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BuzzJack Music Forum _ Sports and Fitness _ Balancing sports and lifting

Posted by: norafrase84 24th February 2021, 11:55 AM

For those who play sports often and lift, how do you balance your time to get effective workouts without exhausting yourself for the sport you play, and not spending an excessive amount of your free time exercising?

I'm an avid racquetball player (6 years) and trying to get better for the next tournament season, spending 4-6 hours a week (over 2 days) playing racquetball. Lifting would be a great addition to my health, fitness, and racquetball, but I'm having trouble identifying the right balance of work, racquetball, lifting, other sports and social life. If I add in my other sports and activities I'm looking at 6-8 hours of exercise a week without touching a weight, not including travel and washing up.

In my mind a good lifting routine starts at 3 days a week, and I honestly question my dedication to spending 6 days a week in/around the gym. Can I get effective workouts if I only lift twice a week? Or if my workouts are compressed towards three hours a week? Do I need to just gut it out and lift before/after sports, get used to the idea of spending 10+ hours a week active (+3-4 hours for travel, wash up) if I want to play two sports at the level I do and get stronger?

Trying to find balance with my personal, professional, and social goals has been an issue for years, wondering how you all deal with the balancing act. Thanks for anything can offer or suggest!

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