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The legendary, Miss Britney Spears!
 2016: The Rebirth! Can 2016 be classed as the official rebirth of the legendary, Ms Britney Spears?
Published on: 27th September 2016, 01:49 PM by - Jonjo
From the end of 2013 to the beginning of 2016, something about being a Britney fan felt a bit "empty". Constantly fighting our faves corner but with nothing to back up our points too much, without backtracking to the ITZ-era! But something's changed.

2 and a half years since her last album flopped all over the world, a Vegas residency starting, not promoting anywhere and finding out a lot of her last album wasn't even finished by Britney herself (which is a hard pill to swallow after hearing her say "it's [her] most personal album to date") it felt like it was the beginning of the end to be able to "stan" for Britney. People were crying "Vegas is where artists go to retire" and "OMG HER CAREER IS OVA!1!" etc...

Emotions were running high and through these last 2 years or so, it was a tough ride. But one thing we wasn't expecting was that with each passing date of the Vegas residency, her confidence was slowly being built back up. The passion was there from the start, the energy however, seemed a little off. Something still felt like it was missing.

Over the coming months we saw her confidence boost. She'd been posting more and more on Instagram, she seemed a LOT happier within herself. So many precious moments with her kids on Instagram and Facebook that made us and the world swoon. Then a switch flicked on inside of every Britney fan... what if Vegas isn't the place where Britney announces her retirement? What if it was to get her performance confidence back up to the standards in which she set herself a decade prior?

Fast forward a little bit to early 2016 and we saw her confidence and more importantly health, was at a height we'd not seen in literally years! Her Vegas performances were a lot sharper, less stiff and less robotic! It'd been a while since she released anything but we were all wondering "Could 2016 bring us new Britney music?"... with Vegas it was probable, but we didn't think it was likely. But then an announcement which made us come alive. She was announced as the first performer of the Billboard Music Awards, 2016.

22nd May 2016. Britney fans all across the world anxious and nervous for her. A medley was announced just hours before and apparently she'd include fan favourites 'Breathe On Me' and 'Touch Of My Hand'. The pressure was ON. Anxiety turned up to an 11. 'Work Bitch' starts. It's shaky and you can clearly see her nerves! But it was a good start, then 'Womanizer' followed with a breakdown. The dance breakdown seemed to be the moment when the nerves disappeared and from that point on, we had updated EVIDENCE that she was not "OVA!". Haters to the left please.

June came and FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NEARLY 10 YEARS, A VMA PERFORMANCE!! The awards ceremony in which Britney was responsible for putting on the map and making it a must watch. The Album leaked and pretty much overwhelming reviews of positivity. Giving us her best work since 2007 and then some. Radio interviews were also ON POINT, coming up to the albums release. No more "microsoftney"/generic answers. She was giving her all and talking about her kids a lot. Something has changed and it's amazing! The VMA's came, she was performing right after Beyonce's set... our hearts stopped slightly. She gave a good performance, but it didn't even touch the BBMAs performance from earlier in the year. Was the BBMAs a one-off?

So we come right up to date. Announcements of iHeartRadio festival and other tidbits of promo. Maybe the VMAs was the one-off? Then the IHR festival came... It delivered on a level like nothing we'd seen for a decade. Her longest televised set in a while. EVERYTHING that had been missing from the last few years was THERE. Is this her best televised performance in a decade? One thing's for sure BRITNEY IS BACK.

So today she has the Apple Music Festival in a few hours. Her first UK performance in over 4 years! Being streamed on Apple Music, tonight. Excitement is at an all time high we are confident she'll deliver again! Also on Sat, we have Jonathan Ross interview and performance scheduled. Her first televised UK performance since 2008!

Dunno bout you, but I'm marking 2016 as "BRITNEY SPEARS: THE REBIRTH".

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 News Comments
27th September 2016, 03:45 PM

Lovely written article Jonjo wub.gif
27th September 2016, 04:13 PM
If people hate you, don’t hate them.

27th September 2016, 05:23 PM
London Boy

What a fantastic summary of this year - she really has grown from strength to Stengel with just the odd hiccup. As a Britney fan, I honestly never expected it to be so easy to stan for her again and the nerves I've felt before watching recent performances has now been replaced with massive amounts of excitement for tonight's show. She's gonna be fire.

My one complaint with the article is that I loved the circus era which is post 2007 wink.gif
28th February 2017, 05:33 PM

Always loved Britney Spears. Since "Baby One More Time"
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