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> Grey's Anatomy Season 5
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post 1st April 2009, 01:54 AM
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Let's Go Brandon
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Was looking for a topic on this show and was surprised I couldnt find one ohmy.gif Thought it would be popular in the UK.

Anyway, for the latest episode:

Finally everyone seems to be back to their old selves, its about time.

Character rating:

- Owen *****

I'm not a really huge fan of his character especially with the whole war thing, but he sold it out for me this time. The way he expressed his emotions and fears and the way he broke out at Derek and froze next to the helicopter were perfect. He's been a wonderful addition to the cast and his character has been pretty consistent.

- Christina *****

As usual, she displays with such ease all those turmoiled emotions she was feeling when she wanted to be with Owen but couldnt really be next to him anymore. Loved her support of Izzie, the way she ditched the oncologist for her sake, and basically everythig else. She's perfect and probably my top rated character.

- Meredith *****

No huge scenes but I thought she handled the various situations really well. She was the concerned BFF when Owen chocked Xtina, she was even protective of her and told him with her attitude at the hospital that she was watching him, even if she knows it wasnt intentional. Perfectly natural feelings in that situation. She was a great girlfriend to Derek, always supporting him, making him do his best. Derek really should take some lessons from her most of the time. Plus I loved her scene with Alex, they have a really great but unexplored connection, I like them together.

- Alex *****

Probably the episode I liked him the best, or at least in a very long time. His voiceover was a nice change, and I liked how he had some funny scenes with the chief, a heartfelt scene with Izzie, and that lashout he had with Meredith. Great performance all around, and it's gonna be a hard episode for him to top.

- Derek ****

After rating him 1 star for the previous episodes, he's finally got his mojo back, and not in a cocky know it all way. I like how he fended off the Oncologist, I like the tender look he gave Izzie, loved his really great scenes with Owen that could turn into a possible great friendship, and most of all really liked how he expressed his love to Meredith and the proposal scene. He's finally watchable again, although it's gonna be hard for him to get a top rating again. But still, a vast improvement.

- Callie ****

At first I didnt care much for her character, but she's been growing steadily on me, and in the past few episodes she's been doing some really great scenes. I almost laughed when she was laying down at the church, made her look like she was sleeping rather than praying. I loved how she said she wanted Izzie dead and the regret she had about it. Her scene with George was great, really liked how she reminded him they were once married without going softy, and how he set him straight about Izzie. The dancing scene was cute.

- Bailey ****

I thought the SoftBailey! was a great change for her character, but only now did I noticed how much I missed NaziBailey. This season's Bailey has definitely been inconsistent for the most part. Her bossing around the residents and setting them straight was great and reminded me of the first seasons. She puts the in order. Really liked her snark at the oncologist and how she stood by Derek, and how she kept Izzie on track about her case and that she still wants to teach her. She's back!

- Izzie ****

Few scenes but I thought she displayed her emotions really well, like how she felt when nobody went to visit her. Loved her scenes with Bailey, how she made her a scarf, and how she showed apparent interest in her medical cases. Definitely an improvement from the whiney Izzie with dead boyfriend hallucinations we've been getting this season.

- Chief ***

He's been annoying the heck out of me this season, but he was once again tolerable just like last week. The old caring and respectful chief seems to be slowly reappearing. Let's hope he stays for good.

- Arizona ***

Dont care much for her but her relationship with Callie is definitely growing on me. I still want Callie with Mark but let's see how this one goes. Consistent performer overall.

- George **

He gets more lines, but his performances still leave me cold. He's beyond the point of no return now, it seems that he's a bit "off" with the rest of the characters. I was never a huge fan of him but I did like him in the first 2 seasons, but somehow along the way he's changed. And now after the "1 liner per episode" it seems its hard for him to re-integrate the other storylines. Okay at best. Didnt like the whining too much, but that's just my view on it.

- Lexie *

Terribly inconsistent character, and whilst she wasnt annoying this episode (didnt really have a chance), she served no purpose.

- Mark *

Like Lexie, 1 star purely because he wasnt needed. Plus I dont like Mexie. It was okay at first but its become really annoying and I really hope he gets back with Callie at some point. Its a shame how they have damaged his character since I really used to dig him, but sticking him with Lexie and only Lexie has done him no favours.

- Annoying Oncologist *

What a bitch! Served no purpose other than being a total cold bitch towards Izzie and Derek. She could be factual without being bitchy. The whole "everyone answers to me", the unecessary cold approach she had with Izzie, and the inexcusable attitude she had with Derek WHILE he was performing a very risky operation really made me hate her throughout. At least her bitchiness was consistent, but I never wanna see her around again.

Episode rating: *****

Finally the Izzie has cancer develops into something good and more realistic. It was handled better, mostly thanks to the excellent writing and of course the top performances by most of the cast.
By the way, I really like the actress that played the aunt (even if it was totally unecessary to the plot). She's played in quite a few other shows like Charmed, Seinfeld, etc...

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