasvegas 'Glasvegas' wub.gif
05 Coldplay 'Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends'
04 The Last Shadow Puppets 'The Age Of The Understatement'

To be honest, pretty much all of them above would be in my top 30 abums this year! ohmy.gif
I agree with you about MGMT's album, wasn't at all as good as I thought it would be, after Kids and Time to Pretend, but I've listened to it more recently and like it much more now
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post 22nd December 2008, 04:13 PM
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Cheers Creme, good to see you liking many! biggrin.gif


This album has cemented The Futureheads as one of my favourite acts of all time. Their debut was a wonderful album, one of the decades best, however the second album (although pretty decent) was a bit of a letdown and it lead to them getting dropped. They almost split after that but regrouped to make this, a real grower of an album to rival their first, I do think this is probably better. They seem to have refound the ballsiness which made them so good in the first place and made an album which doesn't sound out of place anywher. It's full of complete anthems which the current crop of mainstream indie acts would kill for, the three singles especially. Just when I thought that a lot of 'indie' had become completely generic and needed to bring in other sounds, this album was released and I realised it hadn't. It can be as good as it ever was, which was the main reason I first got into music properly. Although I place this album a hell of a lot higher than 'Couples' it's still miles behind the one still to come...

'The Beginning Of The Twist'

'Walking Backwards'

'Broke Up The Time'
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